Dakotah's Journal


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16 entries this month

05:03 Dec 31 2014
Times Read: 1,364

In two days I will be.... 24. Happy Birthday to me!





21:05 Dec 25 2014
Times Read: 1,379

Happy Holidays to all my friends here...

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02:11 Dec 18 2014
Times Read: 1,404

Finished my first smudge feather I made myself. The handle part is deer antler a friend killed.

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02:48 Dec 18 2014

this is really neat

04:59 Dec 18 2014



15:37 Dec 15 2014
Times Read: 1,418

Stop trying to be everything to everyone. – Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people. Start focusing on being everything to someone. Helping or pleasing everyone is impossible. But making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So narrow your focus and be yourself.

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02:54 Dec 18 2014

So true


22:42 Dec 13 2014
Times Read: 1,448

One of my friends asked me if I could watch her little dog this weekend. Since I am home bound with a broken leg I said sure. Last night I go to get in bed and guess who is on MY side of the bed! My weekend house guest. Yeah I have a few dream catchers, and they work. Well I can honestly say this weekend there was a lady in my bed and just like the ones in the past they always seem to want my side of the bed.

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01:49 Dec 15 2014

Awww what a cutie...she looks very comfortable lol

Love the dream catchers also and yes they do work. I have some also :)

02:03 Dec 15 2014

My friend is going to breed her soon and I am considering getting a pup. This dog is so well behaved, so sweet. She spent most of her time laying in bed with me, my leg propped up on pillows and watching tv. She is a snuggler.


22:29 Dec 13 2014
Times Read: 1,456

I had to go on a vision quest and ask the great raccoon spirit to come to me. I humbly put out tobacco for him and when he came, I killed him. I love native humor:




Dedicated to LordFangor

21:58 Dec 12 2014
Times Read: 1,481

I have been on VR almost 2 years. I like to read journals. I see them as a glimpse into someone's personal thoughts and lives they wish to share. I began reading his almost the first day and became a fan. This is a man who has his life how he wants it. He achieved it by many years of hard work. My own father left his family because he could not battle his daemons. In my culture there are not many role models to look up too. One's who we can say 'I want to be like him when I get that age'. By reading his journal I know through hard work and planning when one retires they can live the life they desire. You Sir are a good role model to us younger men. I now focus on hard work and planning my life so when I am in my 40's I too can live the life I dream of... being my own man. Living comfortable. I have land that I recently purchased from my family. I plan to build a cabin on it and when I hit 40, retire to these lands and write a book about this apache warrior named Nah Kah Yen. When I finish my book I will dedicate my book to Lord Fangor, a true role model.

Thank you Sir.




To All THose Who Journal How Alone You Are

16:15 Dec 11 2014
Times Read: 1,503

You are not alone in being alone. – To lose sleep worrying about a friend. To have trouble picking yourself up after someone lets you down. To feel like less because someone didn’t love you enough to stay. To be afraid to try something new for fear you’ll fail. None of this means you’re dysfunctional or crazy. It just means you’re human, and that you need a little time to right yourself. You are not alone. No matter how embarrassed or pathetic you feel about your own situation, there are others out there experiencing the same emotions. When you hear yourself say, “I am all alone,” it is your mind trying to sell you a lie. There’s always someone who can relate to you. Perhaps you can’t talk to them right now, but they’re out there.

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01:05 Dec 12 2014

This made my day.. I needed this


18:23 Dec 09 2014
Times Read: 1,514

Lately I have had a few ask me if there are any native legends about vampires. To my knowledge there is not. However, there are legends about skin walkers. People who can turn into wolves. Legend is that they must have the skins around them of what they want to turn into and then there is a ritual that is very secret they perform. Modern times they are called skin walkers or howlers. In this episode of Navajo Cops they get calls about a skin walker (howler) and actually capture on camera a set of eyes in a cave. This show aired on the Nat Geo channel. Do you believe?:




12:29 Dec 06 2014
Times Read: 1,534

Forget what everyone else thinks and wants for you. – One of the greatest freedoms is simply not caring what everyone else thinks of you. Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be. The best thing you can do is follow your heart. Take risks. Don’t just accept the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what others will think, or afraid of what might happen. If you do, nothing will ever happen. Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. They aren’t.

(I love Bodhi Tree's)

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18:27 Dec 11 2014

The tree is beautiful

20:30 Dec 11 2014

Isn't it amazing. There is one that grows at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, which is a direct descendant planted in 288 BC from the original specimen. I love the history of these trees besides they are beautiful.


Anyone good at dream interpretation?

13:10 Dec 05 2014
Times Read: 1,557

I had a dream that really disturb me. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I think I drifted off about 4 am. In my dream I was hunting deer. I was with my father and one of my brothers. We were deep in the woods. We came upon this majestic 6 pointer buck. He was so beautiful. We each shot a arrow into him. He went down. Then I became the deer and I could speak. I was asking why did they do this to me. My family, my brothers. I was bleeding and the blood was all over me. The blood was spilling on the ground. I was fighting with them and trying to get away. My brother came and bent over me to say a pray. I began screaming for him to get off of me and I kept saying why did you do this to me. I was crying. I was shouting for them to leave me alone, get off of me over and over. I woke up crying and talking in my sleep pretty loud saying get off of me and leave me alone. I was so loud that I woke myself up. I have never had a dream like this, so vivid and so emotional. I could barely stop crying as I was waking up telling myself it was a dream. My heart was broken. I felt so deeply sad and hurt. This freaked me out. Its 6 am. I still am blown away by this. I was crying so hard as I woke up. Weird eh? It Still has me a bit shaken up. Maybe with my body being damaged at the moment...I broke my leg a week ago. I do not know. Never been real good at determining what dreams mean. Anyone have any ideas? I feel a little embarrassed to share this but I am really curious what this dream means.



15:11 Dec 05 2014

That was an extremely powerful dream..Wish I could help you as to what it means..

12:33 Dec 06 2014

Thanks to all whom message me about the dream. I got some very good feedback. Specially VK and Crave for your very detailed Interpretation.

15:16 Dec 09 2014


To see a deer in your dream symbolizes grace, compassion, gentleness, meekness and natural beauty. It has feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. It also represents independence, alertness, and virility. Consider the symbol to be a pun for someone who is "dear" to you. Alternatively, the dream represents vulnerability and naivet�. As a result, others may take advantage of you and your gullibility.

If the deer is black, then it means that you are not acknowledging or are rejecting the feminine qualities in you. You may not be in tune with your feminine side.

To dream that you hunt or kill a dear suggests that you are trying to suppress those feminine qualities.

Also can I ask what condition the woods/forest you were in was like as that can give you an indication of what mood is present as your surroundings weather so on is emotional indicator while the objects represent situations places and things in a round about way. That you are with your brother and are trying to get him to leave suggests that you may have issues with masculinity or feel he's killing your softer side whilst you are embracing it's beauty Hope that helped a lil bit :)

23:27 Dec 13 2014

What disturbed you about this, Dakotah?

00:08 Dec 15 2014

I would have to say the deep emotions and even waking up still in the dream, shouting out, is what disturbed me the most. . I am looking at this more as a vision then a dream now. I just never had a dream in that I felt so emotional in before and they stayed with me when I woke up. I can remember what color the forest was, just that we were in the woods but I do remember the deer had color as did the blood.. I knew it was blood in my dream.

00:09 Dec 15 2014

Eh I mean I can not remember what color the woods were or even if they were...


09:34 Dec 05 2014
Times Read: 1,564

I want to thank all my friends and VR family (You all know who you are) here who have been sending me healing energies. A week ago me and my buds were playing hockey on a pond close by my house with out guards up. Real stupid thing to do. I went racing across the ice, slipped, fell and went sliding at a rather fast rate into a tree. Herd the break. Snap, crackle, pop! I have been laid up the past week and you all been very patient with me. I know for a fact the healing energies everyone is sending is helping better then the pain pills. Also thank you all for keeping me company, keeping me from being so bored. You all are amazing and I am very lucky guy to have the friends and coven mates that I do here. I got about another two weeks laid up on the couch.

Love you all, Sean



00:02 Dec 06 2014

It is a pleasure keeping you company. I am always here for you my friend!!!


08:33 Dec 05 2014
Times Read: 1,567

The beginning is always the hardest. – Remember, being completely terrible at something is the first step to being pretty darn good at it. It just takes time and practice. In the end, it is the courage to continue that matters most.




18:50 Dec 04 2014
Times Read: 1,578


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19:37 Dec 03 2014
Times Read: 1,592

Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts, be strong and fight through it. Remember, strong walls shake but never collapse. Life always offers you another chance – it’s called tomorrow.

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15:55 Dec 02 2014
Times Read: 1,614

It’s unreasonable to expect others to accept or consider your perspective if you’re not willing to do the same for them. So think for yourself, and allow others the privilege of doing so too. The truth is that the world isn’t really as it is, but as WE see it. And we all see it differently.



19:36 Dec 02 2014

I love this...

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