The Fools In Love!06:41 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 791
With all my love for the one I love
The fools in love
The fools in love… is there any more pathetic in the world? Is there no lover that escapes the atrophy of the senses that usually accompanies the simple fact of being in love?
The fools in love grasp to the person they love with every desperation and every possible delivery, and although this person swears over and over that they don’t make sense anymore, that they should stop insisting and even that they should leave them alone…. the fools in love, navigators of melancholy, usually find a positive sign in the second or micron of time that the other person took to throw them the phone.
The fools in love believe that they are heroes, because they are capable of resisting more pain then any other person and in spite of being condemned to abandonment, they do not take down the portraits of their beloved person or save their pictures, is but, they stamp a respectful and subtle kiss in the photographed front of the beloved person before going any where and it’s that photo or portrait the first thing that they greet when they are back….
The fools in love grasp to the possibility with their teeth, and in spite of the fact that the account of illusions already has been declared in bankruptcy, they invent a new one, or they discover it in a furtive smile that the beloved person let go by perhaps for another person….
The fools in love do not inhabit noisy places, they are habitants of full and lonely places full of stars, and generally they do recount of their catalogue of impossible talking with the moon, with a dog, or even with a post phone if there isn’t anything else at reach….
The fools in love perceive the voice of the beloved person kilometers away and their fragrance light years away, although this person ignores them centimeters of distance…they are not blind, not nearsighted, they simply have their eyes full of the beloved person and they do not permit any type of ocular interference…
The fools in love collect phrases and planets, looks and letters, tears and poetry, songs and moments, generally they walk looking at the floor and they never see anyone coming forward because they know to certain science that the only person that they expect – in spite of being fools – is never going to come forward (neither to their side, neither to their profile). The fools in love are easily detectable by their insistence in that only name that echoes like symphonies in their ears, although their own has not echoed in anybody’s ears a long time ago.
The fools in love, and if I describe them in this manner so precise it’s not to criticize neither to unmask them, that never!! If I speak so well and with so much property of the fools in love, it’s simply because I am not another thing, than one of them……
This poem was written by Daniel Rucks