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"If you love a flower that lives on a star then it's good at night to look up at the sky. All the stars are blossoming."
But, my sweet little Prince, what if my flower does not love me back? If its home goes into super nova? If it gets swallowed by a black hole? If new explorers take over the star? If the universe implodes? If my flower thinks I abandoned it? If it cries so hard from lonliness the rain keeps me from looking up? If that damn sheep eats it? What do I do when the stars go out?
Just love.
What am I describing exactly?
Food and chocolate makes me happy.
Orange things weird me out for some reason.
My toes like to be firmly planted in the grass or reaching for the sky depends on if I'm wearing underwear or if people are looking.
I love to read in the graveyard simply because it's the only place I can find peace (du'h).
Indiana Jones is the greatest person that never lived.
The Sound of Music is not a lame movie!
If I get excited or really curious about something my sense of self preservation goes out the window.
I love people but am horribly allergic to stupidity.
Closed in spaces give me panic attacks (still trying to fix that problem).
Stephanie Meyer singlehandedly destroyed the beauty Anne Rice and Bram Stoker brought into this world.
Hollywood is in the Dawn of a Thousand Remakes and it seriously hurts my heart to see it go down.
My childhood hero was Batman.
My job sucks.
My shoe size is 8.
I love to play football.
Ganja is a gift from the gods.
Crack is wack but Whitney's bringing it back.
I wanna dunk Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana into a vat of acid.