Cancer's Journal

Cancer's Journal


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4 entries this month

Harry Potter V

04:42 Jul 14 2007
Times Read: 1,158

Ok, I've decided that I like this latest Harry Potter movie the least of all. It's lacking everything that makes the other movies so good.

No spoilers here. I'm just going to state what ISN'T in the movie:

No Quidditch.

Harry is a big ole whinny wuss this time around.

The ending sucks. Harry does nothing. He doesn't stand out at all in this movie. In the second film he slays a basilisk. In the third he fights off a hundred dementors. In the fourth he faces off against Voldemort. What does he do in the end of the fifth? NOTHING.

The movie sucked.

Don't message me about how good the book is. A movie must stand on its own. This movie could have been like The Empire Strikes Back. It was all there... Harry could have gone up against Voldemort, unprepared, and the consequences could have been dire.




Message Gems

04:34 Jul 14 2007
Times Read: 1,162

From: ladyrenee

Date: Jul 10 2007

if there r real vamps in the world how can i tell them from humans how could i find one wat r the signs and r there different typs of vamps and if so wat r they

From: therazor2

Date: Jul 07 2007

I'm tired of getting my accounts on here deleted so as far as I know, this website sucks. There is no fun in it at all because this happens to me. And everyone who think's this site is cool, is wrong. Images in words, and that other guy that I can't remember his ID suspended me. Images in words is a slut, and a fagit! Until someone over on your end talks to me about this, I will never understand and will know that this site sucks. So if you can't get back to me on this, then tell Imagesinwords that, and tell Svan or whoever he is that I think they suck for not giving me a reason.

From: Djevelhund

Date: Jul 13 2007

gues what.. i found out why Vampire's have avoided me.

my Blood is cursed by Odin himself, acording to myth since i am a decendent of the god's my blood is their's

so if it is spiled or stolen there is a bloodprice.

bloodprice = Eye for an eye.

and since the blood of a Heden god canot be payed back

it wont stop until the enemy's bloodline is ended.

Ever heard about "Berserkers" or "Einherier"

it sais if i was to be atacked i will turn into a Berserk and do twice the damage back at my enemy.

and if killed turned into "Einherier" Odins Elite Imortal warriors, they canot be stoped by anything else then a "Valkyrie" and they MUST be taken to Valhall or they will walk the earth for all eternety searching for the bloodline of the enemy and killing them.

so in short even thoug im mortal im going to Reserect and turn into some kind of Zombie Warlord.

it is true some of my forfather's were said to be Canibals and Werewolves by Swedish Pesants in Medevil times but they were wiped out by the plague in 1349.

ownly a few members of my great bloodline survived and they changed theyr name to a Kristian name.

there were no more claim's of "Elaka Hundar" (Evil Dog's in Swedish).

Werewolves are said to be extinct.

since you are the Prince of Vampire's you might know what Lucifer would want to talk to me about.

i do NOT understand arameic or Latin so there is no use in entering my dream's

thorny crosses and burning tree's, big open plains with a tree in the midle.. mountains and bluish light..

then hes always blabering about somthing about Mortem et liberatum and looking at me as if im going to kill somone.

i believe i am some sort of key and it is what i unlock he fear's or try's to warn me about.

well hope this all make's more sence to you cus im not catholic.. im heden.. i just know a lot about religion and myth.




Message Gems

00:54 Jul 07 2007
Times Read: 1,275

From: Deadprincess

Date: Jul 06 2007

i bow down in shame for only being a ghoul!

From: LadyWraith

Date: Jul 05 2007

razr wanted me to say apologies if any drama gets to u he is sorry, also if radu sent u a message sorry i was thinking of killing myself because iamhell broke up with me, i have a book to finish and get published

From: milwaukeden

Date: Jul 05 2007

Just wanted to ask if anyone may bite you? As now I am a Shadow, I was going to bite you, but because I bit someone before asking, I got chooed out. I am really having fun biting, and was thinking about biting you.


From: GregoryVonJames

Date: Jul 05 2007

What do you do when you constantly get picked on by an admin?

On Jul 05 2007 Cancer wrote:

I don't get picked on by Admins.

On Jul 05 2007 GregoryVonJames wrote:


...I do. >.>

From: ??????

Date: Jul 06 2007

Greetings...such an interesting site, such an interesting person who created it. You have changed much in the years eh Cancer?



The last message is a true gem. It's from my first internet love. I fell for her back in 1996. We spent a weekend together in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Now we only speak once or twice a year. She tracked me down to Vampire Rave, signed up an account, and sent me that message.

It's been over 11 years since we last saw one another, but I still think of you from time to time ;) I wonder if you realize what today is? And was that the reason you sent me this message?





21:49 Jul 04 2007
Times Read: 1,322

Transformers sucked. It sucked so much I had to wait two days to write about it. I saw it Monday night.

It starts out pretty good. It gets you revved up. But trust me, it's all downhill after about 30 minutes into the film. The plot and storyline are horrible. You don't just have to suspend belief while watching this film, you have to imagine yourself in some Bizarro universe.

It's horrible.

The CGI is great. That's it. The rest sucks.

Once again Michael Bay proves that he is one of the worst directors on the planet.



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