This week has been a pretty busy week for me. I found out that I am not deploying with my company to Afganistian , due to me being med boarded soon. I had to turn in all my gearthis week and " wow " , I could'nt beleive how much I have received over the past 3 years. They are moving me to an different company that deals only with soliders that are getting out on a medical discharge. I hpe to be out by July / August time frame and then heading back home to Florida. I have my old job back as a dispatcher at AAA. So as for now I just have yo play the waiting game.
This week was a pretty kewl week for me. We did a 12 mile ruck march on Tuesday and out of 36 people I came in 8th place. My feet hurt and toes are blue but I did it. Then on Thursday we went to the range and shot the m-16's and the 249's that was a blast, I love shooting. In June we are going out o the feild so I won't be on VR so please add and rate me . This weekend I am in Florida visiting my Mom and family . Well , let me go for now and I will try to get back on later tonight , Peace out .
This week has been a pretty good week for me. Lot of good byes, had to tell my roomate good bye as she deployed to Iraq. Shes way kewl, like a sister to me , gonna miss her lots . Went to doctor again on Friday for my ( medical board ), what you get when the military medically discharges you. Hope to be out by August or September. At first I was very hurt and angry because I have given them 11 years but each day I am learning to accept it more. I thank VR in helping me as well because it has awakened me more and helped me learn that there are more and better things. I have met some good friends on VR and thank them for being there for me. Also , without my puppy and kittens giving me love I would be lost.
20:08 Jun 24 2011
My husband was recently cut from a deployment that was heading to Afghanistan. They just didn't need as many soldiers as they originally thought of his rank. He just put in for his retirement at 30yrs., now he's picked up on OTR trucking job..he's not used to sitting still in one place anymore, so I suppose it's a good job for him.
Hope all is going well for you since this happened, and that all is well with the job.