I believe that suicide
isn't solely someone's choice.
I believe it is the peak of the mind's voice.
The mind grew so tired of feeling uninspired,
Unadmired, undesired,
It selected its own time to expire.
Yes, we often view this as a delicate topic,
Yet life is not delicate with us,
We are not delicate with each other,
We do so much to cause loss of trust,
Loss of love,
Take off the kid gloves
and break each other with invisible shoves.
Understand that to teeter on that edge
and take a step back,
Is a new level of strength
few truly master,
Because, up to that point,
The mind is moving faster and faster,
And once you catch it,
You have to seal it away like a prisoner within you.
Your own mind and heart
Forced to transform.
For whom?
Restrained, why?
When they were ready to say good-bye.
I pity those who live for others,
Unable to choose for themselves how their life goes,
The level of pain and restraint no one knows.
One should live for oneself,
Not shamed for choosing an end,
Not pained for pushing on.
Suicide is not delicate.
It is a difficult choice,
The mind speaking for its owner via megaphone,
Letting others know what one could not say,
That one reached one's limit,
And no one could be trusted to hear that pained voice.
The Darkness consumes those who are lost. Sucking all the light within them out.
For some the Darkness is all they have.
It's their security blanket from the rest of the world.
Some have been in the Darkness so long it's all they become used to.
melting cicadas
into a swirling sun
of deportation
the signs of early emptiness
nature grabs its recess
we stomp in the playground
noise, romping children we are
disintegrating into rabid concern
away from the crowd dispersing
questions in a deafening spring
and then just a park
of nothing
rusted see-saws, broken armadas of benches
it's all a scene, delirious
laughing grasses bend in delight
the humans are gone
the cicadas
Looking for a mentorship if anyone is interested in me joining? Please let me know.
I had mentorship before few years and I changed my name so my mentorship stayed on VR all alone hahaha
Somewhere along the road
My heart turned to stone
Slowly chipping
Becoming falling pieces
Always asking God to restore
my broken pieces
Forming them into a beautiful
bloodstone of life
Stones fall along my path
Leaving my heart cracked
As I align into the night
of madness
Leaving holes inside
my soul
That can never be mended
When I was younger
I viewed life with rose colored glasses
Seeing life with different eyes
I had such high hopes
Filled with dreams that tumbled
to dust
My heart became stone
Numb to life as it changes through
the years
Making me cynical through
my tears.
As the last air bubble rises to the top of the crystal water, my body sinks to the bottom
Looking through a fragment of glass, yet making me even more blinded to the difference between happiness and sadness nor life and death
Feeling trapped in a dark room, but taking your life is the only way to set yourself free from the everlasting winding labyrinth
A kaleidoscope amidst continuously changing colours and forms, like how all life must constantly change
Wanting to end my comfortable pain, but regularly consuming alcohol for a little compensation from the ceaseless reassuring torment
Reminiscing on the destruction of fire, as if a growing heartbeat that clears everything in its path so they can begin again
Am I painting a smile on my face, or am I just depainting my frown from those who care?
Scribbling on a note dismaying regrets, gratitude, and goodbyes to your loved ones, as I can’t tell her face to face nor heart to heart
As I watch a shooting star soar by in the lucid twilight sky, I wish that you move on as I already have
1 day, 1 day til the last time I watched my favourite romance movie for the last time for our first year anniversary
12 hours, 12 hours til the last time I chuckled with my partner while drinking piping hot coffee
1 minute, 1 minute til the last time I saw the only person who sparked the hindering flames in my heart
The sun reflects its dark light on top of the pristine ocean water, obscuring the light with darkness
Wandering through my memories as if a swift dance for the last time, the countless sad memorizes clouded by the only few good ones
A tear trickled down my cheek and splashed into the water, forming elucidating ripples throughout the water, similar to the ring I left behind on the letter for my significant other
Pitter-pattering into the freezing water, 1 foot-step at a time through the minuscule grains of sand as the water is rising higher and higher above my ankles
Assuredly, my body fully submerged into the great abyss while gazing at my new past and former future.
I wiped the astral dust from the walls and cleared my throat to applause. The skeletons dance, eyeless, hung up on their stolen hearts, like a lost string on a violin. Humming in chorus, they spin their sentiments between their legs. Outside the rain is stripped bare by the turn of death...
The scent of beer…their soft hearts are not serious…They are naïve like the blue of Christmas.
I go where the homeless gather on the Victorian promenade and sit quietly, waiting for the opera of the skies…I drink lemonade by the sea, vaguely hearing the calm of the warm spring. Old men read stiff newspapers, their mad hearts covered by a bend of a tie…a young couple kiss and softly shiver…
And pigeons rally for food… modestly performing their colossal act…their soft hearts are not serious….They are naïve like the blue of Christmas.
In the theatre of Mirrors, one death leads to another
and each mirror cracks like a ripple of a River.
Being bashful I did not look at my reflections,
And did not hope to know them for out of the cracks
I witnessed butterflies and moths that cast my shadows,
Rejoice in Death.
Death the mirror of Life,
I reflect my wounds upon you
And no mark of shape will be left
From which I fell.
Have you ever drove past a place your drawn to for no reason?
Just last night I was out driving the truck at 1:22 am when I was drawn to a abandoned farm in the middle of no where
It was as sketchy as hell. And pitch black out
Something wanted me to go there a feeling within me I was also hearing noises around the area. Heard noises like screaming in the distance.
Thinking about going back in the daylight. But anyone have any similar thing happen to them?
I don't fear death. I have died many times over
Some of my own making others out of my control.
Been in many comas. And in a way it's funny it was the
Most peace I ever felt. Complete radio silence. I saw all that
Was going on like on a astral level. Not in a bad way. It felt very good.
There times I want to just feel that full sensation again.
No worry. No pain. No nothing. Everything gone
Everything taking away, no ties no weights on your shoulder.
This is partly why I keep busy. But the thought is still there
Who ever reads this is likely thinking I'm crazy for thinking
What I think. But you'll all allowed your opinions.
Have you ever tried Manifestation? Basically going for a walk or drive and thinking of something in your mind you want to find.
It works if your fully committed to it.
The manifestation process begins with a certain kind of open and abundant mindset. This kind of mindset sees the world as a place where there is plenty for all. That means you are focused on riches that are plentiful and possibilities rather than drawbacks.
If you are open to good things coming your way, maybe not overnight or immediately, but just believing these things are possible, you are opening the door to manifesting good things.
clarifying and being specific about what you want to create in your life. Your brain is like a computer so the more specific the better. Many want to know how to manifest money in life and how to attract financial abundance to live a more stable, easier life. A windfall would be nice, right? But the more specific you can be, the better. So, you might wish for $35,000 so you can buy a new red Mustang convertible and drive it to visit your friend in San Diego, California before November By being crystal clear in your intentions, you’ll find it a lot easier to leave your comfort zone, and take proactive steps in the direction you need to go.
Your Right about being specific, don't go half ass manifesting for something into reality. Never try to manifest something or someone in your life while, upset, stress or emotional your putting all that energy out to the Universe.
I can tell you about things. You'll die never having known
And I can take you places you could never ever go
And Ive been there so just know that death comes slow
And life goes fast before you know it, its through with your ass
Out on the cringe of society's where we lie
Cause we're lethal liabilities till we die
Won't heed the call of the law won't follow the pack
Because the sound of the saw is our soundtrack
This is our battle call
Mess with the horns and you get the devil
You're not invincible
Mess with the horns and you get the devil