My continuing fascination with people's names continues. Tonight, in our paper, is the obituary
for a Mr. Arthur E. "Poops" Champlin.
Yes. Poops.
The obit goes on to say that he was preceded in death by his brother, Harlan "Bimbo" Champlin, and survived by two sisters, Alice "Squeak" Lloyd, and Cheryle "Spook" Meyers.
Boy, I bet family reunions were fun at their house! But seriously, "Poops" in the newspaper with your obituary? Poops?
Well, we got a bit of a blizzard, about four inches, with lots of blowing and drifting. Schools let out early and various local events were cancelled, it was pretty bad watching it develop all day inside the store. Our store is sited on the main drag, and seeing the cars go skidding by was quite alarming. People just do not slow down and give enough room for the guy ahead of them. I have a small car, and the bumper-crowding assholes really grind my gears. It's 5 below zero and blinding blowing snow, I can barely see where I'm going so WHY are you riding my bumper? I live four blocks from work, and I pulled over twice to let these jazzbos go past me. Two of them gunned their motors so hard to pass me that they spun out and made a donut right in the middle of the street. Yeah boy, that's showing em.
Reminded me of a time some years back when I worked for another cleaner. It was springtime and tornado season, and sure enough, one was forecast for our area. We watched the sky getting darker and darker and more greenish....funny eerie silence outside. The radio said a twister was ON THE GROUND less than 12 miles away. The main office phoned us and said close the store and get your asses down the basement pronto! So we did that and on the way down there is this furious banging and pounding on the front door. Here is Mr Jerkoff, wanting his shirt. Never mind the TV and radio were instructing people to get down to their storm cellars, get off the road, etc..nooo..this guy wanted his shirt!
All of a sudden the radio said the twister was coming our way. We grabbed Mr Jerk and shoved him down the stairs with us. He was SO angry at not being able to get his shirt! HIS ONE SHIRT THAT HE JUST HAD TO HAVE. No, he wasn't going anywhere, there was no funeral or wedding or occasion. He just wanted the shirt and dammit he was going to get it. I ran upstairs, found his shirt, gave it to him and shoved him out the front door (he refused to stay in the basement with us).
Next day we found out the tornado had gone right through this guy's neighborhood, smashed two of his neighbors' homes to bits, and for good measure, brought a tree down on his wife's Porsche, which was parked outside.
I swear, the worse the weather, the more people become crazy.
I've been off work the last two days due to a virulent strain of stomach flu, which came out of nowhere in the middle of the night on Tuesday. You know I have to be practically dead to miss that much work, and I was. I called in sick Wednesday morning, slept most of the day, and was still queasy this morning but made the effort and went in to work. Boss took one look at me and put my coat back on me and sent me home.
I feel a little better. Had some chicken noodle soup, that seemed to do the trick. I will toddle in to work tomorrow, which will be interesting as we are supposed to be getting a dumpload of snow. Sometimes when it snows overnight the driveway of the building where I live doesn't get plowed out, and my small car gets stuck. I've had to be rescued a couple times by my boss' big truck. I'm hoping the snow amounts will be on the small side. The other night the weatherman said nine inches, now he says about three.
Sounds just like my wedding night. Lawsy.
If that's the worst of your wedding night, you're lucky...
Hope you feel better. :)
I do hope you feel better soon, honey. :hug:
Sure hope you get well soon.:/
Maybe we'll be sending out dumpload of snow your way.
We managed to acquire a foot and a half of the white stuff in about 2 hours. I love it, work gets slow during storms.
Get better soon, though!
Ugh that is awful. Please don't force yourself to go to work if you're really not feeling well...
I edited my last journal entry so it wouldn't stretch the page out....and lost all your nice comments, dammit!
Sorry, guys. I appreciate all the good wishes!
It only took me four years. Yassuh! I am in da big leagues now!!
Sho nuff.
Sho' nuff...
Congrats woman!
Yaya you, well done :-)
I repeats - Congratulations, Sugar!
This is from today's Chicago Sun-Times.
"A New Zealand judge ruled that the names "Fish and Chips" (for twins), "Yeah Detroit", 'Keenan Got Lucy", and "Sex Fruit" are not permissable baby names, whereas "Number 16 Bus Shelter" and "Violence" were perfectly allright. Not long ago, a Kiwi couple tried to name their son "4Real", but had to settle for "Superman" instead.
OK. WTF? What is it with baby names lately? People smoking more cheap stuff, or just want their kid to have a name like no other? I went online and found the page of our local paper where the hospital lists the names of babies who were born there in the past month. These newborns are clearly destined for...well, something or other.
Shaniguaaa'Alliyahh Reniyahh
Ja'Michael-Jarrona Al-A'Mayon
Kerwin Al
Mikkaylea Sharrice-Leah
and, the almost untoppable....
Seriously. Someone in this city named their kid Nimrod.
However, none of these can top the woman in our city who was born about 35 years ago, and given the name Marijuana Pepsi Jackson. There was all kinds of hullaballoo about this at the time. Her mother named her after her two most favorite things in the world. And, to her credit, the girl kept that name and grew up with it. From time to time over the years the local media would track her down and see what she was up to. She refused to change her name, not even wanting a nickname, no Mari's or anything like that. She went into real estate and became quite successful, so that was a happy ending to a bizarre beginning.
Honestly, some names these days.
I grew up with a girl named Salamander Yoder.
SHe insisted people call her Sally, and no wonder.
I went to school with a girl named Emerald Moon Shine. xD I also has a friend whose mother changed her name and her children's - she called herself Ayla Zelandonii (from the Earth's Children novels).
... I wish I had an interesting name sometimes. :P
I've always hated fake 'African' names, and names that are product tradenames.
The worse I've heard locally was a poor baby girl named Latrine...go figure.
"I shell add you and stalk you."
You go right ahead, honey.
I laughed when I saw that too. Maybe they can hear the ocean!?
They are trying to subtly relate to your hermit crabs. o.o
Damnit, Requiem said it before I could. xD
He/she wants you to be a turtle...or a peanut.
Just don't call you surely, right?
02:06 Jan 25 2012
I'm more intrigued by HOW they got their nicknames....
22:48 Jan 28 2012