Note to self when submitting to other databases within the dark network do not be logged into Vampire Rave or it kicks you to the VR database submission forms
mmh I will have to pay closer attention next time...and it isn't every time. only half the time when I am logged into both sites does it kick me back over to VR database.
The reason I am not already at sire...but that's okay cause I am taking this slow. Ha and Alex is the older one :D
Welcome DarkSinAngel
Your Status:
Your Level:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
42.07 days
You have completed
0% of the next level.
Welcome AlexandriasAwakening
Your Status:
Evil One
Your Level:
Pages Viewed:
Time Spent:
20.78 days
You have completed
85% of the next level.
If you ask me to add you so you can bump your numbers up and say you will return the favor then do so. My problem is when you say one thing and don't do it. Because I don't want to help out people who can't do a simple thing as hitting the add button in return.
I could care less how many people I have on my friends list. I know who I talk to and beyond that if people want to be added then I will add whoever asks. But if you tell me you will add me in return I expect to be added. I don't care if you ever talk to me or not...I could lurk if I didn't want people to see me on.
It's the principle behind it.
So I have decided to chart what I do everyday...because while the browsing history is nice...I want to know what I really do each day while on here...
Day | Start Page | End Page | Total Pages | Rated |
Sunday | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Monday | 171,337 | 171,433 | 96 | 000 |
Tuesday | 171,434 | 173032 | 1598 | 105 |
Wednesday | 173,033 | 000 | 470 | 000 |
Thursday | 173,502 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
Friday | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
Saturday | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
Week | Page Goal | Time Goal | Rate Goal |
9/5-9/11 | 178,600 | 43.00 | 1000 |
End Results | 000 | 000 | 000 |
9/12-9/18 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
End Results | 000 | 000 | 000 |
9/19-9/25 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
End Results | 000 | 000 | 000 |
9/26-10/2 | 000 | 000 | 000 |
End Results | 000 | 000 | 000 |
I have discovered navigation boxes and now I am hooked...
haha oh the clean up I can do :)
My Road to Sire: September Update
Base Score Currently: 77
Bonus Currently: 13.76
Current Pages: 167,435
Pages Goal: 332,000
Current Time: 40.94 days
Time Goal: 64 days
Pages to go: 164,565
Time to go: 23.06 days
Plotting and Planning:
Time to go 553.44 hours
@6 hours a day=92.24 days
@8 hours a day=69.18 days
Pages to go 164,565
@ 1500 pages per day= 110 days
@ 2000 pages per day= 82 days
@ 2500 pages per day= 66 days
Max out Bonuses:
Need 86 Friends
224 journal adds
16,000 things to rate (ish) if I did my math right
Aiming for December to hit sire...