So almost level 13 on my newb account.
I really should do more rating on that account when I get home from work but I do have a doctors appointment this afternoon. I shall see how I'm feeling.
Pretty sure once I tackle the bigger sections of the database the level will shoot up to where I need it to be.
I'll also poke around on my other account at the same time to gain up some favors there. :D
I'm liking Chrome for mass rating better then firefox. Chrome doesn't choke over multiple tabs being opened like Firefox did. XD
So I was looking over the people who have me added on my accounts.
On my newest one, only one friend has me added. Oddly, someone who has openly stated she hates me, has me added. o.O
On my second one, three friends have me. And one angel. ♥
On this account....20 friends. Not counting alt accounts of said friends. I only have 35 on my own personal friends list. Some of them being my alt accounts and alts of friends.
You are on 143
Friend Lists
Who the hell are the rest of you guys? o.O
The numbers are smaller on the other accounts. About 30-40 on each.
And if you got this far, here are some names that have me concerned.
Why the god damn hell do you have me on your favorite journal lists if you NEVER READ MY GOD DAMN JOURNAL?
I know you don't read it because I don't see you in my Last 10. -.-
I don't want my score boosted. I'm a damn sire alone based on time spent and pages viewed by this point. I don't want to make my own coven on this account. I just want to have some god damn honesty around here.
If you aren't going to read my journal, please for the love of god, take me off your favorite lists. I'm not going to add you just because you added me.
K. I'm done.
VR has an angel?
I thought it was full of demons... :P
Tell me all your profile names and I shall add them! ;)
Yes, the amazing Punkie. ♥
And my other accounts are Harly and Arai XD
Both of them are character names from Dofus. Next account I make will have the name Lytta. I bet anyone 10 bucks that. I can't come up with new names to save my life. Or Maiara. Because those are the only character names I have left to abuse.
I knew Arai was yours. I could tell by the photo.
I never ever stated it wasn't mine though. That is the thing about my accounts. Just because I don't state on that account who I am, it's pretty easy to figure out it is based on what I say there. Like I said in my journal here, if you even read it a little bit, you could figure it out.
Anyone that knows me and knows what I do for a living could tell just by what I said I do for an occupation on that profile would have known it was me. Not to mention the simple fact that I used that picture as my display picture not long ago.
It's not a "hidden" account, but it's not openly advertised that it's me.
If you do things the right way around here, it works out better for you.
Especially if are polite about it :D
Don't go cussing out an admin because someone made a mistake. People are human.
Plus, admins don't have it out for newbie accounts. They are helpful if you aren't dicks. ;)
*trots off*
I'm really really tempted to be mean and send a question into the acolyte box just to see if they follow the right steps about it.
A: The question is about the site and the rules.
B: It's not specified in the VR manual.
C: 90% sure no Acolyte knows the answer.
Instead I'm gonna do it like this.
You may not post copyrighted work unless you own the copyright.
This applies to profiles. If we own license to use the work, I'm assuming we can use it correct? Under the circumstance that if a DMCA inquiry popped up we can back our claim up?
Now the next question would be for the Upper Admins. If presented with proof that people are improperly using an image on a profile, could it get suspended? Or are we only doing portfolios?
Not bashing the admins, asking questions. I ♥ the admins. I just like asking questions and causing debates. :D
*grins* get'em Abs get'em lol
Evil, pure and awesome. :P
Abtastical, my hero! ;)
The statement is really just to protect VR. People agree to the TOS when they create an account here, so if an artist were to file a DMCA Notice with Cancer because someone is using their art here, the Dark Network would not be held responsible because technically, that member is violating TOS.
Does that make sense? I kind of suck at explaining this stuff.
Now, you could not get a profile suspended for using someone else's art, even if you had proof that it was being improperly used. The original artist must file the complaint for a suspension to be applied or for image removal.
So pretty much I can still file usage violations and contact the artist and go that route.
Still not fair, I wanted fun. Of course I'd only do it when there was nothing better to do.
Lol, I already tried to do this years ago when I got bored, but I got the same explanation that morri just gave lol
It doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter. :)
With that said, if you find it, be surprised. I did something I've been scared to do for ages.
There are aspects that are easy to spot.
The biggest one is the fact it's still true to what I believe in. My creation.
If you even spend a few minutes in this journal a week reading here, you will know.
Here is the biggest hint I will give. ;)
What brand of crazy is going on around here now?
Did the crazy house down the road have a broken area of fence and some peeps got out on online? o.o
No offense. But if you do wrong, and get in trouble for it, no sense in throwing a tantrum.
You look like a 3 year old.
Makes me think of work today and a 3rd grader throwing a tantrum because he got in trouble for kicking a kid...
Gonna say the same thing here as I told that kid.
Don't do wrong and then get upset when you get in trouble. If you didn't want to be in trouble, you should have been doing the right thing in the first place.
Dude, I love you.. so, so much. ♥
It's gotta be close to a full moon or something.
I swear the kids were crazy today too. It's showing through here as well.
Oi x_x
At least a homeless man didn't follow you around sprouting nonsense. :P
Worse than a broken fence...they...they got wifi.
Well then. O.O
First part of that experiment proved something. ._.;
This shall be fun I think :D
I am still unsure where I want to go with that header. If I want to finish it or trash it. :/
Every time I open paintshop I click on my folder with my commercial use stuff instead of what I need to for the profile. It's my body telling me to make more kits I think. lol
If I do use that header, I'm using a different song then I expected.
Still not sure :(
Started working on the header for my other profile. But not sure if I want to keep it. Here is the WIP of it.
Lemme know what you think.
Trash or keep?
I like it =^_^=
Well we obviously have differing styles haha, so I'm not particularly fond of the image...I'm more of a...tentacles, and ghoulish creature of the deep kind of guy. And you're obviously all sparkles, and pretty things haha.
But as far as the actual graphic goes, you're obviously talented, and it suits you. I'd keep it, but if you want to go for something else then go for something else. :)
I love the umbrella. I'm an umbrella-type-of-girl. I think it all looks great! :)
Black and purple - what is not to love? :D
A keeper ;)
It's purple and black!!
And awesome. :P
I hate seeing friends and lifers leave the site.
I really do.
It sucks major balls.
Not much more to say on that I guess :/
Ok. I'm getting ready to do my alt's profile and I can't decide which version of this song that I want to use. I like both, but not sure :(
So please vote!
I vote Lady GaGa's version. But, honestly, both are good. :]
A vote for each. :) I can't help it... I love him and her both.
Guys, if you google your VR screen name and happen to find your pictures, it's not a privacy breach.
It's the internet. Here is a protip. If you don't want to be seen online, don't post your shit up on the net.
I'm pretty sure that if you googled your old myspace screen name or your real name, your pictures might come up for the same reason.
Now. If I google image search the term "Abstract" a bunch of fractals come up. XD
That work gals? Sorry Bones...It's a bit girly :(
I'll make a manly one later!
LMAOOOOOOOOOO That is sooooooo cute!!!!
Damn that's hot!
So awesome,
That, my dear, is freaking awesome!
I love it! Great job!
It's great! It made me LOL for real. ;)
Fantastic! and the shoes rock too!
Hahahahaha I can't remember right now either!!!
That, my dear, is fucking awesome!
that is awesome
I want a manly one! With robots and skulls!
For the drunken rating stamp.
Do we want a drunken them or a don't give a fuck theme?
I need to know before I start working.
A drunken theme. It's the drunkenness that gets us through it all. :)
I have to agree with Bones on this one, a drunken one would be Abbtastical!
Drunken! Like whoa! I rated you? Who knew these buttons worked when liquired up? O.o
Have fun with it ;)
Something I've noticed around here and I've noticed at work.
People on VR are no better then 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade kids on a fucking playground.
There are the groups of people that group up and bully others around. They are like a flock, and when they find a wounded person, they surround them and attack them. There is a group a first grade girls that do the same thing. Also a group of second grade girls.
And guess what? A group of third grade girls that do it. Holy shit. It's a pattern. But there are a few groups like that here.
Then there are the groups of people that think they are better then others. They are sort of like the flock of attackers. Except they generally stick to themselves and just talk shit. They don't actually do anything.
Then we have the boys that think they are all bad ass and want to start shit with the girls. But the girls ain't gonna have it. The boys get butt hurt yet they keep on trying.
Then you have the group of cool kids. The kids that are chill and don't bother no one. They usually help out the adults. They stay out of trouble and keep to themselves.
And you have the ones that you never hear from. The ones that you don't even know exist.
VR is like that.
So is the school playground.
Except the difference between VR and the school playground is that here on VR, most of the people are adults. At school they are young and still growing.
Also, here on VR there is no "teacher" to step in to stop the shit. On the playground there is.
Pretty sad :/
It takes dozens of Spices to make a delicious Curry, and such is the Rave: A big bowl of Goodness.
Such is Life; there's always "that one Guy" at Work, in your Class, in your Apartment Building.
If we all got along and were full of sunshine, shit, and roses, this Site would be incredibly boring.
journal of the week!
I agree and it spoils the fun sometimes but I guess some just dont mature as quick as others.
but it's not as bad as vampirefreaks
Pokes in from my little corner. I feel the pain like some about it being a playground. It is sad.
:::goes back in corner:::
You people with snow.
Shush it. Seriously. Shush.
Snow means it's between -5 and 20 degrees.
Currently, it's too fucking cold for even the snow here.
The snow even said. "Well fuck this shit" and took off down south.
I'm cold and cranky. I have no heat currently and I'm sitting at the computer wrapped up in 3 blankets.
I want snow just so it isn't -40 wind chill factor.
Oooo, it was that cold here last week. But, I had heat. So it's not quite the same thing.
Hope you get your heat back soooon!
Boo to no heat- although cold is good excuse for coffee :)
So this month is the month of "love".
I've decided to show some love throughout the site.
I will be randomly tagging members of the site with graphics specifically for them.
Last night Moonie got one. Tonight...well it will be a surprise. :D
So cool. :)
Cool ! ^.^
Anyone lucky enough to get some of your art should truly feel loved. :]
That's a fantastic idea you've got going.
You rockkkkkkkkk!! Thank you! :)
thats a great idea Abstract
Yay. Memberships are open in Creative Misfits.
Anyone interested can PM me for a link and stuffs.
They do take non-pspers that just want pretty pictures. You just have to stay active over there. Which is fairly easy.
Send me details!
thank you for letting me know :)
Currently working on something a bit darker then I have done in ages.
Hopefully the person will like it :D