DarkJester332's Journal


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5 entries this month

His Promise.

00:05 Jan 27 2006
Times Read: 540

While I hold your hand, I'll caress your fingers. Tickle you, make you laugh. Kiss you...I'll kiss you, not only on the lips, but on your cheek and forehead, wherever you need to be kissed. Hold you by the waist, and hug you while I'm behind you and rest my head on your shoulder. Whisper "I love you" in your ear (and mean it, of course). Tell you you're beautiful. Look you in your eyes and smile when I'm thinking of you. Tell you I never want to let you go, and never let you go. I promies.




I am..

19:54 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 546

I always make them smile, whether i feel like crying or not. When i see the audience ready for my entertainment i put on my mask and dance like around like a puppet. Making the laugh, making them smile, what ever it takes i make them smile. Just as a Jester, dancing for there king, dancing around like a lunitic, just to please there king. Witch is why I am...

The Dark Jester.




Fucking people

05:11 Jan 14 2006
Times Read: 548

Some people are so completely self centered. They think about suicide just after one small fight they have with a parent. They fail to see all the people that care for them and try and die, but never do because they never have the guts to do it. They cant see that the person that there talking to about this suicide care about them and when they try to talk them out of it they become angry at them causing the friend to become more angry and stop trying becasue they know that there is no talking to them when they become like this. If there willing to fucking throw there life away when they have a bright life in front of them because they have a blind fold on. They cant see the light thats shining everywere for them. They cant fucking see that there are plenty of people to live for in there life and pleny of people that care about them becasue there so wraped up in there own "pain" they dont even bother to even look. They think about dieing in there bathtub to have there parents come home and see it. But no fucking parent no matter how much of an asshole should have the site that is seeing there own flesh and blood dead in there own house, bathtub, used by there own razor that they bought with there own money. Your better off coming home one day so completely shit face and stoned that you throw up and have to be rushed to the hopistal. No parent should have to attend there own childs funeral years before there own time.




Kill him

22:05 Jan 09 2006
Times Read: 552

"I want to see that dumb look on his face turn to fear and agony. Watch him spit up blood when he screams in pain as i rip open his stomach with a rusty fish hook. See his eyes siden as he sees his own insides spew out and listen to his screams as i play with his insides in front of him. Digging in deep in his chest i grab his heart and listen to his breatheget shorter as i sueeze it slowly. When hes dead i gut him like the fish that he is and hang his skin on a clothes line outside his house.Then i save his blood and sneek into his house and when his family is morning and take what ever living thing that was dear to him and drown it in his won blood. Then spill the blood all over his house and writing on his walls "you were an ugly gay man"

(because he called me and my friend ugly lesbains and for some reason that just set me off today)




What do we do?

01:31 Jan 01 2006
Times Read: 535

Do not continue to think that you can make everything right in this world. You can not stop the people from thinking on there own, having there own opinion keeps them alive. and to take that away form them they will parish not knowing what to think. Living a lie that you created for them, the animated world they call home. How can you tell that someone is happy within there home, because they smile and have to you in the morning before going to work? You will never know because everyone hides behind these masks that show no ones true idenity. Everone hides in fear of other people's opinions. but you can't stop that, you cant stop someone from feeling the way they do about them selves or of other people. So what are we soposed to do? Sit back and watch? or try and stop the thing that is too strong to comprehend?



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