There is a muscial group called Ted Bundy's Volkswagen.
A milk truck crashed and spilled its load near here this afternoon. This tidbit of news was posted on the website of our local news channel. Some people couldn't resist posting comments like "got cookies?" and "where are cats when you need them?"
Dealing with a drunk first thing in the morning is not my idea of a happy way to start the day. This guy comes roaring in (you know you HAVE to talk louder when you've had a few) and announces "You better not fuck my order up like you did the last time, or I will send my boys around to straighten you out!" Then he stood there and laughed, weaving back and forth trying to stand still.
I was in no mood to be messed with. "You realize what you just said constitutes a threat, and you can be arrested for that?" I told him.
He just laughed. "You go ahead, you got no proof of anything."
I pointed to the camera in the corner. "You see that? That's my proof. Now you either speak decently without the profanity or you can just leave right now."
"I WANT MY FUCKING CLOTHES! YOU BETTER NOT FUCK WITH MY CLOTHES!" he screamed, and fell over into the table in the call office.
That was enough. One 911 call later (the police were right across the street finishing their breakfast, so all they had to do was walk out the door and over to our shop...neat!) and the guy was hauled out charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. His car was parked outside and I think they were going to get him for OWI as well.
The rest of the day was uneventful. I finally caved and bought Season 1 and 2 of True Blood, and I'm going to put that on later. I'm not much for modern vampires...I much prefer mine to be set in Victorian Gothic times, or sometime in the long ago past. But I've heard good things about this show, so I'll see how I like it. If not...anyone want to buy those two series? lol
Steamy, hot and humid here....time to take the shoes and socks off, put the feet up and relax for the rest of the weekend.
Y'all have a good one.
I have had people coming in all the time with booze on their breath to pay for their cable bill. Some of them are just pain in the ass. Most of them come in and lean over forward over the counter so I have to smell there breath. ewwww. I am glad you called 911, And you didn't fuck his order up , he did.
Hope you're loving True Blood!
Strange..I woke up last night for no apparent reason, in the middle of the night...grumpily got up to go get a drink of water and came back to window was open and the shade was pulled back, and I see my bed was flooded by light.
There was a big moon shining in my window. Wonder if that woke me up? It was nice to lay back down and fall asleep in the moon bath. Maybe again tonight.
I seem to always have trouble sleeping on a full moon. :) And it also hits my own bed, window at my feet.
But a new moon- out like a light, early.
As I sloooooooooowly climb the ladder to Sire, it's amazing who looks at my profile and reads my journal now. People I never would have had the stones to talk to when I first joined here, are now on my friends list and talk to me.
A-frickin-mazing. In a good way!
darn...I keep forgetting to cut on my cloaking device before looking
Ha ha..I knows when you're there Jay!
Haha, so there's hope for this 'newborn'?
Saw this on Failbook and wondered what my UK friends thought?
"According to Facebook, many people who like tea also like Cheryl Cole's ass. I have no idea who Cheryl Cole is or what her ass has to do with tea."
Bloodlife, Sinora, Theban...I'd like to hear your opinions on this...I personally have seen Cheryl's ass (not in person mind you, just pics in HELLO! lol) and I love tea...but I think I'll take the cuppa.
God is wornderful the way he wired our brain with the same pleasure receptors for drinking tea and Cheryl Cole's ass.
Cheryl Cole is a famous singer in the Uk and very very pretty. She does have a nice looking arse and figure. If it was a choice between her and tea....with the millions she has I would have to take her and leave the cuppa, or have both ^^
I also have no idea what her arse has to do with tea!
Next time I have a cuppa I'll google her ass and let ya know what happens :)
ass n tea?
now how are they related??
It's been so hot at work, and I mean steamy..between 120 and 125 degrees during the day. Plus humidity because it never seems to stop raining. I am THIS CLOSE to getting a real short haircut. It's chin length now and driving me nuts. If I pull it back in a ponytail, hunks of it hang out. Yeck. I just want to be comfortable. Trying to find a pic of a decent short haircut that I can take to they stylist. Maybe Justin Bieber's style?
Billy: That's what happens when you treat your vagina like a clown car.
Dies laughing
I laughed so hard I startled my son... in the other room!
Outside my window, 3:46 a.m. Female voice, very intoxicated.
"MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE..dammit where are the fuckin' car keys?"
Male voice, close by. "What the fuck?"
"Tessa you dumbass, we're home, we're not at the bar."
"What the fuck?"
Assorted banging and thumping noises follow.
"MIIIIIIIIKE.....where the fuck are my house keys?"
"Tessa you dumbass, the fuckin' door is OPEN. GET YOUR ASS INSIDE!"
Door slams. Quiet prevails once more.
That one is actually funny enough not to bother calling the cops on them. lol Though the next time you see her you just got to ask her if she ever found those lost keys!
Good lord,,, she drove? *shakes head* Sad.
wow that's a sign that someone has drank waaaaaaaay too much. lol if I lived in your neighborhood I would start yelling random things at them to get them all confused.
Sounds like what I used to be like at 0346am in the morning..on a work day ^^
definitely an Office Christmas Party Joke....
; )
A lady came into the shop today who looked familiar...lo and behold it was one of my old high school friends who was back in town to visit her parents. We started reminiscing and she said "Remember the monkey suit?"
Boy howdy, do I. She got her license as soon as she turned 16, and her dad got her an old beater car to run around in. It was a ferocious lemon yellow with a rag top, and we both thought it was just the bomb. During the last weeks of school we were both quite sad since I was leaving to join the Army and would be away for quite awhile. We decided to have a little fun.
We pooled our pennies and went to this costume rental place and got this gorilla suit and a big old chain. She put the top down on her car and I got into the monkey suit, got the chain around my neck and she held the other end like it was a leash. We rode around town and whenever we passed anyone who was walking I would go into full tilt gorilla mode, bouncing around grunting "OOgah! OOgah!" and she would yank the chain. People fell down laughing.
This gave us another idea. She stopped at a small market, left me in the car and came back with....bananas. (You should have seen the looks on people's faces seeing a gorilla in the front seat of a car). She handed me the bananas and we took off again, this time with me in the back seat, waving bananas and occasionally eating them. I tell you, we laughed so hard we nearly had an accident.
It was damn hot in that monkey suit too. When I finally took it off I was sopping wet. But it was a good laugh. We pulled into her driveway at one point and her dad was standing with his back to us. I stood up in the front seat and shouted "OOOGAH!!! OOGAHH!" and her dad turned around, took one look and screamed bloody murder. I don't think he ever quite forgave me for that one.
Fun times. Great memories.
LOL too cute
lol ok so what did you do to top it this time?I know you had to have done something.
And I thought that I did some crazy stunts in high school...
Great, well done you. I would of loved to of been there.
oh, for a Youtube of that one...heh.
Bleah. I am rarely sick, so when I am, I go all out. The heat at work finally caught up with me, this morning I got bad stomach cramps and my whole insides turned to water. Thought I was going to pass right out.
Boss had to drive me home as I couldn't even manage to do that. I called my doctor and he squeezed me in, thank goodness I didn't have to wait too long. I need to drink more fluids and take things slower. After I came home I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up to the room all dark and a raging thunderstorm outside and for a minute I didn't know what the hell was going on!
Called the boss and he graciously said I could sleep late tomorrow and only come in for the last 3 hours. Next week is supposed to be really bad in terms of heat and humidity, and he and the other boss are scheming with each other to get more time off to go fishing. Which means I will just have to get through the summer some way or other, till it cools off some.
Bleah. I hate being sick.
I feel your pain. Yesterday was lost to me... I hope you feel better.
That sucks :( take care and feel better
My ex was like you; he rarely got sick, but when he did...guess who was the nursemaid.
Anyway, I wish you well - get better ASAP!
*Hugs*....know how ya feel, hope you get better soon hon.
My poor love- I hope you feel better- now you know why I am so much happier up here in the great northwest.
Hope you feel better and taking it easy like the Dr. said. Hang in there. :)
I have to admit fishing or work? Fishing would win hands down, so I can understand. Hope you feel better now for the sake of the crabs!
Friends on our friend list that we actually speak to and like? Journals on our favorite journal list that we actually read and enjoy?
What a concept! I'm for it. I enjoy this site very much, getting to Sire isn't a burning ambition of mine so the streak to the top isn't something that occupies a lot of my time here. I like getting to know the people, reading their journals, doing my bit to help my House out, and occasionally putting my wierd life stuff in my journal.
If I drop down in levels for removing people I don't know, who don't know me, whose journals I don't read and I know don't read what?
Life goes on.
See- that is the idea I like. :)
Hence I rarely ever respond to the weekly, random "I added you, please return the favor" with anything more than a "Thanks."
You added me? So what? We've never spoke before. Maybe you should have initiated a conversation before you decided to add me?
Yeah well I'm getting round to reading it, I was away for a few months you know. You C... lol x
Oh and I'm not finished, I think I have last month and some of this month to disect! Then I'll move onto the other journals I haven't read yet!
*nodding* Like I said- it is called a FRIENDS list for a reason. I never respond to stamps that say add me, rate me etc. and I mostly ignore the pms telling me they added me, could I Please add them. However when I do respond, it is usually with the following:
"I appreciate the offer, but I only put people on my friends list that I am actually friends WITH. If you would like to have a conversation, get to know each other, we will see. And the only journals on my favorite list are ones I actually read regularly."
Most of the time, that is the last I hear from them. However, having said that, I have actually made some new friends after having done so.
*Nods head*
The VR rat race got annoying REALLY fast. No rush. Quality, not quantity! :P
Yup - what everybody else said.
I was never a ' friend collectior' - ain't startin' now.
I've been single so long, the last guy I dated came over on the Mayflower.
*rim shot*
I'm right there with ya *sighs*.
Well men where you are,are just blind,gay or just plain dumb.
*wisssshhhh* And she scores!! lol :)
I think my last one made fire by rubbing sticks together.
The last guy I went on a date with was really dumb...which is why he was probably the last one.
(About 1.5 years ago).
I have no patience to try again ...not now, anyway.
Girls, if only I was a bigamist ^^
Just wondering....I see a lot of names on my friends list that are different/strange. Obviously someone either changed their user name or gave their profile to someone else who changed it.
What is the etiquette with this? Do you message them and ask them who they are if you don't know? Or just leave them on your friends list? I'm of two minds about this. There are some on my list that I'm sure are other profiles for people who are shit stirrers on here. Boot them off? Leave them on?
It's the heat. My mind's all fuzzy.
I delete them...most say..under new ownership...please be patient.If they couldn't tell you they were leaving,changing it or giving it away...why keep them on there?
I occasionally go through my list, and if I haven't talked or seen them in 6 months, I delete them- not that I want to upset anyone, but if you are a friend, on my list, I want to be able to talk to you often.
However, being on THEIR list is a whole other story- something I'm not particularly fond of either- people I have never met and never intend to talk to have me on their list just to level up- I refuse to be that way- if you're on my list, it's because I want you there, not because it will earn me anything- same goes for my journal list.
I rarely check that list. Just leave it, if they want off or not it's not a biggie!
I haven't given it a thought!
What is it about Russell Brand? Everyone I talk to about him has quite a strong opinion...all the Brit men think he's awful and the Brit women think he's just a hairy beast! He's supposed to be quite good in Get Him To The Greek, and he was on a Monty Python documentary I saw and he was very well spoken, a little silly, but hey!
I think I need to find out more.
Early last year, I had been hearing a lot about him, but had never really seen any of his comedy, I had seen him in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" which did little to improve my opinion of him...
After I saw quite a few clips of his stand-up act though, I felt that he was very eccentric and witty, and emulated many of the neurotic and crazy types of thoughts I seem to have all the time myself.
I really like him, but I think it is in his stand-up comedy that he shines.
But still, each to their own...
I'm American and I can't stand him.
He isn't funny,he isn't a good actor and I don't know why people think he is.
Just my opinion.
I saw him on Jay Leno a week or two ago; he was funny, in a wierd quirky kind of way.
(I don't like bony-assed guys in tight pants though...)
I saw him live doing stand up which is what he does best.
All I know is that he is married to Katy Perry and her I like :)
I'm a Brit and I think the bloke is a skinny twat!
He isn't funny and after the "Sachsgate" scandle it just proved my point!
If you have a weak stomach, turn back now. Run like hell!
Still there? Ok, this is how my day went.
130 degrees in steam and heat and stress is not a fun way to spend a Friday. The humidity was so high, rain threatening all day long but doing nothing. We were trying to really hump it and get everything done early so we could turn the equipment off and cool down a bit.
The college calls. "Can you come right over and pick up the dorm linen?"
You kidding? We went through this a couple years ago. You do NOT phone up at the last minute on a Friday and demand service. This type of thing requires a contract, you tell us what you need done, we bid on it, you accept the bid and we draw up a contract which you sign. To just go and order something done is not the way we do things.
But, the woman was so insistant, it was just one dorm, everything was all in bags and all we had to do was pick it up, load it in the van, clean it and get it back next week. Easy peasy. Right?
We get all the regular cleaning done and then me and my boss drive over to the college campus and go to the main dorm, the common room where the linens are supposed to be waiting for us. I go in first.
Holy shit. It looked like Animal House in there. I mean LITERALLY shit everywhere, some solid, some not...the stench of urine was overwhelming. My eyes started to water. Behind me, my boss says "Is that....vomit?"
"I woudn't be at all surprised," I said. Food all over the place, sheets, pillowcases, other bed linens scattered to hell and looked like what I imagined the trenches in WW2 would be like. Muddy, bloody, crap all over, nasty...the only thing missing was dead bodies. Oh wait, we did see a dead mouse.
We turned around and were leaving when I said "you know, you ought to take some photos as evidence, you might need them later. I bet that lady doesn't know about this." My boss snapped off some pics and emailed them back to the woman, who promptly phoned us in astonishment. She didn't know what had happened in that common room.
Oh sure. The students get ready to leave, they have one last giant party and everything goes ass over tip! That's what happened. But we're not cleaning that. Not without hazmat suits, shots, and gas masks.
Phew. I've been home two hours and I still can't get that smell out of my nose. Thank pete tomorrow is a non processing day, I can just sit and check in clothes for Monday.
I need booze.
get a small jar of noxema and next time you go there put a little bit of it in each nostral. This will help cut the smell. I use to get sick changing baby dipers on my son. My aunt told me about that trick.
OMG that is flaming disgusting!!!!!!!! I would have said get stuffed do it yourself.
I am glad that you told your boss to take photos....they would have come in very handy.
Yuck is gross!
I thought that the call to you was a college prank...apparently not.
Yum...thinking of booze of course!
A guy came into the shop today, looking for a job. We get a lot of people who are looking. He had a paper for us to fill out, something to show that he is out looking. I had to put my name, job title, and what our employment status was.
I kind of glanced up the list to see where else he had been. There were a lot of places in the neighborhood, and get almost all of them, the person who filled out his paper had the job title of "MANGER."
A crib? Really? That's your job title? Oh, excuse me, you meant MANAGER. There's another A in that word, and yes, it does matter how you spell it. I was just astounded to see how many people spelled it wrong. It reminded me of a place I used to work at years ago. The company were too cheap to give us name tags, so we went out and bought our own. My supervisor got hold of a label maker, and put "MANGER" under her name.
One wiseass saw that and said, "So, what do you sing at Christmastime....."Away in a Manager?" She just looked at him. He pointed to her tag. "You spelled manager wrong," he told her helpfully. She said "No, it's right. That's how you spell it." "That may be how YOU spell it, but it's not right, and you are looking quite foolish with that on your name tag," he lectured.
After a couple days of people telling her this, she finally took the label maker and put the correct spelling on. She asked me did I know it was wrong when she first put it on and I said yes. "Well, why didn't you tell me?" she asked. "Hey. You're the boss. Supposed to know these things," I said.
I hate that. When I was working we have this log book...
We leave notes and make comments and such for each shift manager will know if we need to purchase something or to that effect...
And when I open that log book I want to tear it to pieces since all the simplest of words are spelled wrong.... -_-
Hey the people I shake my head at online are looking for jobs. Comforting.
*shakes head* Idiots.
I'm afraid that I fall into that category because if it wasn't for spell check, which I don't use now as often as I should, my spelling would be awful!
And I also have a communication book at work. I have to choose what I write with care, also I take a dictionary with me. However sometimes I still make the odd slip up.
My boss' cousin arrived to spend a couple weeks. He's staying upstairs with my boss' parents. What fun! This guy is a real piece of work. He's in his mid-forties, Greek. These guys live with their parents until they get married, and are used to the womenfolk waiting on them hand and foot. He got a real faceful from me right off the bat.
"I would like some water," he said this morning, looking at me.
"Great," I said, "it's in the fridge in the kitchen. Help yourself."
He stood there looking at me. He clearly expected me to go get him a bottle of water, open it, and hand it to him. Well, listen mister. Mondays are HELL where I work, clothes everywhere, phones ringing, customers arriving who dropped their clothes off on Friday and can't remember we told them they would be ready Monday AFTER 4 PM.
Come lunch time, he just sat at the table, while we all served ourselves. Finally my boss said to him, "If you want to eat, you'd better help yourself."
The cousin pointed at me. "SHE should serve."
Hoo boy! My blood pressure ran up about 20 points right there. I snapped off," I am not here to serve you, your hands aren't broke. SERVE YOURSELF!"
He looked like someone had just said his weiner was too tiny to fuck with. Apparently no one had ever spoken to him like that. He said to me: "You speak to men like that?"
"Only the ones who talk shit," I told him. My bosses about fell down laughing.
Then the guy paused, and gave me a dirty look. "You were married? You treated your husband like this?"
I smiled my sweetest southern-belle smile. "Oh, no, I didn't treat him like this."
"Ah ha," the cousin started, but I interrupted.
"I treated him MUCH worse. I cut his balls off and used them to play ping pong."
My bosses spit their lunch out and excused themselves to get kleenex. I said there grinning while the cousin's mouth fell open.
I doubt he will last the two weeks he is supposed to be here.
Damn straight!!
And I thought I had a interesting day. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that. lmao. You made my night. I am laughing so hard I have tears running.
LMAO!!! I laughed so hard I cried!!
You are my hero, sugar....end to end....
*laughed till I cried*
Touche! Good for you!
Men like this are a familiar to me - which makes it so much fun when you knock them out with a few well chosen words - while holding a bat.
Such fun times ahead for you...lmao.
*bows to you in respect*
You get em Tiger!
Ping pong??? Surely there are better games to play....
So is he still there?
Wow I would of laughed my head off if I had been there!
From a profile (male): "I am a dominated".
You don't say. Hey buddy, you should probably learn to spell that before you post it. Nothing says "player" like someone who can't even spell Dominant.
lol that's funny maybe he was trying to say he was the one being dominated
I am a dominate wut
Actually, he just dozed off while in mid-sentence...what he meant to say was "I am a dominated dumb fuck pile of gerbil shit".
Outside my window, 2:16 a.m.....drunken male voice.
Pause, then a male voice from about 2 apartments over. "You throw another rock at this window and I will come down there and kick your ass. FUCK OFF!"
Second voice. "Asshole! Debbie doesn't even live here anymore. She moved a month ago."
Pause. Then, first voice. "Where is Debbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Where did you go?"
Third voice, female, from another apartment. "I killed Debbie. Now SHUT THE HELL UP OUT THERE!"
Police sirens, car doors opening and closing. Voices of the officers trying to move this idiot along. They guy keeps saying "THEY KILLED DEBBEEE! DEBBEEEE'S DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!"
I kind of feel sorry for the imbecile
Ohhhhhhhhhh, that was kinda sad and yet funny as hell :P
God bless AmeriKKKa
Yay, sound like where I live :)
lol wow
OMG- this should be an SNL skit!
Thank the gods I live out of town and in the country!
What a wild day. Any time you have a holiday during the week,people lose what little minds they have...they get their days all screwed up and forget when they left their clothes, and even where....we have two stores, and damn if 3 people didn't go to the wrong one to get their clothes!
Here's the cherry on top of the sundae. Around noon, a group of ladies strolled in, each one holding a formal gown. The youngest lady held a wedding dress. I could see the seamstress rolling her eyes, knowing what was coming next (it was lunchtime, she was on her way to lunch, and she just KNEW these people all wanted fittings....and had not booked in advance.)
I greeted them brightly, and sure enough, none of them had the sense to book fitting appointments....AND THE WEDDING IS THIS FRIDAY!!! Oh my GAWD, where are people's MINDS these days? They all thought it would take about ten minutes. Apparently they figured we had an army of seamstresses at the ready, and could whip them in and out of their dresses in no time. Uh, no. With a group of seven, the average fitting time would be at least an hour...not counting the bridal gown. That usually takes two people to help fit, and lunch time is NOT a good time to just drop in and assume you will get service.
I told them they could leave their dresses, we would hang them up in the fitting room, and they could drop back in after lunch...our seamstress had to get some material so she would be gone the full hour. Well, pout pout pout. You never saw such sullen faces. Our seamstress had to tell them straight out, look, you didn't book an appointment, wedding fittings take at least an hour or more and are NOT done on lunch hours.
Well, the fitting turned into a four hour affair, due to myriad cell phone calls between the women and various other people, plus the bride had to go retrieve her shoes so we could get a proper hem fitting (something else people don't take into consideration when fitted for formal wear....bring the shoes you plan on wearing with the outfit!)
Midway through, one of the ladies enquired about the cost. The seamstress had to stop what she was doing and go figure out all the work she had to do and arrive at a figure. Well, you would have thought Mt St Helens erupted again when all those women shrieked "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW MUCH?" Apparently they had the impression it was a package deal and everything would be done for a certain price. Uh, no.
Geezus. They cackled and screeched like hens until finally our seamstress couldn't take it any more. "Look," I heard her shouting, "you didn't book, you didn't call in advance to check prices, you waltz in three days before a wedding and want a rush job on eight dresses....either SHUT UP or LEAVE!"
Dead silence for about fifteen seconds. Then, grumble, grumble, grumble. The ladies settled down and the fitting proceeded. But lordy, what an afternoon. We had to provide each lady with an individual receipt showing what all had to be done and how much everything cost. (Then they complained that they didn't know they had to pay tax!)
After they left, the seamstress said "That's the last time I do THAT. Four of those women had BO that would knock over a moose. And the bride wasn't wearing underwear and complained she had her period and was afraid she would get it on the dress!"
Sweet mother of god...
I hate dealing with brides.
Sweet Jesus I'd never have made it through without going on a shooting rampage.
I like the sound of that seamstress :)
I'm with Sinora on that- I LVOE her attitude- reminds me of me
And stupidity ALWAYS runs rampant with weddings, no matter whether it is your end as a cleaner and seamstress or my end as a bartender- I have YET to see a single wedding go off without at least a few hitches...
o.O can I have that job
I'd be happy to be the seamstress' cuttin' them bitches.
Oh god, cant breath.....
Last week, customers kept asking me what I was going to do this weekend....where I was going to go. When I replied "Nothing and nowhere", they would "Awww" and look sad. Believe me, with my family vacation history, and current employment situation, doing nothing on a weekend is a blessing.
Growing up, we never had fun family vacations. At all. My dad had one week off a year, and he hauled me and my mom way the hell up north to a remote cabin where he would spend most of the time in the local bar, and me and my mom were stuck in the cabin. Being a non-outdoorsy type kid, this was like being stuck in Hell. I didn't swim, I didn't fish, I didn't wanna go walk in the woods. So I mostly sat inside and read. Could have stayed home and done that.
There was no chance of going anyplace fun, or even me getting a suggestion of where we might go. Oh no! It was all Them, and I was not allowed a say so. One year I remember, I had the worst period of all time, I mean I had a vicious headache and cramps, and just wanted to lay down and be quiet. But do you think I was allowed to do that? Hell no. They decided it would be fun to go to a ball blistering heat and humidity. Photos from that day show me with a miserable look on my face, and they cussed me out later and told me I was ungrateful.
It took ages to get over that awfulness. All week I am around people, noise, heat, stress, etc. I enjoy peace and quiet, so when I get a weekend off, you won't find me on the highways with a whole lot of other people, racing to get someplace to run around doing things then race back home again. That's not fun for me.
May not be what others consider a good time, but it means a lot to me to spend some down time quietly and peacefully.
It is part of the reason I still do not have internet at home. Yes I love to have it, but then I "do" more work than I should. Not having it has allowed me to catch up on chores, read and enjoy whatever I choose to do given the day.
Hooray to days just spent in a peaceful state :)
Give me a stove, food to cook, a book or a movie and I am happy for at least a week without seeing another person.
I can't handle crowds of people so when it comes to Holidays when you know it won't really be because everyone is going to the same place, I stay home, and quite happily :D