I saw this on facebook and if you are a hockey fan (and have been keeping tabs on the offseason action) you will totally get the humor in this.
Friday=Hockey's Christmas in July.
Imma be like a kid on Christmas day this year.
*shakes a fist*
Damn you Moonie.
I'm already almost done with this first book. I'm GLAD I bought the first three in the series. I don't think I could have waited for the other to get here.
This is one series I can dig.
Taking a break for now since I really need to turn the light off for Sean to sleep.
I'll finish it when I lay down for bed myself.
Tee hee hee.
Which series? I know my nerd has talked about tons of series lately.
Black Dagger Brotherhood.
I got the books today. I have about 80 pages left and I started it this afternoon. And managed to go out for dinner and get grocery shopping done. XD
I looooooooooooooooooove that series.
Even as you get further into the books it doesn't get stale like some series do.
Ugh. Dofus is down for weekly reboot. EO is at peak PK hour. Misfits won't load.
VR is slow.
No place to cause havoc and I'm wide awake.
I sang for Sean tonight. I mean...really sang for him. He's heard me sing before, but not like this. I've been preparing my voice and attempting to get some breath control back before I take my college choir class.
I want to be back at my best. I -will- be back at that point.
I love how one of my closest friends understands when I need space.
Three days after a fight and us not talking to each other (and ignoring the other)
"Hey, got a question for you"
"half awake, but what's up"
"*insert random question*"
"Oh, sorry for snapping the other day."
"It's ok."
We both chat a bit.
"Sorry for ignoring you lately and for being a dick"
Friendship. Knowing when you need some space to clear heads during stress and knowing when you need to apologize.
No matter how you do it. I was starting to miss my rarama. :/
When facebook loads fast and VR doesn't load at all...
I know.
I totally know.
Hands where we can see them Mister!
After a search...The thing in Cancers avatar is....
A pig that was born in a highly radiated area.
The genes were mutated. Obviously XD
On another note...some funny from guild:
[03:19] (Guild) Tails-Never-Fails : So a bunch of people, my ex-boyfriend included, see me as a whore
[03:19] (Guild) Arai : Beat them with a stick
[03:19] (Guild) Tails-Never-Fails : EVEN THOUGH.
[03:19] (Guild) Tails-Never-Fails : I'm a god damn virgin
[03:19] (Guild) Arai : stick
[03:19] (Guild) Arai : beat them
[03:19] (Guild) Tails-Never-Fails : So what am I doing wrong =.=;
[03:19] (Guild) Arai : not beating them with a stick?
[03:19] (Guild) Quarlo : hanging around with them for starters
[03:19] (Guild) Jessiex : not enough sex to justify their opinion?
[03:20] (Guild) Tails-Never-Fails : x_X My ex thinks he knows me on like a deeper level
[03:20] (Guild) Golden-Eclipse : how many people have you beaten with a stick harly D:
..disco peen?
That's just... wrong on so many levels.
I...ugh..was going to type something really witty, but I find myself distracted by that colorful peener.
It's so pretty...
That needs to go on Cancer's profile. Right underneath the moon animation.
O.o that's one headless peen.
If I could get away with giving this to my nephew, I would. His mom would string me from the rafters!!!
For anyone that is a comic fan, specifically, a DC fan...you should check this out.
It has pissed me off.
And then I found this on dA.
_new stylist_ by ~Saltheria on deviantART
Fitting I think.
Yeah. Who are my fans?
Wow, just wow. What the hell did they do to Harley Quinn? That costume is just.. there are no words. And, it's rather impractical for a villain.
I wake up (way too late) to a message from a friend that stayed up with me chatting. He knew I needed someone to talk to last night and was there for me.
So I woke up to this:
Nate said (6:32 AM)
So yeah. It's 7:31 am. And um, when I log on. If you question my sanity, I has explaining to do x3
Cassie says
If you have to leave me a message when I'm sleeping saying I may question your sanity, I'm questioning it.
*checks facebook*
Nate ******** is in a relationship with Psycho Crazy Bitch.
Cassie says
What happened?!?!?!?!
I should NOT have went to bed last night. I could have prevented this madness. This is the kid that I consider like my little brother....
This chick...after they stopped dating...was stalking him. And was crazy while they were dating. Which was why they broke up in the first place. I'm gonna have a long talk with that boy...
So serious question tonight.
If you could go and have dinner with one person (dead or alive) and learn one lesson from them, who would it be and why? And what would you want to learn from them?
Question for the guys (mainly) but the girls can answer.
You're in bed between a beautiful woman and a gay man. Which do you turn your back to?
Umm, The man because likely he is taller and would spoon better. :P
The man, and my butt cheeks wouldn't unclench for a second...
Hard choice.......gay man most likely. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he doesn't like to cuddle.
I'm actually stumped with this...and I'm straight.
04:44 Jun 30 2011
He is making the moves, isn't he?
04:47 Jun 30 2011
Totally. Don't want to sound too cliche in saying it, but I'm starting to think this might be the year. Or the next few years. He has the money and is willing to spend it.