Thank goodness this week is half way over. it has been one hell of an emotional roller coaster. Especially the past couple of days. Thankfully, we got some good news first thing this morning that lifted A LOT of stress off our shoulders. I finally have a brighter outlook on life again (I was really worried things were going to start going bag again).
On a side note- I also won a bag of 10 pieces of body jewelry from a local shop due to a facebook contest. How awesome is that?! :D
Meh. I don't really have anyone to talk about at all. I just wanted to post that Headline and see who checks it out ha!
It totally is! I'm shocked!
lol it's about the bunnies!!!
Sounds like a Carly Simon journal entry.
I was totally singing " i bet you think this song is about you, don't you?" as I typed out the title :D
Fuck you, Monday...
...that is all :-/
Here, here.
Or, hear, hear.
Whatever. Fuck it.
EXACTLY what you said LoL
*pours a row of shots*
So, for shits n giggles, I took this online "test" for bipolar disorder. You know what I score? A 24. This is what it says for those who score between 16 and 24.
Mild bipolar disorder and/or depressive symptoms:
You appear to be experiencing some type of mild bipolar disorder or depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population, but border on the possibility of a depressive episode. It is unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them.
Some people who score in this range qualify for a diagnosis of Bipolar II disorder, which is characterized by periods or episodes of hypomanic mood (instead of a manic one).
You should not take your responses to this self-report questionnaire as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort. Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.
Thanks for the help I guess :-/
No test link? I like taking random quizzes.
There ya go :)
I got a 44. Is that good or is that good? ;P
holy shite i got i need some meds!!
Noo! Never give into meds, they take away your super powers. Lol
Haha, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy... 42.. but then again I am on Depakote for already being Bi-polar. If I stayed off my meds for a week, I would score about 75.
Because we all know an online test is a perfect substitute for a professional diagnosis....
I'm not saying it's accurate...I'm just sayin'
I got a 36 o.o
I'm beginning to think this site is sponsored by some pharmaceutical company LoL
yeah i dont care, i know im fine... sure i have and we all our moments, but over all im happy and healthy. Im not worried...
those last 2 dots make me wonder how "not worried" you are LoL
I am Bipolar and have already seen the doc (quite a few years ago.) I was very surprised how accurate the quiz was. Very interesting but anybody who takes this online quiz/test and gets a high score really needs to get professional advice. I manage a pretty good job of taking care of myself but would find things almost impossible without the assistance of my DR.
Yay me! Found 2 items right in a row to be added to the database and they were both approved :)
*does a dorky happy dance*
So, apparently, I am still the topic of thought for mr asshole. Please do me a favor, and leave me blocked and move on with your life. I cannot help you nor do I want to :D
Every other douche-bag and cunt on this site is an asshole lol
Thankfully, most of them don't notice me or choose to ignore me...other than the occasional psycho lol
So, work sucks enough right now that I'm actually not going to go. The downsideto that? I'm the boss so we are closed today since I won't be there lol
On the plus side, I can go back to sleep in a little while. Ha!
Today was filled with a bit of stress. My Saab has an antifreeze leak so my fiance had to park it at a friend's house and I had to load up in our POS 96 Geo Prism back up car and head down to get him. I really hate that car but the fact of the matter is, we bought that car as an emergency purchase when I wrecked my Cavalier for less than $1500, we have put well over 15k miles on it in the 11 months we have owned it (it had 127k when we bought it) and we have only had to sink minimal money into it...turns out that car is the most why do I hate it? Because it's a 1996 Geo...that's
lol better than a Saab wow Geo has not been around for a long time but now Pontiac and Mercury are gone too wonder who is nect
I know Geo has been gone for a long time...probably another reason why I hate it so much LoL
You know what I really hate? When I am trying to hit reply and I hit block instead and then I have to go unblock the person. They need to move those two links farther apart to save me the hassle! LoL :-/ Or maybe I need to start using an actual mouse haha
I am just a little bit curious as to how often the 125 people that added my journal to their favorites, actually reads it?
I am also wondering if I want to finally try my hand at some story telling. I guess what I will do is start one, and if it goes well, I will continue with it.
I have more than that on my journal list. I have my faithful friends, and occasional readers... I have ton of chicken shit off line readers! LOL 100+
About 15-20 people often read mine, out of the 165-odd people who have it added. A lot of the people who have mine added are from years ago and have left the site, though.
A bunch of the people who added mine have left as well. I always like to see comments from people who haven't added it but still took the time to read and leave a comment...makes me feel special for an instant :D
Ive been away and still am ... Just catching up really but aye Get started as you write very well and nice to read..x
So, for shits and giggles, I went back through my journal and I used to actually post shit that was meaningful and sometimes for entertainment purposes. I am going to start doing this again, I think. It's nice to have a log of my past to look back upon so I can see how far I have come or fallen.
So, since I have been back here, there is this one person that would like blow up my inbox with the stupidest messages. I don't mean like spam me; more like i would log on, get a couple of messages from him, then I would log off, and come back 5 minutes later and have like 10 messages in my inbox with him and his crude and LAME messages. Anyhow, the other day, he decides to send me a message, call me a cunt, and then block me immediately. Of course, I don't really give a shit. Why? Because I don't need that lame ass shit. I have much things to see and people to do...I mean....bahaha
Yep. That's it. Just felt like sharing. My block cherry was popped...he's the first one to ever block me LoL
So, I take off for about a year....and then come back for a little while, and then take off again for another year. I am hoping I stick around a bit longer this time around. So many people I have missed talking to. I forget how great this place is to help me pass the time :D