CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


23 entries this month


00:41 Jul 27 2010
Times Read: 801

Today got off with a giggle. We have a sign on the front counter that asks people to advise us if their garments have blood, urine, vomit, or animal accidents on them. Most people do not tell us, even with the sign...we have to discover it ourselves when we check the order in.

A lady came in with a coat in a plastic bag. As she put it down she said apologetically, "My husband had a little accident. He evacuated himself."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Oh oh," I said, "I hope it wasn't too bad."

"No, not too bad, but he did have to eliminate," she said.

I coughed to keep a straight face. I knew what she was trying to tell me, but I'd never heard it worded quite that way before.

That was the highlight of the day.



00:53 Jul 27 2010

I hope he did it in an orderly fashion.

01:43 Jul 27 2010

ok quick question, were are the pants..was he only wearing the coat when he had his little accident..

14:05 Jul 27 2010

I'm with bijou. There's clearly more to THAT story.

13:17 Jul 28 2010

Oh lordy....why did'nt they just throw the clothes out ?

00:44 Jul 29 2010

I LOVE the Sinora solution! LMAO!

OK, you other guys who are wondering...the guy had vomited down the front of his coat. His pants were all right. Apparently what ailed him did not blow out the other end. :P


Name Game

23:30 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 835

One side of my family has a penchant for marrying into...well, unusual names. My aunt started it by marrying a guy named Partridge..yes that's right, we had the Partridge Family to visit at the holidays and such.

One of her daughters continued the line by marrying a guy whose last name is Butt. (I was at that wedding. You can just imagine the jokes.)

HER daughter has now trumped them all. Thanks to Facebook, I have just found out that my cousin's daughter married a guy whose last name is Peeper...so, now, we have a Butt-Peeper in the family.

Yes, she's hyphenating her name.



23:35 Jul 24 2010

Hahahahaha that's awesome!!!!

23:47 Jul 24 2010

lmao you just hope they dont have any kids called tom or he would be the butt of every joke going :)

23:58 Jul 24 2010

LOL...I love it

05:10 Jul 25 2010

Butt-Peeper.......*shaking head laughing*

Mmmmkay lol.

00:55 Aug 10 2010

I just worked a wedding where the bride's first name was Hoda (she is Persian)

Her new last name is Hogg......

Hoda Hogg

what a thought...


VR Profile Rap

05:40 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 882

Here is my profile,

I just joined VR!

I'm 16 and bi.

How you like it so far?

I'm a juggalo, homey.

So don't you forget it.

Fuck with my friends

And you will regret it.

I can't spell worth a damn

And my grammar sure sucks.

I want a premie profile

But don't have the bucks!

Here's some piccies I took

Of my half naked bod.

They were shot in the bathroom,

Hey, there's my Ipod!

I sure do love Twilight

Team Edward for me.

If I rate your profile,

You'll prolly get a 3.

I hate writing about me

It's such a hard task.

So I'll end by saying....

"Want to know more? ASK!"



05:57 Jul 24 2010

Ahahahaha!!! Too funny..

09:01 Jul 24 2010

Yeah!! Love it. :)

10:16 Jul 24 2010

Love it! lol

14:14 Jul 24 2010

*stands and applauds*

18:57 Jul 24 2010



18:58 Jul 24 2010

Hahahahahaha Love it! This just made my day.

19:37 Jul 24 2010

yOu should not make me giggle so fewkin' much after working out. My abs are killin' me!

00:01 Jul 25 2010

ah yes another VR gem..

18:58 Jul 26 2010

I've only been here a few months but DAMN that's recognizable!!!! LOVE IT!


No Zombies

02:03 Jul 22 2010
Times Read: 908

Last night's situation turned out not to be a Zombie invasion after all. Turned out a guy barricaded himself in his house and officers ended up in a shootout with him after he fired out the window at him. According to the news he was taken into custody with no injuries.

Now then. If you barricade yourself in your house and live alone, like this guy did...who would know? Do you phone people and say "hey, I just locked myself in?" If I did that and phoned a friend, they would just say "Ok, now take a nap" or something. They wouldn't phone the police. Apparently this guy was serious about it because he had a gun.

Must be the heat, ticking people right over the edge.



02:23 Jul 22 2010

Yeap - no zombies. Just one poor lone psycho.

02:32 Jul 22 2010

lol I wonder how that convo would go if someone did call it into the cops. "Yes, there is a dude that lives alone and has barricaded himself in his house. If you listen through the windows I think he is talking to himself, come quick!" *shakes head*

02:53 Jul 22 2010

I still wouldn't rule out the zombie thing...maybe he barricaded himself in there once he realized he was a zombie to protect the public but soon after the zombie-ness took over him and that is when he became violent.

02:56 Jul 22 2010

What the hell is the point?

05:31 Jul 24 2010

lmao CM thats awesome



02:04 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 936

This was just posted on the website of our local TV channel...

"McFarland Police and Dane Co. deputies responding to scene in McFarland 5000 Block of Broadhead."

Someone posted the following: What does "scene in McFarland" mean? Drug bust? Fire? Zombies?

I have to wait till the 10 pm news to find out if there is a Zombie invasion up the road!



08:46 Jul 21 2010

If it's zombies, let me know, please... lol. ZOMBIE BASHING!!! *gets excited* :P



01:31 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 945

Da poop hit da fan today at work, and luckily I didn't get any of the blowback, lol. I got in early and got on my boss' computer, logged onto facebook, and printed out the profile of his daughter's boyfriend. I circled the birthdate part and left it on his desk. My boss toddled in, saw that, and exploded.

"She told me he played on the football team!" he shouted.

"Um, yeah, the sophomore squad," I said. He said he had to leave for a bit, no problem, an hour or so later he came back and said he had gone to the boy's house and talked to the parents before they left for work. The parents had no idea what was going on either! Honestly, don't parents check out who their kids run around with? I know things are different now adays, and maybe they all go out in groups, but still...you should know who your kids' friends are.

Later, he thanked me for showing him that info. I said "Don't thank me, get more involved in your kids' life. Get on Facebook and see what they are saying and doing. If they won't tell you, they will post it and other people will find it." His wife has a facebook page, so he's going to use that and keep tabs on the girls.

Got that out of the way....the rest of the day went pretty smoothly, till about 10 minutes before closing, in walks a bridal party...bride, groom, two bridesmaids, two groomsmen and both sets of parents....would you believe the wedding is at 10 AM TOMORROW MORNING and they are just NOW wanting their clothes cleaned? I mean what the hell? We got on the phone to the discount cleaner in the next city and he said he would do the clothes, so we gave them directions and sent them over. These people were SO upset that they couldn't get their clothes done...sorry folks, ten minutes to close, we have been shut down for HOURS, there is NO WAY we can get that many different outfits, shirts, etc, done in time for the morning. NO friggin' way.

I think these guys think dry cleaning is like McDonald's...go to one window, drop it off, pick it up a couple minutes later at the next window. OY!!



01:41 Jul 21 2010

Glad your boss took the news, and the steps he did. :)

I sooo understand. It is like people calling at 4:00 pm for a mover in the morning...the morning? Did you just make up your mind to move or what? Like they just woke up today and said Lets get married.

Dumb people make days long.

01:48 Jul 21 2010

hehe VW, people are the same about technology.

"We're out of printer ink. Do you have some in stock for this random ass make of a printer? We need it NOW!"

Of course, their printers warn flash quite in advance warnings to let users know the ink is running low, but they seem to ignore that until it's completely gone and then it's an emergency.

I wonder if they do that all the time with the gas in their car...

02:01 Jul 21 2010

What's even worse is they think, well, you're an expert at it so it's easy for you to do and therefore, valueless.

Uh... fuck no. And the rates are what they are so go stick your attitude where the light don't shine and spin it.

15:16 Jul 21 2010

Hmm - guess I was a day late on my comment regarding the girl. Oh well!

22:06 Jul 21 2010

I think it's cool that you told your boss about his daugher.

Let him take it from there, right?


Baby Alive?

03:21 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 960

I was thinking about that Baby Alive doll I mentioned a couple of posts back. It's adertised as "Poops and pees like real!" OK, bad grammar aside, I can understand how it could "pee", via a bottle of water or whatever it was that went into a small opening in the babys mouth, and after an interval would come out the other end.

That I get. But how did/does it poop? I can't even imagine a doll pooping.



03:29 Jul 20 2010

Haha that's exactly what I thought when I read your original entry about it...


Crisis of Conscience

00:49 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 983

Dear journal readers, I'm in a quandary and I need your input. I am having a crisis of conscience about something and am trying to decide what to do about it. Here's the situation.

My boss' 3 girls all have Facebook, and they have me on their friends list. The other day, the eldest (18) announced that she was "in a relationship." So I go to see who the guy is, and when I hit his profile...I see that he has JUST TURNED 15....like two weeks ago!

My boss doesn't know. His wife doesn't know. Should I tell them that their daughter is running around with jailbait? We just had a situation here where a high school girl, about 16, accused her soccer coach of rape and got his ass into all sorts of hot water...only to find out later that it was all a lie, she wanted him to get in trouble because he cut her playing time! I mean this guy had his mug shot on the front page of the paper and all over the news, and I'm sure that will stay on his record.

All it would take was for my boss' daughter and this kid to have a spat, and he could run crying to his parents saying she tried to do naughty things with him. And what the hell was she thinking, for pete's sake, going around with a kid? If it was me, I would sure want to know. She is still living in their home, they pay for all her stuff, she has no job while she is attending college.

Should I tell my boss this, or let it play out on its own? I'm afraid if I don't tell him, and he finds out that I knew but didn't tell, he will get all up in my face like "why didn't you TELL ME!!" On the other hand, it's really none of my business...but damn, I see storm clouds ahead.

Dear journal readers...HELP!! What should I do?



01:04 Jul 20 2010

I think you should tell him, or show him. Why take a chance on her future if she has a statuory rape charge laid against her?

01:06 Jul 20 2010

I think you should tell him, or show him. Why take a chance on her future if she has a statuory rape charge laid against her?

01:11 Jul 20 2010

Tell your boss, because it just takes once time the boyfriend gets angry and does something that could ruin her life.

01:30 Jul 20 2010

Oye... on the soccer coach thing - that is exactly what I'm talking about when I argue against social conviction.

In society, you are guilty until proven innocent - and the proof of innocence is too often downplayed, leaving people forever convicted in society's eyes. So this girl sets him up based on revenge when he didn't do anything wrong - and what immediately happens? The media reports "SOCCER COACH ACCUSED OF MOLESTING HIS PLAYERS!" and his name and picture are all over the news and immediately everyone who sees it thinks he did it.

But he didn't.

But they'll always think he did.

The media needs to stop playing for ratings and advertisers and start doing the job they chose to do.

As for your boss - bring it to his attention. If he finds out you knew and didn't tell him, odds are he'll be just as upset with you as he will be with her.

It has nothing to do with statutory rape - it has to do with parents needing to pay attention to their kids. His daughter is old enough to realize what she is doing - it's her choice. The BOYS parents need to know - nd perhaps your boss should be the one to talk to them about it.

01:36 Jul 20 2010

Maybe just say something like...Have you checked out your daughters site of late? I read something on it that you might want to talk to her about.

This leaves it to him to take the next step, and you off the hook as you said something. :)

01:43 Jul 20 2010

Definatly bring it to his attention...and is this the same daughter of his who recently turned down a car because of the color? Man, where is her head???

03:33 Jul 20 2010

I can see why you'd question yourself but I suspect your initial gut reaction was to tell him asap. I think you have little choice but to at the least tell him he needs to read her facebook page. Or refer him to the very case you quoted and say you just don't want to see her find herself in a similar situation without someone who loves her talking to her first.

15:13 Jul 21 2010

One thing I haven't heard anyone suggest is talking to the girl directly. Since you're facebook friends with her, you do at least have that avenue of communication.

I'm not saying you shouldn't bring it to her father's attention eventually but maybe a simple "I'm a bit troubled by who your new love interest is...are you aware there are legal complications to such a relationship?" might get the girl thinking.

22:34 Jul 22 2010

For a moment I was like, "He's 15, soooo, why's he jailbait?" Hah. I forget not everyone lives in Canada.

I think you did well in telling your boss, though. . . . that was the right thing.


Failbook Gem

00:04 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 1,006

Saw this on Failbook. One of THE best put-downs I've ever heard.

Joseph: Being awesome is a full-time job.

Jessica: Too bad you weren't hired.



00:13 Jul 19 2010

Hahaha awesome!

00:41 Jul 19 2010

00:47 Jul 19 2010

I am so going to steal this and ♣ someone with it.

16:06 Jul 19 2010


02:46 Jul 20 2010

Now thats some funny shit lol, you go Jesica..

22:05 Jul 21 2010


I must remember this one...and just hope that no one uses it against me, as I'm unemployed.


Facebook Friends

01:21 Jul 17 2010
Times Read: 1,042

For years I had wondered what had become of a childhood friend of mine, who I was very close to until she moved away in 6th grade. We wrote for awhile but then lost touch, I supposed because she moved again and didn't send me her address. Over the years I wondered what had become of her.

The other night I decided to check facebook. I typed her name into the friend finder thingie, and came up with three possibles. One had a photo...and gosh if she didn't look just like my old friend. I sent a message and crossed my fingers that she would want to catch up.

Wow..nothing like having the other person NOT share your enthusiasm....I got a response like a wet blanket. Yes, it was her, but obviously she'd moved on and didn't want to resume a friendship, even a long distance one.

*Sigh*. Oh well. Win some, lose some, I guess.



01:26 Jul 17 2010

That is her loss, your really a zany charater.

01:29 Jul 17 2010

Definitely her loss :)

01:59 Jul 17 2010

I know what you mean.

02:44 Jul 17 2010

Boo. You know the beauty of Facebook is you don't have to interact to find out what is up... that's why I'm there... my friends catch up quickly with me even it has been years.. and some it's been over 20.

But that she is too small to see that... indeed as it has been said- it is her loss... and our gain! ;)

04:41 Jul 17 2010

You think somebody told her you got a nasty rash ?

21:33 Jul 17 2010

I'll be your pal!

23:52 Jul 17 2010

Wow....im sorry :(

02:57 Jul 20 2010

Well that wench

15:05 Jul 21 2010

Pfft - that's fine. Leaves more of you for us! ;-)


Work N Stuff

01:06 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 1,057

I will surely be glad to see the end of this work week. Thankfully it hasn't been too rushed, most of the customers were understanding that due to the heat we were working a bit slower, taking more breaks. Everything got done on time, some things got done early.

I haven't been this itchy since I was a kid. I have heat rash over most of my body and it is miserable. Didn't get much sleep last night, woke up coughing for some strange reason. Tonight I will take a hint from a facebook post I saw and sleep with some cold packs, and slather myself with anti itch lotion and take some benadryl. That oughta knock it out enough to get me some sleep.



02:22 Jul 16 2010

Rum. Cold rum as you lay in a cool bath. Ok...maybe just the rum. ;)

17:10 Jul 16 2010

See, I don't do heat. No, really. I don't do it. When the ambient temperature around me exceeds 75, I start to get prickly. Past 80, I start to get downright nasty. Past 90, I just shut down. All this is to say, I don't know HOW you do it!

01:59 Jul 17 2010

It's almost hell-hot here as well...I hate it!



02:36 Jul 15 2010
Times Read: 1,077

Phew, I'm glad there are only two more cleaning days this week. The heat index is something like 115 degrees, and that is outside! Add in steam and humidity and you get something like 125 or so.

The heat doesn't particularly bother me..it comes round every year and in this business you take it as it comes. However, a disagreeable addition has reared its ugly head. I have a case of heat rash, all round the waist band where my shorts/underwear sit, and all around my bra area.

Soon as I get home, off go the clothes and into the bath, then a dousing with talcum powder and cortaid, which seems to be the only thing that helps. I have a peaceful nights sleep but in the morning when I have to put clothes back on....ow ow.

I will be real happy to get to the weekend when I can sit around in a nightgown, nothing that will chafe. Hopefully it will clear up on its own...but it's supposed to be the same weather next week.




07:48 Jul 15 2010

Thats what I like to refer to as.......SCARY HOT or scary heat lol. Im sorry the weather is that bad. I live right near the mojave desert and yeah, IT SUCKS lol :P

09:41 Jul 15 2010

I'm soooo glad I'm not you :)



00:41 Jul 15 2010
Times Read: 1,090

The rant that follows is in no way directed to anyone on this site. I just need to blow off steam.

Getting your toe nails painted? Eating lunch out every day and going shopping? WHAT THE FUCK! You're an adult now, and I see nothing in your behavior that indicates you're ready to be an accountable grown up. When was the last time you did something for someone else? Or broke a sweat? Worked? Done something with maturity and grace?

Geez. All your facebook page updates are mindless trash. There is more to life than constantly searching for the next thing that will make you feel good. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like, but you do them because you know they have to be done.

It's called becoming a grown up. Get used to it.



00:43 Jul 15 2010

I'm sowwwy mommy :P

01:01 Jul 15 2010

OH LMFAO!! I'm nobody's mommy...that's someone else's kid I'm ranting about. You kidding...me have a kid....*hysterical laughter*

03:33 Jul 15 2010

LOL! You aren't old enough to be my mom sweets :)

03:43 Jul 15 2010

'Course I am. I'm 162. :P



01:46 Jul 14 2010
Times Read: 1,111

Had a good laugh just now when I was on ebay looking for a cross stitch magazine. I clicked on the link that said "see seller's other items" and I found a listing that read:


Damn. I didn't want one of those when I was a kid...I SHO don't want one now! Honestly, do children find that sort of thing interesting? I had Barbies when I was a young girl, I could dress them up and play with them...but a baby that poops? LOL no way!



02:00 Jul 14 2010

Ohhh... I love to cross stitch. O.o You sure you are not my twin? lol

06:39 Jul 14 2010

We could be triplets! I love cross stitching!!!!

18:12 Jul 14 2010

Hey now, I had one of those dolls, I had coveted her for 2 years until I finally got one for Christmas :P

21:28 Jul 14 2010

Chances are, I have the magazine you are looking for...LMAO



00:47 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 1,148

Would you accept an automobile, if someone else paid for it, and it was a nice late model car with nice features? Everything in working order and ready to drive?

Would you believe my boss' middle daughter turned down a car....because it was the wrong COLOR???

Apparently, there is some new rule that I missed which states that as soon as you hit 16 and pass your permit, you are entitled to your own automobile. My boss had it with her constant whining whining about when was he going to buy her a car and asked around, and found one of his friends was selling a car. It is a nice '07 Chevy Cavalier sedan, with sun roof, a/c, new tires, fairly new everything else, not very many miles. So he bought it for his kid, thinking she would just LOVE this and get off his back.

She hated it. Because it was white.

"Dad, I told you...not a white one! Bri (older sister) has a white car and they look dirty all the time. I don't want a white car!"

And she wouldn't take it.

Me boss is PISSED. I am thinking about buying it. Color doesn't matter to me. I ventured to ask him if he was going to get her another car, and he said darkly "not right now."

His youngest turns 16 next year, he thinks he might keep it for her, she loves the look of it and thinks her sister is a twat.

I agree with her.



00:52 Jul 13 2010

Some people are really ungrateful, eh?

01:00 Jul 13 2010

That girl would have been bent over backward trying to get away from me at that point. Chase her down with a thorny switch, I would. Not a white one... My ass! Take what's offered you ungrateful brat! Beggars can't be choosers.

01:27 Jul 13 2010

My first car was given to my by my aunt. It would have only yeilded about $50 at the time if she junked it, so she asked me if I wanted it.

I rebuilt the engine, cleaned it up a bit.. and by a bit I mean, a LOT. It was a piece of shit car, to put it plainly, but I had a car.

No options, no frills, ugly, old and rusted through... the radio barely worked and it was a stick shift... it didn't matter to me. I was thankful to have it.

02:15 Jul 13 2010

As do I. I personally would take the car back (or save it for the younger kidlet) and make that bitch WORK for whatever she wanted, not helping ONE SINGLE BIT. I got to say, that is the most SPOILED thing I have ever heard of in my life...

04:19 Jul 13 2010

shakes head. kids nowadays! If I threw a fit like that over the color you can bet I would have to buy my own car!

16:48 Jul 13 2010

Yep, she sounds like a twat to me!

06:41 Jul 14 2010

The car I am driving now was given to me. It's not exactly poised for Car & Driver magazine any time soon. IT RUNS!!! It's got dents and missing a side bumper guard thinger BUT IT RUNS!!


Customer Service

00:45 Jul 11 2010
Times Read: 1,173

Had a fairly non eventful day at work. My last customer really tied it all up for me. Mr anal-retentive-borderline OCD guy came in and picked up his suit. He had his very own hanger for it, the kind you get when you buy a suit in a men's clothing store...one of those big, smooth wooden ones, with a sliding slot for the pants.

He paid for his suit and took it outside to his car. Instead of transferring it to the hanger inside the shop, where I could have helped him, he chose to do it outside...in the wind. First, off came the plastic that goes over the suit...he let go of it and away it went. I was watching from inside the store, transfixed. He almost cried watching the plastic sail away.

Next, he went to take the pants off our hanger and transfer it onto his....and he drops the pants. He bends down to pick them up and they start to blow away, and without thinking he steps on one leg. He realizes what he has done and quickly picks the pants up and tries to slide them onto the hanger slot. Against the wind. They don't want to go, they bunch up and look awful. Finally he figures out that he needs to turn away from the wind to get the pants to go on the hanger.

Next comes the sport coat. Off our hanger and onto his...jamming one shoulder into the corner of his hanger in his haste to get it on, he jerks the other shoulder and I could have sworn he tore it. He finally gets it all on the hanger and opens his car door...and I'll be danged if he didn't just toss the suit into the back seat. All that work for nothing!

Honestly, sometimes people make more work for themselves than they need to.



02:02 Jul 11 2010

Oh man, I'm totally like that guy. I have to constantly remind myself to stop. Take a breath. And stop being an idiot.

16:48 Jul 11 2010

lol come on! the only way to hang a suit is in the wind right by a mud hole :) I'm just saying..... lol

17:25 Jul 11 2010

I get crazy customers to at the cable company


Disturbing Facebook Ad

00:16 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 1,196

Just saw this ad on facebook, on the right side of my screen under a picture of a cow.

"Hi, I'm Betsy...come milk me in Farmville."

Ack. That just sounds dirty! LMAO



03:02 Jul 08 2010

Facebook is promoting tit groping.

08:25 Jul 08 2010

Hey, don't knock Farnville, it let me turn my barn into a brothel!

09:36 Jul 08 2010

I'm a farmer myself, and I have to say it does get real dirty in Farmville :)

12:07 Jul 10 2010

Thats just...................so........wrong. So very wrong lol.

01:02 Jul 13 2010


18:12 Jul 14 2010

Only for girls with dirty minds like you hehehe ;)

02:01 Jul 17 2010


05:53 Jul 24 2010

No wonder the guys like that site even my dad plays it.....



00:03 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 1,197

Happy Birthday, Ringo! Gosh, 70, and still rockin'. Congratulations!





01:25 Jul 07 2010
Times Read: 1,218

I hope I can get some sleep tonight. I think it was way too hot in here last night to sleep well. I tossed and turned most of the night. The a/c is in the front room and unfortunately it doesn't go down the hall and round the corner to my bedroom. So put a fan in the hall, right? Tried that. I always crash into it in the night when I get up to pee. I'd rather just forget the fan and save myself some damage, lol.

I watched "Serial" last night. Anyone see that? I don't think it's ever been released on dvd, or if it has I missed it. I bought the vhs and gave it to a techie friend to transfer to dvd for me. LOVE that movie. It's a wild 80's comedy with a cast you won't believe....Martin Mull, Tuesday Weld, Bill Macy, Tommy Smothers as the Reverend Spike, and Christopher Lee as an American businessman who practically steals the movie. I love this film and enjoy it every time I see it. Alas for the Brits and UK people, I don't think it was ever released over there, but if you can get a hold of a copy, do see it.

Bubble bath, book, and hopefully sweet dreams.



01:34 Jul 07 2010

Bubble bath, book, now you just need a glass of Chardonnay and it would be perfect :)

02:23 Jul 07 2010

Bubble bath?!? Avoid the UTI!

02:32 Jul 07 2010

wtf is a UTI?

03:31 Jul 07 2010

I understand the heat problem...I got a small fan from Walmart that I can take from room to room...my apartment is teeny-tiny, so I don't have to keep plugging and unplugging it.

As for the movie - I never heard of it; I like Christopher Lee though!

11:11 Jul 07 2010

Sleep in the front room ?


Failbook Gem

01:07 Jul 04 2010
Times Read: 1,242

Just saw this on failbook.

She: Is anyone actually going to the Twilight premiere tonight?





Work N Stuff

01:13 Jul 03 2010
Times Read: 1,262

Had to fire someone today at work. Boss made me do it because I've been following the whole situation more closely than he has, and he figured it was about time I got my hands dirty. Ha ha. It wasn't fun. I did it the way I would want it to be done to me...professionally, and with a minimum of fuss.

The person in question had been with us for awhile, but her performance had gone steadily downhill lately. She discovered the daughter she gave up for adoption as a baby, and became an instant grandma. Well, since that happened, she didn't want to work anymore, calling in sick repeatedly in order to spend more time with her new family, bringing them down to the store (big no no, especially having them in the back of the store where the kids ran riot and got some wedding dresses really dirty). Orders were being misplaced and given out to the wrong person due to her inattention, clothes were tagged wrong, and the other employees working with her told us that she was rude to them and snappish to the customers.

After three orders got mixed up this week, and having her family in the back of the store again messing around, the boss said enough was enough. We have a stack of resumes a mile high, people wanting ANY sort of job, so why keep someone who continually acts like she doesn't want to work here?

We had followed through with all the proper procedures, talking to her, writing her up, suspending her for three days, writing her up again with a verbal warning that next time would be a termination. She signed everything so she knew what was going to happen.

I arrived at the store today armed with all these papers that she had signed. Before she could clock in I took her aside and told her that her behavior had not been acceptable, and she had deliberately disobeyed our instructions not to have people in the back of the store....so with that, her position was terminated.

WOO. I never saw a shit fit, at least I don't think so, but this was the next thing to it. She started screaming and bawling that we were so unfair, that she needed this job and her kids came in the back of the store before she could stop them.....RIGHT. You have to go through a small entryway and past a counter which has to be lifted to allow you to the back of the store...not something small children can do on their own. Besides, we had it all on video, showing her letting them come back, and we told her this.

Ended up having the other employee work the store (this was at our drop store across town, not the cleaning plant) while I walked this woman off the premises. We paid her her last weeks pay, so she has no reason to come back, so hopefully she won't. As of the end of the day today she hadn't.

Amazing, how some people proclaim to want and need a job but not be willing to follow a few rules. On the upside, we had three interviews this afternoon and hired a lady who starts tomorrow....she was so grateful, even for a part time job, she grabbed me and hugged me! Cripes.

Phew. Glad this day is done!



01:17 Jul 03 2010

Thats always an unpleasant situation to be in.

01:56 Jul 03 2010

Yeah, in this day and age... Excuses are complete crap. It's about ownership and doing your job. People have lost their jobs when they have worked REALLY really hard.

If you can't do that, you need to move on.

14:48 Jul 06 2010

It's the kind of situation where you want to tell the person, "I'm doing YOU a favor and cutting you free from a job you don't like. Toodles noodles."


Coach Returns

00:35 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 1,270

Got to see Coach Caldwell again today when he came back for his clothes. Totally nice guy. My boss had his girls there, and he graciously posed for photos with all of us. I got my piccie taken all by myself with the Coach, and anyone who is on Facebook can see it now, I changed it to my profile picture.

As he finished paying for his clothes, he saw us goggling at his rings. One huge ring on his left index finger, and another one on his right ring finger. Plus a massive rolex. He smiled and said "would you like to hold my rings?" We about fell down. The rings were passed around (they are heavy!) and admired, none of us daring to try one of them on.

Nice to have a guy from this town who went on to make good. I really think he's a great guy. Couldn't have been nicer to deal with. I have a really nice memory and a nice photo!





00:57 Jul 01 2010
Times Read: 859

Had a celebrity in the shop today. This caused quite a bit of excitement since we never get anyone famous, except the usual local people from the news. But today I got to see an actual, world-famous person!

It was Jim Caldwell, coach of the Colts, who lost to the Saints in the last SuperBowl. Mr Caldwell is a Beloit native who comes back at least once a year. He is here now to participate in a film being made about African American sports stars from the Midwest.

He is a very nice man. And the SuperBowl ring is friggin' HUGE (did the Colts win one before? I was so excited I forgot!). I got an autograph, and when he comes back tomorrow to pick up his clothes I hope I can get a photo of him.

My boss about wet his pants. After Mr Caldwell left my boss whipped out his cell phone and was furiously texting till I said "UH-UH. No. No WAY are you letting everyone know he is here. He just wants to pick his clothes up tomorrow, not meet everyone on your buddy list. Cut that out." Sheepish look. He was telling all his pals what was going on. I suggested texting them back and telling them MRS Caldwell was picking up the order, that way no one would come rushing in. Hell, Mr Caldwell might even send a gofer, we don't know.

Interesting to see what happens. But WOO, I got to see someone famous!



01:19 Jul 01 2010

:) Sounds like you had fun meeting him as well.

20:31 Jul 01 2010

When I worked at the Hilton in Tallahassee, I was fortunate to be there when two people walked in:

Gallagher, the comedian, and Roger Staubach, of the Dallas Cowboys.

I was at the front desk with two of the front desk clerks, both under 25.

I was the ONLY one who not only got excited, but actually RECOGNIZED them.

So I got all their attention.....w00t....lol

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