Lyrics of "La llorona" (Frida's Soul)
La llorona
Dicen que no tengo duelo, llorona,
Porque no me ven llorar.
Hay muertos que no hacen ruido, llorona,
Y es más grande su penar.
Ay de mí, llorona,
Llorona de azul celeste,
No dejaré de quererte, llorona
Y aunque la vida me cueste.
Si al cielo subir pudiera, llorona,
Las estrellas te bajara.
La luna a tus pies pusiera, llorona,
Con el sol te coronara.
Todos me dicen el negro, llorona
negro pero cariñoso
todos me dicen el negro, llorona
negro pero cariñoso
yo soy como el chilo verde, llorona
picante pero sabroso
ay de mi llorona, llorona de ayer y hoy
ay de mi llorona, llorona de ayer y hoy
ayer era maravilla, llorona
y ahora ni sombra soy
ayer era maravilla, llorona
y ahora ni sombra soy.
Ay de mí, llorona,
Llorona de negros ojos.
Ya con ésta se despide, llorona,
Tu negrito soñador.
The song's composer is the mexican Jose Alfredo Jimenez.
for those who know spanish
The Chupa Cabras Vampire (goat sucker) Story.
Chupa Cabra Story
This strange creature has fangs, scales, big bulgy eyes, claws, wings and drinks blood, a Vampire.
The first reports of this creature in Puerto Rico was back in the 1960's and 70's, when local farmers gave reports of the strange deaths of their animals, dead animals that had their blood sucked out of them thru a wound on the neck. The first reports of these strange bloodless animal deaths were goats, the local farmers gave the creature the nick name of the Chupa Cabra (goat sucker).
Over the years reports continued from time to time that included the deaths of other animals and even more sightings of the creature by local people. The local news reporters used the nick name given by the local farmers and this is how this strange creature got it's name, Chupa Cabra (Goat Sucker).
According to local eye witnesses the creature is about 4 to 5 feet tall, walks on it's hind legs, bulgy dark eyes, fangs, scales, (reptile in nature) wings and has spikes on it's back and attacks animals to suck their blood till they die.
Fear even struck the Notorious Tito Bicycle, a well known notorious fear less murderer, robber and drug dealer when he saw the creature. According to his kidnapped female companion, once while on a hike thru the calm country side in the woods they came across the Chupa Cabra in low flight at dawn, the creature struck such fear in this fearless outlaw, he became pale and he shouted to her to run, they both ran in total fear , even though Tito Bicycle was known not to fear anything and was heavily armed. Did Tito Bicycle fear the creature in it's self, or did he fear it was the very Devil from Hell that had come to get his soul. Who knows? The Notorious Tito Bicycle was shot to death in a gun battle with the local Police before this report by his kidnapped companion was made public. One thing is for sure the bloodless cadavers of animals and eye witnesses reports from many honest citizens points out that this creature is real.
The fact does exists that there have been reports of this creature world wide. Bloodless animal stock is no laughing matter to a farmer and can not be consider a joking matter. There have been reports of this creature from South America, the United States and Europe. So we can not say this is a legend, this is a real life creature and it lives on our planet.