Cancer gave me some great advice the other night: "Don't let the opinions of people online that you don't even know bother you". Not verbatim.
Honestly, I'm taking that to heart. I will say that it honors me beyond belief that some idiot Sire stalks my profile EVERY DAMN DAY just to give me negative honor.
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get a fucking life.
Someone wasn't happy with you calling a spade a spade- and boy was that a spade!
Haha! Right on, love! And of course not. Basically, they think that if they kiss that donkey's ass, he'd favor them. The little shit favors nothing but himself.
A song, a plea really, begging an arrow not to find its mark, as the man has a new wife and an old mother who need him more than the arrow does. Unfortunately, in the end, the arrow takes the man's life, but the wife is young, and whilst she and the old mother grieve, they know they will eventually move on.
Wow, awesome song. Und Thilo habe ich zuletzt vor 20 Jahren auf einem Lacrimosa Konzert gesehen...
Die Musik weckt alte, aber schöne Erinnerungen.
Ja, das ist großartig! Und ja! Ich liebe Tilo, aber ich bin mit Anne besser befreundet. Ich habe sie für ALTER gekannt! :D
18:26 Feb 07 2019
Cooles Video, erinnert mich etwas an Omnia.