So yea I was pretty bored a few days ago and decided to start googling nonsense so I typed in Spaghetti Monster and clicked I'm feeling Lucky. Lo and Behold this site pops up called Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and upon further digging it is actually claiming to be a real religion. I dont know what the guidelines are for starting a religion. Whoeve the creator of this is keeps saying this isnt a mockery to other religiong like Christianity for one but I dont know what to think abput that one. Totally non-religious here but I feel like this is one big nasty cumshot in Christian faces. Still the whole thing is hilarious, genius and prolly bound to blow up in this guys face. If crazy religious people can cap abortion docs there's no telling whats gonna happen to him. A for effort though
07:51 Jul 06 2011
The Idea behind it is that if you can believe in an all knowing god that no one has ever seen or heard but everyone believes in then you can believe in flying spaghetti monsters,at least thats it in a nut shell ,and it is a slap in the face of the christian religions