Dakotah's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


14 entries this month

04:11 Sep 22 2019
Times Read: 859

Proving my mom wrong: Priceless. Winning a beat from your Mom: Check.

I got the seeds off Amazon no less. Mom bet me $20 they would not grow here. Take a look! Just goes to prove if you give anything enough love and attention (and tons of miracle grow, double tons of TLC) the rewards are just beautiful. My blooming bromeliads.



04:36 Sep 22 2019

06:24 Sep 22 2019

Mom he became an amazing gardener like you. He has the gift

06:24 Sep 22 2019

They are beautiful angel and i bet in the garden you made they will look amazing


01:18 Sep 21 2019
Times Read: 886

My next spotlight: Hannahrose!

I have been friends with this lady for 6 years. Another one I met my first week on VR. She reached out and welcome me. We have been friends since. We do not chat every week but when we do it's like we talk every day. She is always there for me. We are both cat lovers and few months ago when I lost two of my oldest cats she was up in my messages sening me hugs and support. I love this lady and her son Sean. Thank you Hannarose!



02:17 Sep 21 2019

She is awesome!

02:21 Sep 21 2019

I was in a coven once that was allied to her coven. I love how she runs her coven. She works hard at it and sees each member is giving attention. I was impressed.

06:29 Sep 21 2019

10:25 Sep 21 2019


10:30 Sep 21 2019

She is a Treasure worthy of all the gold on the earth, she has been there for me and my family. love her so much.

10:55 Sep 21 2019

I agree, she is a really nice person and more folk should be like her.


00:11 Sep 21 2019
Times Read: 910

I read a journal yesterday that was disturbing. Not calling the person out. They were making a post to the hidden person who was taking their honor that even though the person hid there name they (The OP) implied they could get an Admin to tell them who the person was. Cancer gave us the ability to stay anonymous when we give or take honor if we choose too. The Admins/Staff here would not ever tell someone the name of the anonymous person. I was going to just let this go but I began to think what about someone new here who had read that journal. So that is why I am making this post. Also, I want to add normally it is easy to tell who is taking your honor. 9x out of 10 it's the person you just recently had a beef with.



00:36 Sep 21 2019

I missed the entry or can't find it, one of the two. Admin are not going to tell who is giving who anonymous honor. Who ever said it is full of shit.

00:50 Sep 21 2019

Most who been here for awhile know that but as I said I got to thinking what if a new person read that. So as I said this is why I made this entry.


19:55 Sep 19 2019
Times Read: 988

Attention to ALL VR Men:

I am a man! Male! A Dude! A Guy! I have a penis. I just have long hair.

I know the hair throws some of you guys off. And yes, my lips are so red for a manly dude. But Look closer at my pictures. I would be one burly woman! Now, twice today I got messaged and one called me Milady and the other Miss and they were polite and all but Take a look, please!!!!!!

I am a man! Guys you might want to check out a guys profile before you start message other guys calling them MiLady of Miss.

Just ask my Girl Friend Liliancat. She will tell you I am all man and I sing her this song....(Hey Zombie here is a song for you to sing too)

So PLEASE tell me what on my profile leads you to think I am a girl?!

So in closing...

Sean (See even a manly name!)



20:27 Sep 19 2019

You're a man?!
I thought you were a cat!
Deceit D:

20:43 Sep 19 2019

21:58 Sep 19 2019

I think I just peed a little!

21:59 Sep 19 2019


22:41 Sep 19 2019

Don't care, I'll still flirt with you baby!
lol. sorry Lilly, I had to!

00:28 Sep 20 2019

Smh poor poor dakotah lol ..I'm not laughing ...this is serious stuff!! He he ...he looks like a man !!
Wait Raven has long hair how come guys dont flirt with him? Lol jk

08:50 Sep 20 2019

Is it bad that I can’t get *Dude Looks Like a Lady* out of my head now?

12:40 Sep 20 2019

"I am a man! Male! A Dude! A Guy! I have a penis. I just have long hair."

Are you sure? lmfao

Private Dakotah! Stop borrowing Private Lili's lipstick and hair straightners! The rest of the squad think you are a woman damn it!! One of them has a poster of you in their locker!! Are you woman or a man!?! Answer me maggot or you will give infinity push ups!!

12:56 Sep 20 2019

'possessive roar" my man

12:58 Sep 20 2019

You are handsome angel even wit your long hair that i love andyrou red lips that i adore. full man beast hehe
Hey dont go far
Some thought I am a man..... I wonder how i would gave birth from a p**nis. No comment. Stop reading too much fan fiction.


14:59 Sep 19 2019
Times Read: 1,006

A must watch. This Mother Dog helps dig out her buried babies from a calpse building. She even bites the rocks trying to uncover her babies. Only two made it but what a amazing mother. Looks like she was a stray. I had shared before in my native tounge we do not have a word for animal. We call them by thier names: Bear, deer, elk, dog, cat. We see them as four-legged brothers and sisters. Just like us they have spirits, souls, feelings, emotions. Without a doubt, they are a huge part of our culture. They are considered our brothers and sisters, among our winged, four-legged and swimming family members. They are part of our creation stories, they are messengers to the ancestors and the Creator, and they are our teachers on this world. They are family. They are in our stories.

For example the Coyote who is Most commonly viewed as the trickster by many tribes, the coyote figure is also called Isily by the Cahuilla, Yelis by the Alsea and Old Man Coyote by the Crow Tribe, which views the coyote as both creator and trickster. Regarded by some tribes as a hero who creates, teaches and helps humans, the coyote also demonstrates the dangers of negative behaviors such as greed, recklessness and arrogance in other tribes.

Overall, the coyote is often referred to as a creature of both folly and intelligence that seeks to fulfill its own needs at the expense of others. The coyote is also known as a master of disguise.

Many have asked me how did we know what plants to use for medicines. This is where our Family members brothers and sisters taught us. We would observe them and follow them. For example a Buffalo that has upset stomach, runny bowels and would then eat a certain plant. Thus, our teachers. You may say but Sean didn't you all hunt them? Some yes for food and to clothes us however, ever part is used and we ONLY took what was needed. Do you remember the Buffalo Hunt in Dances with Wolves where the village was hungry and it was stated if they did not go on a hunt soon they would die that winter. Then they find the buffalo and the sceen of hundreds of them dead with only a small part used of the buffalo and the rest rotten in the sun. Every part we used and ONLY took as many as needed to feed the whole village and cloth us for the winter.

Our brothers and sisters need to be respected. They are not a 'it.' Also, how one behaves a cat or a dog shows how the dog or cat was raised. Anyways, watch this Mother doing all she can to save her babies. She is a better mother then a lot of humans.



15:39 Sep 19 2019

that made me cry


22:34 Sep 17 2019
Times Read: 1,040

Spotlight Challenge Day Two:

First, I wish more people would do the challenge and I was looking at it like this: ‘Darn, Only two people have done the challenge so far.’ Instead of ‘Yeah!!!Two people have done the challenge so far!!!!’ Mogy has taught me to look at life in a positive light, to turn things around. I do hope more do the challege to spread some postive here....

No, Mogy is not my Day Two Person. Just read on...

My day two person is someone I know only from her journals. I am not even sure if we have spoken 10x since I have been on VR. However, I do read her journals. She is a bit accident-prone. She hits on two topics that mean a lot to me.

1. She fosters four-legged brothers and sisters. (animals)
Quote: They call me Ace Ventura, pet rescuer.

2. She posts about how to make this community better.

Quote: Maybe it is time for some to go back to simple basics in regards to what originally brought the majority of people to this site: All things pertaining to vampires. Mature. Grow up. Be civilized.

In Cree language, we do not even have a word for animal. We call them Bear, Deer, brothers and sister. My family are Foster’s too and over the years I cannot begin to tell you the animals we have fostered. It takes a loving person to take on the responsibility. Then to boot she foster’s the most misunderstood breed, pit-bull. Most times that a pit-bull ends at a shelter they are always the first to get put down. Visit her journal and take a look at the pictures she shared of her recent new family members. These bull dogs have hit the lottery! Then she goes on to share in the same journal how many cats she has and she shares personal things about each cat and dog. So yeah this alone earns this amazing caring Lady a Spotlight.

Then her 2nd topic. I know she has been a member for a long time and I cannot recall anytime she has ever been in any drama. She shares how to make this community great again. ( wow I sound like Trump) She brings up a point I myself have lost touch with and that is What this site is about. Vampires. Well here, let me copy the journal for you all to read:

21:10 Sep 15 2019
Times Read: 37

Maybe it is time for some to go back to simple basics in regards to what originally brought the majority of people to this site: All things pertaining to vampires.

Maybe start with this page just to get your toes wet:
Wiki on Vampires.

This place has become the remnants of what mentality was left over from middle and high school for 90% of y'all and it's showing in your behaviors.

Mature. Grow up. Be civilized.

Or at the very least, be fucking decent to each other and bring the focus back to why we are all here; create, build, and make this site thrive again like it use to.

Make quality member pages and articles.
Journal shit that doesn't correlate with teenagers going through hormonal tantrums or squabbles over petty shit.
There is SO much to do on this site that isn't offered anywhere else.

Explore, learn, educate, share.

Stop being twatwaffles stuck in a douchecanoe, drifting off into a sea of shit.

Oh, and who is this amazing Lady? None other than Nekirena! Thank you for your journal on how to fix this community. I plan to step up and do my best to start sharing more on Vampire topic. Also, Thank you for what you do for our four leg brothers and sister.



16:42 Sep 18 2019

:) Thank you.

06:30 Sep 21 2019


18:17 Sep 16 2019
Times Read: 1,097

Hi, VR, I have a favor to ask. My BFF Kami lost level. Some friends/adds must of dropped off; that happens to us all. Sucks when it does. It happen to me last month. Anyhow' the favor is could you please visit KarminaTheDarkAngel profile and lets get her back up to where she should be. This Lady is awesome!

That takes me into my 2nd Day Spotlight... KarminaTheDarkAngel. I know I spotlighted her last month and this month I do plan to spotlight 5 new people. However, I can not, NOT, spotlight the first person I met here on VR. Day one she reached out to me offering to help me to learn VR. She told me to read the Manual and then contact her with anything I needed to go over. Then she paid for a month prem for me. Then she helped me with my profile. By help I mean she asked me what theme I wanted then she designed my whole profile for me and walked me though how to apply the code sheet. Every day I was on she would contact me and this is how our friendship began. Six years later and we are still best friend. Kami is always there for me and lets me rant about anything and she has always kept my confidence. She is that rare type of friend that LISTENS to me and lets me just ramble on. Then she will say to me 'So what are you going do about all that, Sean?' Now that is a true friend. I can only hope Kami that I have even been 10th of a friend you have been to me. Thank you for 6 years of being in my life. Love you, Sis.



18:22 Sep 16 2019

Level loss is a constant here for a lot of reasons. I changed my name which made me lose all my journal adds, and then I got a few ones from a person which dropped me down even more. So I’m three levels below where I was before I changed my name. I don’t regret it though.

18:23 Sep 16 2019

will do :)

18:30 Sep 16 2019

@Cart Yeah, I just explained to her what must of happened that you had educated me on a few months ago when it happen to me.

18:39 Sep 16 2019


01:44 Sep 17 2019

Thank you Dakotah ..this means alot to me ...
Your friendship is one I truly treasure.
Look I'm back up to level 200 again ..woohoo

01:49 Sep 17 2019

Just did


15:44 Sep 16 2019
Times Read: 1,108

Spotlight Challenge officially kicks off today. Spotlight somone in your journal once a day saying good things about that person.... It was great last month... I challenge you all to make it even better this month. Let's run it for a week.




I Challenge You!!!!! 2.0

23:14 Sep 15 2019
Times Read: 1,131

Offical Challenge Music!!!

It's that time of month for the Spotlight Challenge we started last month! Right after it was started many asked let's do it for 5 days so that is why it's 2.0 ... heck let's do it a FULL week!!!!!

I challenge you for the next 7 days to make a journal 1x a day and do a positive spotlight of someone here on VR ! And as Kami said the last time... I double-dog dare ya!!!! It will run from this Sunday to next Sunday. However this of course does not mean you have to stop of course! And while your at it give that amazing person all your honor!!!!

My 1st spotlight is Cubby aka Feverdreams. She is funny and a beautiful soul inside and out. She is one to look up too as she can be attacked here on VR and always becomes the Bigger person and does not attack back. She is VERY funny!!! She has supported my Lili with her cancer. When you are lucky enough to be a friend of Cubby's you are treated with love, respect and a person who is always there for her friends. Cubby you rock!!!!

So here is the challenge!!!!!



02:53 Sep 16 2019

I'm in but I'll start Monday since I already gave out my honor ..


The Mark of Shame

21:00 Sep 14 2019
Times Read: 1,171

Recently I have read a few journals about The Mark of Shame and they could not wait for Cancer to start using it. When 2.0 went live and Cancer had the 2.0 Ask for help thread going I had asked Cancer about the mark. Here is his response. So unless he changed his mind I do not see it showing up.

Great Sire (117)
Posts: 2,897
Honor: 995
[ Give / Take ]
22:16:00 Sep 28 2017
Read 1,639 times

When can we expect the Mark of Shame to show itself?

Superior Sire (143)
Posts: 1,192
Honor: 2,018
[ Give / Take ]
:57:20 Oct 06 2017
Read 1,574 times

Honestly, I'm not sure I would use it all that often. The people I would use it on end up being banned permanently (or self-delete) anyway.



22:18 Sep 14 2019


19:55 Sep 14 2019
Times Read: 1,179

Ok, so here is my IT movie review also the mini-series compared to the movie. Saw it today. No real spoilers.

It was kind of eerie how much like their kid counterparts some of the casting seemed - Eddie in particular. I can see people complaining about Pennywise's final form but it was fine. The 13-year old kid next to me practically jumped out of his skin at some of the jump scares. It wasn't scary to me but they maintained some of the creepy aspects well. Somehing about the cast was off, and it seemed more funny than scary in many moments. The actor playing Ben. He was trash. I really didn't like the first part of the remake. Skarsgaard's Pennywise was super frightening, true, but he was one note only. Curry actually made it believable that the kid might approach the drain in the first mini-series, while with Skarsgaard it just knocked my suspension of disbelief right out the window. And honestly, I thought the first mini-series did pretty well overall, except of course for the terrible spider at the ending. And the kids in IT the movie part one were just horrible parodies of pre-teens. I really wish the Duffer brothers had gotten the job, at least for their scenes. But the movie was damn entertaining, and three hours flew by.




12:48 Sep 13 2019
Times Read: 1,192

Friday the 13th and a full moon tonight... got to play this song today!



14:01 Sep 13 2019

Happy dayyyyyy wooooooooooo hoooooooo

14:01 Sep 13 2019

fall is here


00:55 Sep 13 2019
Times Read: 1,222

Tickets for Saturday- Going with two of my brothers and sisters-in-laws. Expecting them to squeal a lot. It will be fun! Anyone seen it yet? IT was one of the only books I've read in my adult life where I had to honestly put it aside for a while because it was too scary and I didn't want to read it alone in the house.



01:05 Sep 13 2019

Ohhh it looks so good ...try not to scream hehe

01:09 Sep 13 2019

Yeah specially during the jump scares they do in these type of movies and ... The spider.... OMG the spider... I hear it is in this one too and I... spiders and me... No No No No.... Lili laughs at me about my fear of spiders. I owned one for awhile but she was more like a kitten with 8 legs... that is different then spider-spiders.

01:29 Sep 13 2019

Spider-Spiders? LOL!

02:33 Sep 13 2019

What is it

02:33 Sep 13 2019

Oh hell no I hate clowns ive never seen it and dont want too

04:48 Sep 13 2019

Lol ur so lucky I was so going to put a spider in ur journal but i didnt wanna scare ya lol

22:56 Sep 14 2019

I’ve not seen either of the new ones but read the book. I’m intentionally waiting. lol


00:24 Sep 13 2019
Times Read: 1,230

I started my Christmas Shopping last night. The stuff I plan to get online and I am so excited! I love playing Santa Clause and a few from VR are on my Xmas list this year. I love the awesome feeling one gets from giving. It makes me happy!



00:39 Sep 13 2019

00:44 Sep 13 2019

Hey dakotah missed u buddy

00:56 Sep 13 2019

You are on my list Mogy. In Nov I got to get your address, Bro.

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