The new Slipknot cd is FABULOUS. I just came back from a drive so I could crank it on my car stereo.
Phew. Finally got done with the purge. All that is left is to pull out everything in the linen closet, sort and refold and put back. Oh, and a bit of ironing.
I somehow managed to wrench my back whilst cleaning, and it's killing me now. I was on my knees scrubbing bathroom tile the other night, I Knew I should have worn some padding or put a towel down, but, when I try to sleep (I sleep mostly on my side) I can't bear to have my knees touch anything. Oy oy oy.
Well, it's my own fault. If I wasn't such a procrastinator, and do a better job keeping up with things, I wouldn't have had to work so hard cleaning up here.
Wow. In my cleaning I came across my school photos and I took a trip down memory lane. I was absolutely astonished to find that I have the exact same hairstyle as I did in 4th grade!
Can someone say "makeover"?
Yeah. Thought so. lol.
Honestly, the crap I found when I was cleaning my closet. Brought back a lot of bad memories and made me want to go smack somebody. I found my employee file that I had made a copy of, from a job I worked at about 10 years ago.
I actually trained my manager there, they brought her in because she was young and cute and blonde and the boss liked her. Me, older, brunette and plain, was not in his favor so I was not awarded management. It was ok for me to train her, though. Go figure.
Anyway, she made my life a living hell for 2 years before I finally got the gumption to quit. I had heard a rumor that "certain employees" were being squeezed out, if they did not meet the boss' special criteria, and I was one. They could not fault me for being late or missing work, so she tried to get me on other stuff. She would sabotage my work and then discipline me claiming I was not doing things right. I was even written up for supposedly leaving the back door wide open and setting off the alarm so the police had to come. That was easily settled by calling the alarm company and seeing who had punched their code number in last..and it was my boss. She had come to snoop after I left, and went out without shutting the door. Imagine. And they wanted me to sign papers saying I did this. Of course I didn't, and that irritated them even more.
The capper, believe it or not, was when she forged my signature on my annual employee review. My name wasn't even spelled right, and was nowhere near my signature. I found this out by accident one day when I spied my employee file laying out in plain sight where anyone could look and see how much I made. I went to put it away and found the review, which I hadn't seen. I was agog at seeing my own signature forged, and some rather unsavory comments had been made by management which I supposedly had agreed to and initialed.
I was on the phone to the main office in a flash. Next thing I know, the Operations manager stormed down and wanted to know why I was "always causing trouble." I said I thought forgery was a criminal offence, and the OM just smiled. "This was all a misunderstanding. Linda signed your name because you weren't there yet and she needed to get the review up to the main office in the inter-department mail. See, you got a raise!" she pointed out.
Oh yeah. I did get a raise. 15 cents. *cough*
So, this manager who had forged my signature wasn't ever disciplined, but I made a copy of this to keep, as I was told it was illegal and I might press charges if I so wished. Luckily, right after that I got a better job, and gave notice and quit.
Grr. Finding that again pissed me off.
Some people have bad hair days..I have had a bad hair life. There have only been a handful of times when I can say "my hair looked really good." Even when I got married, it looked atrocious.
I have very fine hair. And a large head. If I keep it short, my head looks like a lightbulb. If I keep it long, it just hangs down like a shapeless lump. And don't even suggest a perm. I have had many of those in my day. One section of hair inevitably doesn't 'take' and I'm left with a worse-off mess than I had before.
Maybe a total head-shave is in order. It might grow back thicker!
I toted eight loads of crap to the dumpster and trash room yesterday. Honestly, the stuff I had crammed into corners and boxes. All the dust I cleaned off made my allergies flare up, and now I have to run out and buy more kleenex.
I have this lovely old drum table in one corner of my living room. It's only real use is to hold my hurricane lamp and an assortment of old (and I mean OLD) family photos. If I got rid of the table I'd have a nice open space at that end of the room. There are other places to put the photos, but I have gotten attached to that table, I kinda want to keep it.
When I first moved here I got the table off the moving truck and into the lobby with some other stuff and was waiting for the elevator to come down so I could load up. Some guy I never saw before wandered over and without saying a word he grabbed the raised bars that run around the top edge of the table (they keep stuff from sliding off) and gave it a good yank.....and a bar broke off. I started screaming "What the FUCK are you doing?" and I actually jumped him and pounded his ass. "I was trying to help you move it!" he spluttered.
"ASSHOLE! YOU BROKE MY TABLE!" I screamed at him. He fell down and I got a good kick at his nuts (connected too, by the sound of his wheezing gasp) "DON'T TOUCH STUFF THAT ISN'T YOURS! GET THE FUCK OUT!" I remember screaming at him until he left.
The table got repaired, and the guy gave me a very wide berth whenever he saw me after that.
Well, hell. Just walking up and grabbing someone's stuff without a word, and then grabbing it the wrong way and breaking it? What do you expect? Damn right I'll pound your ass.
But anyway, the table. Keep it? I think I will, for now. I kind of like the memory attached to it. :)
Nah, not throwing up food you just ate. I love food way too much to ever do that! This type of purging is me going to town on my apartment, literally hauling stuff out of corners and closets and tossing out things that should have been trashed years ago.
It's not that I am lazy, far from it. The last few years I have worked so much, 6 days a week, that on my one day off I was just basically lazy and flopped down on the sofa to watch a movie or play around online.
But now, I have decided to really clean up the place. Finding all sorts of weird stuff too. Old photos, clippings, a stash of cassette tapes from the 80's, geez. Old VHS tapes from the 70's!
When I am done, hopefully later this week, I am going to treat myself and buy some prints for my walls. I am wanting some gothic stuff, maybe some old photos of London, pics of graveyards, that type of thing. I thought, why am I putting this off? Why shouldn't I have my place the way I want it? If I ever find someone (which I doubt I will at this late date) they should love me for what I am and accept that this is where and how I live.
Getting off my ass and actually doing something instead of just thinking about it, is very liberating. Makes me feel good to get all the junk out of here.
I have been working on losing some weight for awhile now. Staying off the scale because that fluctuates so much. Just trying to eat a lot better and a lot less. I get LOTS of exercise at work, running back and forth in the heat and steam.
Now, instead of an XL I am down to an L, and that is loose! Something's working. *happy dance*
Hey! that makes all the hard work worthwhile!
Thats awesome ! keep up the good work =}
Stage one of the long-delayed kitchen purge. I took everything out of this storage cupboard, and my lord..the plastic bags in there..the tupperware..the mismatched bowls and lids! I found a feather duster and a colander I thought I had lost. Geez.
This is a long-delayed purge of this apartment. Stuff has been piling up and I need to clear out. I will always have too many books and dvds, but this other crap..knickknacks, dustcatchers, and all around junky crap has got to go.
I got this new stuff from Starbucks, combined coffee/energy drink, so maybe if I get a couple of those down me I can finish this job this weekend. Here's hoping.
Customer, with two feather pillows:"I would like these to be cleaned, and I need them back RIGHT AWAY."
(Everyone wants their stuff back RIGHT AWAY. But some items need more time, and feather pillows are one. They go across town to our other store where the pillow machine is, then the feathers get cleaned, sanitized and deodorized, and put in a brand spanking new ticking, which is the outside covering.)
Me: "Well Sir, we can certainly take care of those, but we will need a couple of days. Pillows normally take two working days."
C, with a whine starting to enter his voice: "But I need them RIGHT AWAY!"
M: "Sir, this is Saturday. We don't do any cleaning or processing. This is just a pick-up or drop-off day. The pillows will be checked in on Monday and you can have them back Tuesday night."
C: "That won't work! I need them NOW!"
M: "Well, I'm sorry, but that's not possible."
C, in desperation:"I phoned earlier and was told I could have them back today."
M, with a smile: "Sir, I have been here all day and no one has phoned regarding pillows. And if they had, they would have been told that we have not done and processing on Saturday for over 15 years now. You can have them back Tuesday after 3 pm."
C: "Why are you even open? You don't do any business. You call yourself a cleaner?"
M: "I call myself a very good cleaner, and administrative assistant. I'm sorry you were not aware of our policies before. Did you still want to leave your pillows?"
C, grudgingly: "I suppose so. I get a discount, right?"
M: "No, no discounts on pillow cleaning at the moment."
C: "But I always get a discount!"
M: "You've never been here before. How did you get a discount before?"
C: "Well, I always used to get one."
M:"Any discounts we have apply to the dry cleaning of clothes, wearables, but not specialty items like pillows."
C: "You got an answer for everything, don't you?"
M, after a long pause: "You know what? I think this transaction is finished. You come in here belligerent, lied to me, and now you are being rude. We have no record of you as a customer, and as of right now we are not serving you, so please leave."
C: "And you are a fucking rude BITCH who shouldn't even be working here, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground!"
Just then, with PERFECT timing, in walks an off duty police officer to get his cleaning. He heard the man screaming as he came in the door, and was only too happy to escort him out and down to the police station.
Anybody want my job?
Another weird day at work. A lady came in, speaking no english, luckily I speak enough Spanish to understand what she wanted and to let her know what we could do for her. She had a black suit that she needed for a family function this weekend.
I took it and laid it out to check for stains or holes..and right down the front was a huge splotch of vomit. She'd had the suit rolled up in a ball to try and disguise it, and when I laid the suit out the smell about knocked me over. There were chunks still stuck to the jacket. Eww!
I asked her how long this had been on there and she replied "dos anos" (two years.) Upon closer inspection I could see that the acid from the vomit had eaten right through the wool and there were visible holes. Lots of em. I showed them to her and she said "you fix?" No, no..we can't fix that. The damage was done long ago, from not getting the suit cleaned more promptly. Left to set, the acid from vomit will eat right through material.
She wailed and wept so loud that my boss came up to see what all the brouhaha was about. He looked at the blazer and handed it back to her. "No good", he said. "You fix!" she cried. "No," he said more firmly, "no fix. Very very bad. Muy malo." Just then we got a phone call from our friendly competitor across town. "If a crazy spanish lady with a suit full of vomit comes in..." he started, and I replied "she's already here."
Needless to say we did not clean that blazer and she went away wailing that she needed her suit cleaned. Aside from the fact that it was already damaged coming in, oftentimes we turn away garments that have obvious vomit and large areas of bodily fluid like blood.
Why? Because it takes a lot of time and work to get these stains out; they have usually set a long time before the customer brings them in and most of the time the garment is not salvageable. Little drops of blood, no problem, some baby spit-up on your shoulder, we can take care of that. But these women who "forget" to wear a pad or tampon and get their period all over their skirt or trousers and expect us to clean it...we usually turn that down.
You'd think people would take better care of their clothes these days, with the cost of living so high. We have held our prices down for over three years now, which is something with dry cleaning product prices going sky high. We try to educate our customers on how to take care of their good clothes, so they save money in the long run..and the first rule is...if you get a stain, any stain..DON'T WAIT....see to it immediately, or as soon as humanly possible, so that it doesn't set.
We are now still getting items from Christmas, linens and so on, that people "forgot" to bring in earlier. Trying to get seven month old wine and gravy stains out of grandma's tablecloth is a bitch, let me tell you.
Got a phone call today at work. You will not believe this. A woman calls, and says she is getting married Saturday, and needs her gown plus ALL her bridesmaids gowns fitted, cleaned and pressed by tomorrow.
Don't you usually have all this done by now? Your gown should be hanging up waiting for you to slip into it. And that goes for your bridesmaids also.
Our seamstress has family committments tomorrow..has had these plans for ages, so she has to leave early. She politely informed the lady that there was no way to have all those dresses fitted, cleaned and pressed in less than one day.
The woman proceeded to have the closest thing to a shit fit that I have ever heard. (We got her on speakerphone so we all could enjoy the madness). She proceeded to scream that what business did we have calling ourselves cleaners and tailors, since we couldn't do that for her? She wailed that she NEEDED this done pronto, and we had better get it done.
At this point my boss picked up the extension in his office, and I heard him say "Madam, this is not McDonald' don't place your order then drive round to pick it up at the window. Those things are specialty items and they take time to do. Fittings and tailoring on bridal gowns take hours. And since you did not book an appointment earlier, it will not be possible to get those things done."
She screamed "Well I KNOW PEOPLE in this town and YOU ARE FINISHED!!" and slammed the phone down. Thank God for caller ID and recording devices. We were able to find out who she was and sent an officer round to her house.About an hour later he came back and said "I feel sorry for her, if she is getting married..she's not starting out very well!"
Our seamstress estimated that even if she stayed the whole day she would still not have been able to complete the work, and get it all cleaned and pressed by the end of the day,
Honestly, people..ya just wanna smack em sometimes.
People, please..if I can have a moment of your time here. I work for a dry cleaner, and part of our business involves doing smoke and fire restoration. When someone has a house fire, we get called in to go to the house, bag up everything that can be washed or dry cleaned, take it back to the plant, and try and salvage whatever we can.
It breaks my heart to go to these people's homes and see the state of their stuff. All the houses we've done have been destroyed due to electrical wiring problems, not kids playing with matches or anything like that.
And the people have absolutely NO idea what they have. They have to make lists for the insurance company, and they don't know where to start. They don't know what all was in the kids bedrooms, or what was down the basement.
VR family, I beg you...take some time and inventory your home. You don't have to note every beanie baby (unless you're an uber-collector) or every pillow. Just get a clip board and pen, and go room to room. It's good to do this with a partner. They call off the items and you write it down. The kids can do their own rooms, if they are old enough and responsible enough. Then, once you've taken a rough inventory, get a fireproof box (widely available in hardware stores, even Wal-Mart has them now.) This will keep your list, and whatever else you want to put in there, safe and secure.
And you know what, when you go through and do a little sorting, you will probably see you have waaaaaay too much stuff. The people whose house we just cleaned had 47 sets of bedsheets, 82 throw pillows, 26 comforters, and 125 sets of towels/washcloths. I have the sheet right here, the numbers boggle me. was for TWO PEOPLE. How many goddam towels do two people need for cripes sake? In my linen closet I myself have 4 sets. Two are pretty ratty.
Anyways, you may find an excuse for a good clean-out, or get a rummage sale going. But for future peace of mind, do please inventory your stuff..even a rough estimate of the bigger things will help, just in case you ever need it. And I sincerely hope you never do.
I just had something confirmed today that I had always heard about but never knew whether it was true or not. I'd heard we had someone from the Titanic buried in this very old graveyard here. Every year during "Heritage Days" they give tours of this nice gothic cemetery and point out various notables who are buried there, but I always seem to be scheduled to work during the time that the tour goes on.
So, today I happened to see the man who conducts the tour, and I asked him, "is it true there is a Titanic survivor buried in Oakwood Cemetery?"
"Well, not exactly a survivor," he smiled. "There is a man there, who was on the Titanic, he was from Switzerland and coming to Beloit to work. His ticket says "Southampton to Beloit"..they found the ticket in his pocket, along with all his personal belongings, after his body was found. The White Star Line put him in a nice box and shipped him here, where his relatives claimed him and buried him".
Wow..imagine..someone from the Titanic in our little cemetery! Now I really want to take this tour and see the grave. I am a Titanic buff, so this would be something I'd like a lot. Fingers crossed that I can get the time off to take the tour this year!
There is a recipe in this months Oprah magazine (yes I read that lol) for something called Muffuletta. A New Orleans specialty, it absolutely had me drooling, but the recipe called for this olive salad that you make, and it has to sit and marinate for a few days....I have NO patience so I thought well bugger that.
Was grocery shopping today and what did I find but a jar of Italian Olive Salad. I picked up the jar and there on the side was the recipe for muffuletta, just gather your other ingredients and slather on this olive salad. Joy! Oh rapture!
I just made me a muffuletta, with genoa salami, ham, mortadella,and provolone cheese..and this olive salad. Slathered it on and heated it...woo. All I can say is...get you some of this!
It's wonderful. You Nawlins people, who can get the real thing, I'm so jealous!
A very common sandwich here :)
Best in the City from Central Grocery, dawlin'!
Oh, and an easy finger food for guests...muffuletta dip. Chop or lightly process your olive salad...drain the olive oil away, and mix it well with softened cream cheese. Serve with your favorite cracker or toasted breads. Ca c'est bon!
I took up some space on Morrigon's journal with a rant, I thought I was gonna explode. Grr!
A female on here posted a pic of herself as an avatar,a torso shot, pulling at her clothes so most of her body was exposed. Technically, there were no nipples or pubes, so it got through, and she got some rather sharp comments about it which she apparently took issue with.
Calling some of the ladies "uptight bitches" she stated that all anyone had to do was ask, and she would have taken the pic down.
My question was, why was it there in the first place?
Honestly, did you think by posting a semi-porn shot that people would think you were a mature, thoughtful, incisive person who might contribute some quality stuff to this site?
Well guess again sweety, cos most of those who saw that pic said "EWWWW nasty!"
Tasteless. Unnecessary. Vulgar.
You made yourself look like a trashy ho, and drew a lot of attention to yourself. Probably got messages from all the droolers and crazies on here.
And these people get offended when others take issue with pics like that. For a WOMAN to put such crap on a public profile is just wrong. This is not a dating site or place to hook up. Go try Gothic match or Vampireflirt.
Geezus. Be a little more selective. Unless, of course, you LIKE being addressed as a trampy ho.
Ok. got that out of my system. Phew.
I know exactly who you speak of, as I too mentioned this recently....such a shame she has no class.....
I had actually wondered why she acted so surprised...
I'm sort of curious as to what sort of reaction she had been waiting for.
I replied to your comment but I figure I'll paste it here so you see it...
It's amazing that the same people who stuck up for her, I have personally heard laughing and talking trash about an overweight woman who was posing in her lingerie.
Apparently she was just "disgusting".
But this chick poses like a skank and it's ok? More power to her?
It's ok for skinny girls to do it but not the fat ones.
Uh no. I'm not a hypocrite, I feel the same about anyone one wants to represent themselves that way, regardless of how "hot" they are.
Talk about losing respect for people.
Morrigon I am in agreement with you, it does not matter whether one is fat or skinny, if it is inappropriate I will surely never contradict myself, I say what I mean and stick with it.
One is never better over another, and I myself cannot stand a hypocrite.
okay girls, I can't go with you all the way on this one.
Bet you would if your daughter posted a pic like that!
Didn't I comment here last night?
From the back pages of a tabloid:
"British chef Gordon Ramsay recently took a tumble, falling off a cliff in Iceland while filming a program for the BBC. He was not injured, but got rather wet as he landed in a stream.
When asked for comment, Ramsay said "On the way down, I was thinking 'Oh fuck!' "
We have seen the present, and It does not work.
This item from today's Chicago Sun-Times.
"An organ grinder with a batter-operated toy monkey has been told he will not be allowed to perform outdoors in Ripley, England, pending a risk assessment."
*hysterical laughter*
Wow, did I ever have a horrible dream last night. I dreamed that I FINALLY got to England, and I was staying with some people who lived in a big dark blue house, with lots of windows and silver trim around the front door.
NONE of them would talk to me, they just snickered when they looked at me, shook their heads and walked past, like I was an unwanted intriuder. They wouldn't tell me where I should sleep, or when I could eat, so I walked outside and looked around, and noticed a two lane road went past, and wondered where that led to.
I remember hearing someone say it was 9.30 pm, and yet it was very light outside yet.
I went back in the house and walked past a room where some girls were talking, and I stuck my head in the room, they all looked at me and made faces then turned their backs on me.
I woke up depressed as hell. That was awful.
"When you dream, you dialogue with aspects of yourself that normally are not with you in the daytime and you discover that you know a great deal more than you thought you did." -
-- Toni cade bambara
You found a great quote Meeper...
...let me add it also shows your insecurities!
Meet them head on and you will understand about self worth.
I'm not smart enough to know what any of that is supposed to mean. All I know is I had a horrible dream, it made me feel like shit, and ruined my Sunday. So please leave the self-help psychology out of it.
....I really REALLY wish you wouldn't message me with goofy shit like "yo what up" or "hi" or "s up"....come on, at least form a complete, grammatical sentence.
And if you're horny, go wank, please.
Well, I made it through another week, though this morning it was debateable whether I would last till the end of the day..I was sooo tired and everything caught up with me at once..I sat down and before I knew it, I was snoozing..but only for a few seconds, before I could even drool, lol.
Now that Boss 1 was back from his vacation, I just sorta figured he would look back and know that I had worked the last 5 Saturdays in a row, and would give me tomorrow off.
I just flat out asked him if I was working tomorrow, and he said "yes, because George (his brother, my other boss) has a fishing trip planned." I exploded. "He had a fishing trip LAST weekend and I had to work BOTH stores!" Boss: "Hm. I didn't know that. He didn't mention it."
Grr. So I go off to the other store for the day and a couple hours later up drives George, grumbling. "well, I cancelled my trip, my friends are all pissed," he says. "But you did work 5 Saturdays in a row, so you can have tomorrow off. But boy, are my friends pissed that I can't go fishing." And he drives off.
Stick that knife in a little deeper, why don't you?
Now you know what will happen? It will be 5 weeks, at least, before I get another Saturday off. He will make sure he gets to do everything HE wants.
Boss 1 asked the other day what I would do if I had a vacation. I said "Nothing. I would just like to stay home and rest and be lazy." Which is true. I'm not a frantic run-around-cram-everything-in-a-vacation person. My ideal downtime is sleeping late, having a leisurely brunch, and getting caught up on all the DVDs and books I've got stacked up around here. Bliss!
So I tell him that. And he says "That would be such a waste."
Bet I don't get any vacation time, or very much. Last year I got 3 days. Now it's getting toward school starting time, and fall is our busy season, so I can't take any time off then.
Some days I just want to bang my head against a wall and scream. This was one of those days.
I saw this little news item today in the Chicago Tribune.
"A man was rescued after he fell down a manhole in Surprise, Arizona."
I dunno why, but I think that's funny as hell!
You got me giggling ..
Good thing he wasn't in Truth or Consequences.
Well, my boss got back from Greece today. I got to work all day in one store, which is nice, no running between them during the heat of the day. Just stay in one place and run that while my boss runs the other place. Nice.
He proudly presented me with a gift that he brought back for me. I opened the little box as he said "the girls (his 3 teenage daughters) picked it out."
Inside was a diamond-cut silver chain with a glittery little dolphin hanging from it. Aside from the fact that the chain was way too small to go round my neck, it looked like something a teenage girl would pick out for herself, not for someone a whole lot older. What the fuck! NOW what do I do with it? I made the appropriate noises of gratitude and shoved it in my purse and got the hell out of there.
I don't consider myself fussy at all. I'm the easiest person in the world to buy a gift for. I never want clothes, or jewelry, or any kind of spa things. My wish list is comprised of two things and two things only..give me any of these and I will worship the ground you walk on.
Chocolate, and bubble bath. I once found a chocolate scented bubble bath and thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Can't find it anymore though, dammit.
Now, I'm sure my boss will be expecting to see me WEAR that necklace, which A. doesn't fit and B. is not my style. I'm glad they thought of me and wanted to bring me back something, but..gahhhh. This is just so NOT me.
Should I wear it once and get it out of the way? Or not wear it till they ask about it?
I'm wayy too tired to deal with these heavy questions....another 14 hour day....ZZZZZ
Sometimes..there just aren't words. Some days I just feel empty, like nothing matters and no one cares. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe it's the moon.
I dunno. Wish I did.
You can take ''no one care'' off that list .. stop moping and bake a cake and tell me how it turned out. X
Ya with that nice new kitchen in the works.... I wants some muffins.... and keep in mind there is a triple wammer this month with the moons we have a black moon on the 31st, no wonder people have been crazy this month !
The little fishy I wrote about in a previous entry did not survive the night. I'm gonna miss that little guy. He was a sweetheart.
I just came home to the weirdest thing, it made my heart stop for a second.
My boss, who is on vacation, asked me to look after his pets while he was away..two hermit crabs and a betta fish. That lil fishie won my heart, he loves attention and would swim round and round when I came near, and when I fed him he would poke his head out of the water and try to take it out of my fingers!
I came home just now and looked to the shelf where his bowl sits...and the bowl was empty. What the hell? I looked around and then down..and there he was, on the floor, laying still as death. Oh god, he must have flipped out of the bowl....I started to cry thinking he was a goner, and went to get something to scoop him up with.
As soon as I touched him he twitched...then twitched again...he was ALIVE! He couldn't have been out that long as he wasn't cold or I quickly dipped him back into his lil bowl. For a few moments he didn't do anything..just sort of floated around..then I saw his gills working and he flipped his tail and started swimming!
I was soooo relieved and happy. I think I will call him Lazarus now, lol. I think he's still recovering from his adventure, but he's definitely alive. What a thing to come home to!
I saw this on a very flash sports car that I was following down the road:
Wonder how many times he gets pulled over?
Made it through another one alive. Boss snuck out early, he offered to go run an errand that needed attending to and while he was out he went home and stayed there! And since he has a "boys' weekend" this weekend, which consists of him and a bunch of buddies going to the lake and fishing/getting drunk...he won't be back till Monday.
Which means..I have to open and close BOTH stores tomorrow. Impossible you say? Not for....SUPER CARNELIANMYST...she can do things most mortals cannot..or at least she tries
It's so damn hot, I was hoping to have an early out tomorrow so I could come home and relax. That's not gonna happen. Poop. Oh well. Just keep repeating after's only a job..this too shall pass....think of the starving people in Darfur.
And so life goes on.
''Is it a bird, is it a plane ...NO, it's SUPER CARNELIANMYST''
gawd, you really *are* a slave to this guy.