I hate resubbing my PM monthly. Halfway through the month I get reminded how fucking shitty my life is lately when it comes to money.
2 weeks until it screams "Your PM has expired"
It's about that time.
I will be changing my profile. :D
A huge difference this time. The header will be one that was made for me by a friend on Creative Misfits.
I don't own the tube, but I loved it so she made me something. :D
Well I leave in about an hour for the bus station. Woo!
Saying good bye to my mom was really hard. :(
So I leave Florida on Wednesday evening.
Big deal for me, today I packed up all my clothes that I won't need the next few days and the other stuff I don't really need for 3 days. I will pack up my computer Tuesday night so I can focus on the final stuff I have to do on Wednesday.
Wednesday....oh man that day will be a long one. My mother will be driving out to see me before I leave and have a nice lunch. She is having a massive knee surgery in the next couple of weeks so I am a bit concerned for her making the drive. A week or so ago, she was working in the garden and twisted her knee funny. Come to find out she tore every possible ligament in her knee including her already replaced ACL. They are doing her pre-op on Friday.
After lunch, it is back to where I am staying now to do the final packing up and dinner. I will leave the house at about 8pm to head to the Greyhound station. From there on out, I'm going to be on a bus for 2 days headed to Minnesota. My stops are in Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis. The last one is going to be the one that has me most excited. I know how long that drive is since we made it while I was up there before.
To be honest, this move scares me. This is something him and I have talked about for the past year. When we met back in May, it was like fireworks went off. We fit each other so well. Better then any other relationship I've been in. Mentally, he gets and understands me. He is ok with my issues and is helping me work through them. Physically, he is incredibly sexy to me in every single way. Sexually...well I won't divulge the details, but we get along just fine in that aspect.
I guess I'm just freaking out about this trip and all. The bus ride has me so scared since I don't travel well alone, let alone for 2 days. I'll have to get over it. :/
Good luck sis and remember the pay off at the end of the bus ride. :)
Here we go. A nice ol' rant from me.
This image here is one of the ones that piss me off on the site:
Now, many of you guys may not know why it pisses me off. It isn't because of the horrible glitter font. It isn't because of how bad it looks. It is because it is being used without license and has no copyright information on it whatsoever.
If you go here you can see that the artist is named Dean Yeagle and he is a pay to use artist. This means you have to purchase a license to use his artwork in any graphics you may make. There is no copyright information, nor is there any sign of licensing numbers anywhere on that image. I recognized that tube/image because I bought it a few months ago right before they discontinued selling that particular pack of his.
Let me get to the point of this rant. Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT ok to just steal images that you find online and just slap some shitty glitter font on it and be ok. There are repercussions for doing so. As it stands, I will be reporting this image as well as any other ptu artist I see on the site being used improperly. Call me a troll, call me silly, but I have to pay to use the shit. So should the rest of the people.
I'll show another example.
That image is the work of Keith Garvy. A very sweet artist who has been doing this for years. He is also a pay to use artist and I will be letting MPT know that his work is being used as well. The actual tube you can purchase can be found here.
From now on, I will be reporting images such as this to the proper companies and rating the members that use them a 1.
You had me at the word "rant" lol :) That is why I only use the rating stamps made for me by you, Moonie, and others that I know pay for the artwork.