I have decided to write a post...please excuse the spelling mistakes IF you bother to read my entry, but im not of the mind to scrutinise at the moment.
I had a rather droll epithany today, it pretty much boiled down to cycles of life and how no matter where you think you are going or how you are getting there, you envariably end up doing or participating in the same events that have in some form or another already happened in your life...needless to say with someone such as myself (attention and memory span), this was quite shocking to say the least, not the acknolwledgement but more how much of an ignorant and shallow person i have been or become maybe both.
I do of course, in moments of clarity have a core and direct ascent to my true being which manifests its self in many ways, this is not an acknowldgement of arogance or pride quite the contray in fact, its more an understanding of WHY things are the way they are, and in fact how i can try to put them right.
or maybe its just the beer talking?