Anam0Taibhse's Journal


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5 entries this month


The Morning chapter 5 = dark beginngings

09:50 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 551

You can’t even remember the night before. You wake up hazy. You look to your right and Tim was there facing the wall. This wasn’t your house. This wasn’t your room. You get out of bed and find the bathroom were you take a shower. As your stand there you start to remember what happened. You remember his every touch his every move and you cry for the second time you cried. You hear the door open behind you. “Good morning love.” you hear Tim say. “Good morning Tim.” You say plainly. “What happened last night?” you ask.

He Starts Taking off his clothes and jumps in the shower with you. “We had sex cant you remember.” He says. “No I suppose I must have blocked it out.” You say with an awkwardness. He turns to face the shower head. You know he is pissed so you don’t say any thing more.




The Beginning of the End chapter 4= dark beginnings

09:48 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 552

You wake up to a knock on your door. Its your little brother he says to look out his window. You do you see your mother hanging there in the tree with a needle in her arm. “Well great she overdosed.” You said. You head down stairs to use the phone to call the cops, but you are stopped on the stairs. There stands Tim in the middle of them. With a huge smile then he says now we can be together with out any interruptions.

He lets you call the cops, they ask the usual questions. Like where were you last night? Did you hear any thing last night? You had to make up an excuses to where Tim was last night. So you said “He was with me in bed last night.” You don’t know why you covered for him. You hated every thing about him, but for some reason you did. They never questioned you further.

They left you with Tim.




The Past chapter 3= Dark Beginnings

09:45 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 553

Tim pulls out the chair in front of him and sits heavily like he has a huge burden to tell you. “I love you. I know, I know before you even say anything. I know that I have done nothing but hurt you. I am going to change that. I am going to get you out of here. It might be worse then being here at first, but it will get better. I promise.” All you could do was look at him shocked. Then he goes on. “ I want a child with you.” This brought tears to your eyes you could say nothing but “how can you be so inconsiderate of me of my brother of my mother then you come and tell me this.”

You went up to your room and laid on your bed and cried. For the first time he made you cry. You hear a knock on the door, and then him saying. ” Ill give you some time to think about this.” All these thoughts of why did he want a child with me? What made him think about this? Does he even care what I think or of what I want? I can’t have a child now not at 17. What about school? What about this child? Who would take care of it? Ran Through your head till finally you cry your self to sleep.




Déjà vu chapter 2 =dark beginnings

09:41 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 554

You are startled awake by a knock on your window. You look, but no one is there. Then you hear your moms bed rocking, you know what it was . She had a guy over again. You walk out of your room to the bathroom, which is left of your room. You go to the sink and splash cold water on your face. You dry off your face with the blue hand towel. As you turn towards the door you see him. The guy that hated you or at least made it seem that way.

He was about your age. Long Black hair, with a scruffy looking beard. He pulls you closer as he says “well if it aint my gurl.” Then he takes a drag on his cigarette. He then kisses you. You stopped pulling away as this is not the first time this has happened, and you remember he always gets his way. He pulls you into your bedroom and lays you down. The way he held you made it seem like he was a lot older. He started to tease you as though that would get you to lighten up. He asked you ”Why do you hate me?” All you could say was “why the Hell do you care. Hello you fuck my mother, you fucked my life up. You treat my brother, mother and I like shit and all you can say is why do you hate me?” At that moment he couldn’t think what to say he just had a shocked look on his face then laied his head on your stomach. He cried that night in your lap. Then he stopped and laid next to you the rest of the night.

After that night he never came back. He never touched you again or slept with you. Your mother was pissed a month later yelling at you saying” what the fuck did u say to Tim why did you make him leave.’ And you said “well maybe you weren’t good enough in bed mother maybe I was.” You laughed your loudest. She slapped you her hardest just as Tim came in the door.




Dark Beginnings

09:40 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 555

You run down stairs to your door bell ringing "I’ll get it you scream. "As you race to the door. You pass your little brother. He sticks his tongue out at you. How childish you thought. You open the door to find no one there. You look around. You find a note. It says witch on it In Big Bold Print, In Red Ink. You look up and down the street. You see a black Chevy pickup all old and rusted as it gunned away from the house next-door. It just gave u the creepy feeling. You know the kind that you have that lingers on for weeks or so. You go back inside startled as your mother says “What’s wrong?”

You put a fake smile on as you say “Nothing mother.” You head back to walk upstairs as you notice the bottle of whiskey in your mother’s hand. She had been drinking again after years of promising to stop. But her promises fall unfulfilled every single one of them. You ignore it as it had come to be every day life seeing her like this. You raised your brother because of her. So you didn’t have much of a childhood. You pretty much pass through life with a fake smile the whole time.

Since the time you were a child all you could remember is the horror your life had been. All the guys your mom has brought home and how they use to abuse you but not only that but sexually abuse you. You remember this one certain one and is reminded of him because of that black Chevy. He is the one that tore your childhood to hell, and you are set on getting your revenge one day.



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