life as we know it is kinda like riding a bike. every time you walk out your door, your get on your bike and going for a ride. now not everyone knows how to ride a bike. young ages like 18 to 26 they don't know the world out there as well as the older folk do. which is why they are more successful in life. i digress, wen you lose a job, get a divorce, or even lose a loved one... its hurts. its the worst cuts you can get. its not something that can heal in a couple bandage it then you baby the cuts until it exhausts you. then you try and hide it and act like nothing is wrong wen deep down you know that this can't keep going on. falling off your bike is the same way. the first time i fell off i separated my shoulder and go a cut so big that... well it hurt. i was so excruciating that i cried. i babied it and all that jazz. now one day i fell in life, i cant say here, and at that instant i realized that living a life in sorrow, pain, and sadness was not what i wanted nor is what my loved ones wanted. from then on i lived to not to just forget my past but to sort of put it aside. you should never forget you're past because you'll never remember what you wanted to do the next day. on the other hand, just put it aside until need. life wont be there to take off your training wheels, you need to do that your self. so, what i'm trying to say is to grab your wrench, and get to work, get back to fun, go out and live life the way you want to and need to. Now remember, Life's a trip....So wear a helmet.
04:42 Feb 22 2011
very well put :-)