Since we're in the theme, I decided to share with you all a new topic on the matter, Psychic Vampirism! It is the practice of preying on other people's energies and life-force. This can take many forms and, one way or another, almost everyone suffered from this. Let it be entities or someone versed in it, lifeforce can be preyed upon and it has notable result in weakening the mind and body of a person. This can be done intentionally or unintentionally if a person is strong psychically and is not aware of it. It's a discusting practice that can be damaging for the one doing it since the energy bound to a person is the reflection of himself. The psychic vampire can even absorb desieses from it's "prey" if unaware. This practice is imoral and should not be done as it attracts entities with malevolent intent to the perpetrator.