Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


Honor: 47    [ Give / Take ]


24 entries this month


16:47 Sep 30 2010
Times Read: 925

.. literally just discovered my Uncle has spinal stenosis.


... am off out to poisen as well, didn't need to hear that!




... like I do?

16:03 Sep 30 2010
Times Read: 926

After the housework was done and, Dad had my bedding on the line, after getting his own dried, I had decided to go to the shops, to get my tobacco, on a blue-sky day.

I’d just gone round the corner and got part of the way, when I’d met Kay on the way to a friends near where I live, a lady I’d known and drank with about ten years ago, when I used to see Mandy, working at the pub and got into socialising with some of the people I still know today.

I had also met the Mother of a lad I went to primary school, who I’ve not seen for an aeon: and that was pleasant, to be greeted so warmly and, needless to say, I’d had to tell her about my Mother. Thankfully, it seems that is geeting easier to do.

I had got my tobacco then continued on my way, to a place that’s opened up recently, by a young lady well into her horticulture: which I know, as we ended up talking awhile, about alternatives to geraniums, which moult, with iron rich leaves, that stain concrete seemingly permanent.

And it had transpired that she’d been on the radio a bit. So I pressed her as o which it was and, it turned out to be Merseyside, the station I listen to: and I had heard her, several times.

Eventually, when I got home, Dad had said, “You’ve been gone ages”, and I had.

And, I guess not everyone has little adventures, when they step out their front door, like I do.




a dank day... and boots

01:36 Sep 30 2010
Times Read: 929

‘Twas a dank day, most of Wednesday: Sheila, a family friend called round, younger than my folks, albeit a little, she walks a lot, with her black collie Tilly, who always comes to me for a biscuit, when Sheila calls. And, Sheila’s the only person I have met, who drinks coffee like I do. So when she called I made her a coffee, as requested, then another while she drank. I placed it near her and, was tickled when she said to me:

“I thought it was only in bars when you got drinks lined up.”

After lunch, when the weather broke, Dad and I went to Ellesmere Port to do some shopping and on the way back to the car, he got me a pair of black, zip-up ankle-boots, that I’ve been seeking for ages. They’re to be for my birthday.



02:37 Sep 30 2010

Picking up my work habits, are ya?


an emotional, gory story... I thought.

01:24 Sep 29 2010
Times Read: 936

Mike called round and we sat down to watch ‘30 Days of Night: Dark Days’

“After surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, Stella Olemaun relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.”


Kiele Sanchez return’s in this excellent straight to dvd flick, as Stella, from the first film. And we follow her odyssey, as she "doesn’t look for a battle" and finds much more on her journey, as she encounters Lilith, played by Mia Kirshner.

It was an emotional, gory story, which played on many ‘traditional’ vampire stories’, whilst paying homage, to one or two of them, with a humorous nod.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film and, I highly recommend it.

He had got the massage he needed, for the left shoulder, after damaging it, yet again; then, we had had watched the last episode of ‘Warehouse 13’ series two, which hadn’t disappointed, at all..



08:42 Sep 29 2010

I may have to look in to that movie. I did appreciate the original 30 Days, after all...


Mad Cows in 'Isolation & 'Bad Sheep.'

13:30 Sep 26 2010
Times Read: 951

I started out Saturday with several jobs in mind to do, the first of which had been to trim a branch from the tree in the verge outside our home.

But first, there’d been a prescription for painkillers to pick up, and then get my boots to the village and the boot repairer fellow.

The sole needed gluing at the tip, that’s all: but I had been surprised when all he charged me was £1.50 It was the son of the fellow I used to go to and, he’s getting as good as his Dad is, working Saturdays, it seems. Furthermore, it had been a pleasant day, so I’d enjoyed the walk.

I got home and edged the lawns, prior to a well-needed bath: where I’d bathed the scratches on my lower right arm. I’d not imagined the damn branch was as big as it had been, when I’d started cutting that branch and, when it came down, it had been darn massive.

There’s now more light coming to the front room now, as you might imagine.

In the evening Dad and I had watched ‘Stephen Hawking on Time Travel’ which bored Dad, as it was “too fantastic”, while I loved it, hearing all those theories of his, so well phrased. Heck, I loved the way he named one, ‘The Mad Scientist Theory.’

Later, I watched ‘Isolation’, an indie Irish financed horror, which had a very similar plot to ‘Bad Sheep’, though the latter had been a black comedy. This hadn’t been.



15:29 Sep 26 2010

Ah, the joys of owning property. Yard work and all that.

Although it sounds like you had a good evening!

15:29 Sep 26 2010

Ah, the joys of owning property. Yard work and all that.

Although it sounds like you had a good evening!


don’t use too much...

16:39 Sep 24 2010
Times Read: 963

I logged onto VR before bed on Thursday and, I’d found a message from someone saying kindly to me, that they hoped that I’d have assistance at the project, as I’m finding it so wearing of late. And, in hindsight I find that message a sheer delight, as we actually had not one, two but three volunteers arrive, to give us assistance during the night. Yet, what struck me as impressive was that they had been young ladies from the local Uni and first years at that. And, though I slate the young-uns, for bad manners and apathy, I do try and give credit, where it is due. Those girls had been helpful and cheerful and, made themselves as useful as we had needed. And though my back felt like it was breaking, first thing in the morning, I’d so appreciated the help from those three young ladies, who had come to help us out.

I arose on Friday feeling totally exhausted and, thankful to hear my Father telling me off for using too much hot water; then ‘reminded’, “I’m not telling you off, just making sure that you don’t use too much.” And then he went quiet, a minute or so, when I said, my hair hasn’t been washed now, for a week or so. It just went to illustrate that the antibiotics he was given on Wednesday were working

Thursday, he had struggled to clean the lounge, yet done so; then on Friday morning we went to the Azda, where once again, I was struck by the bad manners, of not the young, but the elderly, who seem determined to try to walk through you, being as bad with the misdirection of their trolley’s, as they are as they peer over their steering wheels, whilst driving cars that seem too big for their use.




... ‘the customers’ at the door.

00:59 Sep 24 2010
Times Read: 979

Before I left for the project I went on VR awhile. Whilst there I greeted someone, who responded, then added that she had read the last two chapters of my new scifi story and liked it. The fact that my scifi serial had been liked put a smile on my face that lasted all the way to Mikes. It was sunny and shower, so I’d sheltered awhile and obtained a copy of ‘Machete’, that was so much better than the others I’d previously acquired. And, still that message rang in my head, prompting me to do something, to say how much I’d appreciated it. Many creatives, albeit they’re loath to admit it, relish approval of their work. And obviously, I’m one of those who like it, to go by how good a few simple words left feeling. So, before I cooked Dad’s tea I opened up Yahoo, to say ‘Thank you.’ Then I’d left for the project, in the rain again: to cook and, exchange verbal abuse, with ‘the customers’ at the door.



10:03 Sep 24 2010

Aww and just to add to this...

i did read the other 9 chapters o.0

~pokes tongue out~

much love from your number one fan!


Need, not want.

14:12 Sep 23 2010
Times Read: 987

Thursday is poison people day, but sheesh.. I wish we had those three more volunteers we Need.

there are Thursday’s Now when I finish, I'm effed up.

we Need six and, we're workin with three.



14:20 Sep 23 2010

Hope more turn in today...


all I wanted, really...

23:58 Sep 22 2010
Times Read: 992

By ten I was sitting cross-legged before my laptop in my room. I had watched ‘Time Team’ with Dad, about a site where they were excavating a Navvy village, from 1880 and, what struck me was how little ‘they’ know about the Victorian Era, whilst ‘they’ know such much about the 1200’s and 1600’s.

And, looking out the back window, the sky wasn’t black, it was grey, with low-lying clouds, that have brought with them heavy rainfall.

My knee’s ached though, badstyle, from all the walking I did today, as ‘neath a blue-sky I had traipsed back and forth, to get Dad the stuff he requested, lozenges, a linctus and then, in the afternoon, the doctor arrived to see him, after a telephone consultation through me, ‘coz of his hearing loss, earlier in the morning.

And though my knees ached badstyle, I did feel easier, as he had eaten and rested a little throughout the day, which was all I wanted really.




Twilight Bratz

16:36 Sep 22 2010
Times Read: 1,007

When someone names themselves after a character from the ‘Twilight’ films, and identifies with the Hollywood myth of The Vampire, to the exclusion of all reasonable debate, it’s time to sign out of VR and, the thread they’ve partaken of, that caused you so much ire.

It didn’t help, that my Dad has either man-flu, or something else: and, I’m faffin as it’s my Dad and I’d hoped for pleasant distraction and instead found discord, thanks to an irritant, who names themselves after a character from the ‘Twilight’ films.

I even found myself apologizing profusely to the Lady whose thread it had been, as I’d been more than a tad brusque in my dismissal of this ignorant wench.

I couldn’t help it: when someone dismisses logic, in favour of celluloid illusion, there’s something seriously wrong, somewhere.

And, maybe I’d have been more tolerant, if I’d had the conversation I’d hoped for, with someone else, but that just hadn’t happened; meanwhile the Twilight Bratz Doll had continued to spout sheer drivel, till I could take it no more: and bed was sought.

But, before I went, I took that thread off my ‘Beloved Threads’, hoping not to offend my friend, but if I’d read anymore of that child’s words, I’d have been worse than she. And that would have been unacceptable, as I do try to listen, unlike her.

Note: I said bed, not sleep, as that has eluded me, of late. And, being tired all the time, is just plain wearing me down.

And who on Earth needs a Twilight Brat, when you’re feeling like that??



17:09 Sep 22 2010

"Whether we read books and watch films about vampires for psychological reasons or simply for entertainment, each of us keeps the vampire myth alive... "

- Daniel C. Scavone, author of Vampires

I couldn't resist the quote but that person in the thread annoyed me too

17:50 Sep 22 2010

Oh wow, I wish that I could have seen that thread. :p


.. joggers/runners, "I HATE them!"

00:44 Sep 22 2010
Times Read: 1,011

I went a walk to Raby Mere on Monday, as I had an aching knee; so took it for a punishing fast walk, getting there and back in under forty-five minutes.

On my way I was struck by the amount of little polythene bags filled with dog muck, hanging from bushes, trees and sitting on the grass verge that they had cleaned up from. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, there’d been a bag of can deposited on the verge, I’m imaging by a motorist; and then, there’s the little empty bottles of water left by joggers and runners.

And, I ended up thinking, how disgusting these dog-owners are to do as they do: while the joggers dash runners, actually disgust me more and I find it difficult to explain why. Perhaps it’s the fact that these misbegotten wretches do as they do to be healthy: and then, they litter my countryside.

So, to be succinct, “I hate them.”



15:44 Oct 01 2010

Any "runner" carrying water in a bottle and not a waist belt is not a runner. They're amateurs out for a quick jog. You might appreciate this - I have a picture of a guy covered in sweat sitting on a bench with the caption:

"If you ran without sacrifice, congratulations. You just went for a jog."


VampireRave awhile...

00:14 Sep 19 2010
Times Read: 1,018

Friday night Mike called round to watch a jag copy of Resident Evil: Afterlife and though he’d intended to stay longer, to watch ‘Eureka’ 4:09 with me, which we nearly watched out of sequence last week, he couldn’t stay, as his Mother was needing company, as his Father had gone into hospital the day before, as an emergency.

Saturday night I had sat enthralled by Blade 3: Trinity, which I like and I found to my dismay the number two of the t.v. series started, on another channel just as it ended, which would have meant no VampireRave. As it was, I found that it was repeated on Wednesday, so I was safe, to do as I’d wanted, go on VampireRave awhile...




Stalking and violence against men is funny?

16:43 Sep 17 2010
Times Read: 1,030

At the end of the night on Thursday, I walked back to the station, instead of getting a lift from the church, as I often get from Roger, telling him, I was effin annoyed and needed the walk.

It was all down to this slim pretty thing, that works for the NHS as a kind of middle-manager. She’d been talking of a friend being stalked and, when I’d told her that for at least the last ten years I’d been stalked, she laughed.

Grant you, she apologised. But, she had laughed. And, that had pressed many of my buttons, all at once.

And it reminded me of a story I heard years ago, when researched violence from female to male, when a policeman who been assaulted by his petite wife, with a frying pan whilst asleep, could take her abuse no more and reported her: He had been laughed at by the desk sergeant he reported it to.

Perhaps I should have told the young lady in the kitchen about the young whore I knew a thousand years ago, after my first fiancée, who ended up with my scissors at my throat, as she threatened my life, with her pimp dash boyfriend hanging around somewhere outside my house.

Perhaps she’d have thought that even funnier still?



18:23 Sep 17 2010

lol i dont know exactly what to say to this

22:22 Sep 17 2010

Violence of any kind is not funny, no matter who it is directed against. MOst people think that when I tell them my ex picked me up by the throat and slammed me against a wall, that it is funny because I "no doubt kicked his ass when he turned me loose."

No. I cried for hours, and over a year later, I got a divorce. The bruises faded- the fear did not.


'True Bloods' end?

13:07 Sep 15 2010
Times Read: 1,046

It was a very windy night Tuesday night and though I didn’t sleep well, it had been a good evening: though I’m still hoping that episode twelve of series three of ‘True Blood’ wasn’t the last, as if it was, it had been one real bitch of cliff-hanger of an episode. That said, I’ve truly enjoyed every episode I’ve seen of it, with each one having the feel of a film and, a damn good film at that.




mind curdled

16:28 Sep 13 2010
Times Read: 1,050

I've been typing out my late Mothers 1982 trip to NZ and, am up to Apil.. man, reading her handwriting is not easy.. but it is interesting learning more of her..

so.. Now my brain is erm, frazzled and mind curdled. albeit slightly.



14:10 Sep 15 2010

mind curdled..I must remember that expression,lol


... every now and then.

14:12 Sep 12 2010
Times Read: 1,063

Come late on Friday night, Mike had left, after watching a good copy of ‘Iron Man 2’ with me. I went on VR and, found after a very short while typing that the left hand really did not like me, at all. The knuckle on the middle-finger went into cramp, with the joint inflamed, mid message.

That, more than the time, was the reason I’d sought my bed, taking a diclofenic before I’d sought my duvet.

Now, I’ve never been into ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ and much as classic Trek, or even Enterprise, but on a rainy evening, I really found the shows interesting, that had introduced Seven of Nine and where Kes exited. Second time round, on what used to be Virgin 1 and, is now Channel 1, but a pleasant enough diversion, while I was resting. Heck, there’s even a half-Klingon in the show I thinks a real babe.

Then on Five USA, there was he first episode of ‘Blade - the tv series,’ which I’ve seen a few episodes of it on download. And, I’ll lay odds Wesley Snipes regretted not making it – the big head. [I recall reading what he’s thought of the idea.]

I mean, it’s no ‘True Blood’, but it is a damn good show. And, to think, I only got digital originally for CSI! But, Oh-I-so-hate those words ‘to be continued’…

It was a good way at the end of the evening, to end a long, long day, which had started with spilt milk, under a runner, beneath the oven.

Cleaning that meant damaging cork tiles, then moving he fridge-freezer, all on a sunny day, with heavy showers.

And, though I wrote while Dad did much of the work, sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, wasn’t good for me, it seems. Well, it was either that, or just that ‘ole cabin fever, that I’m prone to, every now and then.




“quite interesting”

00:34 Sep 11 2010
Times Read: 1,072

I have two usb, that look similar and hundreds of files to go through and, I don’t know which has a file I’m looking for and I haven’t found the right piece yet and I’ve been fascinated by every file I’ve found: aye, looking back on them, I have hundreds of files that I think are really “quite interesting.”




.. gentle and refreshing.

02:13 Sep 10 2010
Times Read: 1,083

Come the end of the Thursday night, I got left Bromborough Station, with burning hip and knee joints. There’d only been three volunteers, when we should have six and what with lifting of tables and general runaround and quite a busy night on the door my joints reminded me how busy I had been.

And, I’d been up since waking at four in the morning and listened to someone talking of banks and funerals and their imminent end; and it’s at least once a week now and it’s wearing me down.

That said, at least I’d had the chance to work in the garden in the afternoon, edging the front lawn and weeding: and I like weeding. It is disengage your brain time and, just do. It’s one of the most relaxing things I can do in the garden and; working in the garden gives me the space to be me: at least for awhile.

And, as I’d made my coffee for the morning; then put the milk bottle out, I’d felt light rain on my head, gentle and refreshing.



16:27 Sep 12 2010

I can smell it from here..smells nice.


... with proper custard.

00:20 Sep 08 2010
Times Read: 1,090

Tuesday afternoon I made another crumble onna sunny and showery afternoon; I thank wotsits, that The Maker made surgeons, who give you the use of your shoulders, to crumble crumble, after cleaning ceilings.

And .. "it was gorgeous," with proper custard.




..all fresh

14:17 Sep 07 2010
Times Read: 1,100

I had woken after a really bad night’s sleep feeling kind of rough, as it rained so hard throughout the night, all night. It was sunny and fluffy looking and all fresh. And once I’d written something I’d planned to write, I finally got dressed and joined Dad in the garden, where everything looked so new and fresh.

Then went indoors, looked at my tobacco-laden ceiling and, decided to clean it.



14:19 Sep 07 2010


14:43 Sep 07 2010

No don't do it you will have to paint it all again

sorry you didn't sleep too well :(

16:52 Sep 07 2010

Oh No!! Cleaning a ceiling is my worst nightmare.


.. just

14:48 Sep 06 2010
Times Read: 1,107

.. just came in awhile, this fine breezy afternoon... to check and see, if there were messages to answer... before a walk: and ...[[before my injection.]]



15:48 Sep 06 2010

what injection?


...shoulda had more.

02:11 Sep 05 2010
Times Read: 1,116

Dad and I spent much of the day in the back garden: whilst he cut the other side of our hedge, as the neighbour was due to return home sometime during the day, I had weeded, then watered the hedge, after making the tea. Much later, Ibrufen on the rested knee, I had limped to the kitchen, for my toasted cheese on a thick crust, just ‘coz I’d realized how much it would please. And, dishes done, I stood at the back door, feeling the cool air and, thinking I shoulda had more.





00:37 Sep 04 2010
Times Read: 1,122

Friday night finds me sitting massaging a toe, as I listen to the persistent irritant of a burglar alarm going up somewhere nearby. And it’d been a day. Well, a day and a half, with a good evening and a surreal ending and, none of it witnessed by anyone other than me. And I’d almost say that I’m sorry, there isn’t another to share it with. But I did have a good day, ‘neath a blue sky, that felt almost summer like, well maybe spring. Either way, it was just superb: and ‘True Blood 3:11’ just superb. Each one of those shows is a film; in it’s own right. I figure. An ‘Absolon’ was alright, that fellow from ‘Highlander’, with Christopher Lambert and Kelly oh… Kelly Brock. Swear down I’m having that sequence from ‘Piranha3d’: The one that looked so hot in 3d while she swam with another nude, sorta undulating their perfect bodies together, underwater; while you sat looking as silly as everyone else, wearing the all-black glasses. And, the toe feels better, much better. But boy, this film I’m ‘watchin is well weird, a Japanese Go-Go dancer with exquisite eyes, was just cut apart by gunfire and has returned with her bottom half a snapping maw, filled with sharp teeth, snapping, snapping..




...just seven minutes of her time.

13:45 Sep 01 2010
Times Read: 1,137

I was up early, to be at the doctor’s for 9:30 and it was sunny and, my knee didn’t ache. When I got there, I waited just a short while, before going in. I had sat down with the doctor and spoke with her much as I had a few weeks ago, which allowed me the chance to talk, in a way that I needed to. I’d talked of the stress of home-life, of coming to terms with having arthritis, that I’ve learnt that I’m still grieving. In other words, I’d talked of my feelings and me. “It seems you have developed your own coping mechanisms…” she’d said with a smile and, I’d nodded then smiled.

And with a smile I’d made to stand, “I got my smile back, thank you…”

She had even said that if I went back every couple of weeks, if I needed, she was happy with that: and all I’d needed was about seven minutes of her time; no tablets and no prescription requested; just seven minutes of her time.



17:45 Sep 01 2010


20:11 Sep 01 2010

My husband, a physician, has a paperweight that says "A GOOD doctor treats the disease. A GREAT doctor treats the patient."

00:54 Sep 04 2010

Sometimes thats all it takes.

16:21 Sep 18 2010

I know that feeling all too well dear, but you know, 7 minutes feels like a world off your shoulders sometimes. even if its off for just 7 minutes.

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