Caligo's Journal

Caligo's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


6 entries this month

Honor System.

22:35 Jun 13 2012
Times Read: 569

Okay. So here is my take on the honor system on Vampire Rave:

I do like it. I don't have any problems with it, except that it is flawed.

I don't think that any member should be able to hide themselves from taking, or giving honor to any member.

If you don't have the kahunas to get what you "dish out" then you have no business "dishing it out."

*As for the mosquito "dishing out" her negative honor towards me, go ahead. You aren't even worth one microsecond of attention or recognition. You don't bother me one little bit. I know who you are. I just choose to act civil, mature, and like an actual adult.

Little cry babies, and immature little girls are not my concern. Let's just say your are jealous, because I have more friends/supporters than you. You are nothing but a brat. And not even that...

And the only reason you get recognized here for, is so I have someone to laugh at.*




Charles Manson: Cult Leader and Serial Killer

19:42 Jun 09 2012
Times Read: 598


Charles Milles Manson, an American criminal, was born on November 12, 1934. His mother, Kathleen Maddox, unmarried and only 16-years-old, gave birth to him at Cincinnati General Hospital located in Ohio. At first, Manson was named "no name" Maddox, but after a couple of weeks was given the name of Charles Milles Maddox. A long length of time went by and Kathleen married a laborer by the name of William Manson. Charles was then given the last name of Manson.

Manson's biological father seems to have been a man by the name of Colonel Walker Scott. Kathleen had filed a bastardy suit that had an agreed judgment in 1937. Charles Manson, never really knew him.

Currently researching. So the information will go up as i finish each section. Please be patient. :)




Research Project

18:15 Jun 09 2012
Times Read: 600

So I am thinking about doing a research project on a serial killer, but don't know who to research.

I am wondering if I could get some suggestions?

That would be greatly appreciated..



23:12 Jun 09 2012

there you go :P

1. Gilles de Rais, Born 1404 [Crimelibrary]

2. Richard Trenton Chase, Born 1950 [Crimelibrary]

3. Jeffrey Dahmer, Born 1960 [Crimelibrary]

4. Albert Fish, Born 1870 [Crimelibrary]

5. Andrei Chikatilo, Born 1936 [Crimelibrary]

6. Joachim Kroll, Born 1933 [Crimelibrary]

7. Dennis Rader, Born 1945 [Crimelibrary]

8. John Haigh, Born 1909 [Crimelibrary]

9. Javed Iqbal, Born 1956 [Crimelibrary]

10. Ted Bundy, Born 1946 [Crimelibrary]

19:48 Jun 10 2012

i am reckoning that you have chosen a path and i look forward to seeing the outcome of your journey...


Ok, So everything is cleared up.

00:39 Jun 08 2012
Times Read: 608

My mom will just come back next month. I've decided in order for me and my boyfriend and my mom to have an account we have to be premium. So I guess we are buying premium.




Well Admin screw over my family once again...

23:22 Jun 07 2012
Times Read: 625

My mom gets suspended and Lullaby gets away with IP blocking and flaming. I think that's a load of shit. I thought that IP blocking was against T.O.S..

I would love to know why my mom got suspended, when she didn't do anything. Lullaby bitches that she gets a 2, and accuses my mom of something she didn't do, and she gets her way with breaking rules. Not only did she IP block, but she also flamed my mom with negative honor and rude comments. Yet, my mom is following rules, and she gets suspended. This is bullshit.

I was going to purchase a lifetime premium membership on here, but being that Cancer and the Admins like to take troublemakers sides, and play unfair, I guess that idea is out the window.

I will stay on this site, because I love it, but I refuse to pay money to those who don't even follow their own rules.



00:00 Jun 08 2012

As I was the one to suspend the accounts- let me explain. You share the same IP- and the below journal that I read lead me to see you had more then one free account coming out of your home. You admit to this yourself.

In that case- you have to have paid accounts.

"But it is my mother, brother, sister, hubby.."

It might be, but the accounts have to be paid. Only way to keep people from making all kinds of free accounts, saying they are family members.

The drama you have going with other members had nothing to do with this, rules are rules. The VR Manual is clear on this. Others have been suspended for the same reason, no Admins are picking on you or your family.

If you have any other questions- please send me a PM.

Thank you.


To all members who are assuming, conniving, negative, childish, immature people:

21:09 Jun 06 2012
Times Read: 663

To all of you people who have been harassing my mom (KarmaQyeen) of being an alternate account just because she put me as her referrer need to stop. Her account is perfectly legit. We live in the same household. There for we have the same IP address. If you morons cannot understand that then I think you would be the most dumbfounded people I hope to never meet.

As for all of you who are harassing her for speaking her mind and supposedly being "negative" even though you were the ones who were being assholes and being negative first, fuck off! Stop giving her negative honor because you were the asses first and you are just too stubborn to admit to it! Stop acting childish, and immature and get the fuck over it. Get a life!

Some of these people that have been harassing her are actually coven masters and mentors. I thought they were supposed to be the role models of this website, but looks like they are what people would actually look down on. They are supposed to be nice, have respect for everybody on the site, and help them out.

I hope these people get what they deserve, because karma (no not my mom, the actual karma) is a major bitch! It will catch up to you sooner or later. Hope your ready.

Do not have a nice day!

For those of you who have been nice to me and KarmaQyeen, disregard this message it was not meant for you.

To all you respectful, and nice members out there:

Have a nice day! :)



21:23 Jun 06 2012

thank you for posting this and clearing so much up and i got told on my honor feedback to grow up. that honestly is funny .... maybe those ppl should take their own advice? :) rofl!!

you would think in todays technology ppl would realize families live together and have same IP addresses and might be on the same sites.. ppl shoudnt assume anything as we all know the saying that goes with it LOL ..

yes karma will have a field day with these ppl who were rude.nasty and condescending to me, its ok though no worries anymore

ty for clearing up my acct is a legit acct and not an alternate as the one poor fool said when he secretly gave me false honor .i find it funny they can give me negative honor and feed back within it but couldnt proudly display their names... with the comment/and honor taken .....maybe they scared ill go back and give them a rude comment and negative feedback. but sad truth really is i wouldnt waste my time or energy on negative miserable ppl like that i prefer to stay positive so i want nothing to do with them. :) got better things and ppl to involve myself with on here and in real life :D ty for this post!:D

02:28 Jun 07 2012

I keep getting harrassed for being myself ... it makes me so mad how rude some people are...thanks for posting this

04:35 Jun 07 2012

Do you know how many of my friends have been accused of being me just because we talk a bit alike and because some of them lived with me for a few months at a time? They don't understand that if you run off the same internet you have the same ip address apparently. Just shrug it off and ignore them.

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