And like magic, all the new little crabs found their way to the crab hut last night. They did not have one in the tank at the pet store...they all were in a sort of pile in the middle of the tank. Here, they have a roomy hut and two logs to climb on or sleep under, plus food and water and empty shells to explore, and a couple crab toys....and I heard little chirpy noises from under the hut so I think they are gonna be just fine.
The pet shop was having a sale on hermit crabs, and I just happened to have my crab carrier in the I couldn't resist, I brought home 7 new little guys.
They are so teeny! Four are no bigger than a dime, and so took ages for them to come out of their shells a little and walk in the palm of my hand. The bigger ones were a bit friendlier, and investigated everything right away. A group clumped together in one corner of the tank...crab on top of crab...all jockeying for the very corner spot. Eventually the bottom crab would crawl out and the shuffling for that special spot would begin all over again.
I made sure they all knew where the food and water dishes were, and a couple of them toddled into the crab hut to snuggle down with my other crabs. So far so good...everyone seems to get along fine, and later on when they wake up more, they should be more active.
Lotsa fun with 7 new ones!
That is so kool
I see a gang happing
lol...are you going to train to do tricks and such ?
My big crab, Boris, was very quiet the last couple of days. I picked him up last night and he was still moving, but just a little. I hoped he was not ill, so when I got home from work today I checked on him right away. Lo and behold, he moulted in the crab house..shed his old skin and was curled up inside his shell resting.
I took the old skin's like a ghost of Boris, all in one piece, and I set him in a corner of the crab house where he wouldn't be disturbed. The littler crabs were shooed away for awhile so he could have some peace and quiet, but now I see them toddling back in to snuggle up to their housemate. They won't bother him much, but I didn't want them around him till I got his old outer skin away.
Now, in a day or two, his new skin will harden up, and he will be back to his old self. Probably be looking for a new shell to move into!
Always kool to read about your crabs *wink*
Yah! How adorable!
18:33 Mar 28 2010
22:22 Mar 28 2010
Wow your little guys must know how to throw a wild party.