Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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3 entries this month

Bouncy Ball

08:24 Dec 31 2005
Times Read: 718

Bouncy ball goes left; Bouncy ball goes right.

Bouncy ball goes everywhere, even out of sight.

Bouncy ball bounces high; Bouncy ball bounces low.

Bouncy ball can bounce fast or slow.

Bouncy ball is a simple made toy.

Bouncy ball is made for all to enjoy.

Bouncy ball is a toy that never gets old.

Bouncy ball will always be sold

Bouncy ball! I wonder why its so much fun.

For a ball that just bounces for everyone.




My Tale pg2

14:34 Dec 20 2005
Times Read: 720

How much can a soul hold? The universe. It's what fear destroys in us all. The soul slowly tatters into nothing and this was what allowed a

king to emerge. When a man fights all of mankind, you know he has already accepted the concept of fear. What an advantage to have. Those who first feared him became his personnal army. Blood spilled over the earth in bright crimson and deep garnet. Many souls ended up in purgatory with no chance of leaving. Poor souls of the innocent they were and rivers of tears were wept in their memory. Soon vast oceans sprang from small seas. The earth forever stained. This new king brought down upon the people rules with no cause and a demand to build housea came. No one under his rule would sleep beneath the night sky. The forests started to suffer and as time passed the creatures also were ruled. Their homes suddenly taken from them without permission brought about the distrust towards humans.

How the world changed. A band of humans moved into the forest deeps and vowed to stop the changes forced upon them. They became man's first knights and from these men came the code. Chilvary and honour sprang forth in the couragous attempt to stop evil. Never before

has such nobility been shown. Fear stole their breath but to fight brought forth their heart, souls, and mind. It took time to prepare for such a battle and the king's greed grew. When the knights took arms for battle, the king was unprepared. He controlled his forces like the rest and disbanded their usage. They became mercenaries that anybody could hire. The knights tried to obtain the money to buy their

services with no prevail. Deciding that they were of no direct threat, the knights began to battle. The king seeing that he was an easy target had to pay now for his army. After paying most of the mercenaries, did he feel safe. They were there to protect him. What was not known was that some of these paid men dispised the king and wanted him dead. Allied with the knights they became. How greed and power spread amongst these mercenaries. When they defeated the king, they then began to fight amongst themselves as to who should claim the throne. The allianced, peaceful world split into pieces. How fragile is this land? Very breakable I believe.




My Tale

10:32 Dec 18 2005
Times Read: 727

In a time of better humanity did the truest beings exist. In a plane of bliss even though there were many battles fought. A time of honour and chilvary, rules of the old code prevailed. Knights of lore fought man and beast, friend and foe. Allies of the strangest decent join together for all species. How different it all was. The greatest of all ages. An era where night was as common as day to humanity. There was no hiding in the shadows, only pure luck. How the means of tracking and finding were more attuned to nature. The being is so frail yet so strong. The spirit held such comforts that this world can no longer desire. Where did this become lost in our pitiful existance? We shall never know. This tale is in and of this time. A vast stretch of land without clutter of humans but for miles bare with trees and foliage. Where animals ruled their own land. No kings or tyrants ruled here, just nature. Elves, gnomes, dwarves, minotaurs, mermaids, unicorns, and such roamed free without fear or care.

But I must start the tale before I continue to ramble of a place I wish I could return to. Now where to begin? I know the perfect place to start. When the first king arrived to rule humanity. This was a very brave and perhaps foolish man, to try and tell free people that they need a ruler after all this time. Imagine the difficulty in this process. Mankind beared arms to battle for the cause of freedom for the first time. Fear developed quickly in its birth. The first time it was felt and it was feared more and it continued to grow. It has never stopped growing to this present day. The worst thing to ever happen to our world.



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