CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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15 entries this month

Work Stuff

02:48 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 800

Actual name of a customer the other day at work:

LaBob Finger.

That was her married name. I didn't ask what her name was before.



13:35 Feb 26 2009

Heh I went to HighSchool with "Peter Pan" His parents were immigrants and didn't know about the character...

And I went to university with "Kristopher Kringle". Gotta love how names are sometimes!


Jury Duty

01:02 Feb 25 2009
Times Read: 814

I was called for jury duty yesterday. Me and about 60 other people were gathered in a big room. Filled out paper work and watched a boring orientation video. Then it got deathly quiet while our information was taken away and sorted. Everyone sat and either read a book or magazine, looked out the window, or chatted with the people around them.

A young guy in the room had a terrible cold. He was coughing, sneezing, and at one point he got up and ran to the back where the bathrooms were. Going into the men's room, he didn't realize how sound carries in a quiet room, and all his bodily functions were amplified for our entertainment.

*Hack* *cough* *AHHH---CHOOOOO!* "Ah.....FUCK THIS" he wailed, then a short pause and *BRRRRRRRRRT*....a very loud, ripe fart. Oh my god did we howl. The guy next to me was rolling.

The young guy comes out and can't figure out why no one in the room can look at him. I haven't laughed so hard in years. Even the jury clerk heard it, way across the room!

And after all that, my number wasn't called and I had to go back home. Poop.



01:33 Feb 25 2009


omg thats some of the funniest shit i have ever read LMFAO ...

i wouldnt have been able to take it hahahhahahha

08:53 Feb 25 2009

Bah...and after all the trouble of looking almost respectable they sent ya home lmao

00:59 Feb 26 2009

That poor guy!! Ohmigoodness!!

I feel so bad for him! And yet I'm laughing just reading this!

00:45 Jun 29 2009

I was feeling down. So i had to find and reread this. Smiles.



01:37 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 833

There are thousands and thousands of things to rate on here. So why do people rate profiles over and over? I've had the same person rate me 3 times in less than a week. Duh! Rate something else will ya! I'm not re-rating you.



23:47 Feb 23 2009




19:25 Feb 21 2009
Times Read: 846

What a wrecked Saturday. I was supposed to have this day off, because I have worked something like 6 Saturdays in a row and was well overdue for a day off. There is a new metaphysical store nearby that just opened, and they were having a psychic fair, and I wanted to go check this out.

At the last minute yesterday my boss asked me to come in because this account we just did a fire order for (their house burned down and we cleaned all their clothes and bedding) wanted their stuff delivered back. As it was out of town, he had to deliver the stuff and wanted me to watch the store till he got back, then I could go. I calculated that this would only take him 2 hours tops, which would still give me plenty of time to get to the psychic fair.

Weeelll..things never work out the way you want. He delivered their clothes and things, then stopped off at his house on the way back. His 3 daughters pounced on him and wanted him to take them different places, and he forgot all about me back at the store. So I was stuck there till closing. When he finally got back I was so mad I was crying and had a damn migraine. He never even called to say what was going on, I had to find all this out at the last minute. Of course I missed the fair. Came home and was so upset I just sat down and bawled.

Why can't I get a Saturday off?



22:22 Feb 21 2009

I really don't blame you, I'd be seething, too. How dare he just "forget" about you doing his work on your day off? That's an awfully convenient memory loss going on there. I would be absolutely fuming. I hope he at least feels bad about it.

It'll be okay though. You can't work every Saturday. And hopefully he won't forget this little incident.

16:37 Feb 22 2009

*Hugs*...I think you need to get tough with him hon.

03:36 Feb 23 2009

Time to neotiate a raise. They need you and trust you.


Icy Driving

01:26 Feb 19 2009
Times Read: 860

I have never been so glad to get home in one piece. Earlier today it was warm, and rained, then as the day wore on the temp dropped and the rain turned to snow. Eventually things froze and now the whole city is a skating rink.

Lawsy. I was driving the company van back to the main plant, barely crawling along at 15 mph, which was all I could manage without starting to slide. Cars were crawling along behind me. Up in the distance I could see police lights flashing and a whole lot of cars in the road...they had tried to navigate a turn and missed and a lot of cars went skidding together. I slowed down but came damn close to joining them. I had to actually slow down two blocks back to avoid becoming one of the pile, and if a car ahead of me hadn't moved out of the way I would have slid right into his back bumper. That's how bad it was.

I got back to the main plant to the amusement of my boss, who was waiting for me. Shaking like a leaf, I parked the van and staggered in. "You look like you need a drink," he said. "I do," I replied. "Got any booze?" I would have drunk any liquor right about then. I had to sit down. That drive scared me shitless. Even driving home in my own car was bad, but nothing like being behind the wheel of a big van you can't control. Phew.

Hopefully the city will put some sand down or something so drivers can get around better. Now, I'm off to raid the liquor cabinet. Rum, anyone?



09:00 Feb 19 2009

Take care hon...the crabs need their Mommy !


Work Rant

01:03 Feb 17 2009
Times Read: 879

I am FURIOUS. And you will be too once you read this.

The economy has hit everyplace hard, my city no exception. My shop is on friendly terms with the cleaner up the road in the next city; we help each other out with machinery problems, we refer them employees and so on. We knew they had an opening for a presser, so we sent a guy to them that had been out of work for almost a year, a damn good presser. He and his family were struggling to live on what his wife brought home from her job as a cashier at a gas station.

A few days pass by, and we call the other cleaner to ask how they like our guy. We were absolutely astounded to hear that this guy, this deserving guy, was not hired. Instead, THIS was who the other company hired: a man in his late 50's who elected retirement from the GM plant up there that just closed. He has NO pressing experience, never even spent any time in a dry cleaner...he is pulling a damn good retirement paycheck and his wife is employed full time as a teacher. Why was he hired instead of our guy, who had more experience and was, in my opinion, more deserving?

Easy. The other guy was a close friend of the owner of that business. He had been grousing that he needed something to do to "keep busy" after retiring. So he gets a job pressing trousers that could have gone to someone who actually needed it, who could have fed their kids and made a house payment with it.

I am FURIOUS. My boss called the other company and bitched. He is NEVER sending any employees to them again. We even called the guy we sent up there and apologized. We feel so damn bad.



18:33 Feb 17 2009

you shouldn't feel bad the other company will find that screwing people will come back to them .


Live and On Air!

02:21 Feb 15 2009
Times Read: 891

Had the radio on at work today, and the two DJ's were talking about goofs and fluffs that happened on-air. One of them told a story that took place a number of years ago, at some Hollywood gala.

The big limos would roll up and stop, the door would open, and a man nearby would announce the celebrity for the at-home radio audience. "Miss Lana Turner!" "Mr Gregory Peck!" and so on.

One long black limo rolled up, and when the announcer saw whose it was, he got a little flustered, as this person was a particular favorite of his. With breathless anticipation he announced to everyone listening.."Ladies and gentlemen...now arriving, is Mr Alfred Hitchcar's cock!"




02:52 Feb 15 2009

Hah! Yes! Alfred Hitchcar's cock. That was funny. Thank you.

13:06 Feb 15 2009



Toilet Training Debate

00:36 Feb 13 2009
Times Read: 900

Thanks to all the moms, and moms-to-be as well, who commented on my last journal entry. It is very obvious now that breast milk is the best start you can give your baby. I have always thought so, but my boss' doctor is what is called "progressive" and thinks breast-feeding is old fashioned and not the best for the baby. Whatever.

My brother and I were both bottle-fed babies. My mother was from a generation that didn't go in for breast-feeding much. I suspect some women just can't bring themselves to breast feed, for whatever reasons. Some, like my boss' wife, termed it "icky" and was very happy her doctor recommended bottle feeding instead.

Now comes another issue I would like some input on, from parents or anybody with an opinion. How old do kids have to be before they get potty-trained? Is almost 3 too old to still be wearing diapers and drinking from a bottle?

My boss' kid is still not potty trained. They have to carry diapers, wipes, etc with them when they take her anywhere. Oh, and bottles too. Isn't it about time to teach this kid how to drink from a cup? And get on the toilet, or at least start to. I think they are trying to keep her a baby as long as possible, since they aren't having any more children..

Will be interesting to hear the comments on this one!



11:46 Feb 13 2009

Seems like your boss and his wife love hard work lol

Potty as soon as they can sit up and bottle except at bedtime maybe, as soon as they can grip a training cup.

01:20 Feb 17 2009

1.) Bottles at the age of three are just bad. It can cause decay in the teeth and deformation. Even though their adult teeth haven't grown in yet, it can cause thumb suckers when the bottle is finally taken away which can result in adult teeth decay and the need for braces.

I think if your child can grip a bottle, they can definately grip a cup. It will take practice and patience but it is necessary to ween before the child gets to be extremely expensive.

2.) Get that kid out of diapers. I would be embarrassed to have to lug that stuff around for a three year old. Its obvious that what you say is true and they're trying to baby her. As soon as the child is capable of sitting up on their own and can say "potty" or something similar, its time to start training. Depending on the development of the child, I'd say anywhere between 18 and 24 months would be the perfect time.

Honestly, I'm sure you get along great with your boss, but this is bordering on stupidity and to some people, child abuse. Yes, some people can't or won't breastfeed. It shouldnt' be seen as icky but thats maturity for you. But diapers and bottles at three? Risking the dependence of you child AND your bank account is saddening.

22:21 Feb 21 2009

It also depends on if it is a boy or girl- boys have a tendancy to NOT want to be potty trained and on average don't learn until they are 3-4 yrs old.

But bottle? That's why they have sippy cups....


Breast Milk Debate

02:50 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 920

I need input from mothers on this. My boss and I were talking about babies, (he has a 2 year old) and he said his pediatrician told him that breast milk is not considered good for babies anymore. Too much of a chance to pass on the mother's food allergies and other weaknesses. So now formula is the approved method of nutrition.

Really? Is it? I've always heard that breast milk is best. Do doctors now prefer formula to what mom can make naturally?

I would be interested in hearing from mothers on this. Thanks!



02:57 Feb 11 2009

Im sorry,but as long as mom isnt sick,eating the wrong foods or doing dope,her milk is best as far as Im concerned.

02:58 Feb 11 2009

* IS eating the right foods.

08:57 Feb 11 2009

I'm not a mother but our Drs here would certainly not agree with what your boss says on this.

13:01 Feb 11 2009

You're bosses pediatrician is either smoking crack or very sarcastic.

Mind you, I'm not a mother yet but I'm going to pop pretty quickly here and MY doc says...along with everything else I've read...that breast is best.

Not only does breast milk continue to help cover your baby's immune system, it develops their palate making them not so picky eaters as long as you eat healthy foods as well. Screw it, this comment is going to be long but I'm going to quote directly from one of my baby books...

Tailored to the needs of human infants, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in cows milk and that cannot be precisely duplicated in commercial formulas. Breast milk is individualized for each infant; raw materials are selected from the mother's bloodstream as needed altering the milk's compostions from day to day, feeding to feeding, as the baby grows and changes. The nutrients are matched to an infants needs and the ablility to handle them.

Baby's can break down the contents of their mother's milk (ie: protein and fat) much easier than the milk from a cow. This also lessens constipation and diarrhea. The bowel movements of a breast fed baby are typically sweeter-smelling and less apt to cause diaper rash.

Breast milk is less likely to cause overweight infants, and statistically less of a chance for obesity later in life. It may also be linked to lower cholesteral readings in adulthood. It also has a chance of increasing the child's IQ at least through age 15. This may not only be related to the brain-building fatty acids (DHA) it contains, but to the closeness and mother-baby interaction built directly into breastfeeding which fosters intellectual development.

It keeps allergies on hold. Virtually no baby is allergicv to breast milk, hough some can have allergic reactions to a certain food in their mother's diets, including cow's milk. On the other hand beta-lactoglobulin, a substance contained in cow's milk, stray even further in compostion from what nature intended and can also cause an allergic reaction. Studies also show that reastfed infanst are less likely to get childhood asthma than formula fed babies.

Basically, any allergies that you or your husband have are practically genetic links. You're baby is bound to have allergies if both of you have them badly. Say you had a childhood allergy to peanuts but don't anymore. IF you eat bunches of them while pregnant and breastfeeding, then there is a chance of passing that allergy along.

Any doctor that tells you to use formula over breast milk shouldn't be your doc anymore. I get lectures every time I go to my doctor or to my WIC appointments on the importance of breast feeding even though Drew and I decided oh...9 months ago that we would be breast feeding.

Sorry to make this so long but the facts need to be heard especially with so many women out their in general and at least three that are pregnant on VR.

I'm going to take this entry of yours and my response and post it in my journal if you don't mind.


Work Stuff

01:18 Feb 10 2009
Times Read: 931

We think we have finally figured out a way to halt at least some of the customers who come after we have locked up. My boss and I spent part of the weekend checking to see who comes late, and when, and how often. We found out it was the same half-dozen people. So here's what we did.

We sat down and made up a little flyer and got it to the printer. Some we are attaching to outgoing orders and some we are mailing directly to customers. It says: Times are tough. We know you have a busy life and need to cut corners where you can. Can't always get to the cleaner on time? Then let the cleaner come to you. We have a home pick-up and deliver service just for busy people like you. We can pick up and deliver to your home or business once or twice a week. Our usual great service at your convenience..what could be better than that? Call us at XXX-XXXX to set up a convenient day and time to begin your home pick up and delivery service. Then sit back and let us come to you!

We are going to push this hard. We already have a good route service going, and hopefully, if we can add the stragglers, it will keep them from delaying our departure times. Saturday my boss was trying to leave at 1 pm to get one of his daughters and take her to a cheerleading exhibition, and a customer called and asked him to wait a few minutes...45 minutes later she shows up! Well by that time my boss had left, as he told her he would when she first called. This dumbass calls the police, who call me (I have a key) and by the time I got to the store she was having a shit fit and screaming that she needed her husbands shirts and how dare we lock up!

I just looked at her: "Do you know we close at 1 pm on Saturdays at this location?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I don't care what time you close. Your boss said he would wait for me."

The officer stepped in. "Ma'am, the owner was contacted and he stated that you told him you would only be a few minutes. He waited a few minutes. He had a child to take care of. He is not required to wait until you finally show up. Once the store is closed, it is closed. You may need to leave earlier next time to get here before it closes."

I was doing a happy dance in my mind, and I'm sure she was pissing her pants in frustration. Anyway, she got her shirts, I got her money and then locked up and went home. The best part was, first thing this morning my boss called this woman's husband and told him this was not the first time this had happened, but it would be the last. And since the police have a record of it, she would not be able to phone them to get his shirts out if he ran short. This poor guy had no clue what his wife was doing. He apologized his ass off and promised it would never happen again. My boss took that opportunity to offer him the home pick up service, and the guy liked that, so that may be at least one off the shit list, lol.

OH the stories I could tell. Maybe I ought to write a book.



01:37 Feb 10 2009

I would read that book! Psh, I'd be the first person in line to purchase it on the release date.

And then a sequel! About little hermit crabs in their tiny glass world. Smiles.

18:42 Feb 10 2009

I honestly can't imagine anyone calling the police to get their dry cleaning....lmao


Fashionista Report

00:09 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 943

The female anchor on my local news station seriously needs some fashion advice. I'm sure they pay her fairly well, but why is she allowed to wear such crappy outfits on the air is beyond me.

Last year she started ballooning and wearing weird combinations of things, mostly a black or purlple sweater over a low-cut fuschia top that her boobs were practically hanging out of. Then came the announcement that she was expecting, and in due time went on maternity leave to have her baby. Now she is back, and there is that same stupid sweater/blouse combination. Tonight she paired it with an elaborate four strand beaded necklace and chandelier earrings. This for the 5 pm news?

Lawsy. It looks horrible. I just went to the local news' website and viewers were slamming this lady. "Get her a professional stylist, and burn that damn blouse," one man posted. "Not professional looking at all. Can't she get a suit or something that looks like it didn't come from a 15-year-old's closet?" one woman wrote.

It was bad enough that they replaced the long-time, regular 5 pm female anchor with this new bird. Maybe with the money they are saving on her wardrobe, they can get her a stylist or something.



00:58 Feb 08 2009

Too funny. I have noticed that most news crews are turning into high schoolers. The way they tease each other now and dress.

There have been more discussions lately about how bad their hair, clothes, fake tan or behavior is that I don't even remember the news stories. It's distracting!!


Sick Saturday

23:25 Feb 07 2009
Times Read: 945

Yuck. Horrible day. Bright and sunshiney and we lost a ton of snow...but I felt like crap. This cold/flu/virus thing is kicking my butt. I went to work, lasted about an hour and was sent home. Head felt like it was going to burst...I dread the day when this stuff heads into my chest. Ack.

Came home to a fracas. Pulled into the parking garage, parked, and was walking into the lobby to get my mail when I heard two raised voices. Peeking round the door I could see a guy who lives on the third floor was tearing into the lady we call the "lobby sitter."

This lady is possibly in her 40's, certainly not old, but she is extremely obese and on disability, and spends her days sitting in the lobby taking note of all the comings and goings. She is there when I go out at 6 am and is there when I get home at 7.

Anyway, I hear this guy shouting at her. "You just sit your ass in this lobby all damn day! Why don't you get the hell up and walk a little? You're going to warp the chair sitting in there day in and day out!" (Indeed, her favorite sit spot does have a saggy seat now.)

"I am on disability!" she was shouting back at him. "I can't walk around much!"

"And my taxes go to pay your support cos you ate too many damn twinkies! Why don't you get some help for christ's sake instead of just sitting there all damn day!" he was so livid I could almost see steam coming out his ears. Then he had the nerve to ask her how much she was paid for her disability. When she told him, I nearly fainted. She is receiving almost 2 1/2 times what I make in a month.

I chose to go up the stairs so I wouldn't have to pass through the war zone. They were still going at it a few minutes later when I came down for my mail. I couldn't tell if anything was accomplished, other than he unloaded and she gave him a piece of her mind.




Another Work Gem

01:12 Feb 07 2009
Times Read: 953

Customer, bringing in a garment at 2 pm: "Can I get this back later today?"

Me: "I'm sorry, but for same day service, you have to have it in before 9 am."

Her: "Um, so can I get it later or what?"

Me: "No, it's too late for same day service now. You can have it tomorrow afternoon if you like."

Her: "I really need it today."

Me: "I'm sorry. We don't take same day service this late."

Her: "um, so can i get it like at 7 am tomorrow?"

Me, trying not to roll eyes or grind teeth: "No. You can have it tomorrow afternoon if you like. We won't even begin cleaning till after 7 am tomorrow."

Her: "Um, so, like I can get it at 8 am then?"

My boss, having heard all this from his office around the corner: "You can have it tomorrow afternoon. That is AFTER NOON. Not BEFORE."

Her: "Do you work here?"

Boss: "This is my family business."

Her: "Well, you should have same day service. I am a customer and I need this coat."


P. S. The coat was covered with dog hair and mud, and something that looked either like vomit or thick milkshake all down the front. Ewww!



10:21 Feb 07 2009

Yea...I get to deal with people like that too lol

22:18 Feb 07 2009

Oh my gosh! Just reading about it irritates me. I have little patience with people. I can't stand having to be polite to people like that. Hi5 for being calm. Woo.


Telephone Fun

00:55 Feb 06 2009
Times Read: 964

This was an actual phone call we got today at work.

"Hi, this is Lindsey, I'm from XXX service."

My boss: "And what might that be?"

Her: "It's Discover Card."

Him: "Sorry, we don't accept Discover here. It requires a whole different set up than the one we have, and we don't want to change."

Her: "But our records show you use Discover frequently at your store."

Him : (laughing) "Then I suggest you update your records, because we have NEVER used Discover card at this store. Ever.'

Her: "Well, it says here that you do."

Him: "Are you telling me what I have in my business? Do you work here? Have you ever been here? No, you haven't. And you have a hell of a nerve phoning me and telling me that I have a Discover card terminal when, in fact, I have never had one, never plan to have one, don't want one. Now take me off your call list and don't ever phone here again, ok?"

Her: "Have a nice day." Click.




01:11 Feb 06 2009

Wow. Fantastic. What a stunning example she just set there.

Is it just me, am I the only one who thinks: "Oh, I'm sorry, my bad. Well we won't trouble you. Thanks!" Is a way cooler response?


Sick Day

23:02 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 979

I did something today I rarely do. I called in sick. And yes, I truly am ill. I came down with something yesterday out of the blue, achy, sore throat, sinuses exploding and coughing all at once. I figured it must be flu.

Probably caught it from a customer at work. Some people think nothing of coughing on their money/credit card and handing it to you. Also, I work with a drive-up window, and those people who work with such things know that customers invariably are not prepared when you open the window. They keep you waiting while they search for their check book/ink pen/credit card/loose change/whatever. I've actually had people tell me to wait while they got into the back seat and looked for a nickel. And they get pissed off when you tell them never mind, I will put the nickel in, anything to get this transaction completed and the window shut in the minus 40 degree wind chill. Geez.

Any way. I only took 2 sick days last year, and they were doozies. The first one was when I got hold of some bad fish. Woke up on a Monday feeling the worst I'd ever felt in my life. I couldn't even move. I did manage to get to work but the boss took one look at me and sent me back home. I spent the remainder of the day on the sofa sleeping.

The next day off was a few months later when I somehow got a case of the shingles. Now that I would not wish on my worst enemy. I got mine on the left side of my head, yes, my head. This rendered sleeping almost impossible, also washing my hair, combing it, and moving my head caused stabbing pains to shoot right into my head all round the clock. Someone told me about this wonderful Capsazin cream, which, slathered on the shingles, along with a cold pack, was the trick. But for 4 days I couldn't sleep at night and was a zombie. I sincerely hope I never get that again.

Today was a flu day. I suppose I'd have felt a lot better if I had slept last night, but due to my head being stuffed up I couldn't sleep a wink. And yes, I took Nyquil, but that stuff has the opposite effect on me..keeps me awake, grr. I need to find something else that will help knock me out as well as clear up my head. Suggestions, anyone?

I slept most of the day, and felt a little better when I woke up. I am hardly ever sick, I rarely even get colds. So when I do get something, it's something funky like food poisoning, shingles, or a bad case of flu.

Hope I can sleep tonight.



08:44 Feb 03 2009

I hope you feel better soon hon *hugs*.

08:48 Feb 03 2009

Hope you feel better soon...*hugs*

08:49 Feb 03 2009

Ooops I'm repeating myself again...lol

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