So, I was having a great summer and fall. I got back into a regular high school with all my friends, re-joined drama club, and was enjoying my classes. Then all of a sudden, I started to get sick again.
For those of you that don't know, I was diagnosed with abdominal migraines at the age of 16. It's something I've had my entire life.
It's extremely painful and very difficult to get through. I can't tell you how many nights I've spent in tremendous pain, vomiting and trying to get the pain to stop. I don't know what I could use as an example of what the pain feels like because it's the only thing I've had pain like that with.
Well, anyway. I was put on a medication that they use for regular migraines as well and it seemed to be helping. I don't get sick as often as I did when I wasn't being treated for it. Now, I'm back to being sick again.
It started a few weeks ago and my mom and I thought it was just the flu. Then a week went by and I was still feeling pretty grody. Then another week. And up to this point. Everything I eat makes me nauseated. I just don't understand.
I'm getting to the point where I'm missing a lot of school again and I vowed that this year would be different, better because I'm on medication to treat it. WRONG!!! I've missed 20+ days of school so far and it's only been 4 months. I missed end of semester exams which I have to make up now and I'm hardcore stressing because I have to study on top of trying to do homework that is due the next day.
I just wish my doctor would figure out something that would help me more than just taking a pill every night. I hate taking pills, even if I know they help. It's hard for both me and my mom to deal with on a daily basis. :/
16:42 Jan 29 2014
It'll get better, Promise!!!
You're being very brave battling this thing, I love you!!!