So today I actually remembered to give honor.
I picked some of the people that read my journal frequently. Just because I can.
I also gave my first dose of negative honor the other day.
My mother has suffered three times with cancer. We (as a family) work our asses off doing stuff for Making Strides and raising awareness for cancer.
I think you can guess who got my honor.
Your mother is a survivor alongside my cousin Tina.
That woman is an inspiration to me.
My three before bed.
•Facebook privacy options. I still can't figure out how to put pictures on my itouch. I do know how to save pictures from my facebook app. Upload images to private album on facebook, save on itouch, ??, profit. :D
•Flakie nail polish. It makes even plain black look awesome.
•Birras comment in my honor page. It made me giggle snort and have soda go up and out my nose.
I have quite a few thoughts on this years Grammy awards.
Being that I listen to all music, I can be almost bias in my thoughts. LOL
First thought: What the hell was up with that performance from Niki Minaj? o.O
Here are my others, in no real order.
•No big antics from Lady Gaga, should we be worried or happy?
•Adele winning everything. Not much of a surprise. Her vocal reconstruction shows in her singing now. She was either being careful, or has had some slight changes that will get some getting used to.
•Jennifer Hudson did a fantastic tribute. It showed that it was hard for her to hold it together.
•Skrillex won 3 of 5 awards he was nominated for. Best Dance, Best Electronica, and Best Remix. Rightfully so.
•Mumford and Sons didn't win anything big. I find this to be a huge shame. They are talented and have a fantastic blend of voices. Something harder to achieve then one great voice ;)
•Any show that has Paul McCartney perform twice, rocks. Just sayin.
It was a good show. Best ending I've seen in years.
My triple stack for today.
1. The awesome people on here that offer help or are just there for support. I love reading the comments I get on random things.
2. Mac and Cheese blend of cheese. Found this at the store last week and it's been sitting in the fridge waiting for Mac and Cheese night. Totally beats plain old chedder. It's on the shopping list again.
3. Rio Rumberry lotion from Bath and Body Works. My new favorite smell. It smells like the beach.
I need to get more than the lotion for that last one...
I think I already have my three today. :o
1. The "gals". There are three of us in the tagging world that got sick of artists drawing fancy celebs and twilight stuff that we started to commission the guys we wanted. So far we have Wayne Static from Static X, Andy LePlegua from Combichrist, and Til from Rammstein.
2. Showers. It's always great to stand under scalding hot water to scrub away the day. (or week in my case)
3. Spotify. Music that can move me. It is also the only way I can put music on my ipod.
My three for today. And a little background on each one.
1: Having a great book to curl up and read. If it wasn't for a certain bookworm on this site, I wouldn't have really touched the series. Thank you.
2. Disgruntled Basses and Testy Tenors. You know that your lower voice section is up to something when they all turn into smart asses. We got sent to a practice room for sectionals. Just because we were being retarded. It was the best part of my day.
"Did I give everyone a copy of the new music?" "You didn't give them to us." "Well sorry, here you go." "We have it already. The tenors gave it to us, not you."
That was the point where we got told to go to the practice room. :D
3. Naps. Nothing better than coming home from class and curling up on the bed with a nice quilt and a giant teddy bear.
Three things:
1. Having a friend I can rant to on yahoo.
2. Apple juice.
3. My giant teddy bear.
Not to distract...
I recently fell back in love with this song, and the message it has.
Figure I'd jump on the wagon.
Three things for today.
•A boyfriend that is amazing and lets me watch nerdy music shows instead of his normal wrestling.
•My piano teacher for being so patient and helping me with some choir stuff, even though that is not her job.
•My massage pillow. Without it, I wouldn't be able to move my arm.
Just wanted to say, you guys rock!
Thank you for the visits. ♥
Also, here is to a better day. Hopefully one with less of a damn headache.
So I caved.
Nfu Oh 51.
My fucking dream nail polish.
12.50 a bottle. I could never bring myself to buy it before.
It made it into the cart. :(
Isn't it just fab? It should be in my grubby hands sometime next week.
I can't wait.
That's a cool color. Nail polish is great for making hand tied flies (for fly fishing). Yes, I have several bottles, myself. ;)
That is gorgeous! I am going to have to try and find it for my daughter as a treat.
That is pretty damned gorgeous. :D
The bottle is gorgeous too. A little corset.
Thank You! She loves the site and as soon as I can do it I am getting her a bottle. She really wants the toners too. Even though she doesn't need them. Her nails make grown women jealous.
I found some polish in my collection I've never worn so I thought I'd throw it on real fast.
Next CEO by Nicole by OPI looks like a gold that some ghetto black chick would wear on some super long nails.
Just sayin...
It's nice, but it screams "Ghetto!" to me.
LOL :D * I totally had a visual*
Maybe as an accent color? Or do fine detail lines with it? I love making designs on fingernails.
22:27 Feb 26 2012
Hahaha :D