I’ve had women write in to me asking how they can make a man fall in love with them and men asking how they can get a woman to want to have sex with them.
I must admit that it is truly amazing; seeing someone’s behavior change and you know it’s because of your ‘tinkering’.
Very much like clouds that can no longer hold water vapor which results in rain; thoughts that accrue in the astral realm eventually manifest in physical reality.
Creating a link with orgasmic thrust could (and quite often does) break energetic barriers from past / future lifetimes.
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I came up with the great idea to make a deal with them….I’d offer my blood if they would point me in the right direction for a happier life. You see; I didn’t label them as evil…they were my only friends.
I woke up back in the meditation room; rays of sunlight cascading through the window. I was curled up in front of the altar in my underwear. Clothing from the night before was on the other side of the room; bloodied and torn. The initial cut that I’d made on my hand had been deepened and widened; the knife was hanging off the altar, pointing at me like a long finger of accusation.
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He suggested that all of my issues were related to mind control and that the Illuminati were / are using me for a host of purposes…among them psychic assassination, ritual sacrifice, and sex magic.
As mentioned in previous entries, I met my ex at a party while tripping on magic mushrooms. I took the hallucinogens hoping that they would amplify the results of my demon conjuring experiments
I knew there were repressed memories in those hidden parts of my psyche and I groped for answers with this destructive behavior.
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