Dakotah's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


25 entries this month

Thank You Cancer!

21:47 Jun 28 2016
Times Read: 1,251

We should all do a journal post or on our kismet thanking Cancer for the updates coming so he can see it. He listened to us as we all asked for some new stuff. He herd us and he is doing the work. Let's face it, love it or hate it we all log in here. Personally I love VR. I have made some of the greatest friends here that if I had not joined I would never know. Also running the servers Cancer does to keep VR up and running cost his money. We should all unite and post a Thank you in our journals and/or our Kismets to let him know we are grateful for this sandbox he has built for us to play in. Also a Thank You to the staff who help Cancer keep this place running smooth. They do a great job and they do it for free. So, from this Injun: Thank You Cancer and thank you to your staff!

Oh and if you missed it go to the forums and read all the amazing new stuff coming and when the beta is up take part in it so we as a community can help Cancer find the bugs and fix them:




08:29 Jun 29 2016

Since the time I read the forum post i really cant wait to see all the new things that will happen in the site!! Im excited to the bone!!

I feel like a child waiting for presents!!

Its a site that you always come back because It feels like you return home

Thank you Cancer for the amazing site!!

And I thank all the admins for the amazing work they do here!!

17:38 Jun 29 2016

This was nice and it is important for us all to do the beta when it goes live. I have done beta's for many games.

Original Message:

FROM: Cancer

Thank you.

On 21:32:27 Jun 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Dakotah wrote:

Thank you for the new stuff coming in. I have been here 3 years and fully enjoy all aspects of VR. I will gladly help out in the beta when it opens as I feel beta testers are important to help find bugs.


17:52 Jun 28 2016
Times Read: 1,283

I need a interpreter. I have no idea what he is trying to communicate to me. Can any one out there read fluent idiot?

Original Message:

FROM: dracula777

So you are still talking out of ignorance I see when clearly you don't know much about us or do your work home befor talking lol now that arrogance when you must be talking our self lol with such weak logic so look up don henrie =)



18:09 Jun 28 2016

I am afraid that you wont find one.

19:06 Jun 28 2016

I think my IQ just took a drop. Though seriously the role playing is by far old and is getting old. If he's clearly as old as he's claiming you would think he would know proper grammar and can construct a sentence by now. LOL

20:20 Jun 28 2016

Reading that made my brain hurt. O.o

21:12 Jun 28 2016

Yeah on the role-play aspect. His ex posted in the forums she can be shot in the head and not die. Keep that stuff in your journals, not on the forums where people try to discuss real things. At least the staff here has closed some threads where the role-play took over.

21:24 Jun 28 2016

How can be an old vampire with bad grammar and speelings

Its hard to even read without the , .

22:13 Jun 28 2016

Who is Don Henrie? o_0

23:26 Jun 28 2016

Apparently, it's someone just as delusional and stupid as dickhead777.

Lifted from a webpage:

Don Henrie (more like Dong Henrie, amirite?) is a self important goth who tells people that he is an immortal vampire with far reaching powers of darkness. These powers include psychic abilities, blood drinking and trying to score fame and fortune while living off of his last remaining groupie's tips from stripping. He still claims to sleep in a coffin even though a jilted exlover didn't let him retrieve his from her home after they broke up and he hasn't had one for over three years (as of October 2010).

Damn, even the troll's influences are just as bat-shit as he is; go figure! LOL

18:51 Jul 01 2022

was the dude trying to say "do your homework"? like that was the only thing i could try and work out from his poor english.


22:43 Jun 26 2016
Times Read: 1,318

We brought a new horse yesterday. Her name is Angel. Her story is that her owner died and the owner's estate went to her brother, including Angel and 2 other horses. Well the brother abused them and did not feed them much at all. Animal control was called and they were rescued. One was so bad they had to put the poor thing down. Angel they were able to save. She was placed up for auction and you have to qualify for adoptions here. You have to prove you can afford them, have enough room for them and all that. They even come out to your place and see for themselves before you are allowed to bid in the auctions. So we bring her home yesterday and I have never seen a horse so skiddish before. It took me hours just to get a blanket on her and trust enough for her to let me get on her. I could tell she has PTSD really bad. (I really believe animals can suffer from this too) She is going to need a lot of love and care. You have to move slow around her and no sudden movements. I never understand how people can abuse animals. It makes me so mad. That's the one time I know where I could kill someone if I saw them ever abusing an animal. She has this scar on her back leg where they said the brother had beat her and hers was infected and I do not mean to be gross but she had maggots in her cut when they found her. If I ever find out who this brother was, well, he better hope I never do. There is nothing more awesome though to get ahold of an abused animal and show them love and watch how they bloom. It will take some time but it will be worth it. Once we get her all fat and sassy I will put up a picture of her in my portfolio. I won't take a picture of a lady until she is at her best.



22:51 Jun 26 2016

I can't wait to see her :D

23:41 Jun 26 2016

It is sad to see things like that, kinda why i have a hard time watching animal planet type shows like with abused animals

00:46 Jun 27 2016

If I find this dude he will take a trip to the woods.

03:19 Jun 27 2016

I am glad that you got her.

05:37 Jun 27 2016

Angel is one lucky "girl". I am glad you found her and I am sure that with patient and time she will be back to herself. I really can't wait to see her.

Some people are just worse than animals. That man needs to be punished. And I'm too kind saying only that. He is an animal not a human being


21:26 Jun 24 2016
Times Read: 1,353

Looks like it's time to buy that stuff I needed from the UK.



21:50 Jun 24 2016

Make sure ya do it quick! Currency values can fluctuate quite rapidly!! Allow time for delivery though. Customs can take their sweet old time, well here in the USA anyway.

22:17 Jun 24 2016

Its down 30% now, which I believe is the Pounds worst drop in history.


22:38 Jun 23 2016
Times Read: 1,378

I really like the chill atmosphere this album has, if anyone knows of similar stuff please let me know.



23:10 Jun 23 2016

Very nice and atmosperic. I think i have some kind of music somewhere in my pc

03:41 Jun 26 2016

David Hykes doing Rainbow Voices is good. You may also like The Swans


To The New People

22:48 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 1,446

Some advice...

1. Read the VR Manual

2. VR is a Database of all Things Vampire: Cancer's goal is as per his own words: It is my goal to have this site catalog every occurrence of the vampire throughout history.

3. Read the VR Manual

4. VR is a database that became also a social network of like minded people who enjoy the MYTH of Vampires.

5. Vampires are just that; a myth.

6. You want to be turned into what?! Bad news. No one here can turn you into a vampire. No handsome dude is going show up at midnight, swing your bedroom window open, float to your bed on wisp of fog, turn your head and bite your neck. If you feel a bite in the night its a bug and you might have bed bugs.

7. If you burn when you go outside in the sun then you need to wear sunscreen. It's not because you might be a vampire or turning into one. And use sunscreen. Everyone should. The sun can be very bad and you can get skin cancer.

8. If you are not feeling well, feeling weak, then you should go see a doctor and get checked out. It is not because you need human blood. You are not turning into a vampire. It's most likely because of your diet, you know all that junk food you eat. The lack of exercise from sitting at a computer all day looking for Mr. Vlad to come turn you because you had a dream. I mean seriously, IF Vampires were real do you think they would be here on this site??? They would be in some castle with all there beautiful women in flowery sheer nightgowns offering there sumptuous necks or breast for him to suck blood from them. I know that's where I would be ....Again, its not because you need blood. Its because you are not taking proper care of you body: a good diet, like fruits veggies all that good stuff we are suppose to eat, exercise, and drink lots of water.

9. Drinking larges amounts of human blood can be toxic to your body. There is NO one here who can do it. It would make them sick. Chances are good they would throw up at just trying to drink a pint of human blood. Ewww... Sure some live the lifestyle and have donors who have had medical clearance and drink a few drops of human blood.

I am sad to inform you no one here is a vampire. No one can turn you. Some here role-play being vampires and there is nothing wrong with that. Now, with all that said VR is a nice place to meet some great people. It can be a fun place. I can not say it enough, READ THE VR MANUAL.



22:50 Jun 22 2016

This is very well said :)

22:51 Jun 22 2016

This is very well said :)

23:09 Jun 22 2016

And still not many read it

23:49 Jun 22 2016

I just really get alarmed when someone post in there journal how they do not feel well and for some reason they get caught up in the role-players who claim they are vampires who tell these people they might need to drink blood. If you really are not feeling well that is your body telling you something is wrong and you need to see a doctor. And most times its poor diet, lack of exercise. Recently I was not feeling well. Each day I felt worse. I had never felt that way before. By the 3rd day I finally went to the ER and I had a kidney stone lodged in my right kidney that caused an infection and my kidney to swell and my white blood count to rise. Also I found out I need more potassium. That my potassium level is very low. So that is why I get alarmed when I read in these journals of how some post how poorly they feel. Get out of the fantasy and serious go get a physical. Do not listen to these idiots who tell you 'you might need to drink blood' .

23:57 Jun 22 2016

Also I want to add, global warming the ozone layer is not what it use to be and the sun is hotter on us. I am Cree, 100%, Native and I do not normally burn when I go out in the sun but I have noticed over the years even I have to wear sunscreen if I am going to be out in the sun all day. So these people who burn when they go out in the sun its not because they are a vamp or turning into a vamp it just means like the rest of us poor saps the sun is roasting us because we are killing our ozone layer and killing our planet. WEAR SUN SCREEN! The highest you can get! A friend of my moms who is a skin doctor says when he sees people at events these festivals who do not wear sunscreen he says to himself they are future patients. He said since he been in practice the last 5 years the number of skin cancer pts he has tripled since he started practice 20 years ago.

00:15 Jun 23 2016

What you say is right but not many listen.

We should not play with our health.

02:09 Jun 23 2016

Personally those who ask what I am I normally reply with I dont role play....I am sick of this people on here claiming to be things that dont exist

04:29 Jun 23 2016

xPsychoticSymphonyx I could not agree with you more.

08:06 Jun 23 2016

Wait ....WHAT? ????? SO YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU CAN'T TURN ME INTO VAMPIRE 😱 You killed my dreams i was hoping that one sparkly wampire will bite me and I'll become hot vampire chick so I'll live forever and crap.this is enough I'm going to cry now you killed alll my hopes. I'll stay Zombie forever 😢 RAVRzzz

13:58 Jun 23 2016

You are Queen Zombie the Beautiful. You do not want to be some bloated old Vampire. Oh, ok, if you really want to be one I will pencil you in for next Thursday night, 1 am, to turn you. But keep it super secret. Then you can be Queen Zombie the Beautiful Vampire who has castle with many shoe closet and envy of all the Other Zombie my beautiful, kind Queen Zombie Sister.

18:44 Jun 23 2016

Awwww ~hugs tight ~ i lurves you 💖 you know that! Right? 😀 my brother 💞💞💞


15:45 Jun 22 2016
Times Read: 1,487

Dude, I know your all butt hurt because your online girlfriend dumped you and cheated on you. I get it. But due to your recent behavior here on VR I am going to have to revoke your Man Card. You are an embarrassment to us all. When you grow the fuck up we might consider giving it back to you but for now you are kicked out of the Man Club. And I would advise using this time to learn proper grammar. Seriously, the message you sent me I am not sure what you are trying to say. I can't tell if your constant use of the wrong word/spelling is due to head trauma, meds, stupidity, or an elaborate troll. It's making me stabby. There is a point where smoking crack gets unhealthy. Take care of yourself.:

Original Message:

FROM: dracula777

So do ever keep your ignorance to your self and don't back what you say with evidence



15:50 Jun 22 2016

Someone must "step" on his foot and became a bitter man.

And day by day he will be worse. I really can see that. So sad

16:01 Jun 22 2016

He should be posting sad songs and break-up poetry how his heart is all broken and stuff. Not lashing out at others on the forums. Perhaps too he should use this time and read the VR Manual for when his posting rights are restored.

16:21 Jun 22 2016

Unfortunatly not many who just joined stop and read the manual and TOS lately.

Plus his ego and biternes is too big to not comment on the forum or write bitter sarcastic mesages to others.

Life is to short and beautiful to be like that

18:02 Jun 22 2016

We could write a book of all the people on here who lose their shit after their online boyfriend/girlfriend gets rid of them.

He could write a book too, but I don't think even the best of editors could decipher whatever it is he's trying to say.

18:06 Jun 22 2016

The Admins actually warned this guy to cut it out and he attacked even them. They gave him a temp revoking his posting rights and he attacks them in his journal. Yelp, he is a wild card. All I did was ask him to prove his claims he was the real Vlad Vampire and he posted some dribble I could not even understand. He really needs to get out of that basement. Throw away those 50 empty bottles of Mountain Dew on his desk, take a shower, and go outside for a little bit. Its not healthy staying down in your parents basement 24/7.


The Forms

10:42 Jun 20 2016
Times Read: 1,558

And this is why the forums have gone to hell and many just don't bother with them anymore, two adults fighting like children over candy. Role-playing does not belong on those forums.


Grave Robber (22)

Posts: 32

Honor: 0

Vampiric law/rules

Posted: 03:06:17 - Jun 20 2016

Times viewed: 25

Well so I will make my self clear it seem that I come back to see how far my work for my race as gone vampires today have because sofe and some that have no respect for the rules or old vampires like my self that gave them my blood and power . when I have my say as a elder vampire when in fact it higher rank then a master so I want to have talk with most of them of why there order is getting lazy . and speaking vampiric when we meet is a must because. it tell me you have all the right knowledge cause. I could care less about the vampires that talk behind my back cause I know there.coward's and .don't know any better so changes will made my banned list to make a example

*banned list from pure blood lines

elizabethbathory33 --crime betrayers creator

eyessettokill. --crime following the betrayer


Haunt (40)

Posts: 30

Honor: 239

Vampiric law/rules

Posted: 04:13:14 - Jun 20 2016

Times viewed: 14

You know it's your own fault for not even making the effort instead I hear excuses after excuses and then you change the subject because you can't face the issue in front of you I have always been there for you not once have I ever shamed you talked badly of you told others your secrets instead when you betrayed me, lied to me, and hurt me I stood by your side regardless I still showed you love no matter how much it hurt and when I say that I have had enough you should just let it be because I deserve better in life and deserve to be happy you never had any problems with having women in your chambers so why me why is it always me just let me go because we both know that you really never loved me to do this much harm and to turn around and say the next that you do when clearly you don't if that is what your love will continue to offer why on earth would I ever change my mind to something like that now I can see why you compelled other women to love you but you know that it never worked on me and you hated it so much we have history that is all we will ever have now you just made sure of that because we both know that you really never loved me to do this much harm and to turn around and say the next that you do when clearly you don't if that is what your love will continue to offer why on earth would I ever change my mind to something like that now I can see why you compelled other women to love you but you know that it never worked on me and you hated it so much we have history that is all we will ever have now you just made sure of that


Grave Robber (22)

Posts: 32

Honor: 0

Vampiric law/rules

Posted: 04:49:53 - Jun 20 2016

Times viewed: 12

Well I don't hate just doing my job I did but you stop talking to me then you cheated on me and could not beak up with me first so you can say what you like but betrayed me first I did all I could



12:22 Jun 20 2016

Its sad to see two grown up acting like children.

That is the main reason why drama exist in here many times in different forms.

12:39 Jun 20 2016

I don't mind role-players I just wish they keep it to there journals and not on the forums. I like the response of the one Sire who replied in the threads. Any real vampire would not be posting here about how he is so butt hurt because he got cheated on. And again, vampires are not real.

12:49 Jun 20 2016

There are many different rp ways i believe.

It is like when a new member comes in vr and ask the same questions "Are you a vampire and if you are can you turn me"

If I was a vampire I wouldn't go around and shout about it.

Some people cant see the difference from reality than stories

13:31 Jun 20 2016

What trend I have noticed as of late too is the ones who role-play who stay in character here comes across the poor demented souls who think vampires are real and the pretend vamps who are telling them to drink blood. That is so dangerous on so many levels. The ones who are the lifestylers ( who most have left this site and I do not blame them) know the safety rules you follow on how to find a donor and how to get them checked for any disease. Also telling someone to drink a pint of human blood...is startling. A little research into it on google tells you drinking that much blood can be toxic to your system. And they claim you can get it off the internet, well yeah I am sure you can get anything off the internet however, sending and receiving human body fluids through the mail can be illegal. Some artist have run into that issue when they use human body fluids in there art work and can not get it mailed. So with that in mind getting a pint of so called human blood though the mail is doubtful hence you have no idea what you are really drinking. How stupid is that.

13:48 Jun 20 2016

A short google and.... Selling blood on the internet and paying donors is against the law. Though you can buy it illegally off the India red market.

Then we have ebay: Examples of prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

Ebay: Policy overview

Examples of prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

• Native American grave-related items, including skulls and skeletons intended for medical research

• Tibetan prayer skulls

• organs

• bones

• blood

• waste products

• body fluids

• sperm

• eggs

We don't allow humans, the human body, or any human body parts or products to be listed on eBay, with two exceptions. Sellers can list items containing human scalp hair, and skulls and skeletons intended for medical use.

Make sure your listing follows these guidelines. If it doesn't, it may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including limits of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account. You can't sell any of these items even if you state they are intended for medical research.

14:17 Jun 20 2016

It would be really creepy and scary if things like that would be sold in Ebay or in any market like that.

Even if you go to a hospital they wont give you blood if there isnt an serious medical problem and you have papers and tests to prove it.

20:20 Jun 20 2016

If those fools had a severe lobotomy coupled with extreme brain damage, they would still have the same amount of brains that they do now.


01:34 Jun 20 2016
Times Read: 1,585

Well it has happened. I have it bad too. Love. I even had a dream about her. What amazes me and she says amazes her is we are already thinking a like. Saying the same things. We have known each other for a while and considered our friendship important to us both. I think that is what different from my other relationships is that we were friends first. In the past I would see a girl I thought was attractive and that lust would surface. Once that was satisfied there would be nothing else. This might be the one. All my friends really like her too. Unlike my past relationship. I should have gotten a clue when my friends did not like that one. But oh no, I had to stay in it for 5 years. I am like a puppy dog, loyal to a fault.



02:19 Jun 20 2016

I'm glad you finally found your soul mate ♡ you are great person and brother of this zombie and you deserve the best !!!!

06:43 Jun 20 2016

Thank you my Queen Sister. I do have to say I agree with you. It is about time I find someone nice. And she is amazing. Its ben so smooth with her too. I have to say this is as close to perfect I know I will ever come. I think she is perfect. She of course tells me she Is not. Check you Message, I will tell you who it is and you will agree with me, she is perfect.


14:02 Jun 19 2016
Times Read: 1,633

I did something I swore I would never do. I was totally against this thing. Only felt in rare cases does it work. I have even advised friends not to do it. What is this thing you ask? Online relationship's. I have seen some work. Even have seen some work out here on VR. I just always felt it was not for me. I like to be able to when I am dating a girl to well, drive to her house, pick her up, that contact. Few months ago a friend of mine I have known for awhile I began to see in a different light. We got closer, and closer and before I knew it I was falling for her. All the while I was telling myself 'No... don't do it... she lives wayyyyy over there and I live... wayyyy over here.' But the heart wants what the heart wants. And the funny thing is we just mesh so well. She is everything I have wanted in a girl. It shocks me sometimes how much we have in common. I think we both are blown away by how well we just seem to fit. I have watched some online relationship and I know you have to put more into them. Specially with trust. So yeah, never say never.



17:28 Jun 19 2016

I told ya :p

17:30 Jun 19 2016

Indeed, the heart wants what it wants.

18:23 Jun 19 2016

Isnt love magical?

It makes your heart beat so fast like it will fly and it tells you to keep fighting and trusting because no matter what you can always find a way to be with the one you love.

The connection. The trust. The warmth. The care.

Everything is possible if there is love my sweet Injun

01:42 Jun 20 2016

I know QZ you should did. And you were right.


#LadyZombie- Happy Birthday

15:28 Jun 17 2016
Times Read: 1,673

This is the 1st person I have Spotlighted twice. LZ you are a gift in my life. A friend who is always there. A friend who really gives a shit about this Injun. A friend who makes me laugh. Thank you LZ and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

 photo 10417788_918075444905610_6086780119617582333_n_zpslims2mvi.jpg



15:33 Jun 17 2016

Happy birthday zombiemuffin!! "hugs tight" May all your wishes and hopes will come true and always be the amazing cheerful crazy girl that we love and adore!! Love you girl!!

16:54 Jun 17 2016

Awwww, I love you two so much :) *hugs you both*

16:57 Jun 17 2016

"Smiles hugging back" Group hug!!

You are amazing girl!!

19:21 Jun 17 2016

I am just the crazy wack job that you people seem to enjoy being around :) I love you both so much :)


14:30 Jun 17 2016
Times Read: 1,678

Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.

 photo 13335821_10207841051997084_7036866940454856598_n_zpsuk0bp2zo.jpg




12:30 Jun 16 2016
Times Read: 1,713

I am going to try this and see if it works. Amazing. How Dubstep was Discovered





19:49 Jun 15 2016
Times Read: 1,740

This morning they took the stent out. No more feeling like I am pissing though a straw. No more going to the bathroom every 20 min to piss a teaspoon!!!!!!!

Celebrate with me!!!!



19:50 Jun 15 2016

"Do the happy dance" Niw you will feel way better

21:48 Jun 15 2016

You made my crotch climb up into my body again. Ow ow ow. I am so happy I don't have a dick.

02:07 Jun 16 2016

Dakotah...so glad you are on the mend...

That is a tough one to bounce back from.


Lady Morganna


What If...

05:22 Jun 15 2016
Times Read: 1,760

I play Gor in Second Life. It’s based on a set of books, sci-fi. A Planet ruled by men whom enslave women. I got to thinking ‘What if The American Politian’s were Characters In Gor’ … I know, I have too much free time.

BTB Means playing as close to the books as possible.

OOC Means out of character

FC means Free Companion. It's like a marriage.

Donald Trump - The de facto personality of BTB Gorean men. Hard talking, abusive, ignorant, hasn't done a hard day's labor(or role-played captivity) in his life, but his attitude is hugely popular with the masses. BTB women want a 'strong man' like this at her side, and men are freely surrendering their intelligence to become one.

Ted Cruz - Smart, but too sleazy to trust. The Trumps are preferable to these guys because you rarely see them in actual role-play. But they manage to bag themselves council seats in the cities they join through underhanded, OOC maneuvering. Keep an eye on these guys to know when a sim's about to fall as they'll be the first to bail.

Marco Rubio - The always smiling, nice guys of BTB Gor. Get the fuck out. No one knows why they entered the game; these are the guys who happily sit in cafes drinking tea with chatty Free Women. No one knows why they entered the game.

Bernie Sanders - The only man in the game whose read the Gorean Books, in his teens. And he read them again through the IRC days, and again when he came to SL Gor. With his old school principals, Bernie could probably make Gor work again, but when he logs in to see the mess BTB Gor has become, he logs back out to spend his mortality on worthier pursuits.

Hilary Clinton - The epitome of a BTB Free woman of Gor. Women hate her. Women want to be her. No one will ever respect Hilary for sticking by her FC when he cheated on her with a slutty slave girl(We are talking BTB here). Love her or hate her, Hilary has read the books too; she knows just the quotes to use to make BTB Gor more comfortable for women. With the Rubios sharing tea at her table and the gruff Trumps on gate duty, the Hilarys are putting in the effort which men don't, they're taking positions which men haven't earned. So BTB Gor has been molded into their image of what Gor should be.




09:55 Jun 14 2016
Times Read: 1,801

Unholy crap, finally a new Lovecraftian game. My overies are exploding:





04:07 Jun 14 2016
Times Read: 1,832

 photo 13413613_10207880370500022_2120139159831973558_n_zpswrgamhy9.jpg

Live with intention.

Walk to the edge.

Listen hard.

Practice wellness.

Play with abandon.


Choose with no regret.

Appreciate your friends.

Continue to learn.

Do what you love.

Live as if this is all there is.

 photo Snapshot _ Serenity Shire Residentul. Serenity Shire 145 90_zps5eb3ndre.png


And to all my VR friends who wished me a speady recovery over my last hospital stay and to Lily, LZ and a few others, you know who you are... I am getting better! Compare the one I took right after the hospital to this one... I look alive...

 photo 12647020_540744272750653_2586986659199447831_n_zpsd4diremp.jpg

Lily, I love you.



04:12 Jun 14 2016

Hey dude, we are almost the same color now :) See I told ya to stay in bed and look what done did happen :) I am glad to see the Injun is back on the mend :) Now all we need to do is make Lily get sleep and we will all be happy :)

04:22 Jun 14 2016

I agree. She has not been getting much. Last night she did but we both know that is rare. Help me out here with her.

05:42 Jun 14 2016

"Hide behind Dakotah afraid of Lz chasing with a mallet to bed"

I have rest. Especially the past days

05:46 Jun 14 2016

Laying in bed eating all the chocolate pudding does not denote actual SLEEPING. Yes, that is right, I just told on you to LZ. You're so going to get it.

05:51 Jun 14 2016

I only tried a tinny bit in the edge of the spoon...... Dont make the others know im chocoholic

06:33 Jun 14 2016

*LZ grabs the mallet* Oh Lily, come here dear. I make you go night night real quick. *opens her book of astrophysics and begins to read* If Hawking can't make you sleep, we try pills next, and then the mallet.

07:01 Jun 14 2016

At least you left the mallet for the end hehe. "peeks over Dakotahs shoulder smiling" We can try and watch a nice boring movie too.

17:12 Jun 16 2016

Try watching "What the bleep down the rabbit hole". It's a 4 hour long movie on quantum physics. I enjoyed it but my hubby fell asleep.

21:19 Jun 16 2016

She needs the mallet.

21:48 Jun 16 2016

*hands D the mallet* you do it.

22:37 Jun 16 2016

...or it could get the hose....

17:29 Jun 19 2016

Awwwwwwwww I didn't know that you were sick :( I am glad you are ok now ♡ much much zombie lurve !!!!


Prayers to the US.

16:06 Jun 12 2016
Times Read: 1,875

This is so sad. All those club goers. One moment you're having drinks with friends then you're dead. Life is so precious. Death toll is now at 50 making it the deadliest shooting in US history. 53 Injured. Won't change anything and if anything people will be less empathetic because it was a gay bar. I hope I am wrong about that aspect. I was so surprised too how fast they linked the shooter to Isis. I'm so cynical I expect for it to come out as a domestic religious fanatic and all the zealots to cheer about the brave stand against assault on xanity and morality.



18:57 Jun 12 2016

Life is precious regardless of the persons lifestyle. People are people and they all deserve respect.

18:01 Jun 13 2016

I had gotten up at 2 am to go to the bathroom. With this stent I am up about every 30 min. I had the tv on. I sat in front of the tv as the details started coming out and I cried.


04:20 Jun 12 2016
Times Read: 1,897

I just woke up. It is 10:19 PM. I am going to pull a Mogy. I am going back to bed. Because I can.



09:54 Jun 12 2016

And because you need rest "smiles"

Rest relax calm. Soft bed



14:58 Jun 10 2016
Times Read: 1,921

4:30 illustrates the reason it's dumb as shit to follow large tornadoes. (As if big, unpredictable and able to kill you with debris weren't enough) They can spawn satellites right on top of your head.




Small animal news updates

19:29 Jun 09 2016
Times Read: 1,953

So we've had skunks living in the woods behind us as long as I've lived here. (since birth) Lovely genetic set, mostly cream colored, mind they own bidness. We like 'em. Part of the squirrel ecosystem: crazy neighbor lady feeds the goddamned squirrels (why), who bury the nuts in my huge lawn, skunks root out the nuts at night.

Years ago there was a black and white skunk that would come around in heat and get Wonder Beagle worked up. We would tease him about his girlfriend. Now he thinks skunks are that cat, so we tease him about his stinky girlfriends. Odin help us if he gets out at night, I swear he will try to bang one in a tragic reverse Pepe LePew incident.


Currently there is a turf war going on in the woods. This in no way has led to a running series of jokes about #blackandwhitelivesmatter or gang violence. It has definitely led to an occasional hasty closing of the back windows. Only twice so far has a skirmish occurred in the yard, to date no innocents have been struck down.



20:40 Jun 09 2016

You have a small zoo behind your house hun

23:19 Jun 09 2016

Our house behind it is the start of the forest here. I love it. I could write a book on the going on in my backyard. This time of year is the best. Spring they are ready to compete in the love circles and turf wars. It can be so funny sometimes.

15:20 Jun 10 2016

When ill visit ill bring my camera to take shots

The nature and the animals

Its so exciting


That's the POWER OF LOVE!

01:24 Jun 09 2016
Times Read: 1,985

time: 5:21 AM (this morning, 1 day home from the hospital)

location: 20 feet up a Rocky Mountain Fir, maybe the same distance from my bedroom window

suspects: one raccoon (large, non-descript), the other a smaller raccoon (maybe horny, or mad, or both, you know how it is sometimes)

incident: sustained screaming, fighting, cooing, some kind of gurgling and then largest suspect falling out the tree. Suspects get up; give me the bird, wanders off in the backyard followed by second suspect.



16:31 Jun 09 2016

And in the backround we can here "Can you feel the love tonight" By Elton John


19:00 Jun 08 2016
Times Read: 2,027

Home #2. So after they put the stent in my right kidney and sent me home I was still sick. Could not keep nothing down. This is when having long hair sucks--- throwing up. 0.0 After 4 more days in the hospital I think I am on the mend. Or was it 3 days? I do not remember. They gave this Injun strong white man drugs called dilaudid, 1 MG in IV. Sure made the nurses look pretty. So, now to see if I can keep my ass home. Kidney stone's suck ass. How a little stone can disable a grown man is amazing but it sure as shit put me on my ass.



19:06 Jun 08 2016

You better stay in bed this time and not make me worry all the time my dear Injun "hugsss tighttt" You are strong hun

19:11 Jun 08 2016

IDK the thought of you and LZ making me stay in bed....:) I will take it easy trust me. Throwing up for 9 days and only able to eat jello and ice cream has made me a little--weak. I think I could not lift a kitten at the moment.

19:14 Jun 08 2016

You and I both are way stubborn. I know soon you will be as healthy as giant my injun. Stay in warm bed. Eat healthy food. Soups and a lot of water mister

21:34 Jun 08 2016

I agree with Lily. If you don't stay in bed then I will knock you the fuck out. I promise not to break your jaw :) Stay in bed!!!!!!!!!

01:07 Jun 09 2016


 photo 13239119_591533051005108_3136086006701429840_n_zpsnk1c4eym.jpg

02:01 Jun 09 2016

My poor baby. You look so pale. A ginger is darker than you right now. I need to make sure you and Lily both take better care of yourselves.

06:09 Jun 09 2016

Nothing as good as relaxing in bed and good food that won't fix


11:14 Jun 09 2016

You poor thing..may gods&goddess send you healing energy and keep your spirit strong to feel better soon..hugs to you my brother..

Blessed be


16:32 Jun 03 2016
Times Read: 2,063

This is silly but it made me feel good.



18:26 Jun 03 2016

What the fuck lmao.

22:43 Jun 03 2016

Do you want a translation? ;)

Isnt Austria not beautiful! :D


18:57 Jun 02 2016
Times Read: 2,103

So last week I was feeling bad. Come to find out it was a kidney stone. It got lodged. Caused my kidney to swell. Been in the hospital for 5 not fun filled days. Which explains why I felt like I was beat in my right side with a baseball bat. They had to due surgery on my right kidney to put in a stint. So that comes out in 2 weeks. That's why I been MIA. My doctor calls me Goes with Stones now because seems I have one in the other kidney too but hopefully that one will not get lodged.



19:44 Jun 02 2016

Get better soon! :)

20:24 Jun 02 2016

Get well soon

21:19 Jun 02 2016

Wow! Sending well wishes your way Brother.

21:43 Jun 02 2016

Stop getting sick or I will hire a big burly gay male nurse to make sure you take care of yourself :P

00:01 Jun 03 2016

Hope you feel better!

00:39 Jun 03 2016

Ouch! My heart goes out to you as I've had a couple of kidney stones myself. Luckily mine passed without complication, although the process was very unpleasant. It seems like nothing compared to the pain you've had to endure with your stones however - I hope the worst is over and you get better very soon!

16:32 Jun 03 2016

Thank you all for the well wishes. Means a lot.

17:47 Jun 03 2016

I hope you feel better soon.

07:00 Jun 04 2016

I hope you are feeling already better hun

You are very strong

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