And it is done. :D
I'm actually very very happy with it.
Unlike my holiday profiles. >.>
My next profile...well a LOT of upper Admins and people that are well known on here are going to hate.
It doesn't break TOS...but it has a theme they don't like. xD
"I had a joy stick growing up. It was just fucking attached. It was also a first person shooter"
Day almost over and I escaped the thread about my birthday in main forums. XD
I guess I'm not as loved anymore. lol
My profile was pissing me off with the blue.
So I did another one.
I don't like this one either.
I have seem to have lost my touch. :(
I liked the blue. But this one looks good too. Don't be so hard on yourself, I think the designs you come up with are awesome. :)
You will do a great one; Your profiles always seem to rock!
I'm thinking I might change the name on one of my alt accounts
And redo the profile in nothing but Cuddly Rigor Mortis stuff.
If you don't know what that is go check it out.
I wonder if it's safe to say that I foresee a lot of changes here on the site soon?
Just saying...
Finished my profile.
I am not happy with it.
But I'm too tired to fuck with it more.
I'll redo it on my day off. x_x