While healing thoughts are going out for your sister Robin,Im afraid you will still be recieving negative honor from me.
So will you,therealthing,or whatever you will be calling yourself now that all known profiles associated with you are disgraced.
You know exactly why too.
I just wonder if you will continue to blame everyone else for the trouble you both caused for yourselves or if you will ever own up to the things you have done to people here.
Maybe one day you and therealthing will understand that members of VR will never put up with your bullying again.
Sure,you will continue to lie,because pathalogical liars cant stop.Yes,you will make or take over profiles so you can all slink around and hide from your shame but
it will never change the dishonor you have brought upon yourselves.
I bet you two have never even had a passing thought about offering any type of apology have you.
Your overwhelming pride and sense of your own greatness would never allow for that.
Have you ever thought that maybe its time to quit with all the bullshit and maybe begin working on yourselves?
I doubt you have.
Here is one last thing for you to ponder.
I saw that TRT was complaining on your own website about people not being very active.Thunderfoot's words where "I have worked so hard to make this site awesome,if no one is active,then why am I here?" Knowing how you feel,that you have worked on something,even though,lets face it, is but a copy of VR,try thinking about how Cancer, Images and the other staff feel when you treat them the way you have.After ALL the hard work ,time ,effort and imagination THEY have dedicated to this site,to have you and trt blatantly sabotage everything they have worked for and you laugh as you throw it all in their faces.
How would YOU feel if someone did that to you both on DMM?
dont worry .dishonor coming from the likes of you means nothing so have at it. :) oh and um robin, i guess you just cant stop with the lies.if you really came back to "face the music" you would admit what you did and apologize.until you have the courage to do that,then anything you say is nothing but a joke.
MO from way back..
Using your "causes" to take away the freedom of others while you bitch and moan about yours.
Below are some examples of how she handles people who do not agree with her "causes" too.So it isnt only here.
All this person did was to question her agenda.
Thunderfoot reply : the person that wrote that distasteful ditribe works for one of the air tour company,and/or has an interest that is financially motivated.It is okay,people can see for themselves what is going on.as for the truth,well one must be wise enough to know it when you here it.That is an old saying that utilize in my thought processes.have a great day,and there is still aloha....ALOHA
This is the reply from the person she wrongfully accused.Obviously it is a habit with her.Of course,at the time he didnt know that he was a she.But she does set him straight on that one!
reply to Thunderfoot=Who’s being judgmental and rude here? How dare you pin a Scarlet “R” on me! You do not know me. I do not support Mr. Bush and have not voted for him in the last two elections. I don’t believe in party lines, nor do I believe in the Electoral Collage. But that is another topic for another day.
What I do believe in is free thinking and taking responsibility for one’s own actions.
I believe that if people have an issue…then they should go after the issue and not hide behind the banner of the Sierra Club or any other “Grass Roots” organization for that matter. These organizations all have their own “interests” in mind.
I called Thunderfoot on his hidden agenda and he admitted that there was one. I’m still confused by the fact that almost being killed by his own “spooked” horses wasn’t one of his original concerns. In my opinion, this is a cause worthy enough to get a petition signed; and see if the Tour Operators can change to their routes. And yes, even for those who don’t have horses, it’s still downright loud and annoying and I would also support that petition.
Let’s face facts; we all know that air travel is dangerous. We all know that there is less of a chance to survive in an air crash vs. a car crash. But we still, as Americans, need to be allowed our freedoms. I’m familiar with the ratio of maintenance company/tour operators. I myself have had a tour cancellation due to “maintenance.” They're not perfect but they’re as safe as they can be. But, what I don’t need is some legislative directive to tell me I can’t go up in a helicopter and view the lava flow if I want to.
By the way, I also take issue when people move to a location, knowing full well what their situation will be; and then say NIMBY, and expect us to follow their logic and agree with them.
Have a great week!
No Thunderfoot, I don’t prosper from the Air Tour Industry, I prosper from the truth…and it seems to work just fine for me!
And naturally,she lets fly with the accusations once again..
Thunderfoot reply=reply:
Everyone calm down.You are getting mixed up with Lee.It seems people are lumping the Sierra club comment with the hidden agenda comment.Although it is interesting that you are overly sensitive to this issue.
As for not first speaking about the horses ,as an issue first,was a choice to focus on the issue not the individual problem of mine.Believe it or not there are still people out there that are altruisitc.I have over twenty years non-profit experience.I enjoy charity work,so does 85% of America.
You want to degrade this issue by clouding it with your own persoanl desire and issues.I have been in hawaii since 1980 and seen many things.But you started this whole dialogue with the vicious,inflammatory self-serving,bias,careless,rude assumption that i had a hidden agenda.What is the fascination with that anyway?.You have attacked my honor without provocation.As far as my comment to your hidden agenda accusation,my initial response was sarcastic.Also,by the way,I am a WOMAN.And as far as hiding behind the Sierra Club,I guess you have forgotten there is strength in numbers.Where there is a will,there is a way.Why is everything so negative with you? you are so skeptical and suspicious of others,it causes one to wonder about your hidden agenda.Can't people just speak their mind without everyone getting personal.
On this issue of overflights,I try to be clinical and legal.I try to leave my personal and emotional stuff out of it.I guess it is from living with an attorney for so long.Why didn't you just ask me questions instead of attacking me right off?
I admire your passion and respect your views,but I don't have to agree.That is the beauty of free will.PLEASE EVERYONE WE ARE ALL FAMILY !!!!!!!!!! Let's come together and show ALOHA
The response to her post..
You remind me of a certain demeaning Planning Commission member that obviously has their own agenda.
How is wjbillock "suspicious and skeptical" of others , but you yourself then falsely accuse wjbillock of being involved with the air tour companies ? Where is your Aloha ?
Greg Henderson
I presume you have contacted County Council/Police/FAA/NPS about your concerns and you were displeased with the response you received ? This is why the choice was made to get the Sierra Club involved ?
It would be nice to know how many Nene and Hawaiian Hawks ( which I see in Leilani all the time ) have been killed or injured due to the Helicopter tours throughout our area. Do you have a number ?
How is VNP not being preserved ?
What are the statistics you have in regards to the aircraft incidents and deaths? How many were caused by mechanical malfunctions vs. pilot error ?
Personally , I truly wish concerned individuals would attempt to find answers at a County or State level rather than bring in an outside advocacy group, which then in turn leads to lawyers and court cases.
We have our Council Representatives for a reason. To represent us.
While we may not agree on each decision he or she makes, they are elected by a majority of the voters.
The seemingly preferred method of bypassing these individuals leads to a very divisive environment. As you have come across in these posts.
The Sierra Club or a lawyer ( sorry Glen :) isn't always the answer.
Greg Henderson
Due to your alarming behavior and close association with a convicted sex offender,while in close proximity to children,you have been reported to Charity watch as well as your local law enforcement.Steps have also been taken to ensure you have been brought to the attention of online bullying prevention teams.
Please sit back and enjoy your audits.
BTW,who in their right mind works with children and brandishes gigantic blow up genitalia on their roof?
For those of you who are underage and have been harrassed by either Therealthing,Robin or Peoplequalshyt, in any way,please contact me and I will give you the names and numbers of the proper authorities..
It's about time someone does something about these pigs.
i agree!
What exactly is a Charity Watch for those who do not know?
they investigate non profit orgs to ensure that the money they recieve is being spent as it is supposed to be.They also have a rating system and rate these non profits.There are several other charity watches that make sure that everything the non profit is doing is legal.
You are now officially a cyber terrorist.I do hope you enjoy whats coming to you over the next several months.:)
BtW, this isnt the first time you have had total disregard for someone elses rules.seems you and the state of Hawaii have quite the history.
Its a shame that you feel you are so entitled,that no rules apply to you.
Im afraid this time,your big mouth and bullyness has gotten you a bite too big for even your big ,loud mouth to chew.Enjoy your dinner .
Back to Reference
3. Defendants assert that "[a]fter unsuccessful attempts to negotiate a solution to Thunderfoot's refusal to submit to inspection before brining [sic] her `medicine bag' into the facility, defendants have recruited and made other Native American Religious counselors available to plaintiff." Supplemental Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Temporary Restraining Order at 2.
Back to Reference
I guess you feel the entire world should cater to you..
14:44 Oct 18 2012
That would involve coherent thought... and I'm not sure either of them is capable of that.
Their minds only go to "how can we get them back? How can we get payback?"
When they leave comments with people like this "Why don't you do yourself a favor,Kill yourself.", you can see that they have no interest, at all, in "facing the music" or even being civil.
15:49 Oct 18 2012
Wow Katie - And that is the type of people that are looking out for the childrens best interests ?That is very scary.
They will never be able to make their half ass attempt at a social site be anything more than a failure. The only people there are the outcasts that couldn't make it here. Because they acted like assholes and were called on their bullshit. Their attempt at trying to make it like VR is a failed attempt. Let all of their followers follow them there and maybe they will stay there. Everyone here is sick of their antics and lies.
21:08 Oct 18 2012
00:37 Oct 19 2012
Im not going to plug their site anymore than those initials.
Its a site they built where they bashed Vampirerave ,but then she took it down after she had threatened Cancer ,to get rid of all evidence they had been doing so.
The new one is pretty much a copy of VR,right down to the covens,"shout box" and honor.A "database " as they put it.The whole shebang.
With exception of the skin.
02:10 Oct 19 2012
Sounds like they need a hobby and a better imagination.
22:52 Oct 21 2012
Yeah they do.like one that gets them off the computer and an imagination so they would stop stealing peoples stuff and ideas.
whats funny is trt claims theres so many messages she cant keep up or so many people over there cause they cant stand it,but lol 2/3 rds of the profiles there are HER.And all she does is self glorify herself from them.Its sad to watch.