Watching Hoarders on A&E. That show is so sad. You just wanna reach through the tv set and grab those people and take them out of their mess, because they just can't cope with it on their own. I know I have quite a lot of books and dvds, but they are all neatly arranged on my bookcase shelves and in my entertainment center. It does make you wonder, at what point with "stuff" do you tip over the edge? Would someone walking into my living room think I have too much stuff? I don't have piles of it covered with dust, trash on the floor, a mess. I clean up after myself. It's actually a lot cleaner around here since my cockatiel died, less bird dander and feathers to vacuum up.
I do need to purge my bookcase again though. There are other books I want, and I have to take some out before I can put more in. Like the Twilight Series. I have the whole set, first edition, in hardback. Hang onto it or pitch it? Being a vampire fiction completist, I want to keep it, yet I know I won't read it again.
If I hoard anything, it's cross stitch stuff. I have boxes of charts, floss, kits, in the closet on a shelf. The trouble is, I keep finding things I want on the internet...bad bad lol. I am storing a lot of kits for "later", as many stitchers do....I have a lot from Mill Hill, whom I used to work for. These are mostly discontinued things that I have seen selling on ebay for big bux, so I am holding onto them....I have whittled down most of my "want to do" kits and charts, since my last purchase of the Henry VIII kit, I have been good and haven't even looked at another kit online.
I just hope I never go over the edge with that stuff. It seems like it could be very easy to do.
I was on the Swiss Colony website, looking for a Christmas gift basket for my boss. Found one that looked good, scrolled down to see what other buyers had to say about it....and found this gem in the comment section.
"After my dad was laid off from the power plant we thought he was going to stay drunk all Christmas. Thankfully my grandma sent one of these and it cheered daddy up and the food kept him from getting drunk so fast. Highly recommended!"
20 of 23 people found this review helpful.
Over the last few months I have, with the help of eating better (yay!) and mucho stress (boo!) been able to drop about 20 pounds and keep it off. I've been following the Eat This, Not That! books and plugging them all over hell (right, Jadee?).
Anyway, the end result is I am down a couple of pants sizes. This meant buying new pants, and I did get a couple new pair, but this morning I was in a hurry and didn't lay my clothes out the night before like I usually do, and grabbed a pair of too-big pants. What the hell, today was not a production day, I figured it would be all right.
Made it through the day and after work went to get some groceries. I got out of the car and put my keys in my pocket like I always do. Got groceries, left the store, and was pushing the cart to my car when I reached down into my pocket for my car keys.
My pants fell down.
Holy balls. Right in front of the Salvation Army bell-ringer with his red kettle, the dude from the store who was rounding up all the stray grocery carts, and unnamed customers who got a full moon when I bent down to hike my pants back up.
And what do you do in a situation like that? You just keep walkin' as quick as you can back to your car once your pants are up. That's about all you can do.
Oh, and throw out the damned big britches when you get home.
I love you. ♥
And congratultions!
(I had that happen with a skirt. =\)
Congrats to the loss! Not the loss of your pants though, lol. That'd be horrible. xD
You weren't commando were you? ;p
Very well done sweetie ;-)
ROTFLMAO!! I wish I could have seen that.
Moral to the story? Loose the weight,loose the pants!
Kudos to you.
Frackin' priceless!
Sitting here watching a movie when I see a mouse crawl into the middle of my rug....and die. What the hell, a dark corner isn't good enough for you? You have to be a drama queen?
Heh, fanceeee mouse!
Probably had an account on VR :-p
I said 'Aaaw - sad' and laughed at the same time.
Oh cursed world! I shake my balled up paw at you and exit with a gleam of satisfaction in my heart!!!
At least you won't have to follow the smell to find it later!
Found this on Facebook.
"What Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Wisconsinites...If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in Wisconsin. If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you live in Wisconsin. If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you live in Wisconsin. If "vacation" means going anywhere south of Milwaukee for the weekend, you live in Wisconsin. If you measure distance in hours, you live in Wisconsin.
If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in Wisconsin. If you have switched from heat to A/C and back again in the same day, you live in Wisconsin. If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in Wisconsin. If you install security lights on your house and garage but leave both unlocked, you live in Wisconsin. If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you live in Wisconsin. If you design your kids' Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you live in Wisconsin. If the speed limit on the highway is 55 and you're going 80 and everyone is passing you, you live in Wisconsin. If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you live in Wisconsin. If you know all four seasons... almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Wisconsin. If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in Wisconsin. If you find 10 degrees "a little chilly", you live in Wisconsin. If you think everyone else has a funny accent, you live in Wisconsin. If you actually understand these jokes, you must be from Wisconsin!
Well I got a giggle from it and I don't even know where Wisconsin is :-p
"If you know all four seasons... almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Wisconsin."
hahah If you know all four seasons, Summer, hellish, Satan's armpit and two weeks of rain, you live in Texas. :)
I work for two brothers, ages 52 and 45. Some days you't think they were 4 and 5 the way they carry on. Today I had the joy of hearing this exchange:
Dude, did you fart? It stinks back here.
I didn't fart. Must have been you. Skunks smell their own hole first.
Yeah? well I bet your shorts have a brown streak a mile wide. You shit your pants for sure.
Smells like a combination of your dirty pants and whatever came out of your ass.
So you are smelling my ass now?
Well yeah. With that huge fart, everyone can smell your ass.
This was going on while I was waiting on customers. They were talking JUST loud enough for me to hear it, and the customers could hear bits of it too. I finally had to go back and shout "Take it outside! People can hear you!"
"Well thank fuck they can't smell, or they would drop over dead," one replied, and they went right back at it again.
Kids. Honestly.
Hee Hee!
And The Fart Goes On...
That's just amazing. lmao
lol, just stand them in the corner!
Working for/with family is a different thing all together. :)
Geez. Do you ever find an old friend on Facebook that you haven't heard from in ages, start chatting with them and you KNOW they're drunk and they start boo-hooing about stuff and telling you things you KNOW they wouldn't do if they were sober?
Holy crap. Uncomfortable and embarrassing.
o.o Oooo ...
Or even worse than that, you talk to them and realize the reasons you stopped being friends with them and let them fall into the acquaintance category.
This one is actually a really nice person who is having marital problems, and spilling your guts over the internet is not always a good thing. I just don't wanna know all the details!
No wonder I rarely visit Facebook...or any other site.
And tomorrow while they're sober;
"So... hey. How's that thrush going? It sounded nasty."
'... How did you know?!'
"Dude. You told me last night."
So the Duggars are expecting baby number 20. That woman's uterus is going to fall right out on the floor one of these days.
I wish that it would fall out. The planet is over-populated enough already!
Sis and I was talking about this last week. Her age puts the child at a risk, the last one had problems and she is ..? two years older now? I think she is risking the life of the child, and her own. Who the hell needs 20 kids? Really?
The last baby is just one year old. She is already being treated for preeclampsia ( I think I spelled that right, it's high blood pressure brought on by pregnancy).
So many comments come to mind but I'll keep them to myself. Given the others who have commented already, I'd probably just be saying what others thought themselves!
What if all 20 of her kids have 20 kids? Help!
Time for a little movie trivia challenge. What real life person said of her character, after seeing the movie that was partially based on her life, "She was a screaming horse's ass!"
Estelle Parsons biotch! lol
Actually it was Blanche Barrow who said it, of Estelle Parson's depiction of her in Bonnie and Clyde. Heh.
Heading into the extremely busy time of year, right through the holidays. We had to hire a second seamstress as our first one just couldn't keep up with the constant stream of repairs coming in. People don't bother to book an appointment for a fitting (young people don't know and older people don't care) so for those walk-in, gotta-have-it-right-now alterations, you get seen to right away....and pay a premium price. And you know, people will pay it.
Everyone needs to have something done right now, because they are "going out of town" or whatever. Some people say it's for a funeral, thinking that would turn the key to making the alteration get done quicker. We've heard every excuse in the book. Guys (yes, guys...girls don't normally do this) walk in the day of the event with their suit and want it altered. In an hour.
The new seamstress is a dream come true for us. Our other seamstress recommended her, so they know each other and work well together. This new lady says she was born and raised here, but she has the thickest Brooklyn accent I have ever heard. She looks and sounds like Valerie Harper, who played Rhoda on the Mary Tyler Moore show. The other day we had a mom bring in her teenage daughter to get a new outfit altered (or "alterated" as the mom put it. Dora (new seamstress) had the girl try on the clothes, then told her to hold still while she pinned them.
The girl was on her cell phone, rocking back and forth and twitching around. Dora told her to stand still. Girl started texting, never mind that the seamstress was trying to pin the sleeves of her jacket! Moving from one leg to the other, rocking back and forth, this kid just wouldn't stand still. After re-pinning for a fourth time Dora had enough, and told the girl "Put that phone down and stand STILL or I will cram it up your ass sideways!"
The mother's mouth dropped open. The kid dropped her phone. I wet myself laughing.
I just realized that from now till our busy season ends, I will have less than two hours a day to myself during the work week. After seven hours sleep, the rest is work....gahhhhhhhhhhh.
I think I LOVE Dora. :D
LMFAO! Unreal. People can be such asses.
"Inbox Spam" (to the tune of "Monster Mash" by Bobby "Boris" Pickett)
I was rating on VR late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
The words "you have messages" from my screen did rise
I checked, and much to my surprise
I saw the spam
I saw the inbox spam
Oh shit! goddam
A ton of inbox spam.
The cutesy message was pretty lame
"I rated you!" it did proclaim.
No shit! you did, and added me too...
I know cos I checked "See who has rated you".
"Add me back!" the spam did beg.
Oh hell no, you pulling my leg?
I don't want people on my list
Who don't have the brains or sense to resist
Sending spam
Sending inbox spam
Oh shit! goddam
There's lots more inbox spam.
Now people, c'mon, stop it,
Sending spam just ain't cool.
WE KNOW you rated and added us,
you silly spamming tool.
So shove that glitter and silly shite,
It's not the way to make friends on this site!
If you want to hang out and chat and rap
Please do, but kindly cut the crap
Of inbox spam!
Love it! :D
LOL that's brilliant!
That's going down in VR history. xD ♥ CM! ♥
Priceless! Love it.
I feel like I should cry for inspiring something so brilliant! I love it!
THIS shit gets you added. You show 'em!
Love it too heh!
Finally got the colors sorted. There are gold metallic threads, plus blended colors...yikes! The saving grace is that the chart is huge, which is nice, because I will be doing some of it at home here after work. The chart is in color, which is even better.
I even got a few stitches in, so this design is well and truly on its way.
02:33 Nov 29 2011
I feel Sorry for the people but that has got to be one of the nastiest shows on tv I cant stand to watch it...
06:44 Nov 29 2011
I'm a hoarder. :/ It took me ages to admit it, but yeah. I have a thing with keeping every scrap of paper with my name on it or anything remotely to do with myself.
My room's a mess, and it's mostly paper that's scattered everywhere.
I dunno. I don't want to go through it because I don't want to throw it out, but I don't want to file it either. I have organisational issues.
I watched a show on Hoaders, and one lady kept every article of food that she had bought in the last few years. Meat, in the fridge... It was enough to make you vomit.
And when the fridge got full, she'd buy another...
It was sobering. I never, ever want to be like that.