Cadamia's Journal

Cadamia's Journal


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4 entries this month

Princess Juliette's Embrace

03:25 Feb 22 2005
Times Read: 814

I should say first off that I am Princess Juliette. I am the Primogen Of The

Toreador 4th Generation . We are often criticized as being over

egotistical and self centered. I think not. Soon I will explain the basis

of my arguments but first I must give you the layout of my history.

You see in my life, as opposed to what I call my death, I was a

renowned artist and musician. I painted large murials that people would

come from the four corners of the earth to view and then pay homage to. I

also sang as a soloist in the opera quite

often but my art always came first. To make a long story short

I was never short of admirers.

But I digress. I have gotten ahead of myself. It was a dark and humid

night and

I was painting a murial at the opera house that I was currently singing in.

The house was packed every night and my fans sent so

many roses that I had to

have 4 people help me carry them home every night. I looked at the

stage one night and it suddenly dawned on me that the stage needed

something. I thought

of hiring someone to come in and paint a murial for me but decided against it.

I occurred to me that I was the only one who could

really do my vision justice so I started working. The hours passed and before I

knew it it was the wee hours of the morning. I thought that I had

heard a cat and fearing

that it would get paw prints or fur on it I went to chase it off. I know

I really saw this though it seemed like a dream at the time. I saw a black

cat whose eyes were such emerald in color it reminded me of a jewel. Then

suddenly it became a tall and

mysterious man. Like pouring milk into a bowl, he just changed.

I thought to scream

but his eyes didn't change. They had me so mesmerized that I couldn't

think. Then suddenly he began to speak. His voice resonated

through me like water through the earth.

"I have heard your voice and now I have seen your art, may I have the honor of

hearing you speaking your name?" As the words rolled through me I finally recalled just

what my name was. "Juliette, kind sir", I finally stammered out.

He told me his name was Sir Stephen. Then he stepped up to me and took my hand,

kissing it and lightly letting the tip of his tongue gently graze against my wrist taking the breathe

from me. Then he asked me for something. "Kind Lady I need something from you, it means

life and death to my soul, please humor me." At this point I would have given my life for

him, little did I know that is just what he wanted. "What would that be sire?" "I need an embrace

from you." He purred in my ear. "Most certainly kind sir. " He opened his arms and I stepped

into them, noticing a chill coming off of him but so lost in him was I that I had not the time

to think on it. I felt his fangs sink quickly into my neck and I swear I never felt the pain of it.

Soon I felt faint from the blood flowing from me. Just as my knees buckled, he picked me

up in his arms and gave me a garnet challis filled with what I now know to be bloodwyne.

It was warm and thick and as I drank it I felt the strength returning to my limbs

but I dare not say anything as I loved the feel of him.

That was the beginning of my death.

Less than a month later, we were wed in a little chapel in his kingdom.

I know the sound of a couple of vampires getting married seems odd. Yet

it was all so beautiful. It was like stepping out of one dream life and into

another. The chapel seemed filled with our love. The walls were covered in

candles scented of angel tears, white roses, orchids and gardenias. My

gown was an off-white, long and flowing one with tons of lace and real white,

yellow and peach roses. As I walked down the isle to my love, my head spun.

I felt so light and airy I could hardly move. I reached for his hand and when

he finally was able to reach me, my knees fell weak and I had to be temporarily

supported to stand. I barely remember the vows but do well recall the feeling

I had during our first married kiss. It was as if heaven had come to rest

in my heart. I do recall that many of the people I met that day made be a bit

nervous but I thought that was just butterflies. Little did I know they were plotting

against my love. The chief of these was a man named Christoff.

I dismissed my fears all to soon.

We spent many wonderful years together and shared

many a hunt. Till one fateful day when a traitorous vampire tricked the love of my death

into drinking poisoned blood. Though it had not the power to kill him it pained him in

ways I can't begin to describe and so I was forced to kill him so that he wouldn't have

to live in such agony. As the dagger fell into his heart I gave him one last kiss and

then departed to find his associates and link with them to find his traitor and kill him

and his clan and thus we remain in search of him to this day.

I have done much in trying to find the people behind the murder of my

love. What I have found has astonished me. It would seem Stephen

was betrayed by most of those in her inner circle. Christoff was his left hand

man. He had at one time been a vampire warrior, killing all of our

dkind that he could. Then, due to an accident, he was turned

himself and used this to his favor in getting close to my Stephen.

I will one day make him regret this. So far I have found and killed the

following traitors.

Lady Willington - secretary of the interior

Sir Eddington - finance minister

Chancellor Williams - foreign affairs

will add more as I have them.




Princess Juliette's Embrace part 3

05:50 Feb 18 2005
Times Read: 827

When we finished talking and I was ready to leave, the air become heavy and I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. It was not long before I couldn't move at all. To this day I have no idea what they did to me but I passed out (probably not the right terminology for a vamp) and didn't rouse for 3 days.

I had his words running thru my head, or should I say tried to run thru my head. I could hardly remember my name right then. I lay in my bed no knowing how I had gotten there or why the people who had taken me wanted to talk to me. I just remembered a smell.......


I awaited night, restless, trying to decide whether I was to return to the mansion or not. I could not remember much of anything that happened after I entered the library, only that I had to find that smell. I had to speak with the man who possessed that smell. Something deep inside kept telling me that he was important and that he knew what I had to do.

Did someone tell me I had to go somewhere and if so why? I strained trying to remember until my mind became so foggy and confused that I could no longer chase the memory. I decided that I had to return to the mansion but when I got there, there was nothing more than a concrete foundation with the charred remains of what had been walls.

I walked up closer to get a better idea of what had happened and realised that those I had met that night, must have been there when it burned to the ground because I am could see their profiles burned into the foundation. What a horrible way to go, then I smelled the faint scent of holy water and knew that it was the work of vampire exterminators. They had been killed like mice in an attack, with no warning and no where to run. I felt an anger that I had not felt in many years. My anger had become dulled with time and perhaps I had not used all of my passions to persue the guilty parties but this was no longer a problem. My resolve refreshed, my determination aflame with the fresh fire of this new attrocity, I looked for clues.

As I sought the icons left behind in haste, an aroma hit my nostrels and I was snapped to. There it is again. There is that smell. I followed the smell, which became stronger with each passing step. I found my self running, faster and faster until I came to a place where the strength of it nearly overcame me. I looked about for the source and saw a man, in a long black cloak with the hood pulled tightly over his face. I ran to him and dared not touch him.

"Sire, may I ask who you are?"

"Juliette, has it been so long, that you do not know me anymore?"

My knees were aquiver, I recognised that voice. I stood stunned, not sure of how this could be. "Twas the voice of my most beloved, my prince. Stephen.

I dropped to my knees and stared at him. I watched him as he approached me and extended his hand to me.

"My lady, you know this was never the way with us. Stand by my side as it should have been all this time. Do not fear my touch, I am your love. You are still that thing that pushes me forward, even in my destruction. Listen carefully, I have but a small window of time to tell you all that I must to preserve not only you, but all our kind. Christoff has gone into a pact with a fierce sorceror and is even now getting information on where all the covens of vampires remain. When he has accomplished this, he will give this information to the sorceror and with that he will send out a wraith, formed from the fires of the sun to complete consume us. Whereas we do walk in the light of day, none could resist the heat from these fires and would be reduced to ash in seconds. When I leave you, you must go to the place I will show you and do not hesitate to kill all you find there.

Take no one as the allys I have chose await you there."

With that we walked to an alter where a map was laying spread wide. I looked as a tiny flame marked the city I was to go to. We spake for what seemed like hours and he bade me farewell until the time we should be reunited.

In parting he made me promise not to destroy Christoff's body when I abolished him from the realm of vampires, when I asked him why, he only told me we would need it for not only protection but also to aid in our reunion.




The Princess and the Dragon

00:22 Feb 16 2005
Times Read: 841

The Princess and the Dragon

There was once in a kingdom far way, a good king and queen. The king’s name was Leo

and the queen was Leandra. They were well loved by the entire kingdom. The day came that

the beloved couple was told that the queen was to have a child. The whole region rejoiced

at the news of an heir to the throne and began sending presents for the expecting couple

and the child to come.

As the pregnancy advanced, there were tell tale signs of complications but no one was

ready for what was to come. The day for the baby to be born had finally arrived. The

Queen’s labor seemed to be going well until just as the baby's head crowned and the queen

had a terrible set of cramps. As the baby was delivered she began to. bleed internally. The

doctors could not stop the bleeding and the queen passed on. The kingdom fell into a deep

depression, as did the king. He could hardly look at the child without breaking into tears,

so as time went on he relied more and more on the staff that took care of the castle to care

for the baby. It was the nanny that eventually named her. Alliyah was the name that she

gave the child.

The years passed and Alliyah grew in beauty and grace. Her nanny had taught her to be

both honest and compassionate. All who knew her loved her and still her father had little

to do with her. When he- passed in the hall way he would nod and walk on by. If he had to

be involved in a decision concerning her, he became aggravated with the whole thing and

make a rush decision. Alliyah grew up believing that her father hated her and nothing she

could ever do would make her worthy of his love. She never let it cause her to be bitter,

though it caused her to spend many nights crying herself to sleep.

When she turned eighteen, her father gave her a horse as a birthday gift. It was a beautiful

black stallion-and she loved it so. The king had hired a man named, Zeus to care for her

horse because he had a reputation of being one of the best horsemen in the land. He was

poor but he knew how to get the best from the animal. Zeus was a man of honor and

dignity. He had been raised in a family where love and honor reigned. He was, therefore, a

very loving and gentle person both with man and beast.

Alliyah loved riding her horse so she spent quite a bit of time around Zeus, she saw the

way he treated the horses and the way he treated the people he worked with. Something

about the gentle nature he'showed unnerved her but she didn't say anything. The more

time she spent around him, the more she realized that it hurt her heart to see him being

such an open person and realizing that she had never so much gotten a hug from her

father. It only served to break her heart farther to see that it was not just that he was a

man. Now she really did think it was her fault in some way.

One day Zeus noticed that Alliyah seemed to be depressed so he slowly approached and

asked what had her so down. She instantly broke into tears and told him everything. He

stood his distance for a time not sure what the punishment for hugging royalty was but

finally compassion for her broken heart overcame him so he took her into his arms and

held her as she wept deep and bitter tears. When she had regained her composure, he

stepped back and dried the tears from her face. To Zeus, all this seemed a small thing, but

to Alliyah it was nothing small at all. She pondered on this for many sleepless nights. She

wanted to go to her father and ask him why he couldn't be as loving with her but she dared

not. She did speak to her nanny and asked her often why her father didn't love her. Her

nanny assured her that he did love her and excused his actions by saying that he was a very

busy man. But as tin1e passed that explanation didn't play out well for her either so she

approached the king to talk to him about his daughter. Neither realized that the princess

was in the hallway hanging on their every word.

"King Leo, why do you not spend time with Alliyah? She is a good and loving child, I

think you would be proud if her if you only took the time to get to know her."

"Nanny Alicia, you know better than anyone that I love my daughter but you also know

that the older she becomes the more she looks like her mother, I simply can't bear to look

at her and see her lovely mothers face before me. I almost didn't survive losing her when

she died. You know this."

"Yes your honor but you know that it is not Alliyah's fault that her mother died, that was

just an unfortunate turn of events. She needs your love now. She is so lonely. It hurts me

to see her this way but you are the only one who can do anything about it."

"Nanny Alicia, I have given you more room than most because I know you are only trying

to care well for Alliyah, but if you question me one more time I will become angry and I

might end up doing something neither none of us want. Go about your work."

"Yes your honor." She went quietly never knowing that her precious Alliyah knew other

actions and was standing in the hallway silently weeping. She wept for her courageous

nanny, her dead mother, the lack other fathers love and herself. As the days passed she

became more and more impressed with Zeus and the way he treated others. How could he

be so different from her father? It was mind-boggling.

Zeus treated Alliyah with respect but then he treated every other living thing with that

same respect so she knew he was not just being nice to her because she was the princess.

So one night she decided she needed to talk to him and find out why he behaved as he did.

" Zeus, I am curious, why is it you treat everyone and everything for that matter with such


"Princess, I am not sure what you are asking, could you explain?"

"Well, you seem to be genuinely concerned for all the people and animals around you. I

have never known a man like you before. I was wondering how you could be so different.

My father has never shown me half the concern you do."

"Hum, well the only thing I know to tell you is perhaps he has suffered a loss more deeply

than I have and had no one to turn to for support. In my family we are always there for

each other. His lo'1e for your mother is legendary and the whole kingdom knows of the

pain he went through when she died. Also the older you become the more you look like

her. Haven't you noticed this?"

"I suppose but it is not my fault she died. I wanted to get to know her too."

" I understand this and it is not fair that he shows you so little affection, but I would be

willing to bet that in his heart of hearts, there is more love for you than you can know, it

just hurts too much to see your mother in you for him to show it to you. "

Alliyah left him that day thinking on all that he had told her. It made sense so she let it

ease her weary mind and found that she slept much better. As time passed she found that

she enjoyed being in Zeus's presence more and more. Then came the day that they kissed

for the first time. It all happened very innocently but she was not ready for her response to


Zeus treated Alliyah with respect but then he treated every other living thing with that

same respect so she knew he was not just being nice to her because she was the princess.

So one night she decided she needed to talk to him and find out why he behaved as he did.

" Zeus, I am curious, why is it you treat everyone and everything for that matter with such


"Princess, I am not sure what you are asking, could you explain?"

"Well, you seem to be genuinely concerned for all the people and animals around you. I

have never known a man like you before. I was wondering how you could be so different.

My father has never shown me half the concern you do."

"Hum, well the only thing I know to tell you is perhaps he has suffered a loss more deeply

than I have and had no one to turn to for support. In my family we are always there for

each other. His lo'1e for your mother is legendary and the whole kingdom knows of the

pain he went through when she died. Also the older you become the more you look like

her. Haven't you noticed this?"

"I suppose but it is not my fault she died. I wanted to get to know her too."

" I understand this and it is not fair that he shows you so little affection, but I would be

willing to bet that in his heart of hearts there is more love for you than you can know, it

just hurts too much to see your mother in you for him to show it to you. "

Alliyah left him that day thinking on all that he had told her. It made sense so she let it

ease her weary mind and found that she slept much better. As time passed she found that

she enjoyed being in Zeus's presence more and more. Then came the day that they kissed

for the first time. It all happened very innocently but she was not ready for her response to


They had been riding all day when her horse bolted after seeing a snake in the path. When

she finally managed to slow him, Zeus was hot on their trail. She came to a stop and leapt

from her horse, her legs a bit weak from the whole thing. Zeus caught her before she fell

to the ground. When he was sure she was ok relief flooded his heart and he bent his lips to

hers and gave her a tender but slight kiss. As realization of what had just happened hit

them both, their faces went red and they parted with more than a little nervousness. This

would certainly make things more interesting they both thought.

That evening her father came to her room to announce something of great importance, as

she waited she wondered what could be so important that it would cause her father to

actually tell her himself She waited with bated breath. When he entered her room, she

almost passed and to see that he had come with out his group of councilors

I! A1liy~ I have something I need to discuss with you. There has, of course, been allot of

offers for your hand in marriage. Most of which I thought nothing but one of our allies as

offered to marry you and I think it is a good idea. You are of age now and I wanted to be

the one to tell you what is going on. I hope he will make you very happy. I must take my

leave of you to attend to some matters of state but I hope to see you at supper tonight.1!

He left the room as abruptly as he had entered it leaving without letting her mutter a word.

Her head was still spinning from him being there and she had not yet begun to understand

what had just gone on but she did have the sudden feeling that she was not happy with the

whole thing. She made an excuse for herself to miss supper and went out to ride her horse.

Zeus met her ready to go get her horse for her when she broke into tears. Not sure what

to do about the whole thing, he held her until she was able to get it under control, then

asked what troubled her so much. She explained what had happened with her father and

he did his best to console her. Even he had no idea of what to tell her to make her feel

better so he just kept telling her it would all work out fine in time. He was not sure how

much of that he believed but it was all he could think of at the time. She finally gained

control of herself and they went for their ride. That night as she lay in bed, she thought of

how strange things had become and how close she and Zeus had become. Her thoughts

swirled madly and it felt as though her world had gone into full tilt. If she had known what

The next day would bring she might have run away from home.

The next morning she woke with the dawn even though she had gotten very little sleep the

night before. Her head ached and her body was sore from so much tossing and turning.

She was groggy and sleepy. There was a knock at the door. She asked them to enter, it

was a court messenger. He informed her that her presence was needed in the kings

chamber. She dressed and left immediately. When she arrived she saw her father standing

next to two men. One was quite elderly but very distinguished and the other was a young

with the look of an overstuffed turkey about him. She quietly prayed that this was not the

man her father had in mind for her to marry.

I! A1liyah, this is King Andrew and his son, Phillip. Prince Phillip is the young man who you

are betrothed to marry .He has come here to become acquainted with you before your

wedding day. You will be spending a great bit of time with him for the next two weeks.

Then the blessed day will come. "

All eyes were on her and she felt faint. Too much was happening too fast. Her feelings for

Zeus, her feelings for her father, her feelings about what was happening to her. It all

became like a maddening hurricane in her mind and she collapsed in a heap on the floor.

When she came to, her nanny was standing over her dabbing her forehead with a cold

cloth. Suddenly it all came rushing back and she found herself in tears, weeping

uncontrollably. Nanny Alicia held her quietly and let her cry on her shoulder not knowing

what else to do. She thought the kings actions unthinkable but could not bring herself to

question him on it. Not after what had happened the last time. She just tried to comfort

the child she had come to love as her own and hoped it would all work out well for her.

Alliyah spent only the time she had to with Prince Phillip over the next two weeks finding

him rude and ill tempered. She hated the very sight of him. Sure he had tried to impress

her with the way he treated her but he treated the servants with such arrogance it pained

her to see it. She found herself apologizing for him at every turn, after he had walked

away of course. Whenever possible, she would sneak out to the barns and meet with Zeus.

It was now two days before the wedding was to be and she snuck off again. She had no

idea that the prince and his trusted wizard had followed her. He saw her go into

Zeus' s quarters behind the horse barns. So this is who is keeping the princess when she is

away from me. Well, it is time to teach her a lesson. He only thought he was ready for

what he would see when he opened the door to the little shed that Zeus lived in.

Slowly he snuck up to the door and silently opened it. Peering into the semi darkness he

waited for his eyes to adjust. When it did, he saw Alliyah in the arms of Zeus crying like an

abandoned child. His temper soared and he screamed as a wild banshee. Alliyah bolted

from Zeus' s arms startled. When she realized who it was and what had just happened her

heart was filled with panic.

"YOU LITTLE TROLLOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you betray me with such a lowly,

disgusting whelp of a man?????????? I promise you, you will regret this day! "

"I have no doubt of that PRINCE PHILLIP!!!! I have regretted every day of my life since

I have met you. You have no honor in you. You are a spoiled brat and a mean and

arrogant idiot. "



Roman was the wizard he took everywhere with him He slunk into the room, glaring at

everyone. He had a snakelike quality to the way he walked and talked.

"If Alliyah thinks it proper to be in love with a simple horse trainer, then by all means let

her but let us give her a little challenge. I think the young man would make a wonderful

dragon, don't you?"

"Oh yes master, I do indeed, what kind of dragon? What would he look best as.''

"Well Alliyah loves him, so let's take her lead. All of her dresses have green in them so I

think a large, fire-breathing dragon with green scales and blue green wings. Since he has

set his hat for a princess, he should have a golden horn because he won't be able to wear a


"As you bid my lord." He danced rather well for a man of his years as he chanted the

horrible words that meant that certain doom for the lovers and Alliyah gasped in horror as

Zeus began to grow to scales and his neck began to stretch and deform, she wanted to run

to him and hold her tightly and stop the magic that was changing him right down to a

cellular level but stood frozen unable to do anything. The man she loved had been made

into a huge dragon, a beautiful dragon but a dragon none the less. The prince grabbed

Alliyah rudely and Zeus went into action to fight him off.

" Alliyah, get on my back! "

She leapt onto his back as he valiantly fought for her freedom. The prince’s sword made

contact with the scales on his belly and cut some of them nearly all the way off He

growled in pain but never let up. Finally he fought his way out of his home and flew off

into the forest with AlIiyah on his back.

AlIiyah was so traumatized by all that had just happened that she collapsed on Zeus's

broad, scaly back and slept for what seemed like days. Zeus flew carefully not wanting to

disturb her, all the while seeking a safe place to hide. Finally he noticed a cave in the forest

many miles outside the castle gates. He landed and walked carefully into the cave then lay

down careful not to let A1liyah slip from his back. The day slipped into night and the odd

couple slept in restless nightmares, hoping to awake and find it was all just a terrible


Back at the castle, Prince Phillip returned and after much discussion with his wizard about

how best to cover up his actions, he had decided to tell the king that his daughter had been

killed by a dragon. This way his terrible behavior and her "betrayal" would never be

discovered. He would never be able to live down the humiliation of the fact that Princess

AlIiyah had fallen for a commoner over hin1. Rest assured, if he had his way no one would

ever know.

"Your majesty, there has been a horrible tragedy, I went to the stables to ride horses with

your beautiful daughter, AlIiyah and we were attacked by a terrible dragon. I tried to save

her but the dragon was faster than I was and by the time I reached her, the dragon had

eaten her. I am so sorry. Tell me what to do!!!!!"

Does the dragon yet live?"

I fear so my lord, he flew away before I could do much besides cut some plates off of his


My apologies my liege."

"1 understand but I will expect you to accompany my army to find this dragon as you are

the only one who knows what he looks like. :

"My pleasure my good king. "

"Let us get some sleep tonight and with the dawn we ride. "

"But my king, you go with us? Is that not dangerous?"

"She is my daughter, I go with you."

Nanny Alicia was confused by what she saw in her king, all that she could hope for was

that the king had found a place in his heart to love his daughter and that the stories of

AlIiyah's demise had been great exaggerated. She retired to her room and found sleep only

in fitful dreams of AlIiyah and a dragon that fought valiantly to protect her with his own

life. It was then she knew not only that AlIiyah was alive but that the "good prince" had

lied about the viciousness of the dragon.

When the dawn broke, the couple awoke to the singing of the birds hoping to be at home

in their beds but reality came crashing in all too soon when they realized that they were in

a cave. Alliyah gave Zeus a gentle hug, never saying a word. She was busy trying to think

of a way to rescue her new friend who had done so much to save her life, from the

situation he found himself in. Finally it came to her.

"Zeus, there is a wizard in the town of Hamburg, he is known far and wide as the best and

most knowledgeable wizard in all the country, perhaps if we go through we’ll be able to

help you. "

" Alliyah, it is worth a try but shouldn't I take you home, this could be a terribly dangerous


"Zeus, you are a wonderful friend but no, you risked your life and you are in this position

because you tried to help me. I will not leave you to face this alone. Besides I get the

feeling that since Prince Phillip has gone back to speak to my father, things may be worse

for me there than with you. I insist on going with you. I hope you will not be offended."

Trying to hold his excitement in, he replied, "Of course I am not offended but I am not

sure of where this Hamburg is, have you any idea?"

"Yes I know the way, I am going to want to take my horse as not to tire you out in

carrying me."

Zeus spoke not a word though he knew he could never tire of her. There was a strange

excitement about being with her and he couldn't help but to follow after her like a love

sick puppy. He pushed the thought of the whole thing from his mind and decided it was all

a reaction of the current events. He watched as Alliyah mounted her favorite steed and

followed her as she led him away to hopeful salvation.

The days passed and some days it seemed as though the path they were on would never

end. Even though Zeus wanted to believe that there was a chance for him to be himself

again the more time passed the harder it was to hold on to that faith that he had once had.

He and Alliyah had traveled so far, they enjoyed nightly talks when they broke from their

long day to eat whatever Zeus could catch and grab some sleep, his heart broke for her

when he realized what a nearly loveless life she had led and what a wonderful person she

had grown into despite her surroundings. Alliyah found it hard to believe that anyone's

parents could be as loving as Zeus had claimed his was. Then again she had never known

him to lie so the only thing she could come up with from this was that there was

something terribly wrong with herself if her father couldn't find it in his heart to love her as

Zeus's parents had loved him.

It was well into the eighth day of their travels and they came upon an elderly woman who

was passed out on the path. Alliyah ran to her side and finding her to be unconscious, she

and Zeus carefully placed her on Alliyah's horse and took her to a tavern. When they

arrived Alliyah asked the keeper to help her get the lady inside after Zeus had time to hide

as not to be seen. He brought her some water and rags to try and rouse the woman with.

Alliyah dabbed damp cloths on her face until she began to come around and then told her

not to fear she was among friends.

"Thank you kind lass for helping me. I seem to have over heated on my long trip and

passed out. I am sorry to have troubled you. Do I owe you anything?"

"No kind lady, you owe me nothing, I know you would have done all you could for me if

om roles had been reversed."

"You are far too kind. Did I not see you with a rather interesting friend?"

" Ssshh, you were dreaming I am alone." The Princess smiled and winked at her.

"All the same I would have loved to meet such a gentle fellow, even if he is not ordinary in

appearance. "

"I am sme, if he existed, he would love to meet you too. Perhaps you should get

something to eat. "

Alliyah bought some stew for the old lady and watched as she ate. When her strength was

recovered they both left the tavern together. The old lady insisted on meeting Zeus and

not wanting to start a scene, Alliyah agreed. She led her to where Zeus was hiding half

expecting her to scream but it never came.

"So you are the kind soul that helped this young lady to get me onto her horse. May I ask

your names?"

"I am Alliyah and this is Zeus. He has been bewitched for my sake, I am trying to help him

to get a wizard to turn him to himself again. "

"Well and good that is my child but tell me of how this happened?"

The two related their tale to her and her eyes filled with tears at hearing of their

heartbreaking story. When she had regained her composure, she began to speak again.

"I know what you must do but you must trust me in this." She seemed so ominous in this.

"Whatever you have to say miss we are listening. "

"Not far from here is a swamp, in that swamp is a cave. The trip is dangerous because the

swamp is filled with all manner of wild animals as well as crocodiles and the cave is

guarded by demon wolves. In the cave is a stone, one of terrible powers. It belongs to a

certain wizard who is under the employee of a fierce and wicked king. If you bring the

stone to me I can break this foul curse and not only this but make it safe for you to once

again return home. "

"Why would you do this for us madam?"

"I have a soft spot for lovers in trouble." Hearing this made them both uncomfortable but

they said nothing.

"We thank you, " Alliyah told her reaching for her hand and touching it gently, "show us

where we go and we will do our best. "

She pointed the way down the path and they followed her direction. They were both very

nervous as to where this path would lead them but felt prompted to go where she had told

them. Odd though, they had no idea why, why they would trust a woman they had only

just met and neither of them knew her name. They continued in the way that she had told

them in any case hoping she knew what she was talking about. One day led into the next

and about three days later they had not yet come to the swamp.

"Do you really believe we will find this place?" Zeus asked Alliyah.

"I can not tell you why, but yes I do. I feel as though I have known this woman."

"Ok that is enough for me. Alliyah, why are you going with me on this trip? I want you

here but you could be home in comfortable surrounding and not sleeping on the ground

and in the cold with me."

Not realizing what was about to come out of her mouth she replied and her words nearly

knocked the air out of both of them.

"I could never leave you to face this alone, I love you. "

As soon as the words left her mouth she realized what she had said was not only

astounding but true. Silently they went on with their travels in hopes that they would find

what they sought and their lives would be back to normal. They had no idea of where this

road would lead them.

Finally they came to the edge to an immense swamp. The smell of the water was foul to

them and the appearance of the area was enough to give the most brave warrior the

willies. They pushed on in hopes that this road was where they were destined to be.

Suddenly out of nowhere came a pack of wolves. Their eyes glowed eerily and they

approached the two travelers, slinking closer and closer. They growled, showing their

fangs. Zeus watched them nervous as to what they might try to do to Alliyah. The closer

they came the harder he found it to breathe. One of the wolves lunged at Alliyah and

instinctively, Zeus went to yell for him to stop but instead of a loud noise coming from his

mouth, a long stream of flame came out engulfing the wolf and burning him to a lump of

coal. So that is how that worked. The other wolves were frightened but kept coming at

them. Several more wolves lunged at the couple at the same time and Zeus opened his

mouth again and let fire pour out. Spinning with this flame coming from his mouth, caught

fire to the seven wolves closest to them. The rest of the pack went off running when they

saw what happened to their mates. When the moment was over and Alliyah could breathe

right again, she gave Zeus a great hug and thanked him for saving her life. They continued

on their way.

There were other problems with the local animals but nothing that Zeus couldn't handle.

They only served to slow them down on their travels a bit. Finally the day came that they

could see the entryway to the cave they had sought so long and hard for. They knew it

must be the right one because there were two enormous wolves pacing back and forth in

front of the cave opening. Alliyah guessed that on their hind legs they would be about six

foot tall. When she saw their eyes, it seemed to her that they glowed an awful red. They

approached the cave with caution. As they neared the entryway, one of the wolves turned

to stare them down and began talking.

'ISO you have come to take the "Heartstone" did you?"

"If that is what it is called, then yes we did." Zeus responded.

"You must be awfully confident to think you can get through me."

"If that is how it has to be then I guess that is how it has to be." Zeus squared off with the

wolf and stared it eye to eye standing toe to toe with him. Alliyah stood almost paralyzed,

praying that Zeus would not be hurt.

The wolf and Zeus circled each other, trying to decide who would attack first. It was the

wolf who drew first blood but Zeus soon retaliated and the fight was on. It seemed for a

time that the wolf has some how gotten the better of Zeus but Zeus would not give up.

The wolf lunged at his throat and because he was beginning to tire, the wolf made contact

and bit a freighting hole in the side of his neck. Frightened for Zeus, Alliyah ran to him and

tore off a piece of one of her underskirts to make a bandage for him. While she worked to

apply it to his wound the other wolf attacked her and bit her lower leg causing her to

scream out in pain. Zeus looked into her eyes and seeing the pain she was in, reached

around her and breathed fire on the attacking woIf. The woIf let go o f her, ran o ff in to the

forest only to die from the flames. The remaining was so angered from the loss of his

partner that the lunged at Alliyah, only to suffer the same fate. With the two wolves gone,

the couple entered the cave and almost immediately found the stone they sought. It was a

large ruby, cut in the shape of a heart and pulsing with a light they could not trace. Alliyah

picked it up and put it in her saddlebags. They then began the long journey back to the

tavern where they had left the woman. It was a long journey made longer by their injuries

but now they were reassured by the fact that everything the woman had said would

happen did. This confirmed she was right to them and gave them the hope they needed to

carry on even more energized now.

Before they realized what had happened they found themselves back at the tavern. Alliyah

entered and asked if anyone had seen this woman since she left and they told her no but

she was welcome to come inside and wait to see if she would return. Alliyah sat at a table

and fell asleep waiting for her. In her dreams she saw this woman in a barn behind the

tavern beckoning her. When she awoke she got up straight away and sought out this barn.

As she approached it her excitement began to mount and she called for Zeus. He came to

her and they went to the barn together.

"It is good to see you two again, I see you have the stone. Please bring it to me. A voice

came out from the darkness of the barn.

"Yes madam, " Alliyah retrieved the stone from her pack and eagerly took it to the woman,

" You were right about everything. Even the two evil wolves you spoke 0f, "

"I know my child but you had to meet them and defeat them. You have done well. Let me

have the stone so I may help your friend here. "

Alliyah handed the woman the stone and watched as she walked around Zeus, holding it to

the heavens, speaking in some foreign language. When she was finished the stone shone

more brightly than ever. She took it to Zeus and placed it in his huge paw.

"You must crush it now Zeus, use your fire and your might to crush it into dust and then I

must mix it with the water from that pond and you must drink it, ok?"

"If you say so madam, I will do it."

Zeus took a long look at the beautiful stone they had fought so hard to attain and began to

squeeze it with all of his might, he breathed long streams of fire onto it and finally it began

to crack, and then crumble. Finally it was a fine powder in his paw and the woman came

and got it from him, having him pour it into a pot She walked slowly over to the pond

which was covered in a green algae and mixed some of the water in with the powder from

the crushed stone. The liquid smells rancid because of the water she had used but Zeus

drank it down quickly when she handed it to him.

" Alliyah, now we must go to him and place our hands on his head and began to pray over

him. Release your love for him into your hands that he might be changed back into himself

completely. It is the only way."

The two women placed their hands on his head and began to pray silently over Zeus, he

could feel a warm feeling beginning in his stomach and spreading to his limbs. At first it

was a light feeling but it increased until he could feel a power pulsing with in him. He

noticed the scales on his paws turning to skin and his claws turning into fingers. The joy in

his heart knew no bounds as he could see his old body returning. More than that though,

he had never felt so surrounded by love in all his life. Alliyah could feel it to and streams

of tears flowed down her face as that love reached into her heart and began to reveal the

truth about her life to her. It revealed how truly important and precious she was and that

her father was distant to her from pain to hate. It revealed to her that he loved her greatly

but couldn't get around her mothers loss to show her. A peace flooded the couples heart

and they felt joined in a way few seldom achieve in a life time,

When Zeus was once again himself, Alliyah hugged him as did the woman. Then the

woman looked at Alliyah with tears in her eyes and began to speak to her. -

"I am glad that my only daughter has found some one so wonderful for herseIf. I hope the

love you two share will last into the nex1life."

With each word she spoke, her age seemed to fall off Iike the leaves of a tree. Soon she

was a beautiful young woman with red hair and emerald green eyes. Alliyah couldn't

understand what she was talking about. Who was her daughter?

"Thank you, madam, but who is your daughter?", Alliyah asked almost afraid of the


"Why, you are my dear. God has given me the opportunity to meet you in your hour of

need by allowing me to be your guardian angel in this time. I never got to see you as a

baby but I knew you would be special. I cannot help much with your father but I will ask

if can go to him in dreams to speak to him of you and the terrible man he has chosen for

your husband. You will have to go home to face him and along the way you will meet an

ally. Zeus, you must take him under your wing, so to speak, and help him to become the

man he is destined to be. His name is Nathaniel. You will know him by song he sings, it

will speak to your heart even though it has no words. "

They walked in silence as they began the way back to the castle but Alliyah's mind

Swarmed with thoughts of what the mysterious woman had told her. Could what she told

her be true? As if her could read her mind, Zeus began to talk to her.

"Princess, if what she had to say was true it will bare itself out. If we meet this Nathaniel

and if he sings this song and we know him by it then it will do great work to prove her


"I know Zeus, you are right. I just can't believe I have just met my mother. She died the

day I was born. How can that be her?"

"I know not my sweet princess, but there is more than we understand in heaven and earth.

Fear not, if she is who she says then God had put her in your path to guide you and if not

then I am here to protect you. "

Alliyah hugged Zeus tightly and regained her bearings. Again they set out to find their


The questions still nagged at Alliyah's heart but for some reason she felt compelled to trust

Zeus's words so she walked on down this road with him. The came to a small town and

decided that Zeus would sleep just out of town and AIliyah would get some sleep at an inn

in town. It had been a long time since the last she had had a good nights rest and it was

starting to take its toll on her health. In town she met this young man. He was quite

attractive and seemed very friendly. He hummed a tune that at first didn't grab her

attention but the longer she heard him hum it the more it tugged at her heart. It had a

strangely soothing affect on her. Then she knew she had to ask him his name.

"Sir, what would your name be?"

"Nathaniel, ma'am. "

"I have been looking for you. You must come with me I have some one you need to


"But I have so much work to do "

"Please, I know you don't know me and you don't owe me anything but I beg you to come

with me."

"Well, ma'am, I suppose if it is that important to you then I really should come with you.

Give me one minute I will be right with you. " "Thank you ever so much. "

Alliyah waited for him feeling quite anxious about all of this and within minutes he was

with her. She led him out of town to where Zeus was hiding. When he first saw Zeus he

was not sure of how to accept all of this but he had a good and accepting heart so he

cautiously approached Zeus and listened as he relayed this story of how he came to know

Alliyah and how an evil sorcerer had changed him from a man to a dragon. Even

though all of this would seem a lot to handle for most people, Nathaniel seemed to be

handling it rather well. Alliyah watched him trying to figure out what he was thinking. His

face showed very little emotion while he listened to Zeus talking about all that had

happened. When he was sure that Zeus had finished speaking, he began to speak. His face

thoughtful but remarkably warm he responded to what he had just heard.

"Ok, from what I understand of what you have just told me, Alliyah is a princess, her

mother died at birth and her father has been distant since. I get that. You came in because

you were over the horse barn and after spending quite a bit of time together you and the

princess fell in love with each other. I get that. Her father, however, had already promised

her to an evil and heartlessly egotistical prince. I get that. I also understand the part about

how you came to find yourself as a dragon and not a man. The part I am confused on is

where I come in at. I do not know either of you and I am no hero by any stretch of the

imagination. Can you explain this one?"

Zeus thought long and hard about what he was to say next. Finally he had the words he


"I do not know all of the answers you seek on that one but let me answer it this way.

Alliyah had the same question you had and I told her if we met you and she knew you by

the song you hummed it would go along way to supporting all that the angel had told her.

The only thing I can tell you to help you is that if you take the chance that all I have told

you is true and you are able to help the princess regain her life, you will be rewarded, if it

doesn't come out like I have said it will then you will never be alone again. That is the only

promise I can make you."

"I need some time to think about this. Give me tonight ok?"

"Fair enough. Tonight. See you early in the morning?"

"Sure, Alliyah, if you would like you can stay at my home tonight, it is small but clean and


"You are most gracious and I thank you. Zeus, I will come back first thing in the morning.

Good night and may God watch over you as you sleep." She hugged him and walked away

with Nathaniel.

"Worry not for him lady, he will be fine and I am sure all will be well." Nathaniel spoke

softly and smiled at her.

When they reached Nathaniel's home it was little more than a one-room shack but he was

right it was clean and comfortable inside. He offered her an oversized shirt and left the

room so she could change and get into bed in privacy. She called to him when she was

ready. He came in, made a pallet and bid her goodnight. She fell off into a fitful sleep and

had many dreams but only one that she remembered. Her mother came to her in a dream

and warned her that the evil prince was poisoning her father's mind against both her and

Zeus. She promised to do what she could to help keep her father from believing the lies

that the prince told hin1 but she sensed that there was some kind of spell had been put on

the man that caused hin1 to nearly hang on every word the prince and his sorcerer said to

him. It would be a hard and dangerous battle but it could be won. Before leaving in a

cloud of mist, she had one last thing to say to Alliyah.

"My sweet daughter, I know life has been very hard on you up to this point and I know

how hard all of this must be for you to understand but I promise you if you will let me

help you; I will lead you through all of this. Zeus doesn't realize it yet but he is deeply in

love with you and I know you already know you love hin1. The two of you were destined

to be one and to lead the country that your father and I once governed with pride, patience

and love. As you go on your way, the truth of who Zeus really is will come out and you

will see that I am right. Sleep my loved one and in the morning you will begin to see how

this will all work out. "

With that her mother disappeared and Alliyah awoke. It was still dark outside so she lay

back down and slept for the last remaining hours of the night as peaceful as a baby.

The next morning, Alliyah awoke with the dawn feeling more rested than she had in so

long she could hardly remember it. She still recalled the dream from the night before and it

puzzled her. What had her mother meant by "who Zeus really is"? Wasn't he the stable boy

she had fallen in love with? What more could there be to hin1? She resigned herself to

finding a way to question hin1 on this issue without offending hin1. Nathaniel was already

awake and had breakfast ready for her. He waited for her to finish eating and then she got

dressed in her tattered gowns and they left to find Zeus. Once reunited the threesome

continued on in silence.

Soon the questions that plagued her mind would be still no more. She pondered on how to

begin such a conversation and decided the best way was to appear curious about his


"Zeus, I do not intend to be nosey but do you know how your parents met?"

"Hummm not really they never spoke of it to me."

"I was just curious about your early childhood. Did your mother ever tell you about the

day you were born?"

"I know they love me but somehow I always felt like I didn't really belong. I know they

tried to cover it up so I wouldn't be hurt by it but it was always there."

"Is it possible that you were adopted?"

Looking a bit pained he responded. "It is possible I suppose. I guess I just never let

myself think about it. We should pass by my homeland on the way to your castle princess,

if you really want to know all of this I suppose I could point out my family and you could

ask my parents. "

"I would like to. Are you sure you won't be upset?"

"Yes, I am sure." With that Zeus took a deep breath and they carried on.

Time seemed suspended as they continued on their long trip, every tree looked like every

other tree and often the three wondered if they were walking in circles until they came

upon the little village that Zeus had been brought up in. Keeping his promise he pointed

out his parents to AIliyah trying hard to remain unseen as not to frighten the villagers.

Alliyah proceeded with caution, wanting to know but not wanting to offend anyone. She

approached them pondering on how she would deal with this one. Kind of shaking a tad

she extended her hand to the two people who Zeus had identified as his parents.

"You must be Zeus's parents." She smiled and shook their hands. They looked at her with

a quizzical expression.

"You know our son? Where did you meet him?"

"He groomed the horses for the castle in the country that I come from. I had asked him

about his childhood and he could not remember it. I was wondering if you could tell me

some of it?"

"Why would you want to know? Not to be rude but we do not know you miss and we

love Zeus dearly. "

"I know this ma'am and I would do nothing to hurt him. By the way my name is Alliyah,

what is yours?"

"My name is Adam and this is my wife Eve. Please do go ahead."

"Thank you Adam sir .You see, your son Zeus and I, are planning on getting married and I

wanted to do something special for him as a gift before the blessed day but I need to know

something of his childhood in order to do it. Can you help me?"

"My dear child, there is only so much we can do to help you. You see, we have never told

him this but he is not our child. His parents were killed when he was a baby and we stole

him out of the country as not to see him killed as well. There was an uprising in our

country and the people who killed his parents wanted to see their entire line killed off. If

you look on his right shoulder you will see there is a mark on it.

One shaped like a dragons wing. It will show what I tell you to be true."

"Who were his parents?" Alliyah feared the answer because what they had told her so far

reminder her of a story her nurse had once told her.

"They were the prince and princess of Antillia. They were killed on the eve of the princes

coronation. He was never able to take his rightful place as king. We knew it would not

help Zeus to know this and if he did find out and try to right this grievous wrong, he

would end up dead. We could not see this done to him for our great love for him. Please

honor our wishes on this." She could clearly see they had told her the truth and that their

concerns were only for his well-being.

"You have my word Sir Adam. I will take my leave of you for now. I do hope one day you

will come to visit us."

"When you are settled. Until then please take care of our son and yourself."

Smiling at them both, she hugged them and went on their way. She was as confused now

as ever.

When she returned to her little party, Zeus looked at her quizzically and awaited her

telling of what she had learned. She tried to look for a mark on his shoulders but did not

feel free to tell what had been revealed to her by his parents. How else would she

explain needing to feel his back with out his shirt on? She pondered on what she should

tell him and what she should not tell him. Finally she began.

“Humm that revealed very little, all though in due time I believe all will show itself. In the meantime let us continue on our way.”

Have you ever heard the tale of Antillia?"

'No I fear I have not. Please tell me all." "Antillia was a small but prosperous country. It was guarded by a loyal king and queen.

They loved their people and would rather die than see anyone bring them to harm. But

there was a man who led a small but determined army that wished to take over this

country. He went before the young prince and his bride and commanded them to give over

their kingdom and live in the palace with all their needs met or die. This was not

something they would ever let happen so they planned a way to trick would be tyrant.

They had planned to make them think they would go along with him only to assemble their

military and fight against him. Little did they know that the bulk of the military had been

bought off already. They were tricked into believing that their armed forces would back

them, they faced off with their enemy only to find themselves arrested. Knowing now that

the good prince and princess would never purposely surrender they were killed and not

wanting to possibly have to deal with this problem later with their son" he set out to kill

him as well. The two kind people who took care of him saw the men coming who were to

kill the child and stole him away to raise him as their own. Even to this day no one knows

where the child is but he lives still. "

"What a beautiful story. Is it true?" Both Zeus and Nathaniel watched her curiously.

"Yes it is and one day you will see how true it is. "

The threesome went on in silence, each a tad more silent as they knew they were almost

within reach of the country they sought. Alliyah feared she would not know what to do

when she got there. That night she lay awake most of the night but finally she fell asleep.

As soon as she drifted off she began to dream. She could see the castle but could not

recognize the pathway in that she was led to. In the background she could hear her

mothers voice speaking to her and telling her what she must do. Her mother told her she

must sneak into the castle while it was yet dark and find her way to the treasury. There she

would find the stone that gave Prince Phillip's sorcerer his power. She must crush it and

then Zeus would be freed of this spell. She was warned that the sorcerer would know

when she had picked it up so they had to be out of the castle before she broke it. As her

mother spoke she showed her they way she must go in order to find the stone and not be

seen. Her mother also told her that she would leave markers for her to watch for them and

to move silently and quickly as she would have very little time.

With that she awoke and set off to the castle. At the door she remembered from her dream

there was a glowing dragon symbol. It was dimly lit but it was what she was looking for.

So she entered and followed the passage way until she saw yet another glowing dragon.

Soon she found herself at the treasury. Suddenly a key appeared to her and she used it to

open the door. As soon as the door opened she knew what she was there for. She saw a

stone that glowed with a dark fire. It changed colors rotating from dark gold to dark

purple. When she picked it up she felt the power coursing through her trying to change her

to someone more vile and hateful. She knew if she carried it for long she would succumb

to it's power. Knowing that the sorcerer must now realize what was going on she fled out

the way she came and returned to the hiding place where she had left her friends.

"Zeus, Zeus, wake up we must move now!!!!! Come with me you must help me before we

are discovered."

"Huh? Ok, ok I am coming." He was not quite awake yet.

"Come my friend you must help me break this crystal, it is the power of the sorcerer"

"Do what? How will you accomplish this?"

"You will see, follow me."

He followed her to a dense grove of trees where she showed him the stone.

"You must crush this stone. Let it not sway you to do otherwise."

With that she handed him the stone and watched as he stared into it.

"Zeus crush it before it changes you again. Please I beg you."

He found it hard but he tore his gaze from the stone to her face and with all the strength

he could muster he squeezed the stone. He could feel it when it began to give way and

they could hear screams coming from the stone as it started to crack. Finally it was

nothing but powder in his hand and a light shot from the powder and the souls of those

who had been captured by the stone was released. With that they heard a scream come

from the castle and knew the sorcerer had felt the stones demise. At that same moment

King Leo awoke from a dead sleep. He sat up straight in his bed covered in a cold sweat,

glad to be awakened from such a strange dream.

"I will always love you Zeus. No matter what happens, never forget this."

He collapsed in a heap at her feet. He was definitely the man she had fallen in love with. It

seemed so long ago. Nathaniel and Alliyah picked Zeus up and moved him further away

from the castle and even with as far away as they were, they could still hear the dogs

barking. Alliyah knew that the dogs had been brought out to look for her and Zeus. She

worried over what they would do next but she knew that Zeus needed rest before they

started off again so she and Nathaniel talked him into getting some rest and Nathaniel

would stand guard. He felt that Alliyah needed to get some rest as well so she lay next to

Zeus as to see to his safety and drifted off to sleep.

It seemed as though she was only asleep for a couple of seconds when she started to

dream. Her mother came to her again and told her that she needed to go to a small village

not far from her homeland and find an older woman named Esther, she would be wearing

bright red shoes. This lady will verify all that she had just learned about Zeus. She was to

bring Esther back to the castle and be sure she was wearing a red gown and a purple cape

and the necklace that the deceased king and queen of Antillia had given her. With that the

dream was over. When Alliyah awoke she revealed all that she had dreamed to Nathaniel

and asked him for his opinion on this issue.

Please forgive my forwardness, my lady, but in my humble opinion, if we have followed your

dreams this far and stop now then all we have gained will be for naught. I feel that we

must follow this dream to see the end ofit.1!

I thank you, kind Nathaniel, you are a great friend. I!

With that they woke Zeus and after telling him about the dream they were off. It took

hardly no time to find the village and the lady they sought seemed to just appear before

them. When Alliyah saw the red shoes, she felt certain it was the right person but she had

to know for sure.

“Esther?” she asked almost timidly.

"Yes young lady, do I know you?"

"No ma'am but a friend of ours told me that you could help us unravel a mystery. Could

you please come with me?"

"I suppose but I will need your help for I am old and frail and I don't walk so fast

anymore. "

"Of course ma'am, lean on me."

Alliyah led Esther over to where Zeus was standing. As soon as she set eyes on Zeus she

fell to her knees and began to weep.

"Prince Zeus, could it really be you? We thought you dead." She clung to his ankles as the

threesome tried to pull her to her feet.

"I fear I am not that good prince my lady, please stand and let's talk about all of this. " The

gracious tone of his voice beckoned her to stand and she looked him in the eye probing to

find out who this man was if not the good prince.

"Sir would you please turn around and let me see your back." Then it all rushed back to

Alliyah and she remembered the mark that was supposed to be there. Sure enough there

was a mark of a dragon on his shoulder right where she had been told it would be.

"Your name is Zeus, is it not?", the old lady enquired.

"Yes it is. How do you know this?"

"Why young man, I was your nanny when you were a baby. I helped to spirit you from the

castle and to your new home when the castle was overtaken. I had hoped to get back in

and help your parents escape but was unable. I was however able to take out your birth

right certificate before all was lost. It establishes your rightful place on the throne. I also

have a necklace that verifies my place in the castle as your caretaker."

"May I see it my lady?"

"Certainly, the crest for your family was a fierce dragon that was said to protect our

country. That is why when you were born, you were tattooed with a dragon on your

shoulder so that no one could pretend that they were a member of the royal family and not have

to show that. The exact type of tattoo was kept secret so that no one could counterfeit it

and fool the guards. The necklace is like unto your mark. "

She led them to her home and opened up a small wooden box. Inside it laid a necklace of

remarkable beauty. It was a dragon made of gold and precious jewels. The eyes of the dragon were

emerald and the body was of emerald and sapphire. The flame that shot from it's mouth

was of rubies and topaz. As soon as Alliyah set eyes on this necklace she knew all that she

had dreamed was coming true.

"My lady, I must beg you to come back to my homeland with me and speak to my father

the king. I know this is much to ask of you but I really must. Please we need your help."

"It is not so much to ask, I have expected you. I will go with you just let me get some

things together."

Alliyah and her companions left her home and waited for her to come out to them. When

she came out she was wearing a red gown, purple cape, her red shoes and the necklace she

had shown them. Again her dream confirmed.

They all set out together. The three on foot and Esther on a donkey as it was far too far

for her to have to walk in her advanced age. Along the way Esther told Zeus about his

parents and the kingdom that he had been born into. The more she told him, the more he

felt like he belonged somewhere. It was amazing the peace that it afforded his heart to

know he was not a complete misfit.

It took hardly any time to find their way back to the castle grounds. As a matter of fact, it

was all too soon as far as this little party was concerned. They had enjoyed each others

anymore. "

"Of course ma'am, lean on me."

Alliyah led Esther over to where Zeus was standing. As soon as she set eyes on Zeus she

fell to her knees and began to weep.

"Prince Zeus, could it really be you? We thought you dead." She clung to his ankles as the

threesome tried to pull her to her feet.

"I fear I am not that good prince my lady, please stand and let's talk about all of this. " The

gracious tone of his voice beckoned her to stand and she looked him in the eye probing to

find out who this man was if not the good prince.

"Sir would you please turn around and let me see your back." Then it all rushed back to

Alliyah and she remembered the mark that was supposed to be there. Sure enough there

was a mark of a dragon on his shoulder right where she had been told it would be.

"Your name is Zeus, is it not?” the old lady enquired.

"Yes it is. How do you know this?"

"Why young man, I was your nanny when you were a baby. I helped to spirit you from the

castle and to your new home when the castle was overtaken. I had hoped to get back in

and help your parents escape but were unable. I was however able to take out your birth

right certificate before all was lost. It establishes your rightful place on the throne. I also

have a necklace that verifies my place in the castle as your caretaker."

"May I see it my lady?"

"Certainly, the crest for your family was a fierce dragon that was said to protect our

country. That is why when you were born, you were tattooed with a dragon on your

shoulder so that no one could pretend that they were a member of the royal and not have

to show that. The exact type of tattoo was kept secret so that no one could counterfeit it

and fool the guards. The necklace is like unto your mark. "

She led them to her home and opened up a small wooden box. Inside it laid a necklace of

remarkable beauty. It was a dragon made of gold and rubies. The eyes of the dragon were

emerald and the body was of emerald and sapphire. The flame that shot from it's mouth

was of rubies and topaz. As soon as Alliyah set eyes on this necklace she knew all that she

had dreamed was coming true.

"My lady, I must beg you to come back to my homeland with me and speak to my father

the king. I know this is much to ask of you but I really must. Please we need your help."

"It is not so much to ask, I have expected you. I will go with you just let me get some

things together."

Alliyah and her companions left her home and waited for her to come out to them. When

she came out she was wearing a red gown, purple cape, her red shoes and the necklace she

had shown them. Again her dream confirmed.

They all set out together. The three on foot and Esther on a donkey as it was far too far

for her to have to walk in her advanced age. Along the way Esther told Zeus about his

parents and the kingdom that he had been born into. the more she told him, the more he

felt like he belonged somewhere. It was amazing the peace that it afforded his heart to

know he was not a complete misfit.

It took hardly any time to find their way back to the castle grounds. As a matter of fact, it

was all too soon as far as this little party was concerned. They had enjoyed each others company so much. They snuck around to the back of the castle, to a door that was unprotected because even the king had no idea that it was there. Alliyah would not have known either but she had found it on accident one day when she was playing on the castle grounds.

The castle seemed almost dead, it was so quiet. Every member of the party crept silently along barely breathing for fear of being caught. Alliyah led the way and in no time they found themselves at the doorway to the kings chamber. They each took a deep breath and Alliyah opened the door and led them inside. She saw her father asleep in his throne. She called to him, skiddishy.

He awoke as if in a daze, looking at her as if he didn't believe his eyes.


He ran to her and embraced her as though she had returned from the dead.

"Father, the prince you intended for me has done some terrible and unbelievable things and

I will tell you all soon, but first you must listen to Lady Esther. She has much to show and

tell you about Zeus. He is the man I love. Please, for me, listen to all she has to say."

With that he straightened himself and set his face like stone and motioned to Esther to

began her story.

She dug into her bag and pulled out a scroll. It was old and yellowed like it had been

hidden for many years.

She took it to the king and unrolled it for him to read.

"Your majesty, do you remember the kingdom of Antillia? It was not far from here."

"Yes but very vaguely, was it not overtaken by an enemy force about 17 or so years ago?"

"Yes your majesty, that it was. You see this necklace, this was given my by the prince and

princess as a sign that I was the nurse to their baby boy. At his birth they had a similar

dragon tattooed the babies shoulder. This is the document showing who that child is. Read

it and you will see."

She handed it to him and he read it slowly. It proved that Zeus was the heir to the throne

had his parents lived to an old age as they should have. Questions persisted but about that

time Esther guided Zeus over to where the king stood, turned his back to the king and

revealed the mark of the dragon on his back. It was in the exact place and the exact same

shape and size as described on the script in front of him. He could not argue the facts

revealed to him.

"Ma'am, let us say I believe all that you say, and I must admit it is compelling, what does

this have to do with the matter at hand?" , the king asked.

"It has nothing to do with Prince Phillip that I know of but everything to do with Alliyah. I

only pray you will have the patience to see this through."

"Very well madam, what else have you and your party to present before this court?"

"1 sir have nothing but your daughter has a great tale of treachery and magic to tell you

and I hope you will listen to her till the end as all things will bare themselves out in due

time." With that she bowed to Alliyah so that she would take the floor and relay her tale to

her father.

"My dearest father, I know that what I am about to tell you will sound unbelievable but I

pray you listen with your heart. I never betrayed you or your kingdom. Zeus and I have

not done anything unseemly. I could not bear the thought of having to marry Prince Phillip

for he is a crude and an unloving man. I went to Zeus for conciliation because I felt I

could not come to you. He held me to comfort me that night and nothing more. I swear

it. Prince Phillip and his sorcerer had been following me that night and I knew it not.

When they burst into Zeus's house he was comforting me and Phillip took it to be

something else and he had his sorcerer turn Zeus into a dragon. I have spent all my time

since trying to return him to his humanity. I feel responsible for his misfortune."

Just then there was a loud commotion as Prince Phillip and his sorcery rushed into the

room yelling and ranting. When Phillip found that he was late for this meeting, he decided

he must do what he could to stop Alliyah from convincing King Leo of the truth.

"Yom majesty, your daughter is under the spell of this witch, Esther. She is trying to

bewitch you and in doing so cause you to allow Alliyah to marry this vagabond and take

over your country without your knowing. Do not listen to her! ! ! ! ! "

With this, Nathaniel felt compelled to begin humming his song once again and the louder

Prince Phillip yelled the louder he hummed his song. Little did he know that the evil

sorcerer was trying to enchant the good king and his humming was at work pushing the

magic spell back further and further in the kings mind.

As the sorcerer tried with all his might to bring the kings mind under his control, streaks

of lightening could be seen in his eyes. His face began to look as one in great pain. Yet he

continued to attempt to control the kings mind. His efforts only succeeding in wrapping

the kings mind in a thick fog.

"Father, ask this 'prince' how he happened to find me at Zeus's house. Ask him why he

was spying on me that night. "

"You heard her, answer for yourself"

"I feared she was being fooled by this horrible man. I was only concerned for her safety."

"Father, his only concern was for your kingdom, he wants to rule your country and would

have me forced to marry him if he could not woo me."

The argument raged on and the good king began to feel his head throb not knowing who

to believe. Suddenly the room was filled with a bright light and the kings began to

feel more himself. His head was clearing and he was more capable of separating the truth

from the lie. As the glow became more focused it came to rest on the empty throne next to

the king. It was Queen Leandra. King Leo found his breath escaping him as he realized it

was his long lost wife sitting next to him.

"My Queen, is it really you?"

"Yes my lord it is I. I am here to help you see the truth in all of this. "

"My lord listen to her not, she is part of the lie and as you well know your good and

faithful queen died while delivering your beloved daughter.” the prince sought out some

way to discredit her before she could convince King Leo of who he really was.

"SILENCE!!!!", Leandra waved her hand over Phillips face and he could not speak nor

could he move or even open his mouth, "I have the power of heaven with me this day. If

you will look on Phillip's shoulder, you will see that there is a partial tattoo of a dragon

but the artist who attempted to put it there knew not how the real royal tattoo looked so

he was unable to fool the guard. Phillip's father was the one behind the overthrow of

Zeus's parents. There is no royal blood in him. All that our precious daughter has told you

is correct and true. Look upon me, my beloved husband and let the spell that this evil

sorcerer has placed you under fade, so that you can see things as they really are."

King Leo could feel a fog lift off of his mind and suddenly he was very aware of what was

going on around him. He called for his guard but seeing that he could not win, Phillip and

his sorcerer fled the castle into the woods never to be seen again. The king turned to his

daughter and wept silently for all the time he had wasted.

" Alliyah, I have loved you for so long but I could not bear to look upon you for my

intense grief for your mother, I only hope you can forgive me."

His attention was pulled away as he saw his Leandra beginning to fade away.

"No do not leave me now. I need you here."

"Leo, you can do this without me. Alliyah is here for you and Zeus is a good man. Let

them comfort you until you come to me. It will not be long before we are together again


With that she kissed him gently and faded away completely.

Alliyah ran to her father and held him as he wept, his shoulders shaking heavily with grief

This time was different he had their daughter to help rum with this deep pain he felt.

"So when is this wedding everyone is talking about?" the king asked once he had control

over himself again.

"Would a month from now be good father?", Alliyah asked timidly.

"Much too long, much too long.", the king replied, "what say you a week from today?"

"Very fitting a day. I think it would be great. Father we intend to adopt Nathaniel. We

could have never made it back to you without rum. How do you see this?"

"I see it favorably, I think it shows the depth of both of your hearts that you would give

him ahome with you. Let us all go to dinner I am famished."

With that they all went to the dining hall. Much had changed but they could all look

forward to a bright future. One that they could design any way they wanted to. For once

in all of their lives the slate was clean and it was up to them how their story would be

written from this point on. Alliyah and Zeus's wedding day was the most celebrated

anyone could remember since King Leo's and Queen Leandra's. Everyone came from the

richest to the poorest person in the land and the kingdom was again joyous and

prosperous. Good Prince Zeus and Princess Alliyah ruled fairly and lovingly over all their

people and as the years went by their love served them well. They would go on to have

children of their own and to teach them to be noble, kind and just. But that is a whole

Different story.




Princess Juliette's Embrace part 2

12:08 Feb 15 2005
Times Read: 843

One night, eons ago, I walked the streets of New Orleans a caged animal. I walked late into the morning, trying to work off a feeling of dread. I knew something was not right but couldn't figure out why or for that matter what.

Just a numbing feeling of dread.

As I walked down Burbon Street I was approached by a man who seemed to know me.

"Do not go that way, you have been noticed and you are being followed."

I gasped with a start as he spoke.. who was he?

Before I could ask he had vanished but I recognised his smell. Who was he, why did I feel I knew him?

I thought back to other simular nights.. I had smelled that fragnance before. I hasted the other way and found myself walking out of town.

Suddenly I realised I was at the walkway to a mansion, way out in the back woods of Louisiana... how had I gone so far so fast?

I looked up at the house and felt drawn to it. I had to go there. I began to run, not knowing why and was at the door in no time. I knocked and there was a quick answer. A short, motherly woman answered and beckoned me in.

"Princess Juliette, we have been waiting for you. Do come in and rest yourself. The others are in the parlor."

I was confused to say the least but I went in to the parlor and the first face I saw was that of the man on Burbon Street.

"Kind sir, might I ask who you are?"

"I am this mans servant and as such, your protector. " He glanced at a man standing in a corner with his back to us.

I approached his position but didn't come to near.

"May I have your name lord?"

He didn't turn around but he answered in a familiar voice, I just couldn't place it.

" I am the lord of this manor, I am LeGrey. Do be at ease with me, I am here for an old friend."

"May I ask whom?"

"Yes but I am not at liberty to say just yet. Sit and rest we will talk more soon."


I couldn't shake the feeling this had all happened before. The longer I stayed in this room the foggier my head became. Time seemed to stand still. A man walked into the room and I could feel the mood shift to one of urgency. I sat straight up in my chair and looked around as if snapped out of some unknown dream.

"Juliette, I am glad to see you here. What we are here to talk about will no doubt be unbelieve to you but please wait to hold judgement until I am finished."

I nodded, concerned with what might come next.

"I have been in contact with someone very close to you. He has passed on but he has informatin vital to you at the stage of your life.

The Prince, you late love, has sent word that you are much closer to his truest enemy than you can know. Not only that but he is after you, as we speak, he seeks to destroy you and your mission for justice."

"Do we speak of Christoff?"

"No, but rather his employer. One of great power who stands clouded in mystery and cloaked in shadows. He is the real terror that stalks you." His face seemed more grim than anyone I had ever seen.

"What should I do? I must finish my mission or all I have done to this point is for naught."

"You must succeed or more than that is at stake!

The one that stalks you, he is out to destroy all our kind. You must fight this battle for us all but you will have to go to meet your beloved again and it will take risks to do this. You must be willing to put this mission above your revenge."

"Do I have any time to think on this?"

"No, time is of most importance right now. We must have your answer."

"Ok, you have it, I will just tell me what I must do."

He told me I had to go to the swamps on the edge of town and look for a blind woman who would know me before I ever reached her house and would send her hawk for me. I agreed and left the house.




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