Summer is my time to shine
High in the sky, I reach my zenith with pride.
I glow my best in these middle months,
Sending heat waves to shimmer over black asphalt,
Decorating the Earth with my special brand of glitter.
A summer squall!
All those pretty little rain clouds come to frolic,
Dripping with diamond raindrops.
When I’m at my hottest, we make the sweetest music together.
No one does it like my rain clouds and I.
They shun poor Luna.
Even when they cover me up like they do her, I still
Flash! through, then BOOM!
You can’t hide me in summer.
My star-crossed lover.
How can I not adore the being who
Glows each night from my rays?
Never has there been a greater beauty,
Cloaked in her glass and grey,
Shining with my Earthly love when I
Sleep beneath the horizon.
Luna cools my heat like no other can.
In summer, we reach a perfect medium together,
Hot and Cold,
Light and Dark,
Love and Life in Earthly harmony.
I love my colors most in summer.
My time is longer, shining through
Bright green leaves longer.
Everything I touch is mine!
Light on dusty gravel roads,
Grass, scorched or thriving under my
Window panes, heated to the touch of
Sensitive human fingers.
And then, when I set!
Oh, I paint the sky in the greatest masterpiece!
Every spectrum of the rainbow is in my brush!
The blistering reds, the scorching yellows, the burnt orange,
And even the blues and purples and violets of the
Night sky that becomes
Mine in that instant.
I am the giver of Life.
Under me, all Life was created.
In spring, this life blooms.
But in summer, it
[It's quite possibly a little too bright and cheery for this site, but I like it. Constructive criticism and thoughts about this would be much appreciated.]
Take your time
Sense the scent, breathe deep, savor, exhale
Slim fang bared, approach with patience
(Breathe deep, savor, exhale)
Carefully, touch the skin, prick the sleeping Beauty
Let it fall
Follow the path with eyes, lips
Tongue trailing down to catch that gorgeous bead
A red so deep, so pure, the color can only be called
[Constructive criticism on this one, or ideas for additional parts, would be amazing]
20:39 Sep 10 2009
This is absolutley amazing! I love it!