The closer it gets to a holiday, the wierder people get. Today a priest came in, we'd never seen him before, and he proceeds to tell us that he'd taken a blue silk tie to another cleaners, they couldn't get his stains out and he wanted us to clean it at no charge.
WTF? You don't go to Burger King and say you had a crappy Big Mac the other day, and want your Whopper free, do ya? Course not.
We looked at his tie. The color was gone in the front where he said there was a "stain". There had probably been a stain at some point, but somewhere along the line, someone had put water on it and rubbed it, a deadly combination for silk. Rubbed the color and the finish right off. We told him this and of course he got very indignant and said we didn't know a stain when we saw one.
"You should just close your doors. You're obviously not bright enough to know what you are doing, so just close up and I will tell all my friends that you can't get simple stains out."
Isn't that lovely? He'd been making the rounds all day, trying to find someone to clean his tie for free. Two other cleaners phoned to warn us about him, and since we were swamped with clothes and knew we couldn't make him happy no matter what happened, we just said sorry, we won't clean your tie, it has already been cleaned and nothing will make it better.
He just smirked. "Well, I see you can't do what you are supposed to do, so I will just mention that to everyone I see. Good day."
As he went out the door my boss coughed loudly and said "BULLSHIT" know, like they did in Animal House...and I chimed in with "cough ASSHOLE cough". We were so naughty, but sometimes we just get fed up with the fuckwits and idiots that roll in.
Found this on a profile on another site, I hereby nominate this as Profile of the Week.
"I am 6 ft 4, 215 lbs of haggis eating seriousness, although I am technically 20 percent metal as my entire head is made out of Copper and my balls are in fact a couple of large ball bearings stolen out of a paper cutting machine."
This could be my next ex-husband!
From a profile:
"if yu piss me off yu betere run far cause my rage and anger is reantles."
and, where this person lives: Hustion, Texas.
This is a "collage student." One would hope he learns to spell better before he "gradiates".
I had a memorable birthday. I went into work and boss #2 had announced my birthday on the outside marquee, so all day I had customers coming in wishing me happy b-day. A couple guys even brought things, one guy came with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates (I'm still not going out with you Bob, you big mamma's boy you.)
Boss #2's wife and 3 year old came along at noon with a couple gifts for me, and wife gave the 3 year old the birthday card to give to me. The kid decided SHE wanted the card, and all the cajoling in the world wasn't going to make her turn it loose. "It's not your birthday, it's Patty's birthday, so give her the card!" my boss told her, and the kid started screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANT THE CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD" as only a 3 year old can.
The kid's mother got disgusted with this and went to just take the card away from her, and the kid had a complete meltdown. Snot running out of her nose, hiccuping so hard she was incoherent, and to top it all off, out of nowhere she suddenly got a virulent attack of diarrhea, and the shit went ALL OVER.
I just got out of the way and did my work, because there were clothes and customers to deal with, and I sure as hell wasn't going to help clean up a shitty 3 year old. After she got changed and calmed down she fell asleep (damn, I wish I could fall asleep that fast!) and we all had lunch and cake.
Hey just wait till YOUR birthday. Heh heh.
LOL! Seems like you had a grand ol' time! And I'll say it again - Happy Birthday!!!
Wow now that's going to leave both a stain and a memory! Glad you had a good birthday :)
lol wow, you sure know how to celebrate!! Next birthday I'm bringing your guests depends LOL
Sometimes working on your birthday isnt a bad thing = )
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy belated Birthday!
Yeah I hope you had a special day X
I was reading my boss' daughters' facebook pages. Apparently they are having a hell of a time out in California. "Horseback riding on the beach, shopping, movies, mall food and hot tub", one wrote. Geez. Is it me or does the first part of that sound like an Old Spice commercial?
Gotta LOL or else I will BARF. :P
Since I knew I wasn't going to get anything from anybody else, I went ahead and ordered me something I'd seen on the Food Network. It's a company called Hometown Favorites, they have a website, it is chock full of all the yummy stuff you used to eat as a kid and probably can't find anymore.
They have it broken down into decades, if you were a child of the 70's, 80's, 90's...or farther back if you like. You get a box full of stuff from that decade, along with a sheet telling what happened during that time that you may have forgotten about. Good gracious..they pack a lot of stuff into that box!
It's been great going back down memory lane. There are goodies in here that I totally forgot about....Mary Janes, Clark Bar, Laffy Taffy, Nik-L-Nips, wax lips (!), Sky Bar (never had that), and something you don't get much of around here, a Moon Pie. Oh, there is a lot of stuff in that box, I have only listed a few items. On the website, you can choose what you like, buy one, two or more, and for those who are diabetic or trying to tame a sweet tooth, they have sugar free items.
I think the only thing I am not going to try is the Sen-Sen...ack, licorice is one candy I am not even tempted to try. Bleah!
Nice to take a little trip down memory lane, courtesy of Hometown Favorites. They rock!
Had to come in and read when I saw the Food Network. lol
Moon Pie, Clark Bars are still sold here. I can ship you some. ;)
What a cool idea! I remember a lot of those goodies too! I loved the wax lips and the Moon Pies!
Other than my mom - who usually forgets - I buy gifts for my damn self too - lol!
How fun!
At the rate I am leveling up, I will reach Sire in.....December of 2012. *cries* Dammit! lol
I just finished watching 2012. I enjoy a good disaster movie, and that one kept me riveted. All that water! Yeeks. Every disaster movie I've seen usually has some sequence where a wall of water comes rushing in to destroy everything.THAT is something I hope I never have to face. Being an Aries, fire sign, I am not too keen on large bodies of water!
I don't swim. I do have to drive across a bridge to get to work, and looking down to see the river beneath me gives me the willies. Two years ago, the river rose so high that it flooded the street where I work...the water actually came to within a few feet of the door to my shop and we were going to move all the clothes out. Luckily the water went down.
I hope I am never faced with a water event. You know, death by drowning or something involving water. I think I'd rather be blown up!
Great laugh line in the movie: some guy says "The North Pole is now in Wisconsin" (my state). Yay! Always knew we'd be famous.
Tomorrow, going to watch New Moon...yes I toddled out to buy that today. Bet I was the oldest one to buy it at my store. All I saw were young girls!
I thought 2012 was awesome, it had me freaked out, I wanted to yell at the screen "run faster, run!" lol ...
I'm like you with water...yikes!
I don't swim (should've taken lessons when I had the chance as a kid).
And where I live, tsunamis are a probable threat...
I lover water, being a fish!
It's like seeing an accident an approaching train wreck. You see what is going to happen, you know the outcome isn't going to be any good, but you're powerless to stop it. And it just keeps on coming.
I am NOT a happy bunny right now. And won't be for quite awhile. Late this afternoon, I found out second hand that my boss is leaving today for California (vacation), and not coming back for a week! He never even mentioned it.
This is wonderful. Aside from the fact that I will now have to come in earlier and work later (hmm this will push me up to the 80 hour range next week), my birthday falls next week and he KNEW I wanted off early that night so I could go out to eat with friends. I even had it on the calendar. Now I can't go.
Isn't that lovely? To sneak off and not bother telling me he was going for a week? Not one word till the last minute. Then he got all pissed and said he "figured I knew". Uh, no. I don't count "you know I'm away from tonight till next Thursday, right?" much notice.
Shit. Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I was gonna' ask if his impromptu vacation messed up your B-day uncool!
wanna borrow my stomping boots?
Didn't he do that when you wanted to see your uncle or something, and get off early on a Saturday? Sneak off on a fishing trip?
(i'm not a creepy stalker just have a good memory.^^)
Hes a dick! Oh my gosh. i would've told him to go piss up a rope.
from everything I've read about your boss here- you NEED a new job :( With a boss that treats you humanely.
Someone's kismet:
"In my dreams I'll always see you sore above the sky."
Gee...need a bandaid or some Tylenol up there?
LOL! Another horrid speller...the best one I saw here on VR was a girl who said that she was 'cisilan'
(I figured out that she meant Sicilian), if you can't spell your own ethnic group, you got problems...
They tend to get pissed if you try "help" them with the correct spelling.I mean what's up with that huh.
Haha that's a GREAT typo! Makes it so much more interesting.
I actually like it better with the typo.
it makes it all dark and scary.
Probably some midol :P LOL
I seem to have become the Queen Procrastinator of all time. Stuff I want to do, need to do, and I can't get off my ass and do it. Will someone please kick my butt?
I will give you a good spanking;-)
sorry left my butt kicking boots in my other pants lol
*kicks CM with four-inch red Manolos*
Ill ge ye a good kick up the arse .... You sure !!
I was cruising ebay, looking for decently-priced autographed photos to add to my collection. Being a huge fan of The Tudors, I was looking for signatures from the actors of that series, and I came across one from Henry Cavill...lawsy. That guy is seriously HOT. I know, I know, WAY too young, but still...I got him for my wall now!
I don't have a large number of autographs, just the people who appeal to me for some reason. My pride and joy are 4 autographs of Millvina Dean, the youngest Titanic survivor. She died last year. Other people hanging on my wall are: Pete Best (original member of The Beatles), Slipknot, Gordon Ramsay, Gloria Stuart, Twiggy, Adam West (TV's Batman), Christopher Lee, and Lauren Bacall.
Damn i wonder how much you would pay for a sexy photo? LMAO
Send me one and find out, big boy! :P
Nice collection of photos!
This was just on the 9 pm news. Someone in Portage put up a billboard that says: "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS TEXT WHILE DRIVING IF YOU WANT TO MEET HIM SOONER."
Put down the phone and drive the car.
Some people could really take this tip to heart... Birra.
LOL! thats funny! here in NZ it just got made illegal to drive whilst texting etc, about time i reckon!
Hey, I'm a professional stunt... texter.
LMAO! This is priceless!
I was going to explain about being called a "C" in my last entry, then I hit "enter" and away it went lol...the reason I got called that delicate flower of a word was because a customer came in, had never been to us before, and was quite irate that he couldn't get his suit back in under an hour.
We were trying to explain to him that we were not a one hour cleaners, that we have a 60-pound machine and we won't run it for just one suit, not economically feasible! Then the guy asked for our prices and of course, not being the discount cleaners he was used to, he was not happy with our prices. In times like these, you can't please people, you just wish they would go away quickly and let you get back to your day. After arguing with my boss and calling him the f word, the customer got thrown out, and on his way out the door he turned to me and said "and you're a cunt too!"
Gee, thanks. Hope your dick shrivels to a stack of dimes the next time you want it for nookie.
I think he was an asshole because it's the usual for him...and he has to cope with that shriveled diseased dick of his.
Just be sure that when he comes back for his suit, that it's one size smaller than it used to be! ;)
wanna borrow my stomping boots?
Yea, people like that just make ya proud to be human lol
I do so like the Cunt word...perhaps it's because so many people don't like it. It just has that ring to it.. "You Cunt" lol x
When your day starts out with a customer calling you a can only get better!
WOW that's not very nice!
To bad you can't call them a cunt back:-( you know what brought that on?
I just got this on my profile:
Wow! and I didn't even put out any cheese!
LOL It was not me, I swear. ;)
You are special...not everyone can get ratted.
VW's fibbing it was her!
Tru vampyres dont neeed to chek there spellin gawd!
Ratted by a pigeon? I'll call a lawyer...
Oh my...maybe being 'ratted' means that they left a few rat droppings for you. That sucks.
Well now I'm just plain jealous....
Been having a laugh most of the day following the announcements on the website of our local TV station. It started out with "Follow the Oscar's tonight on channel 3".
People immediately commented "why the apostrophe? OSCARS!!!!!"
Then someone wrote "Oh that is to funny to spell it that way." You guessed it...the next person commented that the correct spelling was "too" and not "to".
Each sucessive post had a misspelling or some grammatical error, and each error had a rude comment suggesting the previous person did not attend english class! It was getting so off topic, no one noticed that the original error, Oscar's, was finally corrected to Oscars.
Way to go, guys!
My giggle for the day: I had been trying to find this song I'd heard on the radio, and while I was in Shopko I had a brainwave....hum a little of it for the guys in the music department and see if they knew what it was.
So I asked this guy, who couldn't have been more than 24, if he knew the song I was humming. He listened, then his eyes got real big. "That's Rob Zombie's WHAT," he told me, and got me the cd. After I'd paid for it and was walking away, he said to the other clerk,"Dude! She's into Zombie, and she's old enough to be my mom!"
I was reading Dear Abby the other day, the whole column was about good manners. Apparently some man had tried to open a door for a woman who didn't exactly appreciate it. In fact, she told him off lol.
My two cents on that? As a woman, I have had men practially break their necks to open a door for me, once almost tripping me in order to do it, and one stepped on the back of my foot, scraping it right down, which was enough to make me scream. If I am not encumbered with bags or something, which I usually am not, I can get through a door just fine all by myself. But, it's always nice to ASK first, "may I help you" or something like that. Of course you can help me!
One time I will never forget. I had bought an antique drum table after looking at it in a shop for some time, I thought it would go perfectly in my front room, so a friend with a truck toted me to the store and helped me get it home. We carefully took it into the lobby of my apartment building and pressed the button for the elevator.
As the car came down, a man appeared round the corner, saw the table and made a beeline for it. I thought he was going to say "wow! what a great table" or something. Instead he said "I'll get that" and grabbed the table around the decorative edging.
You guessed it. The edging broke in the two places he had grabbed it. I screamed bloody murder and my friend shouted, which caused the man to drop the table....right on another edging which broke off. I was SOOO PISSED. This man just broke my table!
The police were called and I filed a claim with my insurance. The guy never even apologized! He just kept saying "I was trying to get it into the elevator." WHY the hell would you just grab something that is not yours, you don't know the owner or what they even wanted to do with it?
I eventually got the table fixed and I still have it. The damage is still a bit visible, you'd never know it if you didn't know what it was like before, but I know what it was like and it still pisses me off when I remember that asshole just grabbing my table. He moved out not long after that, probably because every time I saw him I'd scream "asshole" at him lol.
The upshot: ASK first before you do anything like that. Saves a lot of trouble.
But when we ask, ... we're always wrong. lol
You betcherass. Heh.
I open doors for people, people open doors for me. I don't really process the importance of a man opening a door for me, just someone helping out.
I'm always checking over my shoulder when I go through public doorways like that. I find it rude and thoughtless when someone just walks in and doesn't pause to see if they can help someone else out.
That being said, I often find people rude and thoughtless because it is a synonym for "New Yorker".
Opening doors is nice...grabbing an antique like an uncouth behemoth is not.
Right! As a man I open doors because of the way I was brought up. I was brought up to be a gentleman *coughs*
What really ticks me is when I open a door and the woman doesn't say thanks or expects me to open doors.
However I will always ask if someone wants help with something because it is rude to presume!
My boss' daughter will be four soon, and she is still in diapers. What the hell? That is just wrong. Is it so hard to toilet train a kid? I mean, if a child is sophisticated enough to say to someone, "I like the design in your blouse" (as she did to me recently) then it shouldn't be that difficult to get her to understand the concept of going potty in a toilet and not a diaper?
Any parents want to chime in on this and leave some hints? I will pass them on to my boss; he is desperate!
I'm not a parent but in this case I really think it's his fault. Of course I don't know the whole situation.
I am a parent of a three year old. I am having no luck potty training her. She has no interest in it at all. I have asked our family doctor and she told me that when she is ready she will be ready. But it is so frustrating.
She will go potty in the potty every once in a while, but when you ask her if she has to go potty, she will say no. It is a very frustrating ordeal.
Wow...I laughed, then felt guilty. Four is pretty old to still be wearing diapers, but hopefully, she'll just start to go to the potty on her own soon.
My braniac nephew didn't really use the potty until he was a lil' over 3 years old. He walked months later...even though he knew how. He just liked to be carried around everywhere so he could be of an adult height to see everything, I guess.
wow, the only thing I could think of was lazzzzzzzzzzzy. My advice, try the approach that it is a game. and the end result will be no more diapers.
I also thought lazy as well..
I have 2 little beasts and we rewarded them when they used the potty and toilet, it worked for us and them.
However every child is different and it will come in time, probably when she starts pre-school.
I have tried the rewards program, stickers, cookies, big girl pants (she even picked them out), but to no avail. Any other ideas?
My gaughter isn't even two yet(end of may she will be) and she is in training pants, one day she made a big fuss about me putting a dipper on her and kept taking it off..I took that as a sign that she was ready to be a big worked
well i found that during the summeris always the best way to potty train I had my son done in a weekend when he was 2 1/2 just kept showing him where the toilet was and then when it was timeto change himI told him no more diapers... put himin a pair of underroos about 3 hours later i hear "I did it mommy I did it" and yup h sure did and so i rewarded him witha prize and thats whats that lol
Just heard this gem on Two and a Half Men: 'Having a hoochie is like having a classic car...lots of maintenance and once a month you gotta put down the oil pan."
Yeah I just saw that
That was too funny!!!
Lmao, That is hilarious.
*dies laughing*
Okay I have to ask...what's a hoochie ?
Hoochie: slang for a certain part of a woman.
LMFAO that is tooooo funny. I missed that one.
03:20 Mar 31 2010
That's crazy
13:34 Jun 16 2010
And the bloke was a priest...I would have said 'Just as your God is unable to deliver, so are we'
Then I would have thrown him out of the shop, what a twat.