that what i mean..i was alll set thinking it was gonna be a dream but then i realized your brain is dead so you can where do you go? is it like sleep where you come back as someone else and cant remember those things? and for that matter can you remember being a baby and looking at your mom and walking as a baby? i cant all i see is the me in pictures doing those thing sin my head 3rd person style like a scares me to think that theres nothing after your dead....what is it? whats it like? its not like anything cuz you cant feel? so wtf??? my heads gonna pop off im typing wayy to fast lol
Hey if anyone is good at art and can help me fix a drawing or help me draw a new one for a tattoo im about o get from my from please message me asap. im looking for a celtic cross tattoo for my forearm. so not to big not to small. and it doesnt have to ahve allot of knotwork and intracaies cuz hes not a professional tat artist.. please and thank you!