Got some blue colored Calci-sand for the crab tank. This is the substrate they require to live in and also snack on. I normally put the regular sand colored stuff in, but I thought it would be fun to see how they liked a little blue sand.
Took all the crabs out, scoured everything, and put the sand in. It's a bright electric blue, and according to the bag, if you shine light on it then turn the light off, it glows in the dark! I got everything back in the tank then added the crabs and set back to watch.
They all sat quietly for a second. Then, out of their shells they peeked to see what this new stuff was. Could they eat it? One little guy put a teeny claw out for a taste. I could see him bring the bit of sand to try, then pretty soon the others followed suit. They toddled around, inspecting the new empty shells I put in, one little crab took a bath, and they all went off for a group snooze in their big house in the corner. They will be more active later on, when it gets dark.
I think they like it.
01:20 Jun 04 2011
Man, I wish my habitat glowed in the dark.
Sort of.
It would give me awesome bragging rights!
13:40 Aug 10 2011
AWWWWW.They sound so cute.I want a little crab friend.
Wonder if mistress will get me one...