Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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17 entries this month

12:12 Feb 26 2009
Times Read: 689

The past three days now I've been feeling worse than I have in months...

Everything is just wrong.

And it doesn't help that Ryan is fussy and constantly clinging to me, it only leaves me angry and impatient.

The fact that we never do anything together as a family and that there's always a lack of things to do, doesn't help either.

At least I know it's not me making Ryan this way - he whines no matter how happy or sad I am.

I don't know how to make this boy happy, I really don't. I'm running out of patience now, why can't we just spend every day happy, playing and having fun, like it should be? Why is every day about constant struggles and fussing?

I'm cutting back on Ryan's snacking as well, I've allowed him too much in the past... He's got quite an appetite and would munch on something all the time if he could... Problem is he doesn't eat properly at mealtimes and that has to change... If you eat something in front of him he's gonna demand to have it so I need to be sneaky when I do, it's not fun at all but Ryan's babyweight is not coming off and it worries me... I justwant him to be healthy.

I'm gonna see if I can manage to sneakout of bed now and finish washing the floor...




22:36 Feb 23 2009
Times Read: 701





23:55 Feb 21 2009
Times Read: 714

I have to learn to love myself and be happy with who I am, what I have and where I'm at.

Yeah, so how do I do that?

Especially when the guilt feelings are just around the corner... I wish I was a better mother.



00:18 Feb 22 2009

you hope and wish while others actually do the things they know are necessary, stop hesitating Karolina. your own fear will own you.


11:08 Feb 16 2009
Times Read: 733

Ryan has been sick for nearly a week now, his fever passed after 2 days but the coughing, sneezing and tiredness remains. The past few days he's been waking up early only to go back to sleep after 4 hours awake... Then he sleeps for a few, wakes up and goes to sleep for the night before 8 PM... Ironically, just like I've always wanted him too...

But I just miss him, I don't know how other parents stand it having so "little" time with their kids? It's tiring at times but I love having him around... and it's not like I have anything better to do.

My diet is going well... I don't miss carbs anymore, what's there to miss? The only thing I still have a weakness for is candy... wth my taste uds restored I prefer chocolate with a high % of cacao, which I'm allowed to eat once I've reached my goal weight, and you can easily make your own ice cream without sugar.

So... I'm just waiting impatient for the weeks to pass and my thinner self to emerge.

I'm feeling generally happy and positive these days... I feel so alive again.

I'm going to Sweden on April 2nd and staying until the 19th, I so can't wait!

So yeah... 6 weeks to go and I'm counting down... If I only lose 1kg a week during this time I'll be more than happy...

Over and out.



00:12 Mar 07 2009

it's kinda rough to have so "little" time with my son especially now that he goes to daycare. I may see him in the morning for a bit then a couple hours in the evening and that's it for weekdays. At least I have the weekends.


22:11 Feb 13 2009
Times Read: 744


I weighed myself today after 12 days without carbs and the results shocked me...

I've lost around 4,5 kg!!!

I weigh 56kg now which means 4 to go to reach my goal... Although if I'm not happy about my body at that weight I'll work on losing more.

I've also lost 7cm around my hips and 5cm around my waist, I'm 85/65cm now.

Additionally... My body is responding well to the pilates, it's already much tighter and I can feel the muscles building up.

I have another 6 weeks to go now! (Not meaning I'll start eating carbs again, I'll just allow myself to eat 20g/day rather than 5... Well we'll see how much carbs my body can handle without gaining weight)

Once I have reached my ideal, as a reward (yes I deserve many awards!!) Yendor is going to take me to buy new clothes, I can't wait!

I feel so GOOD!!! :D




14:35 Feb 11 2009
Times Read: 757

Ryan has been sick the past 2 days, he's been having up to 40 degrees fever and throwing up a lot... I guess that explains his fussiness. He seems to be doing better today though... I've got no idea where this came from, he has no other cold symptoms other than a runny nose... I'm wondering if it might be teething.

I'm feeling better, despite the mess that has piled up during these days when Ryan hasn't let me clean at all, I'm trying to stay positive. I'm doing my best to keep up my exercises and some meditation to keep my mind focused... I'm losing weight as well and I already feel my muscles building up. I just wish I could exercise more, but I do what I can do. I am also very careful with spending money these days... I want to gather up enough funds to go to Sweden in April (especially since I promised myself that as a reward if I lose those 8kgs...) but I keep telling myself that money will come somehow, law of attraction and all that...

This morning I woke up about an hour before Yendor and Ryan, I spent it focusing on myself... I kept thinking positive thoughts over and over again, trying to get rid of those bad feelings which had taken root in me again... and you know what? It worked... And like magic Ryan spent the morning fussing less and smiling more.

Me and Yendor are trying to work on our relationship as well... Since Ryan's birth it's been going downhill and right now it's basically nothing left but crumbs. We are in a seriously bad situation and though I've considered moving back to Sweden with Ryan, in the end I don't see it as an option... I know I still love Yendor deep down, I miss the relationship we had... And I don't want Ryan growing up with him. We are both so angry, grumpy and stressed out these days... Constantly bickering or arguing, getting on each other's nerves... It has to come to an end. I have told Yendor that he needs to spend less time by the PC and more time with us, I think that's where we're lacking mostly... We don't do things as a family as much as we should.

I'm going to take a nap with Ryan now, I'm feeling too tired to do anything else... And he didn't wake up until 9.30 AM this morning so I have a long evening ahead of me... I need to figure out some activities for him, I'm afraid he gets bored too much... Yendor is at work this evening... I hate the summer heat but I can't wait for summer to arrive because at least then I can take Ryan out more often, swimming or whatever....





11:51 Feb 09 2009
Times Read: 772

I don't know why but the past days Ryan has been back to his "old self".

Constant crying, whining and clinging is on the menu.

He refuses to be with anyone but me.

At the same time I'm losing it again, I'm feeling impatient, frustrated and incredibly angry. Unfortunately since I have no one around to help me Ryan is too often the one who suffers my meltdowns. I do all the deep breathing and yoga I can but it's not enough.

I don't know what to do, I hate this. I especially hate not knowing what causes this.

I want to restore the harmony - but how? It's incredible how much he gets on my nerves, especially when he wakes up crying.

What the hell have I done now?

I just want us to be happy.




01:44 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 786

There's one thing I dislike about myself.

I fall in and out of love so easily.

Well, this time it's really bad.

I feel emotionally dead.




01:31 Feb 08 2009
Times Read: 788

It's been a week and I'm still going strong, no "cheating" whatsoever... I'm feeling good, my skin is not dry anymore, I'm not feeling as tired as I used to, I feel much healthier, my mind suddenly feels so much clearer... and I'm losing weight.

I'm having some carb cravings right now but it'll pass and I'm sure it's just my body telling me to eat or drink some water... I'm not giving in this time, no way. I'm going to make it through 7 more weeks like this until I've slimmed down enough... Not that I'm planning on going back to eating carbs, I'm feeling too good without them... I'm hoping by then I'll be free from any cravings and this lifestyle will be easier.

I wish I could exercise more though but I'm afraid lifting weights will have to wait until Ryan starts going to school or something... I miss doing it, I really do. I miss doing things I used to do... I miss just hanging out with friends... but let's not go there, I'm not in the mood to depress myself. I'm accepting my life here and the fact that I have no spare time or friends to speak off, sooner or later it'll change. I'm going to get my life back and I'm starting with my health.

It's 2.30 AM now, I fell asleep with Ryan at 10 PM, woke up now and can't fall back asleep... I've got no idea what to do so I'm rambling in my journal, either that or get up and clean.

I'm just going to read a bit.




13:28 Feb 07 2009
Times Read: 797

After my pilates workout today I now got a sudden rush of energy and all I want to do is go out running... Sitting still here is driving me crazy.

I wonder if I could make Yendor take care of Ryan for half an hour...?

(yeah, right)




15:21 Feb 05 2009
Times Read: 809

Why can't I just win the lottery?

Money is evil, it's the only thing standing in the way for our move to Sweden.

If I only could I'd go and work my ass off...

Note to self: In your next life, don't get pregnant before you have a stable economy.

This sucks, how are we supposed to get through this?

Sigh... fuck, fuck, fuck!




13:33 Feb 05 2009
Times Read: 811


I have no time to explain but I'm losing money.

Why can't things just go well for me for once!?

I don't think I can afford going to Sweden in April, great...




The sun is peeking through at last...

00:03 Feb 05 2009
Times Read: 817

I feel changed,

I know that things are going to get better now, there is an end to this. I just need to endure and try to take life day by day.

I will get past this and our lives will be better, happier. Most of all we won't be struggling to survive anymore, an opportunity will come around and we'll make the money we need to give Ryan everything he deserves.

Law of attraction, yes, I'm going to stay positive.

I don't know what happened or when but suddenly I feel like a different person... I feel so much stronger and I have faith in myself. I think it was the phrase "You have the power to change your life" which opened my eyes.

For the past few days I've been putting cleaning aside for a change and taken those 20 minutes after Ryan falls to sleep to do some pilates. I can't describe how amazing and refreshing it feels. Combined with my change of diet I feel incredibly alert, energetic, content and positive again. I'm afraid I'm getting addicted to this... Weight loss is not my ultimate goal, although I have a couple of pounds to shed, I want to feel better... and I do. This time really feels different, I'm so determined I even surprise myself.

I also decided to wait with sending Ryan to kindergarten, I want to nurture his independence, play with other children and give him the chance to bond with other people, but leaving him with strangers feels wrong. I don't think neither of us are ready to be away from each other. I just feel like it was the wrong approach to this, leaving him there crying and expect him to settle down and get used to it... it contradicts my parenting style. If I could stay with him there for the first few weeks until he gets used to the surroundings and assure him that it's OK, things would be different... but they made it clear from the first day that having parents around is not a preferable option due to the chaos it causes among the children... Judging from the activities they were doing I think I can give Ryan the same at home. Another factor which changed my mind was that I knew he'd never settle down in this manner, persistent as he is he would just keep crying and protesting. I want to take him to activities and playgroups, but I want to do it together. Besides... those 2 hours I had without him honestly didn't allow me to get much more done than I do with him around... He's becoming so independent now that I can easily clean while he runs around playing. Not to forget how much I missed him, God did I miss my baby... I don't know how some mothers do it, working full time...

More importantly, Ryan is so happy nowadays.. he doesn't fuss nearly as much as he used to and we communicate and understand each other so well. I've gone from wishing nap time would be longer to missing him when he goes to sleep. I wish the days were longer so we could spend more time together. I love playing with him in the park and reading books with him... He is such a wonderful boy.

I am still living on this god forsaken island, I still have way too little money and I'm still feeling lonely and missing my family and home... but thinks are starting to ease up, I can see a future beyond this one. We will move to Sweden one way or another, it will just require some time, patience and saving up.

Now I'm going to watch "Heroes" before I go to sleep... I've been up for 16 hours and am still feeling so full of energy I could go and clean the whole house.

This feels so damn good.




12:04 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 841

Will Ryan ever get used to being away from me?

When I went to pick him up they told me he had been crying quite a bit, smiling as well but mostly crying and that he wasn't really himself...

I should have kept him at home today, I knew he wasn't in his best mood, when he woke up this morning he stayed nursing for half an hour and was generally just grumpy.

He fell asleep on me as we were walking home, after only 4 hours awake, so I'm guessing he was tired and in a bad mood...

But I feel so guilty *sigh*

Why must this be so difficult? I'm so scared he feels like I'm abandoning him... or feels like he's done something wrong because mummy is leaving him.




13:29 Feb 02 2009

Ryan will have his good days and his bad just like everyone, hun.

If you're feeling so guilty about it, why don't you stay there one day just to see how he interacts.

I have done that when with people we leave Aurora with. That way she's used to the surroundings. When she starts to question the person, I give her encouragement that it's okay.

And remember Ryan will pick up on your anxiety when you are getting him ready, dropping him off, and picking him up. He will think there's a reason why you're anxious and it has to do with the people or place.

I've learned that one with Aurora, big time!

If you want to talk, I'm here! *hugs*

Stay strong and patient!


10:34 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 843

I'm so damn stressed out.

Ryan didn't cry this morning, he made a pouty face though... but I guess that's an improvement.

I left him for 2 hours today, before this whole thing began I was considering 3 hours but that's out of the question... Mostly because I miss him too much, secondly because in the morning he's not up for more than 5 hours... If I leave him there for 2 hours I want to pick him up before he gets tired because then he's sure to cry... And to get him ready in the morning usually takes me 2-3 hours, doing it in 2 hours makes me have to rush through things... I hate that.

Even though I have 2 hours to myself, I have no time to do anything. I have to clean and cook and that takes all my time because for some reason the house always becomes dirty and messy, doesn't matter how clean it was the day before...

Not to mention all the laundry.

I seriously live in dream world when I think "Oh, two hours, maybe then I can sit down and just relax for a change with a cup of tea... maybe I can have my breakfast, maybe I can have a shower, maybe I can do some yoga"

I'm about to go pick him up (I still have 45 minutes but I'm too worried about him) now and he will surely nap soon... I'll have an hour there to do things, I'll have to keep cleaning.

This is what it's like when a woman doesn't get enough help around the house.




00:37 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 857

One more thing...

Ryan is 15 months now and still not saying any words other than mummy, daddy and baby... However he is excellent at communicating in other ways, I understand him most of the time, and he does learn some signs I try to teach him...

But I'm worried, should I be? I've always feared that I'm not talking to him enough, I know I'm not the most talkative person but I'm not constantly silent with him either...



00:54 Feb 02 2009

Even if you don't directly to him all the time...having him around people talking he will pick up on the sounds of the words and voices.Not all children develop at the same rate or at the same time.Give him time he will learn what he needs to know at his own speed.

01:12 Feb 02 2009

I agree with DarkWolfman. You can't make a child learn something. It's great to know he's communicating in other ways though because that shows he is picking up on things!

I wouldn't worry about it. Right now he's developing so fast you can't tell what's to worry about and what's not by the milestone charts.

Aurora doesn't like doing the sign language things for different animals and actions. She will do so many other things though. Her favorite thing is picking out something she likes at the grocery store when we go. She doesn't know it by name, but by the package and she points.

And hun, do you still have your makeup? Maybe everyday you can wake up about 30 minutes before Ryan does and get a shower, do your makeup and brush your hair. It makes the world of difference to me and it will probably improve your mood too!

Also instead of trying to do a whole routine of exercises, first try to do some simple stretches whenever you can. That way you can keep on adding to it everyday or every other day.

I don't know if any of this help you out or not but I hope it did.

Get some rest!



00:33 Feb 02 2009
Times Read: 858

If there's anything that frustrates me it's falling asleep with Ryan - the time after he goes to sleep is the only time I really have to myself... Unfortunately most of the time I too tired to care. Instead I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just like now and force my eyes open so I can do something of all the things I want to and must do.

I'm feeling inspired again, to change my life. God knows I want to, I can't imagine sinking lower than I have and though I always tend to give up and wallow in my misery... I don't want to do that. I need to be stronger than that, especially for the sake of Ryan. To begin with I need to start taking care of myself again, I need to care ABOUT myself.

I need to find my way back to healthy eating and exercising because that puts me at the top of everything... I need to not forget to take showers and realize one day I haven't had one for a week. I need to save up money to buy myself clothes... If there's anything that depresses me apart from the lack of money, it's looking at my wardrobe. More like my non existent wardrobe... I need to somehow, although it feels very impossible with my daily schedule of cleaning, cooking and taking care of Ryan, to find time to study and do things for myself. I need to stop wishing for whatever I don't have, accept reality and focus on changing my life for the better. It might not change tomorrow or even the day after, but staying on the negative path sure won't help me. The power of the positive mind is not to be underestimated....

I think of myself as the little engine...

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

And I will, one day I'll feel happy again. I'll appreciate and be happy with what I have in life and stop looking at the other side of the picture all the time. I don't know though what I can do in order to get there... other than to think positively and keep living. I'm just so tired of feeling miserable and I feel ready for a change... I'm tired of doing nothing but complaining, there must be more to life than this. I need to believe that things can and will change...

Now I better go back to sleep or I'll be tired tomorrow, I have to cope with sending Ryan to the kindergarten... *sigh* it's so heart breaking, leaving somewhere when he cries for me and shows me he doesn't want to go... but I know it's for his own good, it has to be done.

Lately though Ryan has really and suddenly become really independent, in fact I miss those days of carrying him around while attempting to do stuff... Most of the time now he runs around by himself, inviting me to play with him occasionally and sometimes stopping to nurse, only to get back to playing. I'm desperate to play and spend more time with him but I'm careful to let him have his space and take the opportunity when he shows me he wants to be with me... which is not nearly as often anymore... he's too busy exploring the world. I miss my baby... maybe it's time for another one now, haha. Not until I feel better and we're in Sweden, our life situation now is too unstable and we couldn't afford it... but I really want to have another baby, soon...

Ok, bedtime.

And thank you everyone for your comments - I appreciate them :)



06:52 Feb 02 2009

You've already taken the first step, Hun. Which is making up your mind to do something in the direction of a good path. In time, with a little persperation, strong will, and and best of all, your friends/your family right by your side, we can make it through the storm...to see that bright blue sky within our grasp. *HUGS* Love ya, Girl!!!

Just remember, this too shall pass.

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