Ok so we were not the first... BUT we are the 2nd!
Canada becomes second nation in the world to legalize fully marijuana.
Canada is only the second country in the world -- and the first G7 nation -- to implement legislation to permit a nationwide marijuana market. In the neighboring US, nine states and the District of Columbia now allow for recreational marijuana use, and 30 allow for medical use.
Bill C-45, otherwise known as the Cannabis Act, stems from a campaign pledge of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to keep marijuana away from underage users and reduce related crime.
The act to legalize the recreational use of weed was first introduced on April 13, 2017, and was later passed at the House of Commons in November. The Senate passage of the bill was the final hurdle in the process.
Uruguay was the first country to legalize marijuana's production, sale and consumption in December 2013.
Although the Canadian government had initially stated its intent to implement by July 2018, provinces and territories, who will be responsible for drafting their own rules for marijuana sales, have advised that they would need eight to 12 weeks after the Senate approval to transition to the new framework.
The government is expected to choose a date in early or mid September.
Medicinal use of the drug has been legal in Canada since 2001.
I have Home Health Care while I recover from an operation. One of the Nurses who helps me we got chatting and I asked her if she has any kids. She shared with me about her 5 year old daughter. She opens her phone and shows me a picture of a beautiful little girl who clearly has spunk and sass. You know sometimes how you can look at a picture an just tell. Then she told me the story about her daughter. She a heart patient. She already has had one open heart operation and when she is 8 she has to have another. The picture was of her daughter in a ballet outfit with another little girl and they each had only one big red bow on one of there shoes. . She said that right before all the little kids were to go on stage one of the other little girls could not find the big red bows that goes on there shoes. The little girl was in tears. I am sure all the kids want to be in there little costumes and she would be the only one with no big red bows on her shoes. So my nurses daughter saw how upset the little girl was and stepped up to give her one of the big bows from her shoe so at least the little girl would have one bow. None of the other kids did. This story just blew me away. Here this little girl heart problems and all and of all the kids there she was the one to step up and help. It seems special kids like this are just so amazing and life can be so unfair. This little girl as her mom went on to tell me more story's like this behaves more like an adult then a 5 year old... and who will in her time here ( and I pray she here on earth a lonnnng time) just do extremely special things to effect life around them in such an amazing way. I draw and do art and in my room I have drawings I am working on all over my desk. I get to the point in a moment why i bring this up. I ask the nurse what animal does her daughter like the best. The Hippo. I ask that is odd. She says her daughter says Hippo's are cute, cuddly and BIG and they are big enough to keep the boys away. Typical 5 year old little girl; boys are icky. When her dad takes her to a zoo that is the only animal she wants to see. So, of course I am drawing her some hippo's and one I named: Kbawh: Keeps Boys away Hippo. I hope this truly special little girl likes Kbawh.
There is so much kids can teach us sometimes. Specially little ones like this. Every picture she showed me of her little girl she had the biggest smile and her eyes were just full of life and unless her mother had told me about her heart; from the pictures I could never tell what this little girl lives with every day. Now I also want to do a drawing for her of two little girls in ballet outfits with one Big red bow on there shoes. Makes me take a look at my own life and ask myself...do I help others around me. This little girl is going to be a power of example for me.
She trully have a huge heart that has only purness and love in it. She is trully a strong girl that she lives her every day with lots of smiles and good happy moments. We all need to learn from that little girl and her mother so we apriciate the life and the ones who are around us
I wish only the best for them and my thoughts and prays will alwas be to them
GOOOOOOD MOOOORRRING VR!!!!! But keep it down, Mogy is still sleeping. *puts a finger to his lips* Shhh
I am sure after that he will be up in no time. Imagine a bagpipe in your ear
Scottish and Indian mix and they make it work. Who knew.
A good surprise a hearing because music connect us all
LZ is up! Morning!
lol, dancing panda :)
@LZ, Every time I see one now...I think of you....LOL!
I am currently doing a project for my CM, Cat. I am doing a lot of research for the project that is about Native Magic. I was wondering if anyone has ever used a energy wand or has had any experience with one. It is a special wand infused with magic crystals and magnetic fields (and definitely not just a regular pen; they cost about $300.) Also, has anyone ever visited Sedona, Arizona which is believed by many to be the "energy capital of the United States," as it is surrounded by several energy vortexes. For the uneducated, "energy vortexes" are swirling centers of mystical energy that come from the center of the Earth. The Earth is covered in these things called "ley lines," which are lines that energy moves in. When two lines cross each other, they create an "energy center," which in the case of Sedona, manifests itself as a series of swirling "vortexes." Please message me or leave a reply here.
You are awesome hun
Wow careful with that! Mogy has Awesome trademark but... yeah... *looks around for Mogy* I iz Awesome! You iz Awesome! We all are awesome! However, Mogy is pure Awesomeness!!! There, I think I saved us from being drug to court. *snickers*
LZ is awesome!
Yeah, AWESOMENESS is in my DNA! LOL!
Mogy, thank you brother. I knew you would know about the wand. Wonder why the guy discontinued it. A guy who gives tours in that area I posted about the vortex's has one and he takes people on cleansing tours and just as you spoken of he uses the wand to unblock there Chakra while visiting the vortex's. He claims that one of the person he took on one of his tour's had a stroke or something and his hands were all bent up. Upon visiting the area and the guide used the pen to cleanse his chakra the man left the area with the ability to extend his fingers, hand and arms normally. I need to do more research into this.
Wow! Yeah, the Universe is made up of Energy. Learning to harness and manipulate Energy by pure Will and utilizing Magickal Tools is Awesome and is of the realm of The Occult, The Esoteric and The Arcane.
I want to be awesome too can i????????? lol
I like reading this
GG you are already awesomeness coated in chocolate covered in spikes girlfriend :}
For Mogy:
2 More...
Little Mouse:
Lily is my little mouse.
Quiet Fast. S.
I swear, I don't know normal people lol.
Now I want shot of whiskey, some sprite and lemon slice. That's my go too summer drink.
That's something new to me.
eep eep "run and jump on Dakotahs lap curling happy"
A Computer for Women:
I don't get the tissue drawer.
Because it made you wonder why lol thus it exist
Soap operas lol
O'key.... soaps... Now I get it.... It's pink too! I like pink.
I had to goggle to see if this was a real thing in the 80's. British comedy show. I love Brit humor.
Because women are emotional and we tend to get soapy over romance but shh is a secret
Wait for it....
..lol I am dying alone! She sings well too.
I die alone too. "push softly Dakotah on the side to make space for her" Now i die alone too lol
lol at GG. Just kick him till he moves.
*grabs Lily back into his bed* Who said you could move????
No objection in that "snuggles holding you" my warm teddy bear
Anthony Bourdain was an amazing guy. In a media world full of not so great celebrity chefs, he stood out by freely admitting that he was at best mediocre in his cooking skills. What he was good at was being a celebrity, and he wasn't a bad writer to boot. His Kitchens Confidential is, among several things, an insightful dive into the psychology of those drawn/trapped in the restaurant business. It's an odd institution, and it tends to promote a lifestyle as unhealthy as it is compelling to those vulnerable to it.
I'm actually going to miss him.
I will miss him as well.
I enjoyed the few shows I've seen of his. I use to catch his shows whenever I watched Andrew Zimmern's Bizzare Foods show.
He isn't really a chef - he is a story teller with a penchant for showing how food is a common bond. It brings us together. Food has been at the center of celebrations, and rituals, and of course, the daily life of almost every culture. Anthony Bourdain shows us how we can recognize how similar we all are, while still celebrating our differences. We can come together, break bread, and find solace in knowing that we are all one. That is his gift to us.
I love the Onion.
Interesting...... review :P
This has been making the rounds lately. Thought about posting it earlier this week, and finally relented.
Japanese Gum (Sakeru Gum) company commercial campaign spread over 11 commercials (NOW with English subtitles). It's better than a lot of shows out there. Give it time to build up, it pays off in the end. Or not if you hate it.
God, the sexual tension.
LMAO. And people call me bad.
So wrong....LMAO!!!
looooonnnnngggggg Man
What are your thoughts about this....
Long time ago on Halloween night a man in his car hits a little girl eating an ice cream cone crossing a street as she trick or tweets. The man does not stop and takes off. The little dies from her injuries. He hides the car deep in the woods. They never knew who was the hit and run driver. Years go by and guilt gets to the man. He finally comes forward to confess but he could not be charge for the hit and run time had passed for him to be charged. The man moves away to start a new life. He is at a ball game that one of his grand children was playing in. A drunk lady drives onto the ball field and the man manages to save the lives of several kids and pushes them to safety before the drunk woman can hit the kids with her car, however, the man is hit bu the drunk driver and dies from his injuries. Do you think this is Fates way of serving up justice? This is a true story by the way. Think about it. If the man had come forward when he hit the little girl who died years ago in his hit and run things would not have played out as they did and the lives of several little kids would have been lost since that man most likely would not of been there but perhaps in prison. Do you think this was fate that the man was meant to be there to save the lives of these kids at the cost of not giving justice to the family of the little girl he hit with his car years past?
His Fate.....Yes!
The Kids were Destined to be saved by him so it was also there Destiny.
To me, Destiny results in something Positive and Fate results in something Negative.
idk could be fate, could be like the butterfly effect every little thing that happens sends a ripple effect and can cause something else to happen..
@Bats, I get your point, but the butterfly effect could only happen if one went back in time and changed something. Your point about a ripple, to me, is the fact that every choice we make in life has some sort of consequences of which some consequences carry that ripple on and on and on for generations. However, this is just LIFE.
Destiny! That was another aspect I was trying to think about to add to the post. I need to red up on the butterfly effect. I have herd about that before but never read up on it. Cause and effect comes to mind here... here cause/action has an affect on our lives. Or is that ever choice we make in our lives has an affect on our future. He made a choice to not come forward years ago and could it be because his destiny was to save these children he did save and to die in the same way that he had himself taken a life years ago....
add another thought then would that mean our destiny is all ready laid out?
I feel most people believe whatever is going to happen will happen and when we think we're changing our Destiny or Fate, well that too was meant to happen along our Life's Journey.
I say make the best Life Choices we can every day and just let Life happen. Leave all up to Karma.
I agree Mogy: Make the best life choices you can and let life happen.
Anyone here watching Westworld on HBO? I am confused now who the good guys are suppose to be. Does S2 rely on me thinking these machine are good guys worth rooting for? Because I enjoyed S1 up until that was the only way to interpret anything. There seems to me that there are no good guys and no one to root for, because everyone involved does horrible things with their agency. The only redeemable ones seem to be those who use that agency for what might be considered higher ends than getting their rocks off and even they are terrible. The show also seems to hold up a mirror to the human condition and point out how humanity seems to require something on which to take out its violent delights besides other people, and what does it say about humanity that we need to create something so much like other humans for that purpose?
I think ever body is evil and there is no good guy to root for. The original WestWorld supported the belief that humans are violent and that which we create reflects that. At least that is my opinion.
I'm watching it online. There is nothing new about the theme. Rarely does a movie tell a new story. Most just retell the same old stories, but in a different way, with a new twist or spin on it.
This one is yet again how Humans are trying to play God.
They make robots superior to Humans, yet try to maintain control of them. Then the robots develop a conscious who then want to destroy Humans for one reason or another or at the very least be treated equally.
I think this Westworld will find that Humans developed a way to live forever by transferring their consciousness into a Virtual World as the Robots develop self-awareness and attempt to take over the Real World.
There aren't any true 'Good' or 'Evil'......Just 'Choices' with Positive and/or Negative results.
One guy takes justice into his own hands and kills a Falsely Accused Child Rapist who in the future would have accidentally killed a motorist who the motorist would have in the future contemplated conducting mass murder, but instead ended up saving a little girls life who would later discover the cure for cancer, but then tries to make it too expensive for the poor to have it. So, who is Good? Who is Evil?
So one's Actions could be seen as Negative or Positive depending on how it affected someone or something.
deep dude.
nexus 6 replicants, superior to man..I think therefor I am..only a 4 year span..lol
19:52 Jun 21 2018
puff puff pass
21:44 Jun 21 2018
Congrats Canada!!!
01:57 Jun 22 2018
Woohoo Go Canada!!!
00:15 Jun 28 2018
Pass the dutchie on the left hand side! Kouthie for the uncensored. lol
That's why I am mokin on a blunt, puffin on a joint, lighting up a bowl. No seeds no seeds, that ganja is all I want, its really all I need, aint nuthin in the world like weed. XD