Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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48 entries this month

12:28 Jun 30 2008
Times Read: 721

I hate the sun for more reasons than I can count... Well, not really the sun itself, I hate summer heat and the fact that I get all freckled... My skin gets all red and dry as well, and then you go around sweating like a pig...

Having a fat, pale, freckly and just plain yucky body doesn't help either.

But I've decided to try and let it go... I want to release myself from this pain called obsession with appearance and just be happy with who I am, where I'm at and who I'm with.

I should really consider updating my profile...




Baby nr 2

08:27 Jun 29 2008
Times Read: 737

I miss being pregnant.

I miss having an infant.

I miss breastfeeding "for real" (meaning, not with my milk supply being so low)

I miss being in labor.

I miss having a round tummy.

I miss feeling kicks and movements inside me.

I even miss waddling like a penguin and having weird cravings.

I miss not worrying about my fat..........

Ryan is going to be a toddler soon...

I want to have a little girl...






14:54 Jun 28 2008
Times Read: 750

I just finished watching season one and can say that this show is AMAZING!

The only thing lacking here are pretty girls... lol

I don't really find Nikki or Claire very attractive, it's a shame but oh well... Luckily the storyline is so good that I don't even have time to fantasize.

I'm gonna download season 2 tonight...




Ryan the Lion King

18:26 Jun 27 2008
Times Read: 773

Some recent photos...










18:46 Jun 27 2008

Super cute pictures!

19:13 Jun 27 2008

aww beautiful pictures :)

21:41 Jun 27 2008

Awww :D

18:49 Jun 28 2008

Looks like he has his Daddy's eyes! :)


Life can be good at times

08:16 Jun 26 2008
Times Read: 796

Exciting days ahead!

I finally have something to look forward to and it's lighting up my everyday life big time.

Here's The List:

27th June - Off on a BBQ with Yendor's work colleagues

5th July - His sisters engagement party

8th July - A mass baby meeting in the church where Ryan was baptized, basically it's a gathering for recently born babies or something, but whatever, the thing I'm looking forward to is the chance for Ryan to "socialize" with other babies!

I'm excited about these events because I'll finally get to meet people! (I never thought the day would come where I would actually crave companionship, but I guess boredom and constant baby caring does that to you...)

But now to the better part off the list!

17th - 31st July - My 13 year old sister Natalia is coming! My mom is overloaded with things so she can't come... but at least we'll get to spend quality time together, she gets on my nerves sometimes but I miss her... and you never get bored around her. :P

6th - 27th August - Sweden, here we come! We changed the dates, cost us an extra 140 euro but eh... money comes and goes, what matters is that I'll have three weeks there with my family and enough time to meet my friends, do some shopping, enjoy the FRESH air, and perhaps if I dare to let Ryan go for 3 hours, go to the cinema.... (If not there's always mother/baby cinema, hahaha there's a solution for everything...)

9th-16th September - Guess what??? My best friend is coming to Malta!!!! She was supposed to go to Barcelona with a friend but that got canceled, so now she has the money to come visit me! :D

19th November there's the biggest event in Stockholm EVER... Alter Bridge is playing, they don't have Scott Stapp (♥) but 3 original Creed members and they're damn good... And guess who's going to Sweden for a week to see them live with her best friend who has also admired the band for 6 years??? I thought they'd never come to Sweden! This is a dream come true and that's the only reason why Yendor is letting us go... I feel sorry to take Ryan away for him, but this is so important to me.

Oh and not to mention, I'll get to spend my birthday at Home, and Ryan's will be celebrated on the 1st Nov here in Malta but then we're gonna have a party for him in Sweden as well!

Phew, that's all... so far.

Ryan woke me up at 6 AM, stayed up for 3 hours and now he fell asleep again...

I'm gonna spend this time watching Heroes :P



12:23 Jun 26 2008

Busy! Busy!

Have some fun, hun! Get to know some people!

And it's funny to watch a baby with other ones. Aurora's been seeing lots of babies at her doctor's appointments *on the healthy side*.

13:33 Jun 26 2008

;D Have a wonderful time!!

18:23 Jun 26 2008

Have fun :)


21:34 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 806

GOD I feel like such a hypocrite, oh wait, I AM one.

I love curvy women, so why don't I accept my own curves?


This lack of self esteem is gonna kill me one day.




I'm in love

21:24 Jun 25 2008
Times Read: 810

So, we were going down the stairs today when one of our neighbors just entered the building...

I haven't seen such a delicious yummyness for a LONG time...

I can't stop thinking about her, she was so beautiful...

Really curvy, big breasted with a soft glowing face and long black hair...

Oh God, women are the most beautiful creations.




Official goal

16:33 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 829

So, my ass is a US size 10 while my tummy is a size 8.

I'm far away from size 0...

Ha ha fucking ha

I want to drop a size in both categories.

Today has been good, not counting the too much carb shake I have been doing good.

I just need to take this one day at a time with high motivation and encouragement...

I need to do this!



17:12 Jun 24 2008

I hope this diet thing if for YOU not anyone trying to make you feel like you have to lose weight.


Skinny Bitch VS Curvy Mommy

09:55 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 836

This is pathetic,

10 minutes and I start feeling yucky about my body again.

*sigh* This will never end, will it?

If I'm not counting calories, I'm counting carbs, if not that, I look into the idea of replacing meals with shakes... what's next?

Well, I did lose 4kg with my low carb diet, it just sucks not being able to eat carbs and I don't know if it's worth the sacrifice...

And then today is screwed anyway since the shake contains 22g of carbs, which is more than my allowed daily amount.

Fuck, I don't know what to do anymore...

These pictures don't do my fat justice since they are slimming, but still...

It's this:





I want bigger breast.

I want a flat tummy.

I want slimmer thighs.

I want a small ass.

I want slim hips and away with the "love handles"





Shake = Shit

08:59 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 842

I want to vomit from the taste and I'm still hungry, it's not satisfying at all.

Fuck it! I'm done with this, sick of this, it's the end!

I am staying curvy and that's it, no more diets, no more hating my body, no more feeling depressed about my extra fat.

I wish I could lose weight but it's obviously not going to happen...

Sigh, what happened to enjoying life?




Proteinshake here I come

08:12 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 845

I'm having vanilla flavored breakfast...

Is 250ml of this really supposed to fill you up?




Let's do this

06:43 Jun 24 2008
Times Read: 849

Today I'm starting over with a new approach.

I'm going to go cold turkey, simply STOP eating and drinking what I shouldn't.

It would really help if I could switch off the part of my brain which can't stop thinking about chocolate.

Anyway, this is it.

I am replacing breakfast and dinner with a low cal proteinshake, and have one low carb high fat meal at lunch. I'm only drinking water and decaff.

No snacks in between, in fact I'm gonna supplement my body with chromium which supposingly removes the snacking habit...

I wish I could combine this with going to the gym, but I can't so...

I'm giving it a month from today.

I'm gonna need words of encouragement and motivation not to fall back this time...




Oh my God

21:58 Jun 23 2008
Times Read: 859

Googling bikini pics of curvy women got me horny...

I haven't felt this for what, a year??





Slim or Curvy? That is the question

21:40 Jun 23 2008
Times Read: 864

I am randomly jumping from liking my body to hating it and it's getting on my nerves, so now I',m gonna write a list.

I love my body because...

- It gave me my son

- It is very curvy and feminine

- It is shaped in a nice, classic hourglass way, meaning most fat sits on my ass and thighs

- My waist is cute

- My skin is very pale

- It's soft and cozy

I hate my body because...

- It's not toned and muscular

- My breast are small

- I have scars, bruises and stretch marks all over

- It is not the "perfect" body in the eyes of society which creates a fear in me of not being accepted, being stared and laughed at

- My bones aren't much visible because of the fat

- My ass is too flat

- It's big and flabby

So there you have it.

What pisses me off is that I'm contradicting myself, one second I'm happy feeling soft and curvy, the other I'm depressed about not having firm thighs.

What do I want? Why can't I just accept my body for what it is now and be done with it?

These past few days I haven't been focusing on losing weight, because what if I'll end up missing my curves?

I don't know where to go from here....




Isn't there anything more to life?

16:03 Jun 22 2008
Times Read: 882

This past year my life has changed in many ways... I've realized I've gone from enjoying time to passing time.

In other words, I'm dying of boredom.

I love being with my son, but I miss my life.

Living in Malta is boring.

Being a house"wife" is extremely boring and unfulfilling, how do people survive doing this for all their lives?

And here we go again...

In Sweden, I would at least have people to pass time with.

Even when I was there I couldn't stand it when my sister was at school and mom left for work...

What is this? Since when do I thrive on company?

I've always been a loner, but now I seem to go crazy being by myself... Well obviously I have the baby, but he's not an adult...

Another worry is that nothing matters to me anymore, I mean things like taking care of myself... I don't feel like buying myself clothes, washing my hair, wearing pretty shoes... It doesn't make a difference to me. I don't feel the need to be pretty.

Alter Bridge, the musicians I've been dying to see live for 6 years since I began listening to them, are FINALLY coming to play in Sweden in November, and I have to struggle to find some real excitement in me!

I want to go, but it's a question of money...

I'm dead, aren't I?

My soul is dead, I'm not enjoying anything anymore.



16:47 Jun 22 2008

NO! you are not dead.Hormones are shifting and you are feeling the brunt of it.You are beautiful,young,have a beautiful baby and ..well,I assume hes a great guy..you have what others only dream of having.You'll recover,get your energy back, and you will see it was temporary.Next time a good storm blows in,please,just turn everything off , listen to it and breathe it in..ok?

20:45 Jun 22 2008

Hi Adora, *hugs* Your life is what you make it with those you love in it :) How about taking up a vocation, and calling in a childminder for babe? Mixing with people, and being appreciated for yourself and your ideas is important too. The hard thing is in finding a happy medium which suits everybody, but I am sure you and Yendor as a family will sort things out :)

22:04 Jun 23 2008

I'd be glad to keep you company whenever you want :)

Plus I know how it feels even though my situation is different.

Just have courage :)


Sex and the City

14:32 Jun 21 2008
Times Read: 890

I so badly want to see this movie!

I used to go to the cinema all the time, I SO miss doing it :(




17:30 Jun 20 2008
Times Read: 892


I just remembered I have "Angel" on DVD :P

Btw, is Prison Break worth watching?




17:16 Jun 20 2008
Times Read: 893

Ok, I can't watch this, it's a major waste of time.

Seriously, I'd rather stare at the wall than keep watching this.




17:08 Jun 20 2008
Times Read: 894

I'm so bored it's killing me.

Ryan just fell asleep and I finished watching all my downloaded episodes already this morning...

I'm so bored I'm actually considering watching this most likely lame parody movie "Superhero" which Yendor downloaded.

I didn't like Scary Movie and I doubt this is any better...

I'll give it 5 min... while I munch on my cheese.

I'm trying to get back on track with my diet... I can't let myself get fat.





07:23 Jun 19 2008
Times Read: 907

I don't know what's happening to me.

I wish I could stay asleep, I want the day to end quickly and the new one to never come.

I'm constantly depressed and feel trapped by this pressure over my chest.

I've lost control and keep gaining weight, which is only resulting in making me even unhappier.

I don't know what to do with myself...




Passing the time...

22:16 Jun 17 2008
Times Read: 922

The last couple of days I've been catching up with tv series that I miss watching, I've finished season 4 of Grey's anatomy and season 2 of Ugly Betty...

I need to pass the time somehow while waiting for the new season of Lost.

So, now I've begun watching Heroes and Gossip Girl...

If anyone knows about a good tv series I shouldn't miss, feel free to share :p

I used to love watching Charmed, but I've got no idea which episode was the last one I saw... I think I stopped watching somewhere in season 5, that means there's a lot of catching up to do and I might be too lazy to do it...

And the same goes for The L Word.

I don't really miss Desperate Housewives, I downloaded one episode but got bored watching it.

Oh, a friend of Yendor's lent me all seasons of Angel, I like it but I prefer Buffy... God I miss that show.

I'm also a fan of NCIS...

There are too many series out there!!!

Ok, I'm off to watch episode 2 of GG...



18:59 Jun 18 2008

I am a tv whore.

I recomand you Will & Grace if you like comedy.

I also like Friends, Small Ville, One Thrill Hill, OC...damn how come I can't remember more, I am tv whore I should know!

As for Buffy episodes are getting shown again on the Italian tv :D


21:23 Jun 13 2008
Times Read: 949

Yeah, right...

Here we go again with the anxiety.

I am feeling too fat and I want to die.

Why can't I just LET IT GO and stop thinking about it!?



19:33 Jun 14 2008

Det undrar jag med.. Du borde verkligen släppa det, för du ser helt underbar ut som du gör. :*

Jag hoppas att du snart kommer in på msn igen, så att jag får prata med dig. Det var ju så många dagar sedan nu..

Älskar dig mest av allt och tänker på dig.


15:53 Jun 13 2008
Times Read: 958


These past few days I've been a complete mess.

Eating, throwing up, eating more, with periods of being too down to eat.

I haven't eaten anything sensible, just crap.

I don't know what I'm trying to prove to myself... that I'm good as I am? that I don't have to be scared of eating? that being fat isn't bad?

I know my body is feeling shitty after all this, which is the only reason why I'm going back to my healthy living tomorrow...

I'm done caring about my weight, DONE.

It messes me up and I don't have time for that.

I have a man who finds me sexy, a son who loves me, what does an extra couple of kgs matter? why am I making it matter? why do I let it get to me?

No... I'm so over this, I need to be.

Enough already.




10:52 Jun 12 2008
Times Read: 969

I am so fucking depressed!

I don't know what to do, I'm just crying and drowning my sorrows in the wrong stuff.

I'm gonna get fat and even more depressed.

What's the point with all this shit!?

I am sick and tired, SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYTHING!

I am a lonely, depressed, bored, tired MESS.




21:38 Jun 09 2008
Times Read: 1,000

I can't get over this.

I need to spend time with her, get it? I NEED TO!

My sanity is at stake here.

I am going to Sweden for NOTHING! I don't even want to go now, it's wasted money.

Before you say it, he booked with fucking Ryanair which is a shitty ass rip-off company, you can't cancel the flight! and re-booking would cost another 220 euro!

Sure, I'll get to see my Mom, my siblings...

Don't get me wrong, that's nice and all, I love them but I don't have the need to be with them.

I need a friend.

I need someone to go shopping with.

I need someone to go to the cinema with.

I need someone to just talk to...

Not someone, I need HER!

I need to feel like ME again,

I need to feel like I still have a life, like a normal 20 year old, I need just ONE day without my boy, I need to be careless and free for one fucking day...

And now I'm not gonna have any of it.

No, now I'm going to Sweden to spend my life just as I'm spending it here, only I'll be around my family.

Doesn't make a difference, again, that's not what I need.

This is ridiculous, how can this be happening? How can it have gOne so wrong?? HOW COULD HE PAY SO MUCH MONEY FOR TICKETS WE CAN'T CANCEL OR RE-BOOK WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!!!!??????





03:07 Jun 12 2008

I know how you feel......I need her too......


17:11 Jun 09 2008
Times Read: 1,013

I've eaten candy today.

Yeah, I know.

Fuck it, so I'll gain a little weight again, there's no fucking point, and you know why?

I won't meet my best friend in Sweden this summer, and even a 10kg weight loss can't make up for that.

Yendor booked the tickets last night, when I was sleeping, he wanted to surprise me, we're going for 22 days starting on July 23rd.

Only problem is my best friend, as in, the only really close friend I have, the only friend I want to meet, the one big reason why I want to go to Sweden, is working those weeks. She doesn't live in Stockholm.

She can't come to Stockholm and I feel now like my trip to Sweden will be for nothing.

I haven't spent time with her for nearly 2 years now, get that, 2 fucking years! And Yendor blows this opportunity for me just because he was stupid enough to book the tickets before asking me about the dates.

Am I pissed? Yes, but I don't have the heart to be angry with him.

I'm just very disappointed.

As if that wasn't enough, the tickets were really expensive. And he bought me a PM as well.

600 euro just byebye from our account.

Can we afford it? Yes, but that doesn't mean we should spend the money... Ok, we're not broke, but I hate spending.

So, this summer is gonna be crap.

And naturally this triggered my emotional eating rage, so here I am getting high on sugar.

Fuck, it doesn't even taste good.

Oh well, tomorrow, we start over once again.



19:47 Jun 09 2008

Fan, vad jag önskar att det vore annorlunda. Det har varit det enda jag sett fram emot hela sommaren.. Att äntligen få spendera tid med dig.. Att äntligen få ta igen de här två åren.. Att få träffa Ryan.. Jag känner precis som du; Hela sommaren är totalt onödig. :( Det är bara så det känns.


More photos

16:03 Jun 08 2008
Times Read: 1,031

I'm getting better at taking photos :P

Here are some random ones...


Ryan practicing standing up!


Future computer geek :P


My little bookworm!


I look awful, but I finally caught him on camera with his tongue out!





18:44 Jun 08 2008

How cute!

Ummm but one thing.I have watched your entries for some time now and seen your personal battle waging with weight.I hate to tell ya..all that stuff your doing? Its worked.Honestly,you stop worrying CAUSE YOU AINT FAT!!!

Not even close.


Day 5

15:39 Jun 08 2008
Times Read: 1,034

My sugar craving has kicked in but I'm determined not to fuck it up this time, I don't want to start over again.

I am trying to "cure" it by eating cheese (the fat satisfies me), chewing gum (I got desperate, I know I'm not supposed to chew) and dark chocolate... too much of it I might add.

I even tried a diet coke but it tasted like shit, I can't believe I used to drink it daily!

So, I'll eat more than 10-20g of carbs today but not enough to gain weight...

At least I haven't eaten bread, fruit, candy and such like I'm DYING to have.

I just hope I can keep this up......





03:26 Jun 08 2008
Times Read: 1,044

I can't sleep, I'm too excited!

I found a GOLD MINE of cartoons to download for Ryan, in Polish!

The Smurfs, The Gumibears. Scooby Doo, Hanna Barbera cartoons, you name it!

I want to download them all at once but Yendor would shoot me for taking up to much space at once...

I am going to download them one by one though and burn them to DVD's...

We've made him a collection of Disney movies (now he just needs them in Polish as well...)

All for free!

Muahahaha, piracy is great O:)

Ok...I admit... The cartoons will be watched by me too.




Losing my balance

22:43 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,061

I suddenly got in a very depressed mood...

Not depressed as in life sucks,more like... sad, regretful... God I can't find the right word.

I wish to be someone else, live another life...

Oh fuck it, I'm just confused.

Or maybe I need to sleep, but I'm not tired.

I'm just sitting here, full of energy, sweating in the heat, dwelling in old memories, lost friends, lost loves, lost opportunities, lost dreams, lost hopes...



23:00 Jun 07 2008

Just wanted to see how the carb thingy was going - I know it's so hard to lose weight. Your baby is beautiful though!!


Lost love

22:13 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,066

I am missing a certain yummy queen, badly.

Is there anyone out there who is in contact with her?

I need to know how she's holding up.

I love her... I feel like a part of me is missing, thinking about how long it's been since I spoke to her makes me cry.

She's the only woman I've truly loved, in a romantic sense I mean, not plain friendly.

I'm getting desperate here...I just want to know if she's OK...




About fucking time :P

21:33 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,071

I updated my profile...

Oh, don't get all excited!

I just wrote down a couple of random sentences, straight from my heart, doesn't that sound poetic?

I'll put more effort into it soon... but it's boring without a PM and I'm feeling too lazy to beg Yendor to get me one.




Next stop, Hollywood!

20:38 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,077


Fat & Happy :P

(I wish I would go by his example)




Out with the old, in with the new...

20:30 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,079

Btw, my plant is dead...

I bought a new victim yesterday.




Day 4

20:22 Jun 07 2008
Times Read: 1,081

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with butter + avocado.

Lunch: Mackerel and some cheese

Dinner: Chicken with coconut milk

+ Some coffees with cream and dark chocolate.

I feel fatter than ever, don't seem to be losing weight and it's driving me nuts.

What am I doing wrong!?

I lost weight faster when I ate more carbs!

It's not the chocolate either, cause I'm not breaking my allowed carb intake with it.


I'm really losing it...

Alright,I do feel better than ever,my milk supply has increased, my skin has improved, my nails are stronger, I have lots of energy, no bloated tummy, e.t.c...

But I'm not getting any skinnier!!!

It's like my body is insisting on keeping this fat...

Or maybe I just need to give it more time, it sucks being so impatient.

And I SO miss eating "unhealthy" food like bread, nuts, fruit, and yes even candy........

Life is boring when you can't eat yummy food.

Fuck, a part of me wishes I had never started this diet, before I did I weighed 59kg... I felt just as fat as I do now, but at least I could eat candy and stuff cause I kept a balance.

But then, I guess I have to look at the benefits with this diet... Just the fact that my energy has increased by a lot, a very needed benefit indeed...


I'm just gonna shut up and keep my mouth shut throughout this month, if I'm still this fat by the end of June I give up...




Life is unfair

20:18 Jun 06 2008
Times Read: 1,104

You know what,

I hate it when skinny bitches come preaching about accepting yourself, loving your body and all that shit.

Fucking easy for you to say!!!

I wish I could eat as I pleased and stay slim!




20:32 Jun 06 2008

Right on! What the hell do they know?!

It's easy to accept what nature gave you if nature gave you something worth accepting...

03:38 Jun 07 2008

You go girl! Tell them like it is! You just said it for ALL of us!


Day 3

13:33 Jun 06 2008
Times Read: 1,118

Breakfast: 2 soft boiled eggs, 3 slices of cheese with butter, coffee with cream

Snack: Cheeeese! And coffeeeee...

Dinner: A burger with mustard, cheese and eggs... and coffee with cream.

Note: I'm allowing myself 2 pieces of dark chocolate a day... because it contains very little carbs, satisfies my cravings and the cacao is healthy. :)

I am eating about 10g of carbs a day...

I am also taking fiber and multivitamin supplements...

Now, I really hope my fat will go bye bye...It better cause I've gone as far as I can with limiting foods... I miss milk, yogurt, cottage cheese...

I can start eating those again once I've lost like 10kgs, ha!



...Yes I'm trying to keep my kcal intake low, but not too low...



21:45 Jun 06 2008

Sounds healthy but I know how it is to miss the foods you like so much.Hang in there,,you'll be fine.You have more will power than I could ever hope to have..For that,I applaude you.


Day 2

13:35 Jun 05 2008
Times Read: 1,132

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with butter, some cheese and coffee with cream.

Lunch: Salmon and cheese, coffee with cream.

Dinner: Grilled chicken with melted mozzarella cheese.

Too little calories though, so I might have to add some more cheese in the evening. :P

So far so good :)

No cravings for sugar... yet.



14:58 Jun 05 2008

Oh. Now you just made me seriously hungry.


Day 1

19:12 Jun 04 2008
Times Read: 1,141

I feel extremely fat and I think I've gained back most of what I lost.

(But that's only because I've cheated too much)

In other words, time for a restart.

I am going to lose this excess fat and I am going to overcome my sugar addiction.

I've managed to get through today with only eating 6g of carbs... If I can stay below 10g/day it must result in me losing weight.

Until now I've eaten around 50g/day... So my weight loss was going slow, and with my cheating the other day... well... here I am back where I started.


It's driving me crazy being like this, feeling like a big chunk of dough.


Told you that serene feeling of well-being and acceptance wouldn't last for long.




A vampire is born, and you shall be bitten...

13:57 Jun 04 2008
Times Read: 1,146

My breast is sore and Ryan has been chewing on things an awful lot lately...

So this morning I discovered his first tooth on his lower gums! :D

But I'm gonna miss that toothless smile though... lol

Incredibly enough my milk supply seems to have increased lately, since I began with my diet... I guess fat really is good for you.

I am feeling so so today, a bit meh over my weight but I'm gonna go for a walk with the baby later and hope that it'll pass... He's napping at the moment.

I wish I could just get slim and quit feeling bad about this shit already.

Oh well...



21:46 Jun 06 2008

Little Vampling..how cute is that!


11:26 Jun 03 2008
Times Read: 1,162

I just skinned fresh chicken legs and it's the most repelling thing I've ever done.

How do butcher's do it??? Where is their conscience?

I am cooking chicken broth for Yendor...




God bless the LCHF diet

10:53 Jun 03 2008
Times Read: 1,164

I went through a damn roller coaster of feeling full/bloated and my tummy feeling empty, craving sugar yesterday.

It was horrible.

Finally at 3am, I took some slices of cheese and told it to shut up already, lol.

This morning I started off new with my eggs and bacon.

I feel so much better now...

No more sugar.

Please remind me of how awfully my body reacts to it when my brain starts chanting about sugar again.

I'm definitely noticing changes in my body now, I can understand it better, it tells me that it needs water and not coke.

And I love that feeling.

No, from now on the only "sweet" I can eat is dark chocolate... Ok, I already had some pieces today.

But tomorrow I'm gonna start a week of 0 carbs, or as little carbs as possible, to give my body a kind of detox... Cause God knows it needs it after the crap I filled it with yesterday.

My feelings from yesterday haven't changed, I'm still in a state of acceptance of my body and it's such a RELIEF!

As for all that anger... I'm going to try to talk to Yendor today.

Ok, I'm off to cook... which reminds me, I need IDEAS! I'm running out on ideas ohn what to cook for Yendor and it's pissing me off. :P



22:51 Jun 07 2008

You could visit Mieta1's journal,she has ALL kinds if good stuff over there.


02:01 Jun 03 2008
Times Read: 1,170

I'm done being stressed out to the point that I think cleaning before the baby.

From now on I am not cleaning more than I can afford to do, it is not going to get in the way for my time with Ryan.

If he doesn't like it he can kiss my ass and wave goodbye to it, cause I am so close to just going back home.




14:27 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 1,184

I've been craving sugar since yesterday so out of anger today I decided "fuck it" and went to buy a coke and chocolate.

You know what it gave me?

A headache and hunger, so I had a burger (with the bread).

It didn't even taste as good as I remember it, it taste like eating sugar, way too sweet.

I can't even say I enjoyed eating it...

The only reason I ate it all is because my brain told me to do it, I need to tell myself it's not good... instead of eating out of habit.

Nope, thank god for dark chocolate (bitter, not sweet) water and butter-fried eggs.

I think this diet is slowly changing my taste buds for the better...

This is the second time in five weeks that I fell for the sugar craving...

I have a feeling that the third time (cause it will happen) I'll eat even less.

And eventually, I'll be able to let go of the sugar...

I seriously enjoyed a couple of pieces of dark chocolate yesterday more than a pack of sweets today.

(I can eat dark chocolate as it only contains 1,9g of carbs/piece, as much as one chewing gum!!!)

I never thought this would happen, I used to be such a sugar addict...

I can't even drink tea with sugar anymore, it's too sweet.

I much prefer coffee with fatty cream.

So, tomorrow I will have gained a bit in water weight, but it will come out of my body again in a few days. :)

It was worth it, I don't regret it at all...

If I hadn't done it I would be sitting here, tortured by the sugar craving.

And by the way, today is a day that I don't care about my extra fat.

Today is a day when I'm positive about it, thinking that a woman's figure should have some extra fat too it, after all my fat % is 25, which is right in the middle of what a woman should have.

Today is a day I don't give a fuck about bring slim, accepting that my weight doesn't make me who I am, realizing it's my self-esteem which needs to be worked on, not my body weight.

Being confident is sexy, no matter if you're fat or slim.

I wish I could have days like this every day.

And besides, I hate myself for being a hypocrite.

I can see women passing by, fat, chubby, thin, whatever... and I really find most of them beautiful... I've realized I don't focus on a woman's body when I think beauty, I'm more attracted to the face and a woman's glow.

I asked Yendor yesterday if he's ever met a woman who's happy with her weight, and he said no.

That's so sad.

Life should be enjoyed, not wasted in tears and frustration over your looks.

Wow, I really wish I could feel like this every day. Tomorrow I'll probably start complaining again.

Anyways, Ryan is sleeping happily, mommy is calm, the house is dirty and Yendor is still resting from having worked night... I'm gonna go read a book or something, I am dying to clean though, I hate having dirt around me... But I've decided I'm only going to do that if he takes the baby in the meantime.

So there.




I love him

10:39 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 1,195

I was so angry...

then he wakes up and smiles at me.

Fuck that the house is a mess, today is for my son.




Expectations and lack of peace

10:11 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 1,201

I need to get out of this state of burnout it.

I need to get my feelings straight and identify what's bothering me.

I can't stay like this, risking Ryan's environment to be loaded with negative emotions, always bickering with Yendor, depressing myself and never find peace within the chaos.

I feel like Yendor expects me to do everything without realizing the hard work it takes.

God knows I wish I was the one to leave the house for work every day, expecting to come home to a happy baby, a clean house and food on the table.

I hate comments like "It doesn't take much effort to clean the floor", try saying that when you have a million other things to do, when you can barely walk out of exhaustion, when your baby whines for no reason, when you can't remember the last time you just sat down quietly without a worry and looked your baby into the eyes, when you're feeling stressed out about the laundry that is rotting in the washing machine...

He thinks he's helping out, I can't remember the last time he did the dishes.

He thinks he's the hard working one, having to go to work and not get to be at home relaxing and being with the baby (but oh, I forgot, the baby tires him after 5 minutes)

Not that I get much time with the baby either, there's always something I have to do, I rarely get time to just sit down and play with him and it stresses me out emotionally. I worry that I am not paying enough attention to him, not responding to his needs fast enough, failing to learn how to read the signals he tries to communicate to me, that we don't get enough time to bond, that he'll grow up feeling like he didn't get enough love and affection, that he's missing something - be it love, attention, playtime, whatever. I worry constantly and it's wearing me out.

When I do say fuck it and decide to just sit down and have some quality time with my son for once, let the clothes on the floor be, let the dishes wait, let the floor stay dirty, for the only reason that I want to stop being a tireless machine and for once be a mother, I get yelled at, complained at, told that I never do anything.

Get it? Then he says Ryan is number 1 priority, if he needs a bath - give him a bath, but do you fucking realize he needs my attention constantly, for baths, naps, feeds, playing time!? and that it takes MUCH time?? do you realize every single cup I wash steals precious quality time from me and our son???

Maybe you don't feel the same need I do, but I am desperate to be with Ryan ALL the time and I feel guilty every time I need to do something... which is ALL the time, which means I walk around every day in a never ending circle of guilt.

Well, realize that I value my every minute with Ryan, that it is not him I need a break from, it's all my other responsibilities.


And he keeps suggesting that we get a maid, A MAID!?

That would humiliate me, hurt my pride and dignity and mean that HE wouldn't be burdened with the fact that he needs to help me out.

Yeah, I think I just discovered my underlying anger towards Yendor.

Yendor is not the one who's away from home, family and friends. I feel incredibly lonely, he's either at work or busy getting his alone time, when do we ever spend quality time together? I have no friends to meet, his parents aren't exactly the ideal company.

I'm sick of getting "friendly advice" on how to parent Ryan. I don't want to hear that I'm spoiling him, carrying him too much, need to let him sleep alone, give him more solids, e.t.c. Shut the fuck up already. if I need advice I'll ask for it.

I am not doing anything I used to.

I don't even have time to take a relaxing shower.

I can't even sit in peace for three minutes and just breathe.

I am not nurturing myself.

I get a restful night's sleep once a month, when Ryan decides to sleep without waking up or whatever, I never get to sleep as much as I'd need to.

I don't know who I am anymore, I have no time to work on myself, and all this depresses me.

I need support, I need love, I need time. I am giving so much of myself and not getting enough back.

I am wearing myself out trying to be the perfect mom, I know that I'm not and that stresses me and worries me as well.

I want to stop complaining.

I want to stop crying.

I want to stop yelling.

I want Ryan to have a peaceful environment but if these stress factors don't go away, he'll grow up feeling everything but serene.

Is anyone hearing my cry for help?

I only want the best for my son and I am failing in giving it to him.




Guilt is overtaking me

09:16 Jun 02 2008
Times Read: 1,206

I lost patience with Ryan this morning.

Not once, not twice, but three times.

If not more...

I scared him.

My voice got high pitched, angry, scary.

I'll never forget how he looked at me and began to cry.

And I'll never forget how I almost shook him.

Eventually I put him on the bed and went away to the kitchen, screaming with my hands covering my mouth, kicking, throwing... anything to get my anger out.

I hurt my baby this morning... emotionally.

He was whining, I just told him to shut up.

I didn't listen to him trying to tell me that he was hungry.

No, I was occupied by the growing mess in the kitchen...

I've noticed how a single pile of dish can tick me off and turn me into the hulk.

It stresses me out.

I get no help, I feel lonely, I'm bored, I'm tired, every day is the same.

Ii would give anything to be in Sweden.

Last night I actually wished that me and Yendor would have split up so that I could live with the baby in Sweden.

And he wonders why I keep getting angry and losing it?

This happens a few times a week, I try to avoid it but my emotions eventually just creep up on the surface, I end up throwing things in irritation, snapping at either Yendor or Ryan, you name it...

But this is the first time I couldn't control myself, and I scared my baby.

Oh God...

I don't know what to do anymore. I am unhappy.

This is making me less attentive to baby's needs and I'm afraid of damaging our bond.

Something needs to change, but what, how, when?

I feel like all I do these days is either crying or shouting... God help me...



10:13 Jun 02 2008

I think that your health worker or Dr could help you with how your feeling.

Just going on what I've read in a couple of your journal entries, it sounds as if you may have post natal depression.

If nothing else maybe getting out to a baby and Mother group may help.


15:17 Jun 01 2008
Times Read: 1,219

I'm exhausted.

I mean, really exhausted.

I could sleep for 6476765 hours.

My body is not functioning well and neither is my brain.

I am drained.

My tank is empty.

I don't even have any fuel in my storage.

My legs can't bear my weight.

I need to sleep.

And Ryan just has to be extra whiny on this day.



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