I'm hoping someone in the UK can help me with this dilemma. This has been something I've been agonising with for awhile now, and if I don't put an end to it, it will haunt me forever. So here goes.
A couple of years ago, I befriended a young guy that I met online in a yahoo chatroom. (Just friendship mind you, we mostly discussed movies and life in the UK.) Anyway, we chatted regularly for some time, then all of a sudden he left me a cryptic message...."I have to go do something." And with that he dropped off the radar for approximately two months.
Just when I was thinking "oh well, that's how it goes with people online, they wander off and never come back"..he popped up again with a totally different ID. He told me this story about having been out one night in a certain are of Leeds (he lives in Thirsk in Yorkshire) and was at a traffic light when a car rolled up on him and he was shot several times.
He said he was in hospital for awhile but was now recovering and getting back to normal. I was of course very concerned and asked him what about the person or persons who shot him. He said "They are no longer breathing." This stunned me, he wouldn't say anymore about it, only that it had been two people who had been "taken care of."
I kind of snooped around and I did find that there had been some sort of shooting on the night he was shot. He told me the name of the area and the time this happened. I was really bothered by this, and I asked a couple of people what they would do about it. One said never mind, it is probably all made up...the other said tell the police.
Now, this person had been on here for awhile, his ID is now gone so I imagine he dropped out awhile ago. On the off chance that there was indeed a murder or murders in Leeds that night, what would be the thing to do? It may well be some wild story..but on the off chance that it isn't..and the police are still looking to solve this, well, it bothers me.
Ok, UK people, what to do? Forget it, turn it over to someone? This is really bothering me. Perhaps someone on here knew him, he was on here long enough to rise to Caitiff and I think he was even inducted into a coven. But I really can't recall that far back.
Suggestions, help, advice please!
VR, are you ready for this? I mean really ready? I FINALLY GOT A SATURDAY OFF!!
Yes, people, YES. And what I went through to get it, you would not believe. The day off was dangled in front of me on Tuesday, which was my birthday. Knowing only too well how these days off can be snatched away at a moments' notice, I didn't take that announcement seriously at all. And with good reason.
Late in the afternoon, this guy comes in. Customer. Nice guy. Single. It became apparent that he and my bosses were in cahoots, as when he came in he started acting extremely weird and my bosses left quickly. THE GUY ASKED ME OUT. I nearly fell over. He had tried this before, about a year ago, and I told him no, for several reasons. Apparently he and my bosses thought it would be ok to try it again.
My bosses came back and said I could have Saturday off....AS LONG AS I ACCEPTED THE DATE WITH THE GUY. What the hell? NO. NO. NO.
My off time is MINE, and I do what I want with it, not what you want me to do. I said I would rather turn down the date and wait for a day off when I could do what I wanted. And that pissed them off. They thought they were going to set me up for some sort of romantic outing.
I really believe I am past all that. It holds absolutely no interest for me whatsoever. All my interests and hobbies are solitary ones. What little off time I do have is very precious, and I enjoy just being alone, curling up with a book or watching a movie. With barely one day off per week, after getting the housework/grocery shopping/bill paying/assorted bullshit things done, there isn't a lot of time left for me. And I hoard it dearly.
Friday came and my bosses asked me again if I was going out with that guy. I said NO. They grudgingly said I could have this day off..."but don't look for another one right away."
Pfft. I felt like I won that round. And I have hugely enjoyed my day off. Regardless of the fact that a massive winter storm is bearing down and will probably make a huge mess here tomorrow..today is MINE.
So there. lol.
Your bosses are jerks. Good grief! To say you can only have the day off if you take a date with their friend? Bah!
Hi5 for the day off though! Hope it was better than mine. Lmao. Well I hope you made the most of your free Saturday. You certainly deserved it!
*Falls over*.
I was just doing some profile rating and I got to wondering. If you see something on a profile that is totally against TOS, what do you do? I have messaged some newbies about their little boo-boos and they have corrected themselves, but sometimes I see things on profiles of long time members that aren't kosher.
Normally I don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong, so I was wondering, do you leave it alone and hopefully a Sentoran will spot it? Message the member? or just move along?
Just wondering.
never hurts to put a bug in someones ear :)
*leans her ear in*
Wait a second... did KK just say to put a bug in my ear?
Don't you even THINK of doing that.
But a hint would not hurt.
You could always send the name to a sentoran. That's what I was told to do. Mh-hm.
I always report it to a Senotran lol.
I wonder if anyone keeps a list of who does the most reporting.
Report it to a Sentoran. That way you've done the "right" thing and more than likely would have saved that member from more severe actions. Site Admins have a ton to do and without the help of the membership wouldn't be able to fix, correct, update etc as much as they have simply because there isn't time to go through every single profile multiple times. If you have a few members that don't know the rules and they see a profile doing something that violates TOS those other folks may think it's ok to do the same thing thus making the problem worse.
Woot! I leveled up. I am now a Firebrand, level 22! Finally!
Congrats! You notice that the higher you level up, the harder it is to get to the next level?
Oh yeah. And with my dial up, it's a loooong loooong time between levels! I will probably never get to Sire, but that's fine.
Drat! I've been at 83% of Necromancer for weeks. Sirenity evades me.
It's my birthday, and I'll cry if I want to..lol. Actually nothing to cry about, it was a very good day! Of course I had to work, that was a given. My bosses surprised the crap out of me at lunch by producing a huge chocolate cake with my name on it..and candles and balloons and even presents! I was blown away.
To add to my enjoyment I got Season 2 of "The F Word" in the mail...I ADORE Gordon Ramsay and am going to pop the first disc in momentarily. That was so nice, I had a really nice day.
Not a bad way to start out the next decade!
Well, Happy Birthday :D
It's your birthday? Happy birthday!
Wow, sounds like a great day, that's awesome. I'm glad you had a good birthday. Everyone deserves a good birthday. especially you.
well HAPPY YOU DAY baby !!!!!
Happy Birthday doll!!
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY....*big squishy hugs*...you kept that quiet lol
This is beyond sad. This is just depressing.
Back in January, I had asked for this Saturday off because my uncle, whom I had not seen since my mother's death 12 years ago, was passing through this way and wanted to catch up with me. He is my only uncle and I am rather fond of him. He is due in tomorrow evening, and I wanted Saturday off so I could spend some time with him, maybe go to lunch and dinner.
I had reminded my boss of this on a regular basis. I had also hoped to be allowed to leave a little early tomorrow night, maybe 10 or 15 minutes, so I could run home and change and go out to dinner when my uncle got in.
Today my boss was acting rather peculiar, avoiding me, and he ducked out right after lunch and never came back. I finally asked his brother, my other boss, where he had gone to. "Fishing trip," I was told. "He'll be back Monday."
I stood there with my mouth open. "But I asked for Saturday off! I asked for it off in JANUARY so I would be sure to have that day off!" I wailed, not even wanting to mention the hope of getting out early Friday night. "You can still go out to dinner with your uncle Saturday night," boss 2 said nonchalantly.
Yeah. Great. My once in a blue moon relative visit, and now I have to cut it short. I won't get out of work Saturday till almost dinnertime because, with the one boss gone, I will have to close both stores. (Boss 2 will be gone also.)
This would have been my first Saturday off since January, and now it's gone.
Geez. Does anyone know of a place that wants a reliable hard worker, that will give me a Saturday off now and then? I am thinking of moving. This is getting REALLY old. Poop.
Talk about needing to find another job. That is simply rude. I am so very sorry.
That is getting really old. That is one seriously old pisser.
If I were you I'd tell him to pack his bags, because I got him a one-way ticket for a guilt-trip. I'd tell him I already "made up" that jury duty time the week before, when he left for a couple minutes and didn't come back till closing because he "forgot." I'd let him know that perhaps he's not the only person on the face of the planet that likes to have a Saturday off, and that other people have lives too. Jeez. Just because he's "the boss" doesn't mean he gets to treat you like crap and just use you to do what he doesn't want to. I'd demand a contract, I'd do some research and mention a few laws. That's what I've got tucked away in my pocket, my boss doesn't like to give breaks, or even meal breaks. Your boss pisses me off though. Selfish jerkwad. Other bosses take trips all the time too, but they also hire other workers and don't just dump all the crap they possibly can on just one. Next time you ask for a day off, demand to have it in writing, and signed. Jeez.
Okay, my rant in response to your rant is done. Be firm with him. Huge.
Hugs. **
Way to end the rant. With a giant glaring typo. Lmao.
You need to take a stand.
Id spit in his coffee and slap him in the face with a dirty gym sock. Fucking Bastards.
*hugs CM*
Caption under a photo in the sports section of our local paper:
"Travis W. was forced to miss the first two track team practices this season. He recently suffered a strained right thing."
Damn, I hope his left thing is all right.
lmfao !!!!
Oh man--I strained my thing once. I think. If females have things.
I'm bluffing. I don't really know what a thing is. Do you still like me?
Oh, I sure do.
They meant "thigh". I sent them an email and applied for a job as their proofreader!
I have the sexiest pout this side of Angelina Jolie...thanks to the salsa I just ate. Every time I eat this salsa, it swells my lips up to movie star proportions..and they stay that way for hours! I must be sensitive to some element in the salsa, probably the peppers. But I do love it..so I must suffer a bit when I feast, lol.
Now my mouth is watering. Salsa is amazing. Especially with sour cream and cheese, over something grilled and crispy.
That is not helping the whole mouth-watering situation.
Salsa with Guacamole...mmmmm yum!
take pics!!! woot!!!
Weird. I just got a message from someone on here that I'd never heard of. So I go to check the profile and it says there is no such user. But under the "Profiles" section this person is listed, they have a quote and everything. You click on that and it says "no such user." How come they can send messages then?
Perhaps they deleted after they sent it.
That's happened to me. It's weird. . . .
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight folks.
I posted this in my House forum, but I'm gonna say it here too because..well, I'm still pissed off about it.
I have worked the past 7 Saturdays in a row. This Saturday was supposed to be my day off. But because I had jury duty this week, I have to work tomorrow to "make up" the time I lost.
...to my previous post. Upon closer inspection, I have discovered that I have attained the Mark of my House's Master Vampire...never expected that! Been just gathering favor and trying to be good, like a good little worker bee. Wow!
Thanks, DB. :)
Congrats !
You deserve it! ♥
I just looked over at the User Menu..and realized that my status got updated when I logged in just now. Holy cow, I went up a level to Viper!
This gets the weekend off to a good start!
I was listening to our local demented radio station on the way out today. They were trying to come up with euphemisms for the word "penis". The one that made me pee myself and almost drive into a ditch...."whistling kitty chaser."
"The one that made me pee myself"? You actually peed yourself? It was that funny? Oh my!
Oh yeah...weird radio station banter plus confined space plus weak bladder equals...small accident! LMAO.
Today for lunch I made a nice cake for us to share at dessert time. It was a chocolate cake with vanilla cream frosting. I even put some chocolate sprinkles on it to make it look festive.
I took it to work and put it up on a shelf in the kitchen, so my snoopy bosses wouldn't find it ahead of time and devour it. Towards lunch time, my boss' wife and two year old daughter drop in. Great, I think, they can have some cake too.
My boss' parents show up. We all decide to get some Kentucky Fried Chicken. As my boss goes to get it, I hear voices from the kitchen: "Do you want cake? Let me cut you some cake." I go get my boss before he can leave and tell him there is cake in the kitchen, but that people are getting into it beforehand. He doesn't want anyone to eat more than their share of cake! So he goes into the kitchen, and all of a sudden I hear CRASH **SPLAT** and the baby wailing, people yelling, and general chaos.
My boss is shouting at his parents. "What the hell? I turn my back for a second and my child is nearly killed and there is cake all over the floor!"
"The baby wanted cake," his mother said defensively.. "She saw the cake, she wanted it, and I was getting her some. It fell."
"She did NOT see that cake," my boss said, observing his daughter covered in frosting while his wife was cleaning her off. "YOU TWO got the cake down and were going to give her some even though I have TOLD YOU NOT TO GIVE HER SWEETS!"
"The baby wanted cake," my boss' mom kept repeating. My lovely cake was smashed to pieces on the floor, and we all were trying to clean it up.
Finally my boss had enough, "MOM!" he yelled. "You wrecked the cake. It's gone now. YOU DO NOT GIVE MY DAUGHTER STUFF LIKE THAT. You hear me? We were going to have cake for dessert. NOT BEFORE. You need to LEAVE STUFF ALONE."
His mom kept saying "The baby wanted cake." Finally my boss took his parents and led them out of the kitchen. He was REALLY mad. "Go to the bakery," he told them, "and buy a cake. A nice one. Chocolate."
Off they went. We got our lunch, but his folks never came back. Eventually they came back, about four hours later....after we were calling every place, including the hospitals, to see where they might be. Turns out they knew someone in another town who owned a bakery, and went there to get the cake, instead of just going to the bakery down the street. We didn't get the cake till almost closing time!
Damn, next time I will just bring cookies.
Oh she sounds like someone I'd get along with.
"The baby wanted cake. The baby wanted cake. The baby wanted cake."
Once you've established something--move on! Good grief. . . .
Sorry about your cake! I'm sure it was lovely. Too good to be eaten. Haha.
What i want to know is did anyone apologize to you for ruining the cake and breaking the cake plate or even offer to reimburse you for it? better yet why was he saying when and who would eat it ,it wasn't his and he didn't make it.
Waste of a good cake is a hanging offence where I come from.
I was watching Dracula, Prince of Darkness this afternoon. One of my favorite Hammer Horror films. I must have seen it dozens of times. I have the DVD with the audio commentary by the main actors, so I was watching that.
I saw something that I'd never noticed before, and apparently the actors didn't see it either. Towards the end, when the Priest and Charles jump into the wagon that was carrying the two coffins..one for Dracula and another for his "guest"..they put silver crosses in there, to prevent the vampire from getting back in.
But then, awhile later, the wagon tips over and dumps one of the coffins down the side of the river and onto the frozen moat. Lo and behold Dracula is in that coffin! I sat there and looked. Wonder what happened, did he get someone to take the crucifix out?
Anyone else out there who has seen this movie, feel free to jump in with a theory.
I drank that coke WAY too late in the evening. Now I can't get to sleep. I did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, took the trash out, cleaned my bedroom, and I'm still wired. Maybe I should do the ironing now.
Grr. You'd think I'd know better.
Oh, oh--I know! You could come to my house! We can drink soda and clean all night!
It's so much more fun with someone else. And at night. Ooohh.