I got asked a question in class yesterday and it's still stuck with me.
"If you aren't religious, or believe in any god, why do you sing all the religious stuff we do in class?"
I answered with something that I thought was graceful, but I'm not so sure now.
I do it because they are words and it only holds meaning, if you believe in them. I enjoy music and just because the words say something, doesn't mean that it reflects any personal belief system for me. Some religious songs are written beautifully and if a person gets hung up on just the religious part of the song, they aren't experiencing what the music really is like.
That, and singing in Choir is like a team sport. You sometimes have to suck it up for the rest of your team. What kind of teammate would I be if I went "Well, I don't like the words. You guys are on your own."
I want to end this little brain dump with one of my favorite examples of music that is religious, but is totally beautiful. It's in Latin, in case you were curious. If I had the chance to perform this, I would in a heartbeat, just because of how well written this is.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Ours was nice and small, we left early because it started to snow really bad. Glad we did since we are snowed in for the most part now.
You know it's bad when you see a snowplow get a bit stuck. LOL
:) Glad you are home safe.
LOL yes you do! Have a great "after" thanksgiving :)
Got my holiday cards the other night, I only got a small handful since there aren't many people I need to send them too.
I won't be doing the sitewide card exchange because the past two years my post office has failed to deliver cards. It seems when I go downtown to the office itself, nothing I send out actually makes it anywhere. I don't want to bog the mail lady down with a bunch of cards either, so I'll just do a couple at a time for family and close friends. I still have to pick up a Jew card and one for my mother and grandmother. I want them to have special ones because they are special people.
In other news, I have a cut on my finger, right below my cuticles. I got it by slapping my boyfriends foot out of the way. My finger caught on his toenail and it cut into my finger.
Isn't that just lovely news from me? I am super lame these days.
Um. I am coming down with a head cold and feel miserable. Boyfriend works 60 hours a week, including Saturdays, and I rarely see him. And concerts all start soon?
Is it just me, or did the background on the main page get changed? Seriously, it seems brighter or something.
I don't notice it unless I'm logging in of course, but it's been bugging me.
In other news, I created my first Christmas Card. I entered a contest and if I win, mine will be available for use by the general public :O
When the voting goes up, I will be posting it here. :D
Hope you win, and yes it did. Red silk now, kind of liking it myself.
Some days, I tend to overlook the good stuff. I've been cranky and tired, but then I remembered I had the magical drink. Coffee.
Senate is stressful. Tomorrow and Thursday especially. My campus is hosting the regional meeting. Tomorrow I'll be decorating the office in lights and garland. I was told I have to call them holiday lights, but it doesn't sound right. I'm all for holiday equality, but "holiday lights" isn't as nice sounding as "Christmas lights". Either way, I'll be posting lights tomorrow with garland. I might buy some of that fake snow crap to spray in the windows. I don't want a wet mess by using real snow (which we do have).
But the good things! Tomorrow I'll be donating blood, and then I get to eat school food since I'm not allowed to live out of the vending machine after donating. Boyfriend pulled out a pork roast this morning, along with the crock pot. He knows I have issues getting the crock pot out of the cupboard because of my wrists. Too bad I'm making that tomorrow while I'm at school all day. I won't survive being home and smelling tasty food.
My class was canceled today. This is especially nice since my stomach has been off since Saturday when we went to Zimmys.
Speaking of Zimmys! I'm pissed. They randomly changed the menu to be mainly gluten free and vegan. I wouldn't mind so much, but I go there to have a STEAK. Beef. Dead cow.
They got rid of most everything I like there, upped the prices, and made the whole place less cool. It used to be cool! They are now charging 12 dollars for a serving of 4-cheese macaroni and cheese. I can make homemade 4-cheese macaroni and cheese for less than 10 bucks...and it'll feed about 6 people. My tiny piece of dead cow was 18! And it came with a small handful of fries. :(
We've decided that when I want steak, we'll just drive to the next town over and go to the local place we like. Seems safer.
Oh wow this turned into a pile of random stuff. Long story short. Boyfriend is awesome. Zimmys sucks now. Senate is a ball of stress.
Holy crap at the stupid today.
First it's with my work. Then with Senate stuff. And then I come here and deal with it.
Not in the mood.
And for the record you dumbass, my outside life is great. That is why I don't need nonsensical private messages that flood my inbox. It takes away from the time I could be enjoying on here. I'll just block you and be done with it. :D
Just a brain dump right now. Not really going to be the most entertaining stuff.
I'm sick of my doctors screwing my appointments around and pushing them farther away. I need to get my meds adjusted. When I go through massive amounts of stress, they tend to not work as well. I try to avoid stress and manage it pretty well, but I had a week or two where it was too much. The car got hit by a deer, I found out I had mono, my computer died, our rent went up 60 bucks, and then I was put under more stress at school because of Senate. It all happened in a small space of time, so I wasn't able to manage it as well as I thought I could. Therefore, my meds aren't working very well.
I've been cycling between depression and mania way too much and it's getting really hard to do almost anything. While the mania is great for scrapping and making money that way, it's not the best for school. The depression is just worse for the school. Needless to say, I've dropped most classes because of it.
I wouldn't have this problem if my doctor didn't change the appointment from this coming up Friday to January. I have another month and half like this and I'm not sure I'm going to survive.
The meds still help by making sure they aren't as bad as they could seriously be, but it still sucks.
So on top of all of this, my self-esteem and confidence as a designer has gone to shit. I'm cranking out tons of kits so I can be ahead and good to go for a few weeks/months, but I worry that they won't sell as well. Probably my mind over thinking everything.
I have one thing to be grateful for. I haven't been panicking. It's just been mania. Panic only makes things worse. As long as I can stay calm and my mind is somewhat focused, I'll be fine.
Bleh. Yay for a mind dump when I can't sleep because of the mania.
This is a slightly political post. But it's at the school level, not anything else.
For those that don't know, I'm the Student Senate president on my campus. It's a great job, I love it, and I'm seriously working towards a restructured process regarding the student life money and how clubs/organizations interact with the Senate. It's not an easy task.
To be quite honest, I pissed off a good chunk of faculty. The administration and the advisers regarding my side of the issue are fully behind me 100%. It's the others that aren't, with the exception of one.
But there is one instructor that has managed to just piss me off about this. First, she sent me a nice sweet email about talking it over and then getting back to me. Then I find out she emailed the dean about this, then told her club tons of lovely information about me. I guess this is a rude "Welcome!" to politics.
But here is an issue that is funny. She just requested money from Student Life, which Senate oversees. She wants to charter a bus for a trip to see a speaker about 2 hours away.
I voted no and stated that they can take the school vans. If Student Senate has to take the state vans to conferences 6 hours away, that club can take the damn van to see a speaker that is only 2 hours away.
So yeah. Don't piss off the people that control your money and future money.
Apparently I can play that political game as well. I don't like doing that, but I don't like two-faced bitches. :D