I find it VERY humorous how many people still have me on their blocked list after all these years, lol.
On to Football............
LOOK AT MY CHIEFS GO!!!! I really hope Denver and Kansas City each stay undefeated until week 11 when they finally face off.
A registered sex offender in my town got charged with "brutal" & "forceful" rape the other day. Hmm, forceful, no shit?
Why do they continue to let these people walk the fucking streets??? I will NEVER understand why people need to resort to rape just to get their rocks off. I would seriously rather go masturbate until my dick falls off than resort to that kind of bullshit. And you fucking jokers that lure out these teen girls on the internet are no fucking better either!! What the fuck's wrong with you people. I think there's a HUGE mental instability and chemical imbalance going on with your brains.
Not you...just saying.
Well I'm not saying "kill" the motherfucker, BUT, I do think their penises should be cut off and then shoved down their fucking throats.
Because laws are made by men.
09:29 Oct 18 2013
Lol! Wb.. well you have competition now. Have you met the fooker family yet?
10:22 Oct 18 2013
You were the original, Vlad is just a second-rate copycat :-D
14:45 Oct 18 2013
welcome back lol
18:53 Oct 18 2013
Abbadon v Vlad? LMAO Vlad couldn't even walk in his steps. Abbadon won respect from people in the end which is an act Vlad could never accomplish. Abbs is the real mccoy!