melted snow (if available)- for purification. Otherwise tap water will do.
red rose petals- for love
blessed salt- for purification and laying boundaries
lavender oil- for peace and relaxation
sandalwood oil- for purification and to guide the spirits to the other side
sage- for purification and cleaning
marjoram- for delivering the deseaced over and to bring love and happiness to the living
bay leaves- for protection and granting the will of the person using it
cloves- for commanding and compelling forces to do the will of the person using it
thyme- to purify and call angelic forces to your aide
rosemary- to dispel evil and for protection and for a little extra kick
Vodka, a small amount, just for giving it a longer shelf life.
Teabag for the herbs
This spray is for cleaning the energies in the home, or wherever you feel like the vibe is off. This will dispell stagnant and funky energy and replace it with positive energy.
mix the herbs together and place in the teabag, then place the bag in a sauce pan filled with water. bring to a boil on the stove. focus your intentions as it boils. You can recite an incantation over it if you like. turn off the heat and let the pot steep. once cooled, remove the bag and mix in the vodka, then pour into a spray bottle. the spray is ready to use. This can be used without the alcohol, just be sure to store it in the fridge.
Brick dust
In a bowl, mix together the ingredients. As you stir, you can recite a protection incantation over it. I use psalm 91 for such things. Or you can simply visualize pouring protective energy into it. After it's mixed, store in a sealed jar till time to use. This is best used after a cleansing or banishing to lay down boundaries and seal off areas from evil, negative, and unwanted energies or spirits.
*Note: if you can get your hands on some old bricks, use those for the dust. They work better than newer ones. The older the brick, the more powerful it is.