It's a mother's constant burden, isn't it, always feeling guilty about everything?
I can't stand it but no matter what I do the guilt is eating me alive, especially when it comes to time. Most days I put Ryan above everything but then there are times when I just really need to clean or whatever... and as soon as I turn my attention away from him the bad feelings are there.
I swear I am so close to packing my bags, taking Ryan and just move back home to my mom.
I'm sick of this.
Ryan has added another word to his vocabulary! Whenever he sees a cat now he goes "miaaaaa"... he's still trying to get the hang of that "oooow" though, lol.
He goes around all day long saying "mummy, daddy, baby, puppy, tittie, miaaaa!"
One of his favorite books has a picture of a baby, whenever he wants me to read it he brings it to me and says "baby!" Adorable little munchkin.
I love that about him, his love for books... He knows where his little bookshelf is and he toddles over to it several times a day and demands me to read him a story... when he's finished with one, he picks another and we can sit like that forever... I am so eager for him to grow up and actually start listening to the story and not just turn the pages..
I'm so proud of him, every stranger I meet says that he is so adorable, happy and intelligent. :) Sure I think about how life would be without him, better or not... but I can't regret having this wonderful boy, no matter how exhausted I get.
Anyway..I can't believe he's on his way to really talk now... It's just so wow.
He went to sleep at 8 PM tonight, almost two hours ago now... I was so tired I could have just fallen asleep with him but I forced myself out of bed and into the shower, at least that woke me up... I had some cleaning to do.
Now though, I'm just going to do some reading.
Tomorrow's another day to take care of Ryan... I need to gather my energy, sigh.
I'm gonna bug Yendor to upload the pictures when he gets home from work, I have no idea where the damn cable is.
Ok, that's all for now.
I can't remember the days before yesterday, I seriously can barely recall the times when Ryan was a baby and what we used to do or how he used to be...
It freaks me out!
Am I demented or is this just nature's way of making you forget the sleepless nights so you'll want another baby? Damn nature must have programmed us well since I can't even remember the birth which was literally a pain in the ass...All I know is it was 100 times worse than being really constipated.
It makes me sad though, Yendor seems to remember everything so clearly and I can't even remember his first smile.
What the hell is wrong with me? My memory has never been the best but this is just way out of line...
Ok, now I'm just crying.
I can't take the pressure anymore.
Maybe, if I could become a vampire who didn't need sleep, that would help me.
Or maybe, if I was rich I could buy myself out of this.
Or maybe I should just stop hoping and do something about this.
But what?
Just kill me, seriously, or exhaustion will.
I am now thanks to Yendor a PROUD owner of Britney Spear's "Circus"!!! :D
Unfortunately not the CD/DVD with the unofficial tracks which I love... but still! :P
It's Britney ♥
Sad thing is, this is the first real CD I own apart from Alter Bridge's "Blackbird" since I came to Malta... All my "old" CD's are back home somewhere in a cardboard box... I couldn't bring them all with me. I miss them.
Anyway, like I said, I only need one good present to make me happy... :P
(OK, then I ordered the collector's edition of "Twilight" for myself because I thought I wasn't getting any presents... O:)
And although Ryan didn't really understand the whole opening presents under the Christmas tree thing... He was happy for what he got, three books and a toy with a steering wheel and some other stuff on it...
Ryan has by the way been MUCH easier to handle the past few days... Less fussy by far and I haven't really changed anything apart from my own attitude... I'm guessing he feels the positive vibes from me.
Yesterday evening I took him to the park and he spent an hour just running all over it! Then he wanted to swing as well... He loves it...
His separation anxiety seems to have kicked in again though, he refuses to let go of me at times, gets clingy and cries if I attempt to leave him with Yendor... *sigh*
What's worse is I just can't get his sleeping hours in order. It keeps changing from day to day and it drives me crazy! Yesterday he woke up at 8 AM, slept again at 2 PM to 5 PM and then at 11 PM. He woke up at 10 AM today, fell asleep just now at 3 PM... I'm gonna have to wake him up at 5 at the latest or he won't go to sleep until midnight. Why can't he just sleep from 7 PM to 6 AM like "normal" kids seem to do?? Gah!
I've done some cleaning, only enough to keep things decent... I need some rest now or I won't cope with the other half of the day.
I'll upload all the pictures when I can...
Take care :)
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
It's Christmas Eve and I'm in a glorious mood, I am seriously wondering what happened to me? I don't know where this sudden change came from and why but it's very welcome. I've never had such a desire or so much energy to really be and play with Ryan before.
Right now I'm in bed with my two sleeping boys, the kitchen is clean, Ryan's presents are waiting under the tree and as I'm not tired I'm going to pend some time all by myself and watch a Christmas movie.
I am really looking forward to 2009 as I know many good things are waiting to happen.
Oh, and I am incredibly impressed with myself and happy for having managed to prepare our Christmas dinner this evening! I love Polish traditions and have been raised by them, so I attempted to cook some of the traditional Polish plates we eat at Christmas... for the first time in my life, thank God my mom is a walking recipe book. There are many kinds of dishes and I did what I could with the food supply here... There's not really a Polish supermarket around here...perhaps I should open one? :P
Anyway... I cooked barszc, pierogi, bigos, a fish plate and a traditional Polish veggie salad. Yendor loved it and putting the low carb thing aside for today I ate some of it as well... and I swear it tasted as good as my mothers! :D
I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas!!
Btw, I'll post a few pictures tomorrow. :)
SO happy for you! I'm looking forward to those pics. Merry Christmas! :)
God jul, min sötnos... Vet inte hur jag ska kunna prata med dig på annat sätt än att skriva här, så det är här jag får önska dig en god jul. Jag hoppas att julstämningen håller sig lika bra under juldagen och annandag jul. Själv fick jag inte heller någon vit jul, om det ska vara nån tröst.. :P Älska!
The situation is under control again...
Although I miss watching Donald Duck, it's being aired now. :(
Every time I pick myself up, something seems to push me back again.
I remember now how it feels to be content with life and I want to feel that way every day for the rest of my life. I want happy butterflies, not anxiety and hopelessness holding me by the neck.
At least... I know I can get there now. It's just that the smallest setback is like a huge blow to me, I get right back the negative side of life.
Yesterday I was feeling great, I knew life and Christmas were far from how I wished them to be, but instead of feeling down about it... I looked at it positively, knowing that my life is just beginning and everything can't be perfect right now... but it doesn't mean it won't be.
Then... 2 things happend, Yendor informed me that our economy is way down (implying that I spend too much, HAA HAA HAA! I don't even spend money on myself) and he didn't go Christmas shopping with me like he promised... I got angry and went out with Ryan myself which, of course, was a mistake because it's impossible to get any shopping done with him these days, at least with only one adult around. To cut to the case, he refused to sit down in the trolley at the supermarket and insisted on walking around, with me holding bags in the other... I had to go back home. Yendor ended up having to go alone wit a huge shopping list, at least he managed to get most stuff...
Since then I've been in a hideous mood and everything is black to me. I keep remembering last Christmas, how I wished this one to be different... Well, dreams don't always come true, do they?
Last Christmas I had a little baby who stressed me out, I had a fight with my mother, I had a stiff Christmas Eve at my father's who constantly implied that Yendor was using drugs, Yendor had a migraine and missed most of the evening, the food sucked, I missed Donald Duck, I did no Christmas baking... but you know what, at least then I had a little spirit in me, this year I have zero.
To begin with I am miles away from my family, Ihave a toddler who stresses me out, there's no snow, no Christmas food AT ALL, no baking, no santa suit for Ryan, no Christmas presents, a fake little pathetic Christmas tree.and Yedor is working.. I miss spending Christmas at my mom's, no matter what she always kept the spirit at top. I envy everyone in the world who is celebrating a real Christmas... I feel bad mostly for Ryan, even though he won't remember it... I still wanted to make this special for him and I can't.
So yeah... Merry Christmas and may something please get me back to that happy mood again.
Ryan is still mostly going around babbling in baby language... But he is beginning to form a few "real" words... Although I am not sure if he always associates them with the right thing, it's a start :P
His first word was "Mummy" and I'm quite sure he knows that one applies to me...
Then he just began saying:
And, surprise surprise, Tittie! :P
Well, and then he says Nam-Nam whenever I mention food.
He understands so much now, if I tell him it's time to eat, he runs to the kitchen, if it's bath time he knows where the bathtub is... if I say washing clothes, he toddles away to the washing mashine... So cute.
He's not really willing to listen to the word "no" though... I try to limit it but when I do say it he might stop for a second to look at me, then he does it again... and again... and again... no matter how many times I repeat myself. Guess I can blame it on his temporary short term memory.
I've always worried about Ryan not doing this and that like other babies might be doing... but I've learned to let it go and just let him develop at his own pace. There's no need to rush him now is there?
And he still loves reading books... Tonight he went crazy when he saw bananas and tomatoes in a book, his favorite snack, lol.
I should be sleeping, but Ryan woke me up for a milk feed... Little boy still eats a bit irregularly, I'm hoping that will change as he grows older though. I'm not feeling tired though, I fell asleep with him at 10.30 PM...
Then I'm guessing it has to do with my change of diets. I said yesterday that I'm through with hating myself, well the first step I'm taking is to start treating my body well again like I used to... I want to be a healthy mommy again. I really lost my track the past 2 months so... I have some weight to lose now, which is good cause it gives me a goal and motivation. God knows I feel MUCH better eating low carb... Even though my body is taking the adjustment a bit roughly, this morning I was feeling really dizzy and nauseous but it passed...
Ryan won't sleep without me forever though so I better hurry up and do what I came here to do. I don't feel confident enough to talk about it yet but... I'm basically trying to earn some money here. We can't survive on Yendor's pay for much longer, Malta has shitty pays, that's one thing I've learned... And one good reason why we should move to Sweden. I got my parental money... Which I'm not sure if I'll still be getting but I think you get it for like 18 months? Anyways... Unless I start working our economical future is too unstable. I am not really asking for wealth here, I just want to have a decent income so that I don't have to think twice about buying Ryan or myself what we need.
I've learned though, if I think positively enough about it and believe in myself things will go the way I want them to.
The main problem is still here though... Since I'm a full time mother here I don't really get much time to do anything other than take care of Ryan and clean during the days... So here I am doing some work in the middle of the night.
Oh well... Anything for my baby. As it is know we can't afford having a second baby which I'm dying to have so...That should be motivation enough to keep me going, right? :P
Yeah... A new, better life has seen it's dawn. I'm on a roll, yep yep I am.
Why is there never any time to do anything?
There is so much I want and need to do but there's never enough time.
Days pass so quickly, I have no control of it and I just can't get anything done.
I finally seem to have reached an important crossroad in my life, something which I have been waiting for years to happen.
I have gathered enough strength and courage to fight against the greatest threat to my life... I realized just now that I am ready for this challenge.
This time, I'm really done wallowing in self pity and self hatred. I've had enough of trashing and constantly kicking myself to the ground. I'm through with criticizing everything I do or say, most of all my appearance.
I'm tired of complaining and letting myself sink into misery, I'm sick of giving up on life and myself. Most of all I've had enough of those voices talking me into hating myself.
I am a strong, independent woman.
I can do and will do everything I wish.
I have the power to make my dreams come true.
So, out with the old and in with the new. I am going to stop letting insecurity get to me and change course. I will walk down the road which will make me into the amazing woman I know that I can be.
And now... I'm too tired to continue. I hate being tired, I want to read! Gah, there's never time for anything anymore, is there?
Now I understand why everyone fusses about how difficult relationships are.
If it wasn't for Ryan I doubt I'd still be here...
I'm not used to this, I was never really in a serious relationship before. I'm more of a brief encounter and runaway kind of girl...
But it's Ryan who matters now.
I hate to say this but the finale of the third volume of "Heroes" was disappointing. It was good in some ways, in others just plain boring. Although the trailer for "Fugitives" was intriguing it seems to be telling an old story, I mean, hello X men??
I was hoping for more.
It didn't leave me dying for the next episode like it should, instead I'll feel like I'll be watching season 4 only because I'm already into the series.
Nothing beats season 1, though apparently the writers seem to be having a hard time reaching that level of standard now...
Oh well, good things never last, do they?
It's like with "Lost"... Things were good until they went and killed Charlie, ha ha. No but seriously, I still love the show and am anticipating the next season... although it doesn't hold my interests as much anymore, especially since my favorite characters are gone.
Hmm... There's still "Gossip Girl" and "Grey's anatomy" though. :P
Any other good series I'm missing out on? I watched one episode of "Supernatural" but it didn't really catch my interest...
I miss Buffy... And Spike.
I haven't wasted time on Heroes since the middle of seson blows now.
I have one hyperactive boy...
He didn't go to sleep before 10.30 PM tonight even though he woke up at 7.30 AM and only had a 2 hour nap in between...
I'm exhausted but trying to keep my eyes open.
He is suddenly walking all over the house though, and he loves it! He barely wants to hold my hand anymore. I'm not sure if I'd say that things have gotten easier though... Now that he's walking and has a strong will of his own, there's no stopping him... yikes.
I am letting him help me around more... He has his own broom and his favorite activity is wiping every surface, lol. Not to mention his fascination with the vacuum cleaner... Might just have to get him a toy version for Christmas.
Well... I'm off to read now until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.
Good night oh miserable world.
I know I'm gonna regret is but I must read the book now, although I'll probably end up just getting the pages wet.
I've been crying and bugging Yendor all day about Atonement.
Some people really are talented, I wish I was.
I think I'm gonna go for Jane Austen tonight, at least she has happy endings... ha ha ha.
I will never watch Atonement again.
That movie is way too tragic and heartbreaking for my fragile self...
I can't stop crying, I can't stop crying.
This story has really crossed the limit of how much pain I can handle... God, and I thought Moulin Rouge was a tragic love story? Not even Romeo and Juliet comes close.
Jesus Christ... I need to watch a happily ever after, now.
If I was rich...
The first thing I'd do would be stocking up on all my favorite movies, ha ha ha.
God, I know I can just download them but I hate not having the original... Just the cover and the feeling of having it. It feels fake when you have it on a blank CD or on the PC.
Anyway... I was juggling between "Love Actually" and "The Notebook" but I decided to go for a movie I haven't watched yet...
So yeah... "Atonement" should be downloaded in about 5 minutes.
I should probably sleep but... I need to watch a movie, I seriously feel the need to do it.
For once I am giving cleaning the finger. I choose to stay in bed with my sleeping angel and watch a movie... which one is yet to be decided on.
So there.
Am I ever going to want sex again?
It's nowhere near even the bottom of my to do list.
I'm not saying I used to be much of a sex lover but now it's like I don't even feel the need.
Not even Edward makes me tingle...Ha, so what chance has my so called boyfriend got?
Remind me never to watch TV before bed, please? Especially anything that has to do with love.
Last night I had a really... err... intense dream about Chuck and Blair with me being her obviously...
I watched Monday's episode last night and it was soo good. I just hate that Chuck left, again! And that Aaron guy is getting on my nerves, he is just ugly, annoying and in the way of Dan and Serena.
Anyway... At least that gave me a break from Edwaaaaard :P
Last night I dreamed about my gum's bleeding and my teeth falling off.
Apparently this indicates my lack of vitality, self confidence and loss of faith in myself. It also represents exhaustion.
Well... That couldn't be more accurate.
Odd thing is I fell asleep really deeply and dreamed yesterday during Ryan's nap, I never fall asleep so... hard.
I am feeling exhausted and drained, I really am.
Although things with Ryan are getting better, I am learning to handle him better. I realized my mistake was that I was so... caught up in my exhaustion that I didn't find time to play with him. So... I play with him and pay more attention to him now, so is Yendor for that matter, and he is so much happier.
I take him out for walks every day, only now he is walking instead of being held... It feels strange, I miss holding him, I miss him being a baby but at the same time I'm happy watching him grow.
I have a dilemma though.
I've been and still am a bit... skeptic about sending young toddlers to kindergarden. I barely trusy family with my boy, how can I trust strangers? Not only that, I love spending time with him... And I hate being away from him... It makes me feel empty.
Fact is though... There is absolutely no time for me to do anything but care for him. Every day it's all about being with him and as much as I love it I am not sure how healthy it is for me in the end... I never get time off to do things like, oh, let's say... studying. Or working. I want to do something other than being a mom. I can't get anything done during his naps, they are too short first of all and second I need that time to clean as much as I can and as fast as I can. He usually doesn't go to sleep at night before 10 or even 11 PM and by that time I can't keep my eyes open.
So... I really don't know where to go from here.
The only thing I can suggest is what I do with Aurora...
Instead of trying to get everything done when she was napping or sleeping at night, I've been involving her in some of the things I do around the house. It makes a little bit of a mess but she loves it and has fun helping me.
She helps me with making kool-aid and tea. She helps put sugar and dump ingredients into the bowl when I'm cooking. And within the last month, she's been helping me wash her sippy cups.
It makes it a little easier on me since I'm not trying to get things done so I can spend time with her but spending time with her as I clean. And it also gives me a little bit of time to get things I like done while she's napping.
I hope this helps a little bit. I wish I could help you out more though!
I couldnt agree more dire....My daughter helps me with my daily duties and if she makes a mess she cleans it up with a wet towel and then wipes it dry....Then we go out to play or watch a movie together then eat and nap....and whatever I don't finish in the morning I finish in the afternoon while she plays or is watching her favorite tv show...My friends Tigger and Pooh...
I know hes only 1 sweetie...but try getting him to help out with cleaning up a drink he spills or picking up his toys...It always works...and when hes tired and you're tired you both take a nap....
Mommys on occassion can have naps!!!! It's not a crime in the least
BRITNEY is BACK, bitches!!! :D
I'm getting her albums for Christmas!
5 things you didn't know about the most beautiful boy in the world:
5. He can now imitate a pig
4. He loves dancing to the washing machine (that is, when mommy isn't playing Britney Spears full blast)
3. He loves tomatoes in any shape
4. He is scared of monkeys... yes, monkeys. He cries whenever he sees them poor boy...
1. Ryan is walking, YES, walking! I can't believe I forgot to mention it before. He took his first steps nearly 3 weeks ago now! By now he is toddling around, though he still prefers running around and he needs my hands to do so. :P
He beat me and Yendor to it by 3 months... We both began walking at 15 months. He can crawl although he hates doing it, as soon as he ens up on his tummy or back for that matter he whines. This boy wants to run.
Anyway... Better get to cleaning now, the pile of laundry never ends. Ryan was a bit fussy this morning case he didn't sleep well last night... Hopefully he'll feel rested after his nap.
I heart Robert Pattinson... At least when he is Edward Cullen O:)
I haven't been so dazed by a male since Gerard Butler in The Phantom of the Opera.
Ahhh yes... I like escaping reality.
I have a problem with moving on.
Preferably I would stop time and not move forward until I felt ready for the next phase of my life, which would probably be never.
My sister is taking over my room at my mom's so all my stuff was packed into cardboard boxes and thrown away into the basement without a very hopeful future. All my music,literature, those little things that were me are at the beginning of the rotting phase.
Here I am, in another country, renting an apartment which is far from mine, with no stuff that is mine. A few books here and there as an attempt to cover up the hollowness. I know this is it, I am supposed to build up a whole new life here, start from scratch. The problem is I keep finding myself unable to do so. I just can't call this home.
I am far, far from being an adult. I am pretending to be one, cause the truth is I am still a little girl who wants nothing more than to curl up in her familiar, cozy bed and have mommy always near. I am 21 years old and nowhere near ready to leave my nest... Yet I made a decision which literally pushed me out in a hurry. I feel like I am a baby trying to raise a baby clueless of how to do so.
I have never been a driven, confident or an independent person... I kind of wish I was different for the sake of my son. I love him but I was not ready for him at all... Though the big question is, would I ever have been?
He is beautiful and he has your eyes. It's worth it though right? I mean I know that even though you're not ready and you may never be ready there are people who can help you and you'll learn a lot about how to really take care of someone, and that someone will love you unconditionally forever.
We never are truly ready for life. Even at my age there are days where I feel exactly as you do- right here and now.
Your love, is the most important gift you can give your son. Perhaps with time you will be more kind to yourself- perhaps not, but learn to love you for you. There are days I am fully able to love myself, and then there are days I can't see anything but my mistakes. Still I try, and I pray you are able to do the same.