AzulaRayne's Journal

AzulaRayne's Journal


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1 entry this month


One of the many things taking up space in my brain...

16:57 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 508

This a story that I started writing a while back...if anyone thinks It's any good than perhaps I will continue it....

Alia glanced around the strange room nervously, it was going to be pretty hard to navigate.

*Why does Xavier always make me practice flight skills in these dangerous locations. I mean look at all the mirrors around here, what is this, an abandoned fun-house. Doesn’t he realize what the risk is if we break even one. He may think he’s powerful enough to break the curses and reverse any bad luck, but I don’t really feel like risking my entire future on his cocky assumptions…*

Xavier’s voice drove her out of her thoughts, “Alia! Stop drifting off and pay attention. Did you even hear what I just said?”

*No, Almighty Xavier, this meager slave did not hear your powerful words of wisdom. Please don’t smite me!*

Alia’s lips lifted into a smirk as she mocked her instructor in her head, knowing even he wasn’t powerful enough to break the barriers around her mind.

*He is kind of sexy when he’s angry though, maybe I should go the route of distraction if I wish to avoid flying around these mirrors. It would certainly be entertaining to see his reaction.*

Xavier was a 5’ 10” upper level Spirit Demon with silver-blue eyes, his hair and feathered wings were jet black. He wasn’t tan, but he wasn’t pale either and he was pretty strong, which anyone would have known merely by seeing the muscles in his arms. He was fast as well, the only Demon with teleportation abilities that could also run fast enough to catch a bullet. Always an attention-seeker, he was constantly fooling around and making jokes. When he was serious, however, everyone knew not to mess with him. Everyone it seemed, except for Alia. She was always drifting off into her thoughts, flirting, or doing the exact opposite of what he’d told her to do. She got away with it easily too.

Alia was probably the hottest Spirit Demon alive, and she knew it. She was 5’ 4” and had chocolate eyes. Her hair was a brilliant red, as were her wings, and she was tan-skinned. Odd for a Spirit Demon like herself. She was also exceptionally strong. Though she didn’t look it, she could probably have thrown Xavier across the room without the slightest hint of exhaustion, if she’d had the experience to subdue him in battle.

Xavier’s voice rang out again, and he sounded irritated, this might be harder than she thought, “Alia! Stop smirking you dream-eyed, fledgling!”

*Now or never*, She thought to herself, *let’s hope he’s not in a bad mood today.*

She lowered her eyelids slightly, looked up through her lashes, giggled. That got his attention, he looked at her inquisitively, and she thought she saw something else in his gaze.

*Good, he won’t be any trouble at all.*

She looked down and bit her lip as if she was thinking about saying something, then looked back up at him again. “So, you think my eyes are dreamy?” She asked him

Xavier rolled his eyes, but she still sensed that change in attitude she’d noticed before, “That is not at all what I said, and you know it, don’t play games that you’ve yet to learn the rules to.”

*Now what does he mean by…oh…that’s perfect! Well that just makes this so much more worth it. I wonder what he’d say if I told him I did know the rules, I don’t of course, but he’s easy enough to figure out. Yes, I think I try that and see where it gets me.*

She smiled, “Oh, I know the rules.”

To anyone else it would have seemed that her words had no effect, but Alia knew he was taken off guard by the comment. It didn’t take him long to recover however.

“Sure. If you know them so well then what are they?” He raised an eyebrow.

Alia laughed, “I thought you knew them, why do you need me to tell you?”

He walked over to her and leaned in close, until their faces were inches apart.

“You don’t need to use reverse psychology on someone who already wants what you want them to want.” He whispered, his voice even lower than usual.

Her breathing quickened and she leaned in closer, slowly closing the last inches between them.

He smiled, “I guess I just won’t be able to teach you today.”

“And what’s to be done then.” She said playfully.

His expression turned suddenly devious, “This.” He replied, and then he was gone.

She groaned, “I should’ve seen that coming.”



14:24 Apr 20 2011

oh freaking awesome lol

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